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    the same person who was in Fly To The Sky's Like A Man and
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Or maybe I'm just blind, but I think they look really alike...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow, this thread is just overflowing with spoilers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But it's okay, I'm just dying to know what's going to happen! LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm so glad it's going to be extended by one episode. I don't want it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I just finished watching ep. 11 with subs and ep. 12 is out already.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just dying to watch the next one!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is definitely underated. It's so touching and funny at the
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    same time and the acting of the two leads are really good. They
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    It seems that people have a lot of confidence in this movie, and I
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    REALLY hope it won't ruin the books =)
































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Aww, I really like that one. He's so cute =)
















































































































    Ooh, so this is where these interesting comic strips
































































    I keep seeing come from.
































































    They are so mean, but so true =)
































































    The girl is my HERO!
















































































































    Thanks you so much for subbing this so fast!!
































































    I really appreciate all of your hard work!!
































































    Watching the whole thing with subs is just so much better!!
































































































































    Wow, thanks so much SANBI for the episode tranlsations:)
















































































    All of the stories sound so interesting!
















































































    I just don't understand why Chanmgin and Junsu have to share an
































































































































































    Yoochun's sound like it's gonna be sooooooooo sad.
















































































    And Yunho, from the picture, it looks like he might cry in his.


































    thanks so much for the subs :D ! its hilarious !!
































































    does anyone know the song by boa on this weeks epi.?
































































    i think it was a song by boa..?
































































    Ya, it is by boa (If you're talking about the one that was playing when Junsu and the girl were doing the laundry together), it's called "Nothing's Gonna Change". It's a pretty song:)

















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