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Posts posted by baoi



    baoi, i'm not trying to bash on you but...........

    yeah, so what...you might not think that the money was worth the movie but then i do.



    Really. I don't understand why you would pay money and support those who are making


    money off [illegally] of the entertainment [companies & people] that you admire?! if you


    really like them, you shouldn't do that, because you are supporting the wrong side..


    Honestly, this is an old topic to discuss.. but i hold my side, and you hold your side..


    p.s. sorry for the late reply.. i didn't know this thread was still alive.

    First thing of all...thank u for aleast coming back on becuzz i thought da everyone hated what i had said...anyway about i'm to lazy to be reading wat is written...well ur wrong...but like i said before yeah the dubbed movie are bad sometime but it doesnt mean da people didnt give it all they got...and about learning the laugange tell it to my it to the people that just came from Thailand...i sure they can all read in english...and i'll let u no da the movie that are dubbed arent only sold in America it is sold in Thailand 2! have u ever thought of da? :huh: my cousin love the dubbed movie since she doesnt understand any english...she actually grateful for it :D


    Lols. I would appreciate it if you practiced good English. It's good for me and it is also very good for you,


    because you can practice, and get better at writing English. Oh no.. i don't hate anything that is being said..


    i just either disagree or agree with what is being said [unless i am unsure]


    Frankly, I seriously don't think that they are giving it all that they got and have.


    if they did, they'd find PRODUCERS to pay for everything, and pay their DIRECTORS


    to go take a couple of courses in film or something.


    And for those people in Thailand. They should learn Thai and read the subs. I swear they give


    some really stupid voices to the people in the movies/dramas [most of the time] .. Anwiays, this isn't


    an argument.. it's just debate..


    Alright. Korean Movies/Dramas dubbed in Hmong, is that seriously considered HMONG ENTERTAINMENT?!


    if so, that's like totally wrong. Hmong people NEVER buy rights to reproduce the Korean stuff.


    that's why i NEVER support Hmong stuff [also because I always had a grudge against Hmong stuff]


    I have seen some improvements, Hmong people are buying more equipment, which is a good thing


    but they need PROFESSIONAL actors. They need Actors that KNOW HOW TO ACT, not just any nutcase


    from the street who wants money.


    Honestly, the only scene that these Hmong actors can act alright is the YELLING AND SCREAMING ones..


    and sometimes they go overboard.. it's hilarious.


    The REAL HMONG ENTERTAINMENT WORLD needs a lot of work.. still.





    Does anyone have a zip of all the LSE and SSK pictures? Hehehe... :blush: I used to think, "Why does everyone like him so much?" But when I looked at his pictures, it kind of drawn me in... :blush:

    I really miss the old ulzzangs... The new ones look weird...



    i don't have time to ZIP my folders..


    because the ulzzang folder that i have is like 700MB..


    i would have been BIGGER, but i stopped saving pictures,


    esp the camwhore lee chung and Imda and others..


    If you want, i can repost some of the LJH i have uploaded..


    i believe it is an amazing gift he has ^^



    HAHA!! i believe that too!!

    Ha Seok-Jin, Jeong-Woo, and Won Tae Hee

    lol solki updated her cyworld.. with a animated gif from Kim Hyesung from the movie jenny, juno



    OK! i am in loooove with HA SEOK JIN!!


    he's ssooooo fricken HAWT!! hehe.. thanks for the names






    Less than one month left for the JiHoo Letters!





    I will PM everyone a reminder when i have time..








    Lols.. Solki need some dancing lessons..


    BUT DANNG.. the guy in black.. so hawt!


    youtube is being soo mean and slow for me..




    AWW!!! the ending!!



    hehe.. Solki is still vey kute in the MV.


    even with her bruised face.. the TWO GUYS... SOO HAWT!


    what are their names?!!





    lee sangjune is so cuteeee. XD

    i wish joo inho came back..


    and park eunbyul updated like he used to x_x


    the uljjang world is slowly losing its fame,


    it's not as popular as it was.



    i would have to agreee..


    i swear if the new Ulzzangs weren't so [how can i put it nicely?]


    If they were PRETTIER and KUTER or HAWTER, i swear this Ulzzang


    thing will NEVER get old..








