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    sorry to cut in, but i feel like your opinions are a bit biased. it's true that moon geun-young nailed it in cinderella's sister which was a melodrama, but i feel like she's doing a really good job here, very emotive and everything. i think she's one of the best actresses out there. and as for kim jae-wook, he's definitely a bit stripped off his potential here- i'm sure he's much better than that and they should tap into his potential more, but why do you say he's way too tormented?! is it cos of his previous role in Bad Guy? i think he fits quite well in the drama, and his displays his affection for mary is a joy to watch despite his stoic nature. he's a good actor. love him nevertheless. of course, i respect your opinion, and these are just mine and i'm hoping for ALL THREE of these actors sake (they're all such strong, young actors)- that the writing will take a turn for the better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am not attacking any of the actors in this drama I am attacking the writing and directing more than anything. I think that MGY is a great actress in Autumn in my heart she made me cry for hours and in Cinderella unni she was so convincing and the Painting in the Wind is one of the best dramas I've ever seen, I know she has a lot of potential but that has nothing to do with what I said. She is not a comedy actress and there is nothing wrong with it, I don't think that Brad Pitt feels bad if someone says that he is not as funny as Jim Carrey, they both have different genres and styles. I saw my little bride and inocent steps and they were ok but I saw Love me not and it was much better. and about KJW I said he is too tormented because of his demeanor in this drama, not for Bad Guy which I liked, in this drama he has this face like he has been suffering for years but this is a romantic comedy someone has to tell him lighten up. He is a good actor I liked him in coffee prince and in Bad Guy, He is a dark actor and it is ok for a melodrama not for a romantic comedy. Don't get me wrong I am blaming the writer, we just have to be objective and analize it to realize that something is wrong and it is not the demographics it is the writing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait for it to start, only one more day to watch my Cha Seung Won again... I don't care if he is the bad guy I am going to be cheering him up. :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been resisting the temptation to watch without all the episodes out because it drives me crazy to wait for a drama every week but now I am getting so curious everyone talks about the kiss at the end of the episode and I think that I have to watch, well I already did and I like the kiss but I have some problems with the drama itself... Ahk! a perfect record, ruined, this has been the longest I hold on for a drama... blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    My take on it is this….perhaps since the elders (meaning parents, grandparents, guardians and all) rule the households in Korea, why would they want their youngsters to watch MSOAN wherein the parents are the one who sucks the most, and the children are more sensible than the adults? That seems to paint a negative image of parenthood right, wherein it should have been the other way around…that parents are the ones who are supposed to take care of the kids and raise them in a loving, positive environment. It’s like a wake up call to all bad parents. The elders might have thought they are depicted unfairly in MSOAN, hence they rather watch the other dramas instead.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well sadly the parents are truly hateful in MSOAN. fury.gif One is evil scheming, one is a perpetual loser, and the mom is boyfriend crazy. An irresponsible bunch right? They seem to be the main antagonists of the drama instead of the 2nd leads. Do you think at the end, there’s redemption for these three?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    photo credits to: KBS, Ockoala blogsite































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry for cutting your post short but I think that we shouldn't blame adults for everything that goes wrong in these dramas. If the writer left it is for a reason and that reason is what is wrong with this drama. It is not connecting with audiences. There have been dramas with bad far worst parents than this and they have had better audiences than MMM, so that isn't it. I think that the problem is at the roots, the writing, it is bad, plus it has more problems starting with the lead actress who is a serious actress (I mean she is good in drama roles but comedy is not her thing) and the way she portrays this role is too serious not that she is bad but someone else should be playing Mary, don't hate me is just an opinion and it comes with watching only once so I could be wrong. But if you watch it to form an opinion without allowing your feelings to get involved you can really see it, I love JGS and I feel bad that he is playing this role. The second lead is too stiff he is not a comedy actor either he is way too tormented to be in a fun drama. MMM should be more fun to watch I thought that it would be as bubbly as You're beautiful or at least be like BBF but I feel like I am watching a melodrama minus the tears (not a sad part, enough to make me cry). Maybe with the new writer it would improve, they usually let go of the person responsible for the failure of something or the person decides to leave because there is not way out, let's hope for JGS's sake that it gets better and for them not to shorten it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The only thing I hate about two handsome and good liked guys is that you are never satisfied with the ending because someone is going to be left in pain so no matter how good the ending of the drama you still wonder what would have happened if she had choosen the other one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Man! why I didn't learn korean? I am dying to know what they say... I have the raw episodes but I don't understand I am so mad at myself, with all the years that I have been watching kdramas I would've learn the language already, My brain is not doing its job... Keep posting more spoilers please...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just a question? off topic maybe, but I was reading other forums where a lot of people hate Jang Geun Seok what did he do to bring so much hate? someone said something that he has a horrible off screen life (who doesn't, I wonder if they ask everyone else they might know at least two people who are horrible, so big deal). but then they said that he doesn't have the same acting skills as the other two cast members that he has to be better, etc... So what did he do, I love him in YAB and in BV so I don't get it. Anyway, I don't follow a show base on the actors life style or whatever but I feel bad for him...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way I watched the first episode raw and even though I don't understand korean I think that it was super funny and really good so I can't wait to see it with subs but so far I am looking forward to the 2nd episode...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't wait to see this one, it is going to be the best drama of the year.

































































































































































































































































  8. I must confess that I didn't like the first five minutes of the show when I saw it was first shown, so I never watched it. Last week I was at the Public Library in Bayside and I was looking for a drama to watch and they had the first volumen, the other one was checked out on that day, so I checked out the first twelve episodes thinking it is going to be a long weekend and I need something new to watch. Now, I feel so dumb for skipping it, I hated GJP and the rest of the F4 it reminded me of gossip girl a show I hate. (Why? well, since when is arrogance and bad attitude attractive?) anyway I kept on watching and to my surprise I finished the first volume in one night and I needed to watch the rest of it so I went to Viikii and finished the series in 20 hours, I was a crazy woman on a mission. This show has everything to keep you entertain, romance and comedy and solid characters. It is hard to understand bullies when you are in high school but looking it from a far you understand them and kinda forgive them, saying that we can understand F4, each one of its members had a reason for act the way they did. This show kinda reminds me of Candy, Candy a show I used to watch back in my country when I was a little kid and the main character GJD reminds me of Candy, both were girls that had a good attitude towards life in spite of all their hardships. They had good hearts filled with values like courage, love and respect for others and that managed to change everyone around them without even trying. Great Show, I declare myself another fan of Boys over Flowers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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