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Posts posted by misth
































































































































































































































































    i'm already drumming my fingers waiting fro the next chapter!!!! :)
































































































































































































































































    sigh... triangles are a messy thing in relationships... but what i really wanna know is minwoo's disappearance...

































































































































  2. been away for quite some time... :)

    now i'm back here when aircity has ended... I've read thru most of the comments i missed in the aircity thread and in this thread and i see that many ppl have conflicting opinions about cjw (esp in the aircity thread). Well, personally i think this is a first step for her and i didnt expect her to be 100% perfect. I know she tried her best, and there's always room for improvement. I dont think it's fair to lay all the blame on her for low ratings. Either it's because nobody posted any news about poor ratings due to the script, PD or the other cast or there really isnt any such news. The thing that strike me most towards the middle of aircity was cjw's eyes. HDG has a much "steel" in her personality, but CJW has very kind eyes, which doesnt really reflect the steel. I cant remember if i've commented about this in the forums before though. As viewers, and especially the critics, we watch every single thing like a hawk. We watch it once without subs, again with subs, maybe again to review the [arts we liked about the episode. And the more times you watch, the more flaws appear. We watch every part from the gestures, to the eyes, to the facial expression to the background and we analyze the storyline, the script. But i dont think the cast and crew had the time to do such things. Of course, it is expected that they have gone through every single detail but the korean style of filming an episode so close to the viewing date doesnt really give them much space and time to make improvements. And as in relationships, a third person always has the advantage of seeing what the ppl involved cannot see. Perhaps, in the minds of the writers, everything connected but to us, everything was chopped up.

    Anyway, back to CJW... she faced the task of changing everything about her personality... it's much easier said than done to morph into a totally different character. However, with practice, i'm sure her skills will improve. :)

































































































































































































































































    Ep 10 consisted of more action, focusing on both DG and JS's work respectively. But I don't get why do they always have to link all the National Security cases to the airport operations? This time we have a hacker suspect trying to hack into the airport computer systems and at the same time plant a bomb in the airport. Again, I think the writers are trying to cramp everything into the same direction..in I felt it was a bit..uhh. Well, at least they did emphasise on both departments doing their own work, tho I did feel that there was an awkward transistion from the 2nd terminal part to Ji Sung's case...

































































































































































































    But other than that, I liked the relationship part tho it was brief. JS opened up to DG..it was not a confession, but he sorta like asked DG to accept him and start a relationship with him. He did not say it directly but in a more indirect way..
































































































































































































































































    Here's the short convo they had..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JS: I heard you're the one who solved the luggage transport system problems?































































































































    DG: What about you?































































































































    DG: Why did they look for you so urgently?































































































































    JS: Ah..that...































































































































    DG: Ah, right. It's confidential.































































































































    DG: I should have gotten used to it by now. But it seems like I'm not getting there yet..































































































































    DG: Anybody dating you should feel bored/dull.































































































































    DG: Since everything's a secret.































































































































    JS: That's why I need somebody who can understand me.































































































































    JS: Can you understand me?































































































































    JS: Didn't you ask me not to run away?































































































































    JS: I've decided to stay back.






























































































































































































































































    Then beeper rings..urhhh..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The only complaint that I have is that when everything seems to start of well, either DG or JS gets a distracting phone call. urrhhhh...:crazy: And after that they just leave the relationship thing open and don't talk about it until they meet the next time. And when they did meet again at lunch, JS told everyone at the table that he's dating DG. (I'm not sure whether he said it genuine from his heart thinking that DG had accepted him after what he said before..or he just wanted to avoid answering questions relating to SMW..) And after that, besides DG looking somewhat surprised, nothing happened. DG did not confront or ask him why..Altho the drama is not about romance, but at least address the emotional ups and downs of the characters more vividly. There then, I felt it was quite abrupt for JS to say that..and DG just look surprised and nothing happened afterwards. But well at least, I did feel the chemistry which seemed to have died down a bit in the previous episodes. Or maybe it's just me obsessed with LJJ..hahaha..XD
































































































































































































































































    Ha Joon had a lot of cute and adorable moments and I do feel bad for him constantly helping DG and JS to get together while he suffers in his own misery. Too bad DG only has eyes for our JS...
































































































































































































































































