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Posts posted by baoi






    ^ thanks for the PICCIES!!


    he's soooooo hawt!


    ANd for the link to the store. he's VERY CHARMING!!


    AND A GF?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I promise i won't


    throw rocks at her * uncross fingers* *Innocent smile*


    He's a Fabulous model.. i never knew what he was modeling form


    now i know.. i wonder if Inho/KKR/PEB modeled for any store?!




    JUNAL iS HAWT!! i like her eyes and hair [sometimes]


    her style is tooooo JROCK for me.. but very inspirational if i want to


    look SUPER COOL like her.. her hair is really nice though.


    Hmm.. SangHo's GF looks like his mom [i'm so mean]








    JINA! you're back. Yes.. LJH UPDATED!!


    i was sooo happy.. now i wish he'd update again!


    Aniways, MUI! where the FFFF are you?!


    you said you'll come by and say HI!


    REMINDER: Write your lovley JiHooo letters!


    you have about two weeks left if you are PMing it to me


    and one week before you have to SEND the real letters!


    Please write something. I be JiHoo would love to recieve


    a billion letters!








    THANKS HLI for the pictures!


    can i request LJH i mean LSE pictures..


    well the ones that are not posted often here..


    well the ones that i didn't see before..


    -- i missed OUT on ALOT Of jihoo pics


    because i fell in love with him when the


    ulzzang craze died down..






    Happy valentines day Ulzzangs!




    Happy Valentines day Um family,


    special happy valentines to:


    Baoi- I hope you and Jihoo have a great Valentines.


    ~Meishsh0rt <3



    AWW!! thanks so much Daff!


    [my secret from Jihoo: The guy that i think


    is REALLY kute at my school talked to me today!!


    *melts* ---- ] About me and JiHoo, hehe


    i wish i REALLY saw him and got to meet him,


    but *cries* ---- V-day is Great!


    I wonder what JiHoo did today..


    [of course, he spent the WHOLE DAY with me in my imagination!!]





    hello everyone~

    i never posted here but i have been here looking at the uljjangs :ph34r:


    well when i heard of the lee jihoo project i wanted to join but i wasn't sure what to give and everything so i tried drawing him, but also i couldn't mail it to baoi so i don't think i could join the project. but i wanted to share my drawing of him anyways haha




    i know it's not the best drawing ever haha just a rough cartoon like drawing haha


    and thank you for all the uljjang pictures!~~!



    awww!! that picture is sooo adorable!


    if you would like, or if i can.. could i print that out and


    send it to him?! i am sure he'll appreciate it..



    love the black sweaterr [:



    looks really cute.






    LEEJIHOO update?!



    wahhh, must go looksee.






    경기도 양평군 개군면



    부리 사서함 4호



    제 8368부대 본부포대



    이병 이지후



    (우) 476-893



    [jihoo's address






    Kyungkido Yangpyung Gaegoon



    Boori Sasuhham 4ho



    Jae 8368Boodae Bonboopodae



    Leebyung LeeJiHoo



    (Woo) 476-893



    THANKS SOPHIE!! You know i Heart you!!








    please..................... can someone romanize this:


    경기도 양평군 개군면


    부리 사서함 4호


    제 8368부대 본부포대


    이병 이지후


    (우) 476-893


    [jihoo's address]
























































































































































































































































    screencap of my screen, there is a banner that JiHoo also uploaded..


    but Adobe photoshop is being mean to me, so i can't crop it out..




    That's good Motivation to Write your letters, RIGHT?!?!


    you better write them now!!




    I think you spelt his name wrong...

    It should be 이지호


    you got it wrong too.

    i'm korean so...

    anyways, it's correctly written as


    HEHE.. YEP! that's right. How could i have spelt LEE wrong?!

    it's the CIRCLE with the LINE.. hahaha

    hahahaha!!! the lee ji hoo name thing in korean makes me laugh!!!!

    mwuahahahaha!!!! that is so funnie..

    anyways, baoi imma over write it tonight and send tomorrow morning okay!!! oh wait i have to send it to janice<3 and then to you.. i think it was janice<3..

    i feel so late!!!! ahhh!!! vov

    Oh yay!! translations?!

    reminds me i need to get a few translated.


    ahah SERIOUSLY no matter how cute, hot, smexy he is

    the poutt is SWS and ONLY SWS

    ahahah im like a crazed fan @.@

    juneee is hotttt!!! :D


    oh and im so confused

    jihoo and jihoon

    who's whose boyfriend

    and whose in the army a;slkjfas;kldjfasl;kdjf

    lol its confusing ㅠ.ㅠ

    SWS's pout belongs to him.. yep!