    HLI all the pics are sooo kute!


    i looove june..

    ahah soo manyy picturress

    ahah hi everyone im athene >.<'


    im new posting to the thread but yeahh



    HI. I'm Baoi.

    KKR's just better..


    right :rolleyes:




    ^ lol. i like them both though x)


    ditto. but ulzzangs are HAWT!


    i try :P



    but you guys are good at it.

    hey can i post my pic??? i think i'm an ulzzang!


    if you won a OFFICIAL KOREAN one, then you can.














    ^ soo pretty! i wish she had a new hair style.




    aniways.. OMG.. the KKR GIF that freshh quoted..




    hehe.. reminds me of Mike He from DBY!!








    Molly and Nicole: Hehe.. it's ok. Take your time writing the letters!




    I thought that was JiHoo in the Mikki's Birthday pictures..




    the one with the HEAD SHAPED LIKE JIHOO's HEAD!!
















    Mikki has some AWESOME friends!




    i wish my friends were RICH, so i can get all those cool things too!




    KIDDING.. if my friends were that RICH, i'd feel so EWW with them.




    i am glad she had a cool b-day.....




    i will wonder if that guy is JIHOO~!!









    hiii ! im jackiee and ive been around and about in this thread due to my obsession for good looking people =.=' haha but yeahh, i'll just thougth i post because the UM family seems soo nice and kind! so please welcome mee :D

    Mikki's birthday seems like a lot of funn and she got a teddy bearr! haha soo jealous!




    Wow Imda's in China now? haha i love her body..it's gorgeous! haha i wish i can have her body =.='




    Sua's really prettyyy in the recent photo!







    WELCOME! I'm Baoi. What's your name?


    it's mikki's birthday ^^..





    i told people yesterday,







    but no one responded to me T__T.











    and that guy's head looks alot like JiHoo's!




    i wonder if it is.....ALOT LIKE JIHOO's!

    hha yea

    sometimes i have to wonder what exactly is being advertized...




    so amusing







    haha.. the trashcans and belts.. you're funny min.

    YAY.. they are back together as good friends...

    thanks for info.. i needed it.. lol...




    wait... lee ji hoo likes a girl? WHO???







    i'm dying to know.. i'm shocked!!!! ahhhh!!!!




    *heart attack* *faints* hahaha!!!!




    anyways, wow!!!







    Yeah.. JiHoo wrote a SWEET message on his CY




    before he left to the Army.. i wish he was thinking of me..




    but it's just my imagination!

    Not sure if I am allowed to do this.. Maybe I should PM Jaeho.





    Anyone still interested?





















    I wanted to give Lee JiHoo something to show him that we [his fans] exist. Not only that, I







    wanted to help motivate him to finish the 2 years in the Korean Army as quickly as possible.







    I feel that these letters shall ease his stress and help motivate him to become stronger. It's







    a chance for us to tell him [almost] anything that we want to tell him or ask of him.




    ** I promise not to read any of your letters, I will respect your privacy,







    BUT please keep it clean and nice.











    Seriously, I WILL SMACK YOU SILLY!!











    + Please keep letters PG-13







    + ABSOLUTELY NO PORN, Drug-related items, Nasty things, or Inappropriate things!




    ** Be careful with HUMOR/JOKES.. don't say something you think he might get







    offended or things that may hurt his feelings. We want to cheer him up!! Not the other







    way around. Thank you.







    ** Letters that are too big[wide/long] might be folded by me to fit in box.


















    Anyone who wants to send him a gift can send it to me, and I can include it in the package.







    Please, shipping will kill me already, so keep the gifts as little as possible. Please nothing HUGE







    like stuffed animals [they take up a lot of space]. If you are sending a gift, please inform me







    that you are sending me a gift [at your own risk].







    + I will NOT be responsible for lost items in the mail [i'll be honest if i recieved something or not]







    + Keep gifts clean and appropriate!







    + ABSOLUTELY NO PORN, Drug-related items, nasty things, or Inappropriate things.




    ** Please be honest with me on this!!











    OPTION ONE : Sending it to Baoi through PM or Email. You can write a letter and send







    it to me through PERSONAL MESSAGE or to my personal EMAIL {myironiclife@hotmail.com}..