    But overall I thought it was a good episode. Maybe again I didn't expect too much from it, and I thought it was a lil bit better than Ep 9.































































































































































































































































































































    i know what you mean... just feel like throwing the irritating pagers away... but we do catch a little smile on HDG just as she walks off... something's gonna happen... :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank You withS2!!!!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gosh!!! Like hanihash, I told myself to MIA until next mon to come back with some spoilers. But but, what to do??? I saw GREAT stuff in the chinese forums I frequent and I was like, 'OMO, i must share with soompiers!!!!!'.

































































































































































































    And coming here, I found goodies again!!! Thanks soonjap for the trans!!!!! Nothing beats the trans from a true Korean!
































































































































































































































































    ok ok, soompiers, take a deep breath....here's what i found in chinese forum:
































































































































































































































































    SPOILER ahead!http://nimg.empas.com/orgImg/ns/2007/06/14/NISI20070614_0004605532_web.jpg
































































































































































































































































    They are saying this kiss scene may be at the end of ep10, so we will be left with a cliffhanger till the next weekend!
































































































































































































































































    credits: http://www.kdocn.com/bbs/thread-228113-240-1.html
































































































































































































































































    Those who understand chinese, do visit the above forum, lots and lots of news and updates......oh no, I can't be in soompi now....I must go back to translating flowers! LOL































































































































































































































































































































    the secret weapon perhaps??? hehehehehe.... cant wait for the weekend now... exams are officially over!!!!!! yay!!!!! (as long as i dont get called back for orals and as long as i pass, that is)... heh... anyway, i must say i learn a lot from soompi forum... not only about korean stuff, but about things worldwide and other ppl's opinion on things... it's great that there's so much info being exchanged in this forum. And the best part is, the majority of us are united here by our interest in Kdramas, songs etc. :) One big happy family...

































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey LJJ's fan out there: do you think the way he walks and looks in this drama is really cute? I mean it's a bit childlike :-) esp when he walked away being angry (two times after talking with HDK). And one more thing I forgot, at the beginning of epi 07, the first thing he asked HDK "now until the prosecutor comes, you should tell me everything about Kim Jung Min. Is he your boyfriend?". Jealousy do you agree with me? But HDK didn't answer him, just talk to KHJ about what to say to airport's leader (she is always more mature).

































































    And after he was suspended and got into the quarrel with his dad, his dad asked him "do you have anything personal with HDK? You also investigate on your own to revenge for .... (his dead friend). Why did you always go into such things?". I thought, wow, even his daddy saw his feeling for HDK. And he didn't even talk back, only walk away..































































































































































































































































































































    Dad??? the NIS boss at the airport is KJS's dad?????
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hmmm... looks like a little island alright...

































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. The conversation before KJS came in was roughly like this. The investigator was being rude to HDK. He was saying that she seemed to be very popular with men. They received many phone calls, and some asking to see her. Asking how she was separated from KJM(the man who gave her the bag with the drugs hidden in the shoes). The investigator took the food that HDK didn't eat and asked her if she had some backup in the NIS. The agent was going to come and visit her himself.

































































































































































































    HDK said, "If you are not investigating anymore, please let me go."
































































































































































































































































    Investigator, "Why, are you ashamed?"
































































































































































































































































    HDK, "Other than here, is there any other place..."
































































































































































































































































    Before she can finish, the investigator said, "This is better than the jail. Do you know what kind of women are kept inside there? Today we will chat slowly."
































































































































































































































































    HDK," I want to see the chief investigator(officer?)."
































































































































































































































































    Investigator," Sit down. You want me to handcuff you? This type of people always give us headache."
































































































































































































































































    KJS, "What do you mean by this type of people?"
































































































































































































































































    Investigator,"Who are you? The NIS agent? (To HDK) Is this person your lover too? " So KJS punched him. :P































































































































































































































































































































    hahahahaha.... thanks HYC!!! I think the investigator probably hit a very very RAW nerve there!!!! HAHAHAAHAHA.... you know how sometimes you need outsiders to tell you what exactly is going on between 2 ppl?? THIS is the ULTIMATE example!! hehe

































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hmm since noone answer my questions, i will add with another question

































































