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Posts posted by kellneriner

  1. Wow that really is a good article on her. Thanks for translating susAmerica!

    ITA, sometimes I feel she is too underrated and not paid enough attention. Perhaps because she doesn't mold to the sterotype that other celebrities do. She is her own person and does not JUST go with the flow. Really an amazing idol. :)

  2. That's a really nice vid. Thanks for the link petite girl.

    They drive me crazy with the whole are they aren't they speculation. Sometimes, I feel like it's just my wishful thinking. Especially now when it's dire with lack of their news. But vids like this made me go 'nahh look at the way he looks at her, it's so meaningful!'. It's just like my other ship, where he always pushes her button, and was always praising her when they were acting together, and seemed to always finding reason to touch her. And now they're together, and the lack of news with my other ship means they're together, happy and on the DL, so hopefully, so I hope it will be the same this time too. :)

  3. Ahh thanks Maymay. I stil have a lot to learn about out fav man. :D

    I love 2NE1, and Sandara Park, especially since she's close with Hye Sun. But yeah the kissing part doesn't excite me either. But if there IS something between them (which we hope does exist), I'm sure the kiss is nothing. Just part of a job. At least it's someone who Hye Sun is close to, isn't it? :)

  4. LMH also did mention that he feels like he and HS has that certain "connection" which bella (from GHS soompi) translated from hanggul to english as "harmony" -- which according to bella is a word used in a more serious tone if it pertains to relationships..

    Just to add to this, I remember that the word that is used (harmony) is the same word that LMH used for the criteria he wants in a partner, and the description of his relationship with GHS. Just pointing it out.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Basically you can say I have decided to start an unrequited love affair (never knowing if the love will be returned when the movie comes out) by betting my life on it.

    Thanks for the translation susAmerica.

    My goodness, this bb is amazing! That one line made me love her even more! She is so thoughtful in answering the questions, and you can tell how intelligent she is, based on her answers in the interviews she's done. Reading this article made it clearer just what direction she's taking with the exhibition, music concert and the book release. They're all done towards one goal, creating a movie. She's amazing, I never really had a preference for any female celebrities, Hollywood or wherever, but she's fast becoming my number one. :)

  6. There's like a million childhood pictures of Goo HyeSun around the net and she looks absolutely the same.

    Thank you so much! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the images. Thanks for clearing that up bb. I'll edit the link cos I can't bear having other people watching it and thinking it's her.

    Hye Sun <3

    EDIT: Thanks Minjee. Just checked out the article and I AM SO PROUD SHE IS FIRST ON THAT LIST. ;)

    It totally made my day. I was googling her just now and saw some very unpretty comments/remarks bout her :( so this totally defies all the haters' comments. Thanks for this. :)

    This girl is beautiful NATURALLY, talented AND humble. If I were a guy I'd want to marry her fer sure! LOL.

  7. OK. I just saw this and am totally shocked by this. Mods please remove this if it's inappropriate. Is this true??? I've never heard of this before (then again I've only known bout her for less than a month) so am wondering if it's true or just some people trying to stir rumorus bout our bb.

    She had plastic surgery??

    EDIT: Thanks xiam9. Not her.

    EDIT2 : LOL yeah. I didn't. You're right. :)

  8. OMG thanks natali.

    BB looks so freaking gorgeous!!! It's a wonder why she's stil single. ;)

    But really, she's already a beauty without makeup on, but when she's all dolled up like this, she looks amazing!

    I love when her eyes are like that. She doesn't need to put much on, just a bit of eyeshadow and mascara and she'll blow you away.

    3rd and 5th pics are <3.

  9. I loveeee the newest vid. It totally made my day!!

    I agree with whoever said Hye Sun called out Min Ho's name. This is the 1st time I've heard his name from her mouth (cos I don't know Korean so never caught it before). It sounds so sweet! Arghh these two drive me crazy with are they aren't they dating.

    Thanks Minjee for the GIFs. Am so rightclick saving the half hug GIF. :D

    I love the fact that they look very comfortable and the playful banters are still there, but at the same time, IDK if it's just me, since I don't understand a word, I focus on their body language and the way they hugged seemed very awkward? And there's this part at the cafe, I think around, 8:00 mark, where Hye Sun seemed awkward. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Heck IDK. LOL.

    But, if we compare the way Kim Joon hugged HS to greet her with the way MH greeted HS, they are SO different.

    Exactly Jujol. ITA with you. MinSun hug does NOT seem natural. Why does it seem that way if they have NOTHING to hide and are JUST friends? ;)

  10. I also wonder whether HS know how to skate in real life ? seems she is not very familiar

    Very cute vid. Thanks for the link. :)

    Hmm IDK if I remember this correctly but I think I read somewhere that Hye Sun actually said that Min Ho taught her how to ski. And til I saw the above link, I've always thought she meant skiing in the snow, but maybe she meant skating but I coud be wrong. It's cute regardless. :)

  11. ^^ Nice....