    Either one is fine with me. I shall print them out and include it with the letters that I have







    revieced from others. I can only print them out in BLACK & WHITE ink, therefore your color







    images will not be as beautiful, that's why I STRONGLY advise that you send me a pretty







    colorful letter!!







    OPTION TWO : Sending it to Baoi via REAL MAIL. You can send a personalized, pretty,







    colorful, and FULL OF LIFE letter. I bet JiHoo would rather see COLORS!! I will not read these!







    I will add them to the package. BE CREATIVE!! Email or PM me for my address, if I have not







    emailed/PMed you my address.











    + Introduce yourself







    + Say something you like about him







    + Wish him well and good health







    + Talk about the Ulzzang thread/family







    + Draw him something [Draw him?]







    + Make him Graphics, Posters, Banners, Avatars/Icons







    + Write him a poem











    As you all should know, SHIPPING is going to be CRAZZY EXPENSIVE. So I, the poor







    college student, am taking donations for the funding of this project. I don't need like







    a ton of cash, a little can go a long way!! I PROMISE to use the money only for this project!







    Whatever is collected will pay for the shipping, if there isn't enough, I will pay the rest, if







    there is extra after shipping, i'll post what's left and we'll decide from there.











    It has been decided that we will send JiHoo the box for White Day, which is March 14th.







    Therefore, i shall ship things out on March 1st. Everyone must have their letters IN to







    me, my MAIL/EMAIL/PM a week BEFORE March 1st. If I don't have it before March 1st,







    it will not be included in the project package.














    February 21st: Last items should be postmarked and sent today!







    February 28th: Any collected letters/gifts shall be packaged.







    March 1st: SHIPPING OUT DAY!




    * Anything recieved after March 1st will NOT be included with the package







    ** Please re-read the rules after writing your letters. Make sure it's appropriate!














    If you want to send it DIRECTLY to JiHoo yourself







    his Army Address is in this message:














    경기도 양평군 개군면







    부리 사서함 4호







    제 8368부대 본부포대







    이병 이지후







    (우) 476-893







    편지 많이 보내주기♡







    일촌평싫어싫어 -_-)




























    I will post an UPDATED version tomorrow.


















    1. Janice




    2. Ahyoung




    3. Jina




    4. Sophie











    [b]USERNAME: [/b]












    METHOD means are you sending the letter to me via EMAIL/PM







    or will you need my address so you can send me a







    kute/decorated/color/handwritten letter via REAL MAIL?




    I'll PM Jaeho now..








    Hey! Here are more JIHOO pictures..




    +click on the thumbnails!




    a5c775d1sc5.th.jpg 1111111111115755vx0.th.jpg 1234569fqgl5.th.gif 0444365gr6.th.jpg 0212425sd6.th.jpg 225586cy7.th.jpg 060827007p26491kz4.th.jpg 0953wmgs9.th.jpg 2851zr6.th.jpg 2871kx4.th.jpg 2861vu1.th.jpg 0254akhk9.th.jpg 2841pe4.th.jpg 240sizeiljagk9.th.gif 200sizekoko1bw6.th.gif 147fp0.th.jpg 0701vy1.th.jpg 0257577fw8.th.jpg 21xaox5.th.jpg 5e4e921eia9.th.jpg 0609220016406er3.th.jpg 0606070094050kd4.th.jpg 060503001p2640ij9.th.jpg 060412005p5934xy4.th.jpg 060327004p3173lo1.th.jpg f1080ecayp4.th.jpg




    Creds: Cyworld. Hoosama. Soompi. Soompiers. UM FAM. Me. Imageshack. Photobucket. Others.























    Is Soompi also VERRRRY SLOW for everyone else,




    or is it just me??







    YAY! Thank you Hli Unni for posting June pictures later!







    (and hli+nicole+donsaeng+unni+love+hotguys+pictures+spam= ULTIMATE TEAM!)




























    & yay! baoi missed me! ^o^ It's glad to hear that you're not 100% of the whole mikki-and-sua thing though.







    but then again, it really doesn't regard to us. X_X














    & yay namu pictures!




























    -x- Nicole.