    3. Why the agents picked up KJS while he's suspended (eps 7 the last part when they were in Hongkong). He's not supposed to be on duty right ? And who's the NIS lady talking to since she was so shocked to see they picked up KJS ?
































































































































































































































































    I hope someone is willing to answer my curiosity ...and thanks
































































































































    I think the NIS lady is the most lucky character in this drama. She's surrounded by more cute and handsome guy than HDK :lol: .































































































































































































































































































































    I dont understand korean but i'll try to help you with that... someone pls correct me if i got it wrong...
































































































































































































































































    3. KJS called the agent in HK. I guess he knows the agent well and they do respect him.... so probably out of personal favour since they know he is a good and able NIS agent
































































































































































































































































    4. NIS lady was probably talking to their boss back at the airport in Incheon... the older guy... he probably suspected KJS would turn up in HK and wanted to know if they have seen him...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's really nice to see such a lively discussion... i guess some of us just had to vent our frustrations after watching that episode of AC... but i'm sure the majority of us will still watch AC for the cast. :) looking forward to this weekend for AC!! weekends=AC.. hehehe

































































































































































































































































































































































































    What's happening all of a sudden? The plot, the heroine and common sense seem to all be crumbling in the midst of flying punches, defaced university websites, insubordination by officials in one airport who then proceed to take the law into their own hands in a foreign country while secret agents flash fake passports in other people's airports and get away with it? (He wouldn't have gotten away with it had he been under the intense scrutiny of Incheon's NIS crack secret agents and eagle-eyed airport staff for sure). And while we're investigating this obviously brainless airport administrator who should have known better (even though she is my heroine, blame the writers!), does she not get due process? Hey, what's going on here?

































































































































































































    Earlier on, I made a choice to live in a utopian world called K-dramaland where unreality is forgiven and forgotten as long as my hero gets his girl. So I've decided I'm going to stay focussed on HDG and KJS. The heck with all the details. If a man can punch that well and then glare at me in exasperation in that heart meltingly sexy way, hey I'm a believer! I'll believe any scenario they throw at me cos it'll make my life easier for sure.Then maybe I can enjoy the rest of this drama.































































































































































































































































































































    I totally agree with you!! That's probably the only way for me to continue enjoying this show... but i'd prob still criticize the plot... hehe...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    yeah.. thanks for the translations msau99!!!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    hmm... been reading thru the recent comments... seems like many arent too happy with how the story is going... i must say that i'm not too happy either. I think the acting is great, the cast is great... they are playing the characters as how the writers want them to be portrayed. The fault lies in the the script and the storyline i think.
































































































































































































































































    HDG, as many have said, started out as a great character. Independent, willful, elegantly spunky (is there even such a phrase??? heh) and not afraid to stand up for her views. But somewhere along the story, that tough-ness in her started to deteriorate. I said previously that she's only human, and we shouldnt expect her to be strong all the time. But this time, it has probably gone a bit too far? I dunno... maybe she was let down by having her trust being taken advantage of by someone i assume was once a good friend... yet, i couldnt feel the defiance which i thought was a part of her in the scenes following that. Understandably she would be sad being in the miserable cold cell, but i would have thought she would be a bit more defiant, arrogant when facing the narcotics ppl or the prosecutors (whoever they are... )
































































































































































































































































    HJ was a joke trying to look for jung min in hong kong. For someone who has no experience in investigation, i would say he managed to get quite a bit of info... either he's a genius or the national security agents need to get some fresh blood into the force. Maybe the PD was trying to portray him as a newbie in investigation by showing his almost laughable way of following jung min on the streets of HK. Maybe it was meant to be a light moment in the heavy-on-action episode. But jokes and light moments should be introduced at apt times, not when you just happen to think of something and just shove it in the story.
































































































































































































































































