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Posts posted by Honey.bee


    hehe our vet would probably laugh at me. I've never heard the Latin name of them before...it's roundworm >_< People get that too. >< But we never had them, just tapeworm once, I think. For sleeping with pets: it depends on the person you ask: some don't want their animals on the furniture for different reasons, but we don't have to worry about flreas: we haven't had them for years, even though we have wild animal visitors and neighbor cats wandering around--and every year I spray some beneficial bugs on the grass, and they eat flea and other larvae and stuff. We just cover the couches and chairs w/ sheets, and vacuum of course. But it's different if you have allergies, either to pet fur or something on your pet's fur, so I can understand that you would rather ask them to sleep somewhere else.

    That is suprising that Maxson is part Lab--I wouldn't have thought so...we had two full Black Labs. I was looking at the shape of his head and his feet--that's why I thought maybe a Chihuahua--or something else. He has a sweet face. ^^;

    Is it a certain kind of food that makes your dogs gain so much weight? Or medical condition? One of our puppy's sisters almost died because she got so sick on the food the breeder was giving them (other dogs were fine with it)--so she stopped eating it. The people were hardly ever home, so they didn't know it was happening. -.- The lady who adopted her nursed her back to health by totally changing her diet (raw foods only), and now she's even a little bigger and heavier than the sister we have. How much human food do your dogs get, though? She only gets about 3/4 total 'human' food in the morning and night meals (lunch is just kibble and plain yogurt with some goat's milk) Do they sneak stuff when you're not looking? Or do family members give them too much when you're not looking?

    this one is ours: Her name is Orla.


    she's almost 5-1/2 months old, and about 75 lbs. Her favorite things to eat are anything food-wise (that she's allowed) and tissues. -.- (bad habit left over from breeder)

    Okay, I realized Maxson is not a Black Labrador mix. I don't get it, my vet has been studing about animals for years, how can he mistake it as a different breed? I guess my brother's friend was right. Vets in our local area sucks, pft. Turn out he is a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler mix. He looks nothing like them.

    My dogs have human food for lunch and dinner, also, a bit of dog food in another go. My parents don't try to stick with one sort of dog food, they mix it with variety of kinds (which is terrible for their teeth). They give stuff like cookies, rice, meat, noodles, etc. After we have our dinner, my parents make rice cracker with the leftover rice. They would deliberately temptate my dogs and get them to eat it. Maxson goes crazy when he sees food near him, he's becomes a frog in a blender. I know i'm extremely picky when it gets to this sort of stuff but it's just purely for the dogs.

    Your dog is so big and cool! What is her breed?




    [] You have screamed at an inanimate object for 'hurting you.'

    [] You have ran into a glass/screen door

    [] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.

    [x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, and then people gave you weird looks.

    [x] You have run into a tree/bush.

    [] You have been called a blond.

    TOTAL: 2

    [x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.

    [x] You just tried to lick your elbow.

    [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star had the same melody.

    [x] You just sang them to make sure.

    [x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen.

    [x] You have choked on your own spit.

    TOTAL: 8

    [x] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.

    [x] You type with three fingers or less.

    [] You have accidentally caught something on fire.

    [] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose.

    [x] You have caught yourself drooling.

    TOTAL: 11

    [] You have fallen asleep in class.

    [x] Sometimes you just can't stop thinking.

    [x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you are talking about.

    [] People often shake their heads and walk away from you.

    []You are often told to use your 'inside voice.'

    TOTAL: 13

    [] You use your fingers to do simple math.

    [] You have eaten a bug accidentally.

    [] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.

    [] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.

    [x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.

    e.g. picks, cards, pens, phones, money, keys etc.

    TOTAL: 14

    [] You have posted bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen if you don't.

    [] You break a lot of things.

    [] You tilt your head when you're confused.

    [x] You have fallen out of your chair before.

    [x] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.

    [] The word "um" is used frequently.

    [] You don't know what "um" means.

    [x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.

    [] You plan to use a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.

    TOTAL: 17 x 4 = 68




    awww your dog is adorableee. i like the way he tilts his head.

    Haha, thanks! ^^

    that poor little kid. -___- Looks like he'll be okay now, especially since he seems to have a good home with you (he looks happy)--and good for you for giving him a better life. I have to look up what he had--we never had to deal with anything like that. It's okay that he sleeps on the bed--unless you really don't want him to (our dogs have always slept where they want--if she doesn't sleep with me, I sleep with her. lol)--but he is small. Is he a Chihuahua? How do your other dogs get a long with him?

    It's okay to give some humans foods--we have a baby too, and most of what she eats we also eat(she eats 3 times a day for now)---but there are also things they shouldn't have, like chicken bones. And that he is little, and away from his mother, he might need a little bit extra--like formula especially for puppies--to help him grow well.

