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  2. Dammit, I really hate the world today.

    Just because I laugh at your jokes, I don't mean it.

    They're so corny that makes me want to beat the shizz out of you.

    You have so much things in lack, that's why you're not married even in that age.

    You're in the age to have 3 kids! Oh, look at you, staying single for years and years.

    I hope you die in loneliness!

    Why the hell are you revoled around my life, get the eff off already!

  3. Ack, sorry for the late replies! I didn't thought anyone will reply.

    it looks like a lab beagle mix. a hound n lab... the color is a lab color n the head marking is a beagles. the little white part on the head

    Yes, thank you for your information. I took her to the animal hospital a month ago, the doctor said she's a beagle mix, but he's not 100% sure in which other breed she's mixed with. I guess she's a Labrador retriever in between?

    Dogs don't have periods, they go into heat^^ Be careful and make sure she doesn't get around any unfixed males. Humping isn't just a mating behavior, it can also be about dominance. So it's very unlikely that they're lesbians :P How old is Poppy? Is this her first heat? You should look into getting her fixed, because unfixed females have high risks of developing things like Pyometra and Breast cancer (she has a near zero chance of it if she is spayed before her first heat, this increases to just under 10% chance after her first cycle, and increases yet again to about 25% chance after her second heat.)

    Rudy is really cute, you should post a pic of Poppy too :)

    Dogs don't have period? Though there's blood?

    I thought I posted Poppy's pictures in the back pages? Or am I just imaging things again, oh well, it doesn't hurt to get them again. Here you go, she's a chihuahua and turning 8 years old. =)




    Hahahaha, I had an issue sort of like that with my males cats! I had two boys that were not neutered, and they started to bite each others neck and then try to mount each other from behind. Funny thing is my fixed male cat that is 13 years old started in too. It was the weirdest thing. I got my two boys fixed, and they stopped doing it. However, the other cat still tried to do it until for a little while after the other two were fixed until he realized that they weren't doing it anymore.

    I just think my two were horny, and the other cat just wanted to fit in and be like them. Hahaha, but it was so weird.

    Lol, thank you for your post. I realized my two dogs are perfectly normal. I guess Poppy is just blinded by puppies, she's trying so hard to get pregnant. Hopefully, she'll soon realize that Ruby is a girl, too. =P

    one of my dogs is named poppy too!

    well kind of. haha shes poppi not poppy.

    : DD

    uhm. i think theyre just playing?

    when i had only my first two dogs, one was a boy and the other a girl, and the girl would hump the boy on her period. but the boy never touched her.

    can dogs be homosexual though?

    Haha, what a cute coincidence. But they're apparently not playing. Poppy flirts (??) with Ruby before they get it "on", like she wags her tail to temptate Ruby and yeah. -_-

  4. Not a compliment I got today but yesterday, from my brother. He was first teasing me that I was fat (but in a playful way), I was asking him if I really were, then he's" answer was "No. Your stomach is like a stick." I don't know what he meant by that, but it's meaning that I have a flat stomach, right? I'll just take that as a compliment.

  5. Breakfast: plain english bread, 1 banana

    Lunch: homemade sandwhich (contains eggs, potatos, and mayonaise), 1 glass cup of milk

    Snack: probably a apple

    Dinner: Rice, meat, soup

    Just guessing for dinner, there's always a meat and soup though.(: And 916 calories in total? It's too little but it's always around that so it's no problem for me, i've took around 600~700 calories before. Thinking back to those days make me think, "Wow, how did I live".

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