    I think it's even better that maybe they describe each other (latest case - Hye Sun describing her fav guy style, coordinates with Min Ho's style) unconsciously.

    I DO agree with someone's post. That maybe they are taking it slow. Seeing they fell for each other (or so we think, and hope :D) during the show, maybe they wanted to see if the feelings are real, or only came about because of the characters and the show.

    BUT, maybe also, they are 'testing the water'. Going out together, gauging how the public would react, or wanting to go out together, but can't yet, so they use F3 as a shield. Who knows.

    One thing for sure. MinSun - they don't look like JUST friends. ;)

  12. I'm sure most of you, if not all, have read this interview of Min Ho but I just want to highlight this part, he is so cheeky. :P :P

    Got it from here http://emilytheblackpearl.wordpress.com/20...es-of-students/

    Min-ho lost six kilograms during the three months of shooting, much of it due to the exhausting schedule. His favourite part,he says with a grin, was getting to kiss costar Geum Jandi.

    “Actually, I had a lot of chances to kiss her but her friend always turned up to get in the way. But I got there at last!”

    Uh huh Min Ho. Atta boy! LOL!

  13. Maybe her heart and mind was drifting apart and driving her insane at that time (before she went to the fortuneteller)- "I want somebody older so I can call him oppa, but he's younger than me. I don't want to fall in love with a co-worker, it's just not professional, and I used to be so professional, but he's my co-worker. I want somebody who is loyal, but he seems to have many female friends. What should I do. My own heart is betraying me, stabbing me from the back. Somebody please tell me if this feeling is right. Please tell me what should I do now....!" With that kind of dilemma she's having at that time, it's just normal to go to a fortuneteller.

    Disclaimer: the italic part of this posting is totally fictional, intended for entertainment only.

    But I wish the italic part IS true. :o


    How cute are the new pics??? The pic of them standing side by side, they look very united, like they're very comfortable with intruding each other's personal zone.

  14. hi kellneriner.. welcome to joondi thread.. ^_____^ hahaha its okay girl.. express yourself in here.. we love this thread too.. hehehe..

    by the way.. i didn't know about the tarot article.. OMO!! grabbed HS?? :rolleyes: can you share the article in JoonDi thread?? please!!! :P

    huahaaaaaa.. someone saw hyesun and minho closely in a coffee shop!! woohoo.. :w00t: i feel like i wanna jump.. OMG!!!

    Oh whoops. I didn't mean it literally. I mean metaphorically, like what in the Tarot reading said. Sorry for any confusion. My apologies :/

    Thanks for the warm welcome petite girl. :)

    Bout the coffee shop.. I'm not familiar with this fandom, do people usually make up stories or are they usually neutral cos I'm afraid this could be just some people trying to get a rise out of MinSun shippers like what happened in my other shipping. But I reallllly hope not and hope the sighting IS true! Whooppeeee!! Hye Sun, say all you want, you can't escape the persistence that is Min Ho! :D

  15. In relation, have you guys heard that Minho's starting school again this semester? I wonder who could have influenced him to finish his schooling when this is not originally part of his plan? Seems like Minho is really trying his best to be a better MAN for someone...

    Dayuuummmm flower_pot, you made a good point there. I know that he's starting school again but had no idea that it isn't in his initial plan. When I read the news, first thing that came to my mind is that it must be because he wanted to impress HS. LOL.

    Q: In detail

    LMH: Since I like playing around, something that I can't explain... something like harmony...

    Q: Koo Hye-sun...

    LMH: Hahaha Hye-sun's nice and a lot of fun... But something that can't be put into words when talking to one another... something like harmony...

    This is VERY interesting. He said something about harmony about his Ms Right and used the same word regarding our Hye Sun.. Interesting indeed. :)

    Q: Don't like chubby?

    LMH: Hahaha... I like someone who's bit healthy rather than too skinny.

    Q: It seems like you keep talking about Koo Hye-sun...

    LMH: Hye-sun is skinny.

    Q: No, she's healthy (Trying to knit him together with KHS)

    LMH: How is Hye-sun chubby??

    But I'm a bit apprehensive bout this one. Cos I've always thought Min Ho is the kind who just voices out loud bout Hye Sun and it seems here like, IDK...

    Regarding the Tarot article, that's our boy, Min Ho. Grabbed HS and never letting go! :D

    Ohh I just realised something. I hope all of you don't mind me barging in here and just offer my opinions on JoonDi like nobody's business. I just love this thread, hope you all don't mind that I want to join in on the fun. :)

  16. I just read about her fortune telling article over at her page and my my, IDK if I'm just being a shipper or whatever, but the word Min Ho seriously sprang to mind when I read

    She was told that the man she likes also has feelings for her. However, neither she nor he has professed true feelings to each other. She was very happy getting the love report by the Tarot specialist who told her that she will meet her sweetheart this year.
    No lie. :D :D

    Oh and aww at Min Ho treating her to meals. Isn't it what HE said in the BTS footage? That he's treated her 3 times already and she hasn't treated him even once yet? And from the sounds of it, seems like Min Ho bought her meals out of consideration, cos he knows she loves to eat, and was pretty tired msot of the time during filming. *sigh in contentment*

    Another thing, I'm just glad that the article was in Feb cos the fact that she called herself 'noona' and Min Ho 'dongseng' did not settle well in my stomach. :P

  17. WOW kellneriner, I've actually read your whole post!!!! AGREED with you!!!

    LOL thanks for reading. I recognised your name cos I've been reading JoonDi, Min Ho and Hye Sun threads and I find myself always agreeing with your posts.