    JiHoo is Mikki's Best Friend.

    JiHoon is Mikki's Ex-Boyfriend.

    JiHoo introduced JiHoon and Mikki to each other.

    JiHoo is in the ARMY

    JiHoon is no where to be found

    [rumors says that he is studying abroad in Japan,

    but some say that he was taking picture in Korea]


    help me decide please

    ok ok.. so i decided i should make a poem for lee ji hoo right.

    so i did, but i came up with a whole lot..

    so help me decided.. oh and i decided to put it on a few of his pictures, so yeah it's like a picture poem.. tell me which one you like most or what picture should i put together with the poem or yeah.. ideas.. LOL..

    heheh.. if you wanna see my creations click on url.. too embarrassed at my PSing.. i'm afraid it'll look bad so if you wanna see it then click it ok.. i need opinions and what i should fix on oh and if i grammer problems tell me.. recommend me to do things.. LOL






    OMG!! That's sooo sweeeet!!

    sending your love to him. that's so sweet!

    It's so sad, i have no talent, i can't send him NOTHING..

    except for you guy's letters and a little statement from me..



    I'll send everyone who is on the list a PM reminder

    about the deadlines and stuff later..




    ^ Lee JiHoo is spelt 아 자 후


    Kayce! the JIHOO TOWN is really kute..

    i like it... aww.. make more!! MORE MORE!!




    Just a reminder that all letters and gifts [if any]

    should all be WITH ME February 28th. I WILL

    send out the package on the first day of MARCH!!


    Please send many letters.. JiHoo must be soo lonely in the Army..







    ^ those ulzzangs! always closing their CY's...


    Yes.. Dabin's news............ so sad. *CRIES*


    Jung DaBin is the girl who was in the movie HE WAS COOL


    [the movie KKR was in].. it is such a tragedy. RIP JUNG DA BIN!!




    he can pull off the SWS look, but not the pout..


    i think he's trying a bit too hard on the pout


    but he's sooo kute............................................ i think i am in love with his guy!!


    Hanuel is sooo pretty.. i think she's the prettiest ulzzang.


    and then i like IMDA because she's so stylish!


    i like Mikki because.... just because she updates a lot


    and she has a TON Of ulzzang friends [esp JIHOO]..








    ^ yeah.. i wonder if JiHoo and JiHoon are still good friends?!


    it looks like JiHoo's better friends with Mikki than JiHoon..


    I hope Mikki and JIHoon doesn't put our JIHOO in a situation


    where he has to choose between them two.. if they do,


    i'll just STEAL HIM away from them!! haha..

    lol. yea


    although i'd like to believe that Mira&Minwoo are going out



    cuz they're so cute together X)



    Yeah. I def. agree with you!! Hey, what's your name btw?!


    sorry, you are pretty active here, and you probably already


    introduced yourself, but i am too forgettful to remember..


    I'm Baoi.......... the crazy [and hopeless] JiHoo fan..

    KRY is so pretty! her brothers are so HOT!



    yay new inho pictures! THANK YOU!


    i was wondering how old all the uljjangs are? they look young to me



    The old ulzzangs are like in their early 20's..


    21, 22, 23.. it was like 2-3 years ago when the Ulzzang


    craze was taking over S.Korea.. so back then they were like


    18, 19, 20.. [haha.. the math doesn't work out.......]

    where is my baby Seo Minwoo?? :D

    Someone needs to do a spam post of him





    when i have time i shall SPAM SMW pics


    but............. i still need to SPAM Namu pics..

    haha yeah i prefer to believe that they're going out xD

    aww thirdwheels!!! thirdwheeling sucks though xPP



    hehe.. yeah. my mom always made me tag along with my older sis's


    BF and her, when they went out.. i would be like.. just drop me off here


    with like $10, and you guys do whatever you want.. ok..