    Of Course i missed you Nicole!




    you silly girl. I am glad to see that




    mikki and Sua 's friendship is getting








    If it's SUA's Birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    ahhh what? sorrry im kinda behind. since when did Jihoon and Mikki break up? o_O




    It was a while ago, sometime in the begining of FALL 2006, or summer..




    MIRA is looking for scary like Gookhwa.




    They both are SOO SKINNY and pale..




    they both look SICK...... it's quit disgusting.




    i love Mira, but i don't like seeing her pale




    like that... MINWOO and HYESUNG!! FEED HER!




    NAMU SPAM? --- i got to go find my CD!!















    ( yay! nicole finally owns a page! ^o^ )











    ^ MOH?!?!?! Baoi, are you sure? are you sure?




    miss all UM family: (sorry if i forgot you) kiera//sophie//baoi//mei//cat//mir//hli//kenn//jina//lynn, etc.




    did you miss nicole? X_X











    ABout the Mikki and Sua thing with LJH.. Baoi is NOT sure of it..




    don't spread it like a rumor.. but i thought i read somewhere that




    that was the case.....................

    how does NAMU look like? i've always wondered. :/




    Hmm.. i'll post some pics later for u..

    You know, even its just rumor that they're fight "over" ljh, that's really stupid. ;/ they are good friends and chicks over d*ck, sorry. >O<;;




    Hmm.. LJH is worth FIGHTING for.. hehe

    ARE THEY?????? i am really curious as to if this is true or not????




    Let's ask someone who knows Korean to go INVESTIGATE




    their Cyworlds for us?!

    whooaaaa thanks for ALL that info; baoi!!

    and i love all those leesangho pictures~~ XDD







    Lols.. you're welcome.. but maybe all of the info




    isn't correct..... sorry if i am giving misinformation.


    :P I get lost in every little things about him... every little features of him hehe :sweatingbullets:


    but true, his eyes are really really ...mesmerizing... something so prominent :blush:




    Mikki and Sua is not on good term?! :mellow:




    anyway, I never really like Sua, I thought she was just ...taking advantage of her relationship with Mikki to be famous or sth... (it's not bashing... just my opinion :rolleyes: )







    Oh wow.. about the SUA using Mikki thing.. i never




    thought of that.... Sua's pretty, i like her.. kinda..




    YEAH.. LJH is soo hawt! i can't deny..




    JANIE!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! i have been missing ya!


    kim sung je


    credits: me, cyworld, naver, and tagged




    the last of the batch of requested pictures...^__^





    credits: me, cyworld, naver, and damoim




    ^yup that's jj on the left...min deul re is his ex-girlfriend...before he debuted i think >.<; and sung je is a singer..he's in a new group that is going to debut later this year (i think)...he starred in one of sg wannabe's mv and one of seeya's mv





  11. ^ hehe.. Yeah.. I was like AWW!! POOR GUY!



    GOODNESS! what is wrong?!

    OK.. EPIK HIGH FAN for soooooo long now..

    but i never really was OBSESSED with them..

    until now... just DLed their album.. and i got

    to say FAN was sooo good, TABLO LOVE!!

    and WELL.. i then decided to DL the MV for FAN

    and..................... DAAAANG! i am love with

    EPIK HIGH all over again!!












    ^ i previously posted up a TON.. actually i think the whole collection a few pages back.




    go search for them .. no more than 5 pages back i believe..

    that big fangirl must be baoi hahahah >_>'' you know she's obsessed




    lols.. for reals?!




















    I don't think he went.. well it wasn't COMFIRMed that KKR went to the ARMY..




    KKR rarely updates now.. his last update was like a few weeks ago.




    LJH is in the ARMY.. It's true, JiHoo is in the Army as of Sept 2, 2006.




    He doesn't update no more.. BUT, during holidays, friends get to visit him




    in the ARMY.. so they can update with PICS of JIHoo for us!! YAY!




    INHO quit being an ulzzang [because he didn't want to be one anymore..]




    Doesn't update no more [unless he models for a ONLINE SHOP.. I Wish!]




    PEB: he has eye problems... so he is like an 'on/off' ulzzang [??]




    maybe he did quit, not sure. but he updates here and there..