    KJS... seems to me like one confused guy now. Who in the right mind would take a plane with such a wound???? Geezzz... And the way he was sneaking away from HDG at the end of the show... that's not what i thought he would do. I mean, even if you dont know whether or not you like that girl, and you know that she has something for you... wouldnt you just walk on and pretend like you know nothing and then maybe disappear the next day? But he was playing hide and seek in the middle of a crime scene!! How HDG managed to find out where they were is another question i have. The scenes also seem quite chopped up. One minute KJS was in his car, someone taps on his window with a gun and the next thing you know, he's already half beaten up to pulp, ends up lying on the floor... and then, he's back in the room, walking like nothing happened with hardly any bruises and a bloody shirt. Hmmm... putting this and HJ's own beating-up session and amazing recovery... i probably can come to a conclusion that koreans have an amazing healing capacity. Another thing about the crime scene... HJ was talking to KJS, or rather, telling him off when it was still rather bright... and when KJS reaches the other side (just before HDG shows up), it's dark.... either it was a real long walk, or my eyes were playing trick on me again...
































































































































































































































































    Having said all that, i still think Aircity isnt THAT bad... just that it could have been better. With such a great cast, and a great background for a story, the writers and PD should make use of it to the fullest and exploit the amazing talent they have backing the show! I certainly hope the future episodes will improve... but whatever it is, the great cast will still keep my eyes on my com till the end... well, almost the end... I'll be missing the last few episodes!!! :tears::tears:
































































































































































































































































    And, Happy Birthday to Choi Ji Woo!!!!! :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































    yah, i thot so too! i tot its jus me eyes but since you saw the same, haha can't be wrong. you singaporean too?
































































































































































































































































    nope... malaysian... but am familiar with singapore :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hmmm... how did HJ manage to get into the singapore university website? where did he get the password from? that's strange...
































































































































































































































































    Not sure if i saw correctly, but i could have sworn i saw one of the addresses on the page being "Bukit Botok"... should be bukit batok right? hahaha... oh well, it's just a minor thing (or my eyes playing tricks on me)... :)
































































































































































































































































    4 more hours to go...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I didnt manage to watch episode 7 in full either... :( I really wonder what were KJS and the doctor (argh! i dont know why i always get her name mixed up!) were talking about by the beach... and where did that dog come from??
































































































































































































































































    Anyway, i wasnt very impressed with the HK scene though. The part where the NIS agents and HK police stormed into the warehouse... i thought it was a bit strange... cos they were gonna ambush the place and yet all their cars were parked right in front of the warehouse with light flashing and all, surely they didnt expect to find anything in the warehouse that way right? And the scene where they found HJ was a bit of an anti-climax... HJ looked really terrible hanging from the ceiling (as in, very badly injured) but when they got him off the hook thingy that was holding him up in the air, suddenly he was ok... talking and even walking! Hmm... maybe it's just me... shall wait for the subs before i make any more judgements... maybe the dialogue would have explained the situation... heh...






























































































































































































































































    Fav scene from this episode (well, at least from the parts i managed to watch... was when the agent Im (that's her name right? the spunky female NIS agent) was talking on the phone (i presume to her boss) and closing her eyes with her hand so that she doesnt see KJS sitting right in front of her... hahaha!!!! She's really cute!
































































































































































































































































    Having said all that, I'm still looking forward to the next episode :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































    she got real jealous and broke into HDG's house :lol: .. ahaha.. kidding kidding, although it'll be nice if she becomes a little "nasty" just to spice things up..sorry couldn't help myself..

































































    the truth: HDG saw her waitin at the bus stop for very long time, and offered her to stay at her place.































































































































































































































































































































    but i thought HDG only offered her place for a night?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    someone translated eppie 7 already. aww dang i just realized that I'm gonna miss eppie 7 live tomorrow. I hope it gets uploaded quick. xP































































































































    here's rough translation of eppie 8::































































































































    Due to personal reference from the airport president, DoKyung is temporarily released from custody. She thought that due to the search of her house, that it'll be in one big mess; however, she's surprised to find it extra clean. Next to a vase, she finds a note from MyungWoo and feels more confused and unsure as she realizes that she was the one who cleaned her house.































































































































    DoKyung finds out from her sister that HaJoon went to Hong Kong to attempt to clear her name. She leaves for Hong Kong too as she cannot reach HaJoon on the phone. (she gets worried)































































































































    Seeing JiSung negotiating with someone at a port in Hong Kong, a man attacks him...






























































































































































































































































    aww..this drama's getting addicting. thx luv like always for all the caps...and thx all you guys for your input. I guess we won't be seeing a lot of the romance till' a couple more eppies.































































































































































































































































































































    thanks for the translation! :) Hmmm... guess this must be the episode with the scene of JS and HJ coming up the stairs and HDG looking down... then later giving HJ a punch... right?
































































































































































































































































