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Posts posted by nana.yahxd

  1. ^ Sixth You topped the 42nd page! :lol:

    hey Medea... i hope you or SillyYun can translate this one ----> 아기와나 촬영장에서

    i tried to translate it on google and it came out like this -----> In a closed set ahgiwana

    it's a caption of the pic in keunsuk.com .... wonder what "ahgiwana" means :sweatingbullets:

    I wanna see Happy Life too!!! I want it sooo badly! Why is the dvd release taking so long? grrrrrr :lol:

    JGS oppa for HYD! But enough sleep/vacation for him! For the sake of his health! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I want a JGS banner too... since i have JJH & YEH in one banner, i'll have JGS as my 2nd banner! :D i can't find a site with loads of it... does anyone know any site where you can find banners? or does anyone take requests here for banners or can make one? :lol: let's go get ourselves a JGS banner! Eels hwaiting! :D

    Hmm u could try looking for on in the Fan artwork section?

    unless u want me to make u one?


    i made a couple signs and stuff of jang geun suk

    well just pm if u want one ; D

    and umm btw...Im not that good LOl soo u can think of me as a

    last resort :D

    theres some pretty nice ones :D

    btw LOL again

    i was watching the Hong Gil dong speical

    and they were talking about teh kiss between

    yuri and Geun suk

    and he was talking about a slight kiss is fustrating and to make it look more

    realistic without him noticing

    he sticks out his lips ..LOL so for like longer lasting kiss


    Giimme your lips LOL ;D

    OHH and sheena thanks for the alien sam LOL i was watching the first episode

    and he was trying to tranform into that guy omg whats his name D:,

    his from the lone wolfs temptation O_O

    but if u look at it jang geun suk does look alot like him

    D: ive noticed every hair cut he gets he looks like some other celebrity

    LOl wheni get the time i'll make a chart :D

    HAHA HIS SOO HOT IN HERE OMG SOO CUTEE CUTE CUTE CUTE i thought this show was just a voice over...

    2006 wasn't it released? O_O;; oh are u serious i was in korea and i didn't see this show...wait.. yeah i did

    LOL D:<

    My gosh i edited this like 4 times D:

  2. oh i see well thast too bad D:

    omg i wanted to see that other movie that jang geun suk was in

    called one missed call final

    but im heck scaried of scary movies

    LOl but i saw a trailor..and his deaf ...D:< he does sign language like the whole time

    has any one seen it?

    or have pics of him in there?

  3. lol hi silly :D

    i talked u before haven't i?

    i posted alot before like in this thread

    O_O;; but at that time i felt like i was the only one with a

    jang geun suk banner LOL

    :DDD im soo glad ppl are spreading the love for him now :D


    that would be soo awasome :DDDD

    i would sooo particpate in that :D

    well his birthday is on august so we have so time :D

    I was thinking about making the thread too but i seriously have like no info on it D:

    wait isn't it a drama?


    not a movie?

  4. man just finished the drama..Hong Gil Dong

    i...liked Jang geun suks character in the beginning his smile and stuff

    but like at he end..its like i hate his character D:<

    man he looks soo white in those pics

    but i do think it might be bc of the lighting

    but yeah in the article

    it seems like his getting alot more attention and thus alot more work

    man i've heard of so many celebrities getting sick from over working

    D: i hope that doesn't happen to him D:

    so the darma Baby and me

    whose gonna start the thread LOL

  5. OMg soo cute thanks for the pics Tuchee

    But do u have it ? i want to watch it LOL


    wow start filming the end of march?

    i heard they started in dec last year O_O;;

    i guess not LOL

    but wtf it is completely different from the manga

    in the manga Jang geun suk is the brother and his mom died...

    LOL does kim byul die?..i guess not

    but wow...its like already completely different from the manga D:

    D: Jang geun suk got her pregnant D:<

    gosh -jealous- i want him LOL

    On Hong Gil Dong im on episode 22 :D

    2 episodes away from finishing ...the drama ended yesterday

  6. Oh loook i went back and found info someone have posted eariler

    but yeah here

    it is

    JangGeunSuk’s ‘The Baby and Me’ Originally a bestselling comic

    The movie ‘The Baby and Me’ that currently popular among the netizens featuring JangGeunSuk as the lead is based off a famous Japanese comic book.

    ‘The Baby and Me’ is from the Japanese magazine ‘Hanatoyume’ from 1992-1997 by Marimo Ragawa. The story was about an elementary student Takuya, who lost his mother in a car accident, living with just his dad and young brother, Minoru.

    The movie ‘The Baby and Me’ is about a nineteen year old boy JunSu who becomes a father with the appearance of the baby WooRam. It is a comedy about how JunSu deals with his situation.