    Now, somebody told me, not to burst my bubble but that people who are not romantically linked to each other wear each other's stuff all the time. NGL, I was disheartened when I was told that but when you think of it, nahhh it can't be. Seems like an intimate gesture to me, doncha think? :)

    Anyway, I know I need to comment on JoonDi so here goes, JOONDI rules!! LOL. I have to say I pretty much skipped the scenes between JanDi and JiHoo. Not cos I don't like him, I do, but those scenes are wasting my time! I want JoonDi interaction NAO!! :P JiHoo and JanDi are jsut that, platonic soulmates, I love how he takes care of her, but nobody can tick her off like JunPyo can. *hmm this made me think, didn't Min Ho once said he wants somebody he can bicker with, and according to BTS, he and Hye Sun bicker ALL the time, another hint from ya Min Ho? ;)*

  18. Hey MinSun lovers!! This thread seems slow these days, I hope there are people who read this ;). I spent days reading all 144 pages on this thread. I'm a newbie, both to Korean entertainment and MinSun land. :)

    So hi!! *waves*

    Super long rant coming up, brace yourself bbs! :P

    I initially didn't like Korean shows, only watched Full House and some other shows. I WAS into the shows but I wasn't obsessed with any of em. After it ended, my love for the particular died too.

    I have a couple of friends here who DO watch K-shows and were talking bout Boys over Flowers. My sister also kept bugging me to watch it so I took the series (and My Girl, gosh I love My Girl) and decided to watch the shows as I'm on winter break and reallly have nothing to do (was supposed to go to Melb with my GFs but had to cancel it T T).

    Anywayyyyyy, sorry I tend to babble, I finally watched Boys over Flower (the whole 25 eps in under 3 days I think, boy did I get mocked by my close friends for not sleeping just to watch BOF.. LOL) and my my, is Min Ho hot or HOT?? I love him in it! Boy can act!! And he's so sweet IRL. I thought he'd be as cocky as he is in BOF considering his good looks but noooo he seems so shy and playful.

    Jan Di is a bit too weird for me in the beginning but I learned to love her a few episodes into it. Well, learning bout Hye Sun IRL certainly helped the case! She is soo pretty AND talented. When I saw her art displays my jaw seriously literally dropped! She can act, sing, draw, compose, gahh!! And I love how she does not just go with the flow. She really is one of a kind!

    Anyway, I watched the BTS and saw that Min Ho and Hye Sun are so playful and comfortable with each other. This perked my interest and I went on YouTube and looked for their vids. This is where I found Donnapie who introduced me to this site, so thank you avid videomaker, you are seriously a big help! :D. From what I've gathered, something IS brewing there between them. Maybe they're already dating, maybe they're not, but what's certain is Min Ho is SMITTEN with Hye Sun! He's always looking at her and the gaze is seriously not how you look at your platonic friends seriously.

    About Hye Sun, sometimes her answers in interviews disheartened me (wanting someone she can call oppa etc etc) BUT it's all in a matter of time bbs. Hye Sun might not realise it yet, or still keeping it under the wraps, but she herself interacts with Min Ho in a more than normal friends kinda way. I just watched 100% Entertainment (I told you I'm slow+new to this :P) and when she hid behind Min Ho and asked him to choose for her between the hosts, that itself is very telling. It's all very subconscious, she did it without meaning anything but hey body language and interaction are sometimes inexplicable but you can feel it. :) I don't think I need to reiterate about Min Ho's affection for her, pulling out her chair for her during the press conference, looking back at her etc etc. They're all just indications to his feelings for her.

    Now I'm not sure if some people here know who Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are. But they had similar things going on for them last year. I've been an RK shipper for close a year now, and things just grew positively since last year! Last year, Rob was acting so much like Min Ho, openly admitting his attraction/admiration for Kristen (or Hye Sun), always looking out for the girl, always teasing (pushing her buttons). Now it seems like they ARE together, just not officially. And they've been spotted many times wearing the same things too! Caps, shirt, bag, etc etc. So for MinSun shippers, don't give up hope! Even if it doesn't happen (or revealed) now, if what they have for each other is real, it'll happen. :)

    End rant.

    Thanks to those who stick till the end. :P :P

    Oh and I have Min Ho Extreme Cass Beer song stuck on repeat on my iTunes. Damn that song's catchy. :P

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