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    Well, it's all a gamble, really. The kid might get the good gene, or might not.
































































    Also, not all mixed kids are good looking.
































































    We don't really see much the average and not good looking ones because they are not eye-catching like the above average ones, and they are not camwhores.
















































































































































































    ahh why does it have to suck so much! <_<
































































































































    basically, this is a lose-lose situation.
































































































































    you shave = hair grows fast and more coarse, stubble, whenever i shave it's just not completely smooth
































































































































    you pluck = heard it's bad for the skin, DIFFICULT to do, time consuming
































































































































    you use an epilator = some say it hurts so freakin much, expensive
































































































































    you go laser it off = expensiveeeeeee
































































































































    what's a girl to do?































































































































































































































































    Epilating only hurts the 1st-2nd time.
































































































































    After a few tries you won't feel it at all anymore
































































































































    If you are only going to epilate small areas, like underarms or upper lips, just get the small one. It's cheaper than the one for body.
















































































































































































































































































    I only tried Skinfood and Dr Jart Black. Dr Jart Black is better than Skinfood. I don't use them anymore.
















































































    Now I use Laura Mercier. Their yellow tone foundations matches my skin tone better.
















































































    I also use Boscia BB cream, I ask for a sample from a Sephora associate, she gave a good amount that can last 2 weeks. I like it, but SOOO pricey. So won't get the full size.
































































































































    The scientists gotta start creating money trees, seriously.
































































































































    Height, hair, clothes....
















































































    ....and face, obviously.
























































































    I don't flush right away when i'm at home. My husband too. It's to save water bill, eventhough not alot it's still saving money.. We flush after the second round of pee.
























































    I pee very often, I drink a lot of water and have small bladder lol, if I flush all the time, our water bill will be high.
























































    At someone else's place or public restroom, I always flush right away of course.












































    I just got a digital perm today!




























    A bit nervous in the beginning, because the hairstylist just did my hair without asking me what kind of perm I wanted. She just told me that I needed to layer my hair a bit so that the perm looked better later.




























    I love the results! <3




























    Park Seung Chol Hair Studio in Garden Grove, CA




























    Search it on yelp.com to read reviews.




























    $120 for wash, haircut, perm.




























    Hairstylist will tell you how to wash and style your hair in the end.




























    You'll get free salon hair serum (similar to BioSilk full size bottle)




























    Vicky did my hair.
























































































    Danngg you look hot, like one of those villains in asian movies lol




















    You pull it off well, I guess because you have sorta tanned skin, nice contrast.




















    I wish I could see your parents reaction :D
















    I live in OR, no digital perm salon here (as far as I know) -_-








    I'm going to go vacay to CA next weekend. I'm going to get the digital perm there! My friend who lives there found a salon that only charges $120. It has good reviews on yelp.com too.


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I was wondering... did you have that same or similar kind of feeling when you met your wife when she was 18 year old?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One morning, I woke up and it was gone. She was no longer beautiful to me...terrible, isn't it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You said you didn't love her anymore because she's not attractive anymore? I guess because she's old, and not look good anymore because she's unable to take care of herself as much as she used to because she's too occupied with taking care of your kids. Also I guess because you two have been together for too long, and because of the kids, now you missed the fire and excitement when you two just started dating?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Then, you met this Ellie girl, you felt in love again. Coincidentally, she is about the same age as your wife the first time you met her . She is young, firm, fresh, attractive and I repeat, about the same age as your wife the first time you met her. She makes you feel good and your life exciting again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What's the point of being with this Ellie girl , there's no happy ending.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You will hurt your wife and kids, you have to pay for expensive child support.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And how do you know if you leave your wife and be with this Ellie girl, you won't repeat the same thing in a few years, one day you wake up and suddenly you think Ellie is unattractive anymore?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    premarital sex is good to know about your partner's habit in bed, if you two are clicks in bed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    What if your future husband actually can't get it up.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or she/he has a weird habit, like screaming or crying randomly during sex.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or he/she has a dark side.From outside, that person looks nice, proper, ideal wife/husband. But in bedroom, that person likes doing S&M or likes dressing up as a baby or as an opposite sex
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    improve them,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    conceal them,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    find a man who loves you and thinks you're beautiful just the way you are.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've seen this news last night. The women do look better after, prettier and more confident
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    See 1:00 to see the before after pics
































































































































































































































































    But, yeah saying that they were doing it to look more western... okay ... :mellow:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow OP hasn't replied since he started this thread, and he's already got 157 positive reps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well, compared to other asian forums I've been to, soompi is pretty mild.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's why I've been here for years and I don't go to the other ones anymore.

































































































































































































    I don't see how this is any different from being in a serious relationship with a woman and having their penis in their butt hole/vagina, besides, of course, the gender involved.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Somehow I feel less icky if it's female's. *shrug*
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Besides, STDs are easier transferred between male-male. So It's better to know about his past sexual relationships, male or female.

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..