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Posts posted by illay

  1. suwan said:
    Hahaha you remind me of myself this morning. Went to work and just keep smiling till my jaw drops hahaha and mumbling to myself "yes yes ! They kisss they kissssss ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!" I also ship them in real life especially after the watching th mbc awards something was just fishy btw them dont you think so ? How close they were sitting next to each other and the best part : the video uploaded by Lee Seung Gi's fan...when she seemed to be looking around for someone...then when she saw JJM just behind her she immediately looked away. SO FISHY.

  2. qwenli said: Yeah I agree that Tana is cute, actually I think she looks better in real life without all that empressy makeup and overdress.
    I went to took a glance at that "not to be mentioned" scene, and going further backwards when SN was looking at the hairpin, there was a flashback to TN, then she cried. What do you guys think about this? Just another schizo director/scriptwriter trying to confuse us? I thought she just remembered what TN will think if he knows she accepted the pin. He was such a big part of her life for such a long time. Its like what would my other suitor think if he knows all about it. 
    It reminded me about my own experience with this guy who was so crazy about me too when I was in school but I never like him. He was short and wasnt goodlooking and our religion were different. But he never realised all that, and was always looking at me with glass glazed eyes. After we left school, I never knew what happened to him but I remembered how he felt for me. I guess, sometimes it doesnt mean if you love someone alot, that person is going to love you. 
    Poor TN..................

  3. Thanks for the banner but guys...i think @cacazeel starts to obsessed with her banners. How can she keeps posting banners every day?
    @redhazel  Somehow i like the new ost immediately when the first time i listened it. You know..sometimes there are songs that you need to hear over and  over before you like it. Anyway, is there any similar song like this??? i thought i heard a rhythm like this before?? must be dejavu..

  4. Guys.... am I the only one happy that my Grandpa a.k.a El Telmur is still alive??? He might be annoying but i am still not willing to let him go this early...After all, it's better if he will keep being the most crucial villain coz i don't approve if TaHwan replaces his position  :D
    @petria count me in..i start to like Tanishiri too....must blame MBC drama award...she is over cute there !
    @joyongi welcome, dear....hug for u ^^

  5. larabn said: hi guys omo so many pages gone
    I am searching through all the pages and can't find it
    can somebody tell me ep 19 ratings.............I'm worried about the fate of @CherKell 's laptop
    but yeah I got lost with all these pages

    and thank you guys for the videos and pics you are awesome as always
    SN runs away with the hairpin....nice so she accepts the wedding ring or in this case it's pin :)
    today's episode will be a bomb

  6. Ding Lin said: I would like to start a new topic. I know many of you are enjoying the acting of JCW.   I wonder how people think of  the acting of JJM.  Personally, I LOVE JJM's acting tremendously!!!!!!   His performance is subtle, but extremely powerful.  He is famous for his expressive eyes. We have seen that repeatedly in Empress Ki. One example is the bedroom scene with fainted SN in Episode 19.  He hardly has any tears in his eyes, but we could sense his strong emotions via his subtle facial expressions.  I found this scene very touching and powerful.  

    I would like to say "Bravo" to JJM!! 

  7. PeggyM

    said: Sorry if this if "off topic"....but I do not know who to ask or how to find this out....please help!

    When looking at my profile today, I notice I have "5 Spam"...?????  How does this happen and WHY???

    Is someone flagging my posts as such???  If so, WHY???  

    This makes me really sad to think that is the case, just when I was feeling more at home in this thread.  I have a feeling that my initial though of staying a lurker may not have been wrong.  This is just a little too much for one old woman to take.  I just want to enjoy being a part of this drama's conversation/anticipation/whatever we are all feeling and going through.  It makes it so much more fun.  I would hope if someone has a problem with something that I posted, they would let me know....I definitely do not meet to cause any problems here.  I have been enjoying the experience of going through an episode with you all so much, so it kind of makes me sad, since this is the only thread I am participating in.

    Oh well.....sorry for posting this here.....I can delete this comment if necessary, I was just at a loss as to how this happened and how to find out why.

    Thanks for your understanding

  8. OMO...opened laptop today and get 159 new posts....How i supposed to read them all... 
    Okay...i want to complain about that bunch of gang on the date. When jeombak made an excuse wanted to drink so that two birds could have time privately, i expected that the PD would show the comedic scenes where they would behave shyly but turned out the next scene was that crazy Lady admired the souvenirs from SN...**disappointed**The scene kind like cut away.....
    I will not expect a lot for the kiss scene looking how the previews usually felt fantastic but turn out just so average..it may be just a 2 seconds peck...but if it's a hot kiss then that will be a bonus :x

  9. roshan90 said: knowing this writer team, they'll find a way to break up that kiss scene.


    I know them too well. I have watched 2 of their dramas.. I thought only the Writernim was trying to break My Heart.. You too Brutus???
    There is a saying in our country, "If a person has Black Dots in their tongue, it means whatever they say comes true.." I seriously hope you dont have it.. [-O<

  10. Miky88 said: So for those who didn't knew what was about with that fake poison..WY gave ET that bottle with fake poison who would make him faint and i guess make him feel he died in the eyes of the people and his senses going down for a period of time and wake up just fine after some hours like we saw happening in his demonstration with DK...WY told him if he will even be prepered to "die' to find out who is by his side and who will betray him and he accepted the plan and summoned all the court to find out who among the men there could have been the Ghost Enemy's...Now i'm still curious if Et seriosly died or WY saved him and pretended all them that he died to find out who poisened him....we saw WY and SN on the bridge,i don't think that DK full of rage and TH that will not wait to take WY away to interogate/kill him...and if Et dies so fast seems like JK role wouldn't be so intersting coming out with the Vow..in the preview we saw DK mourning Et coffin but it was so easy to get rid of him in this early stageif are people intreasted i will also try to tell about SN&TH sad discussion
    (for those who have problems with MBC official site,i think u should give a try using the cable of the wireless direct conected to the laptop,i do it like that and it workes perfectly the stream,without it just wireless it lags indeed,hope i was coherent in what i wanted to say :\">)

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