    JangGeunSuk is the lead Junsu and along with him, KimByul, OhKwanRok, and more have been casted. The filming started last December and they hope to release the movie in theaters by summer. The original comic had been popular in its native country and now the movie has aroused curiosity and interest amongst the netizens especially after pictures of JangGeunSuk and the baby were revealed.

    As of now, JangGeunSuk is leading a busy life due to his schedule, filming ‘The Baby and Me’ and KBS 2TV drama ‘HongGilDong’ simultaneously.


    credits for original: tuchee11

    credits for translating: me (sPark*)

    haha woot i got page 41 :D

    oh i got more info

    i looke dup the name and manga

    and i got this

    Takuya (Junsu Jang geun suk) is a normal Japanese elementary student whose mother died not very long ago, leaving him alone with his father and his baby brother Minoru. But his father is a busy man, and Takuya has to look after Minoru. Because of this responsability that would normally never burden a child of his age, Takuya sometimes resents his fate and his baby brother... but his love for Minoru gives him the strength to carry on.

    Credit from Anime network


    AWW CRAP D:<

    i accidently read a summary where they told me the ending..

    gay...LOL D:<

    -tries to forget- D:<

    lol i keep editing it but its said

    that the main goal is to release it this summer ;D

    darn..i could have gone to korea and watched it..

    D:< im getting all bad news D:<

  7. lol thanks for the welcome back :D

    LOL man i was looking back and relized i first posted on this page when it was only on

    page 3

    LOL dang its now 40 WOot the fan base of Jang Geun suk finally grew

    when i frist liked him no one knew who he was


    Omg the screening is today WOOT :D

    Oh and the camera he is using it might be a Canon Rebel XTI

    possibily..LOL i dunno much about DSLR but i know those are really popular

    everywhere<3 i might get one :DD

    And lol my artwork thanks :DD my banner took forever

    since the background are all seperate icons and had to add effects to them

    D: but im glad it looks nice :D

    anyways i also have some pictures from a magazine i first got in korea

    i orginally got it b/c of super junior lol but while flipping through i

    noticed Jang geun suk LOl at that time i didn't know who he was so i was

    just like..DANNNGGG his hot LOL



  8. ^yay~~thankss <33

    oH man i have no idea how to reduce the size without

    resizing or deleting the images

    I could delete some of them but it wouldn't look the same

    do u still want it? smaller?

    If not i could make u a banner D:

    im bored LOL ;D

    just pM if u want one
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hey i was reading through some of the older pages
































































































































































































































































































































































































    and like i was reading why it took so long to release
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i mean they had most of it completed in 2006
































































































































































































































































































































































































    what happened?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    i heard that like something happened to the sponsor?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    does anyone know the real reason why this movie was delayed
































































































































































































































































































































































































    for 2 years...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    anyways i found out about the movie from my magazine i baught in korea
































































































































































































































































































































































































    in like 2006 soo i scanned it :D and i'll post it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dunno how much to resize

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  10. kurosakineko~~~thanks for the siggies and avatars..but can you make the doremi siggy so that we can use it according to soompi siggy rules? it has to be under 40 kb but the doremi one is actually 68.95 kb

    LOL omg really thats that big..haha okey i'll fix it :D

    thanks for telling me ;D

    his coming out in a nother movie!?

    oh wow he must be really busy

    becoming the MC and ANother movie oh my D:

    btw the way welcome Aibanana

    im like i guess new? to this thread

    i started posting on this thread when it was like on page 3

    LOL so i guess im back :D

    but yeah LOL u fell in love with him after that

    i've like jang geun suk i think for a while..

    i first noticed him in a magazine i baught in korea

    in like 2005 or 2006? lOL i thought he was soo cute :D

  11. D: gah

    i made all these icons and banners of Jang Geun Suk

    and im kinda questioning if i should post..D:

    LOL imma just post them for ppl who want to use them :D

    oH wow..

    LOL first page O_O

    Most of the newer icons were made for my banner

    lol but u can't really see them D: but yeah here they are :D







    ^--i made that 2 years ago LOL

    btw for ppl who want to use it just give credit D:


    thats all i ask :DD....lol ;D


    Credits TO Doremi403.com

  12. THe BLog Don't touch me

    he sounds hella tired lol enjoy his time as Jang Geun suk

    i wonder how busy he must really be to say that


    poor guy


    LOL i wish my sister could experience the same thing

    he did...oh man i wish i could have been in that taxi LOL XD


    THe movie Do re mi

    is 105 mins which is an hour and 45 mins?

    woot :D

    but i wonder which parts there going to cut out

    D: there so many important parts to the fanfic

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DOOD D:<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    there gonnabe in arizona!??! tomarrow GHEY D:<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ^ annie get ready to go LOL :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol..i don't know..

    cuz i NEVER meet him at all
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i missed him evertime i went to Orleans!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my mom said i had no luck to meet him..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    even tomorrow i am goin' to little Tokyo..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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