    [hehe.. it's so weird... oh the days when i was 15]

    I hope I'm not offending her or anybody else, but


    did she do plastic surgery? If she didn't...I'm sorry for bringing



    it up, but dang... I am officially jealous of her...so pretty! If she



    did then, no big deal[;



    Who?! KRY?!

    ohmygoodness! HELLO GUYS! haha. man i havent been here in such a long time i missed fifty pages. AND I MISSED INHO! OMG! WTF! OMGOMGOGMOGMGOM! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! omg-o- i feel fcking bad. since i AM family

    iwll try to come here at like 5-6 times a week LOL!(: haha. well i miss everyone and is anyone willing to post up inho again? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!





    Stephanie!! you haven't been here for soooo long!


    i know what you mean.. i have been less active here also.

    개새꺄 means 개색이야 thats shortened lawl...

    && thats ... a cuss word LAWL



    Aw.. no way! I see.. it's the Bad Side of the lovelykuties..






    happy birthday to minwoo oppa [:



    he looks so cute in the pictures.



    thanks ahyoung unni<33



    s e o m i n w o o *


    credits: my photobckt`





    when is his Bday!?

    and yeah baoi LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA - NINOMIYA!!! heck yeah!!! did you go see it already?

    i still find yoora cute tho she's with her cute cute super handsom bf... didn't they break up then got back together? is that him... its been a year...


    but i like her outfit... not sure if its a dress or not...




    but yeah does anyone know what happen to tho oh so lovely han jihoon?


    love this one too cute... ain't his namy youngsuk or sumin?





    hehe. yeah. that movie was HAWT!


    When Nino came out... i was like OMG!! HE"S ON THE BIG SCREEN!! *squeals* haha


    aniways,, i think Yoora and her SUPER KUTE BF did break up and got back together..


    she broke up with him i believe...


    and that outfit.. i agree, it's really kute.. i was staring at it for a while.. hehe








    we believe that Mira and SEO MINWOO are secretly dating


    but as the word on the street says.. they're just GOOD FRIENDS..


    Hey.. MIKKI and JIHOO are best friends too!


    and Mira and MINWOO are BEST FRIENDS.. so weird.


    and ofcourse our thrid wheel kuties: HAN JIHOON and KIM HYESUNG!





    Han Dong Woo Dj's ahahah (:

    that's prostatus


    anybody know how old SWS is?


    he looks kinda older than when i first saw himm


    but still hot none the less


    KKR i havent seen him for like al;skdjfasl;kdjf long time



    SWS is older now.. maybe like 22? 23?


    yeah.. HAN DONG WOO is sooo fricken KUTE!


    too bad, he isn't showing his SEXY face!!


    if he was.. i'd probably DIE from the HEAT


    from his HOTNESS!! so.. in the end it's good


    that i am not dead... but so sad,i really want to see his


    sexy face...

    ohh icic...haha

    new inho... how interesting...


    its been awhile




    this pic of SWS was hilarious...


    at least i thought so.




    and the lee chung was amusing as well


    especially the 개새꺄 pics... lol



    what does "개새꺄" mean?! haha.. ohwells


    SWS IS HAWT! if only UM's Number one favorite


    guy, MIN would donate some of his height to me, so


    that i can be sexy like Min and SWS!!
















    HLI!! BAOI LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    hehe..i really do! you are really GOOD and talented at finding their pics!








    it's a MIRACLE!! i missed him soo much!!




    JIHOO LETTERS------------------------------




    can someone make me a LETTERS TO JIHOO PROJECT




    banner?! i think i will start advertising it now.. hehe..




    it's almost at it's end.
















    ^ mira needs some make up.




    she looks very scary like that.




    she looks so SICK and PALE.




    before she was a NATURAL..




    but now, she looks so sick.




    she either needs to eat and get




    healthier, or put on some makeup




    i prefer a HEALTHY looking Mira..




    it's best if she IS healthy!!
















    ^ OMO!





    solki is so cute.. ^^; i love her fashion and like.. yea!! :wub:

    she's gorgeous.




    btw, i never knew she was an actress! O_O was she like discovered after she was an uhljjang?







    I believe so........ Most likely that was the case.




    unless she went out and actually auditioned and all..

    HAHA BAOI <33

    yes.. only LSE can pull off a look like that xD







    Lols.. YEP!




    i don't know.. LJH just looks soo good with that face mask




    and any one else who tries it, better LOOK GOOD, or i'll _______.




    even Mikki... she should stick to her punky clothes/style




    About Minwoo speaking ENglish.. well he does'nt speak it




    but maybe he knows a few words.. there are a few SMW posers




    on Myspace as well.. but someone said that there was a myspace




    that was really his'........ but i still doubt that it is.





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