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Posts posted by Honey.bee

  1. Ok, guys, urgent here. I got a weird question to ask. I have two dogs (as I mentioned before, Ruby and Poppy). Poppy is currently on her period and she does inappropriate actions with Ruby..like how dogs make babies. And the point is, they're both girls, how is this possible? Are they lesbians or something. -_-

  2. ^ Thank you so much for your reply, i'd certainly appreciate it. ^^

    Okay, here's her pictures. Would it be possible for you guys to guess her breed?


    Isn't she adorable? She was my neighboor's dog, that nasty men always used to kick her and spray hose water at her. I was 98% positive that he would hand her to us, but fortunately, he did and only for 10 dollars.

  3. Hi guys. Sorry for the random post, but is there a way to perceive what breed my dog is? I'm going to take her to the animal hospital soon, but I just want to know in advance. I'm 98% sure she's a golden retreiver mixed with a beagle. I have her pictures but not in this computer, as soon as I get them, I'll post. And her name is Ruby. :3

    P.S another question about her. She keeps on going under spiky furnitures (for a example, beds and fake flower models). As she pass by, she walks back and forth really slowy. I wash her once a week but she keeps on stratching herself nonstop. Should I groom her? If so, how many times?

  4. Sorry I quoted the wrong sentence. I wanted to quote "I'm sure half of the downloaders feel guilty about it." I'm sure only 1% of the actual downloading community sits down and realizes that they are doing wrong.

    The rest of my post is directed towards the OP.

    But online downloading and stealing cars are frankly the different status as I mentioned on my other posts. Sure, people do prohibited stuff because they won't get caught, but it's internet. My thought may be very wrong, but people aren't stupid to do a thing they'd obviously get caught. Do online downloading lead you to jail? Do people get bad mouthed from others? No, people almost everyone have done it. Even a little illegal action can give you frustrations and guilt. You gotta divide your 1%, it can become 99% in the other hand. :/

    There's even music downloads offered by artists in the past, and why is that? To get their name known at least a little, artists do know internet downloading adds a lot to them.

    Tackle me however you like, i'm just voicing my opinion.

  5. More like 1%.

    Would you steal if you weren't going to get caught? We may say that we wouldn't steal either way because our morals conflict with this thought, however, this is Soompi and not the rest of the world. People are just as willing to steal for instance, the ATM incident in which the machine malfunctioned and gave out extra money.

    That's what the majority believes. And that's why we download music. Because we know we won't get caught (give or take those few that do get lawsuits hammered on them).

    And if we know we won't get caught then in our mind, it's not illegal. This is why teens tend to drink underage because for the most part, they know they won't get caught. Eventually down the road, I'm sure there will be a method used to stop people from illegally downloading. But now is not that time.

    As for my opinion on downloading music, I think it's a good way to spread artist popularity. It is a good way to have a trial of what an artist can offer. Oh god, if I spent money on every album/song I listened to, I would be bankrupt. Cause there would only be a few select albums that I would actually purchase because it would then be worth my money.

    So your point is..? Maybe i'm just being apatheic, I didn't even care to read your post. But judging from the first line, this has nothing to do with the society. Stealing and downloading are both illegal in justice but you can't discriminate in two different status. Your post is just irrelevant and has nothing to do with my mine. Online downloading is like used almost everywhere, but that can't be done to help the media.

    Things are getting too far here..hm.

  6. I'm sure half of the downloaders feel guilty about it. As for me, even though I only download once or twice in a month, it's still the same guiltyness. However, I can't afford the money to buy albums or singles (as if my favourite artist's stuff are sold here -_-). Though I know it's wrong, I secretly think downloading adds a lot to the artists, or maybe even the fans. I understand that all the song writers, artists, ect goes through all the hardships and frustration trying to make ONE song but the sad truth can't be helped.

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