    MW seems like a nice person... but how did she manage to go into HDG's house???
































































































































































































































































    Thank you WITHS2 subbing team for the subs!!! You guys are fast!

































































































































































































































































































































































































    wow, finally got to watch episode 6 and i must say its the best episode so far....honestly, i'm very impress with the show,.. initially i thought it would be an all star show but with no essence but it really proved me wrong and really enjoy it..and i used to not like choi ji woo (cause she always act in sad shows), but after seeing how she fits well into this role, man she's awesome

































































    and thanks to WITH S2 for the subs.. keep it coming!!
































































































































































































































































    to all the HDK-KHJ supporters, can i join in pls?
































































































































    nothing in particular, but i feel really comfortable watching both of them together and how they can really open to each other...
































































































































    here's a banner for the HDK-KHJ supporters... feel free to put it on to support them :lol: (sorry KJS-HDK , peace to all... )































































































































































































































































































































    haha... no worries... i think many here are still torn btn HDG/KJS and HDG/KHJ... :)

































































































































  20. just thought of adding something to the ongoing discussion about CJW's acting... the fact that EVERYONE remembers her teary roles shows that she is good at what she does and she CAN leave a very deep impression :) And first impression always gives the greatest impact, so many have come to associate her with such roles cos their first impression of her was so deep! Now, it'll be a challenge for her to re-challenge that first impression she left everyone with... and to hit everyone with a WHAM!!

    In a way it's the same as how everyone associates jim carrey with comedies.... that's the first thing you think of... only after a few seconds that you think of his more serious roles like the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

  21. Briefly translated

    Thanks to cindycho’s Chinese translation at bhjwlove.com

    Jiwoo will celebrate her birthday while working.

    On the 11th, June, due to her filming fans might have to celebrate Jiwoo’s birthday with her at the shooting location. (Sorry, don't know how to translate the name of the location, sounds like an island in West Sea) :sweatingbullets:

    In the coming 7th episode of Air City to be broadcasted on 9th, HDG is suspected of drug trafficking and would be wearing the handcuffs.

    goodness... she's so thin the handcuffs look as if it will slip off her hands if she doesnt keep them together... heh

































































































































































































































































    Translation by Hyc

































































































































































































    For Choi Jiwoo to get rid of the image of 'Queen of tears ' she put in a lot of effort. In the first half of the show she displayed a completely different image, truly had attracted many audiences' vision. But recently through the beginning of love with Lee Jung Jae, some audiences thought that her earlier portrayal has reappeared. Her decisive lines had unconsciously turned to the intonation of Jung Yujin in “Winter Sonata”. This caused her to be unable to display a strong appearance of a female airport operation room manager.































































































































































































































































































































    I never watched the other show they were referring to, so i cant comment... but i disagree with them saying that she's reverting back to her WS character... i dont think... in WS, she always looked lost, indecisive, fragile, vulnerable.... in aircity, she looks more determined and independent. Of course, there are times when her personal emotions do show, but it's just human! they cant expect her character to be so strong all the time right? no humans are like that. plus she is currently facing lots of emotional stuff, like reuniting with her sister, and possibly trying to figure out her relationship with KJS. Oh well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion... :) and.. IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!! tomorrow's AIRCITY DAY!!! YAY!!... heh..

































































































































  23. gosh... this is becoming one very kiss-y thread!! hahaha... I was pretty shocked when i watched EHAS... i remember watching it for the first time with another friend of mine and CJW's more intimate scenes surprised me!! There i was thinking of pure innocent CJW from WS days.. and suddenly WHAM!!! But it was wham in a good way... goes to show that she can give an innocent act and she can do the not so innocent act too... haha...

    felicia... I cant imagine what lovey dovey phrases i can write in science-based papers... hahaha... but it can be quite distracting at times... i'm mugging my notes and suddenly i think "hmmm... wonder if KJS was thinking of HDG then...." and i start watching the episode AGAIN, but fastforwarding to the scenes i wanna see (which means finishing a 60min show in 15 mins?) heh...

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