    SWS: lols.. currently modeling for AM3 [co-founder of the online shop]




    I believe he is STILL an ulzzang.. and he UPDATES!!




    LEE CHUNG: finished the Army a while ago.. so now he models for an




    online shop [forgot the name of shop] -- ONE OF THE BIGGEST CAMWHORE!




    HAN JIHOON: Use to model for Online Shop [Gazziano or something like that]




    His EX-Girlfriend is MIKKI. He updates less than occasionally. He was Rumored




    to be in Japan, but i believe someone confirmed that he wasn't in Japan [??]




    -- If he is in Japan, i believe he's STUDYING ABROAD. [not sure]




    NAMU: NOT AN OFFICIAL ULZZANG.. he's kute! and takes GOOOOD pictures




    of ulzzangs [and other models] takes a lot of JIHOO pictures.. he also takes




    pictures of Mira and Seo Minwoo!








    Sang AH: No idea what happened to her.




    Namji: models for an Online Shop now




    Mikki: I think you guys all know..... Girlsholic




    Sua and Mikki's relationship is not well.. rumor has it that it has




    something to do with JIHOO [who is in the army now??]




    SUA: NOT AN OFFICIAL ULZZANG.. Might have an unhealthy relationship




    with [best friend, or soon to be ex-best friend] Mikki...




    (i hope Mikki and Sua's relationship gets better!!)




    IMDA: AKA-CITY!! I believe she has a BF [???] She was in Japan,




    i think she was only VISITING Japan.. She's RICH, because her father




    is in Politics! AKA-CT is opened by her [i don't know if she co-founded it




    or if she is the FOUNDER.. i think she is the founder]




    AHH!! i have a 3 hr break in between classes.. nothing to do, so wrote these down..




    Please correct me if they are INCORRECT!




























    ^ AHH!! the Cow colored PHONE!! hehe













































    yes, the leejihoo religion one















    just kinda popped into my head [:















    thank youu<33 [:















    OMG. you're not a liarrr.















    ANDDD YES MORE SPAMS of cute men plz? :)















    hehe.. yeah, i'm a liar. i admit to that! HAHA!


    I was hella bored so I drew Ulzzang chibis!








    sorry if I missed some other ulzzang guys!








    anyway its ugly so sorry for that too!








    and its not that clear!
















    [img ] http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l221/aqu...Art/crayppl.jpg








    k now gudnite UM fam!








    ~Meishsh0rt <3















    AWW... so kute!! daff you need to teach me how to draw








    someday! Is that LSE with a CAMERA?! hehe








    AND i must be one of those fangirls!

    ohmygoodnes. im so sorry everyone!!!! i missed you guys!!!! ive been pretty busy so i just came in looked and went ou-o- i feel so bad. haha omg i see namji is backkkkkkk! yeeeee. and inho is sorta back i guess. ahah i miss everyone! (: hah i dont missyou kayce cuz i talk to you on aim. ahha(: well ill talk to you guys later its pretty late an di have to wake up early bye guys! sorry for not coming int do often HAHA BAOI AND HLI I MISSED YOU GUYS!.hhahaha! ill talk to you guys later than bye!
















    STEPHANIE!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! i fricken miss you!








    come back soon!

    @Baoi: Ah, yeah, sorry, I made it wrong. I wanna request Ji Hoo - Namu's picture. And you've posted alot. Let's post more! Thanks so much!

    About Kim Song Jae (Jae Song? @_@) I dont think he's in Battle. You guys said he is in V6 (or whatever6 - but that group have 5 members only :D) Anyway I will check Battle now.















    V6? that's a Japanese group [under Johnny's Entertainment]








    Maybe it was from like COnduct Zero..??








    Anwiays, you want pictures of NAMU?!


    baoi thanks for the LJH spam I LOVE THE HIGHWAY PICTURES BEST!
















    I think he's probably one of the guys in 棒棒堂. You know the guys version of 黑涩会妹妹. I'm not sure, but in the 3rd picture, the guy with the glasses, he's definately in the show. He is "prince". Most of them use wretch blog. ^^ Ahh wasn't much of a help though >< But mayeb they linked each other in wretch.















    PRINCE?! hmm..[no idea, but] he's really kute! hehe








    Hehe.. your very welcome.. glad you liked it..









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