    Oh, Ascaris lumbricoides..that's just the answer from wikipedia, not really sure about it either. I guess it's more commonly called "worms"?

    I heard it's a terrible habbit getting your pets to stay on human furnitures since they have fleas and bugs. I want to make them stay off places where human oftenly remains throughout the day, respect is needed in the human-pet relationship. You wouldn't want to trade roles with your pet, right? And since our dogs doesn’t shower daily like we do, they can be carry a tad a lot of dirt they picked up from outside. I think that if humans enjoyed sharing their bed with bugs, we’d be sleeping in caves. Fleas don’t care whether it’s human blood or dog blood they are consuming, do they? What they need is fairly blood. Oh, can't forget those dog hair. I have a extremely sensitive skin, whenever I sit beside my dogs or w/e, I got bumpy stuff around my body.

    A Chihuahua? When I went for a visit to the vet to get some injection, he said Maxson's a Black labrador mix. Surprising, I know. I wonder how he'll grow that big. Poor thing missed his growth spurt because he had those "worms" inside him. I guess it answers why his so small. He have a brother around this neighboor (though they are seprated with individual owners, they occasionly meet up). His brother is so much bigger and chubbier, makes me sad.

    I just can't give him human food due to past memories. My chihuahua named Poppy, she suffered from obesity due to eating human food. She was very sick (almost in the death mode), but fortunately survided. Now, our dog Ruby is gaining too much weight. She have so much flab in her stomach, it's sort of cute but makes me worried at the same time.

    Seriously, what do I do about my obese dogs. They won't eat anything unless it's human food.


  4. I was terribly sick yesterday, I had to lay down during the whole day. When I get tired of sleeping, I'd watch TV or read a book. A day never felt so long and painful. I'm feeling so much better now though, no dizziness, runny nose, sneeze alert, head ache, etc.

    Even if I slept so much yesterday, I can't believe I slept without waking much that frequently last night.



    So, any listeners here? Long story short. This one day, I was riding bike with the kids around the neighboor. We caught up this little black puppy in the street. It was crying and shaking, these two couple in whom I thought was the owner said they just stumbled upon it and that it's not theirs. As soon as they walked away, everyone gathered around the poor little puppy but all refused to keep it due to individual reasons. We took it the my house and got trouble (as some of you may know, we already have 2 dogs) but fate got it, the little puppy is officially our dog! I thought perhaps someone trashed it because it has bugs on it's stomach, it was having diarrhea during the whole day and looked awfully weak. The following morning, we fed it, washed it, and played with it until it was satisfied. But nothing made it's diarrhea better so we quickly moved our feet to the hospital. The doctor said it was in terrible condition and needs special care. Turn out he had Ascaris lumbricoides. We gave the dog some injection for few days straight and now, I can't believe how healthy it is now. It grew a bit tall and it's disgustingly playful. My mom is giving all the bad habits to him though. I hate how she's making him sleep in the bed, plus, she just won't stop giving it human food. Her excuses are always stuff like, "It's just a baby", "It needs to grow chubby, look at it, it's so thin", etc. Mother, once it grows up with all these terrible habits, how are you ought to live off with it? So worrisome.

    May I distribute some cute pictures of our dog? It's name is Maxson and 2 and a half month old.






    If we make some certain noise with our mouth, he tilts his head like the pictures, he's so adorable.


  6. I'm such a idiot. I was swinging my foot with my knees bent on my chest while my mom was feeding our puppy. Just as I lift my face up, I smashed my head on my mom's chin. She started bleeding like hell and I watched there with my sister, panicing. My dad rushed into the kitchen, hearing our scream and bought my mom to the room. I was uberly scared in the thought of my mom having to go see the dentist and suffering. Plus, we're peniless atm. I started bursting in tears, not to avoid getting in trouble, because I felt so sorry. Glady, there was no big problem in her teeth but her bottom lip ripped and now it's bloated. But my dad said bruises in lips heal fast so she's atleast fortunate, i'm still very sorry.

  7. I think I had like 2 dreams. One dream I had was really creepy. I woke up in my sleep (in the dream), crawling out to the bathroom half asleep. I was using the toilet, I turned to the side and saw these two couple hiding in the bathroom window, turn out they were trying to rob my house. Adventure started, I ran out of the house, yelling for assistance. Forunately, even if it was during midnight, my friends and neighboors were there to help me. We quickly got out of town, hiding somewhere and jyeah. It was meaninglessly long.

    I don't even wanna think about the other dream, it was simply disgusting. I think I threw up a bit in my mouth when I woke up, thinking about still makes me barf.

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