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Posts posted by mayz



































    DBSK in WGM with Taeyeon n HD ~SMT, Bangkok on 090322 [Cut]


















































    WOoo! DBSK on WGM! :D:D
















    They were all so excited to see each other, it seems! Hyung Don and DBSK! ^^ Haha... Hyung Don bowed respectfully to DBSK when Yunho said that Taeyeon was their donsaeng. So cute and funny! :lol: Can't wait to watch it with subs~
















    Thanks for sharing!
















    Guiness Records - TVXQ Most Photo Taken
















    500,000,000!! WOW. LOL. Certainly deserves to be in the Guiness Records. CONGRATS for the 2nd time!! They are amazing, man. Breaking records after records and never failing to amaze us. Just wow.




























    JJ Magazine - Junsu with the heart-shaped pizza is so cute! ^^ Changmin has probably the least photoshoots with cars as compared to other members... Perhaps that's why I find it especially charismatic with him in the car and all. A mature image! I love it~ :wub:
















    Thanks for sharing! I think Cassiopeia was the most distinctive because of the long name with 5 syllabus~ :lol: Tablo's just awesome adding in the fanclubs' names.




























    Wow... The performances during Bokura no Ongaku were seriously awesome. Like breath-takingly awesome....
















    Especially Lion Heart, which i paid more attention to because it's also my favourite song from SMAP. Every one of them made no mistake and sang the song so naturally like it was their own. Dang... my heart skipped so many beats while watching this perf. DBSK has no limits in showcasing their very best... no limits at all. Absolutely love them.
















    Thanks everyone for sharing the vids and pictures!




























    ^Anni, thanks for sharing! Sounds good and funky!

















    Dong bang is all about magic! Absolutely love this photoshoot! I find it kind of funny how Yunho seems to be juggling with a serious face.. :D It's just interesting. ^^
















    It also reminds me of the S mag when they had the "magic theme" photoshoot.




























    NHK Gayo Concert




















    Credit: DNBN


    Check this out, guys.
































    It was at a YunJae auction and a Bigeast won it for 9500Yen.
















    What's so special about this picture other than the signatures, is the heart on Jaejoong's arm and the 'shy mark' on Yunho's face =^__^= SO CUTE !
















    credit: Mr.Yj+sharingyoochun + DBSKnights + DBSKSleepingNights































    This is so cute! The fan is so lucky! The writings and autograph feels like JJ and YH are acknowledging the relationship! :lol:












    [News] Tohoshinki is Nominated in MTV Video Music Awards Japan 09












    [NEWS] 2009 Sparkling Concert in Seoul Spring































    Thanks for sharing! Congrats to Toho for getting nominated! Hopefully they are able to get this one.
















    Good to know there's another event in Korea! I hope they are able to perform more than 1 song!




























    Have been away for a week and though I'm 41 pages late to say this but still... Congrats on the 4th thread! Thank you fellow AOE staff for the great job done. :)


















































    Kiss the Baby Sky PV- For the past few consecutive PVs, it was either solemn (ballads) or dance themed so it's refreshing to have a happy-themed PV this time. I noticed Yoochun seemed really smiley (more so than the rest) in this PV, not that it's a bad thing, I just find it totally cute. Perhaps it's due to the fact it's a PV for the song he composed? ^^ Just like some of you here, my favourite part of the PV is when all of them did the slow-mo JUMP!































    It's so nice to have included the hosts as well! Everyone's just so happy in the PV, just like the song itself! Absolutely love it!





  7. Everyone's really hyped up for this drama! :lol: I'm so excited as well~^^

    I think I'm kinda caught in the charms of Joon Pyo after watching the 7-minute preview. History is repeating for the 3rd time... getting charmed by the "same" character. :rolleyes:

    But I'm still not feeling much of Makino character in Jandi... NOT yet though! Hopefully this drama will turn out as great as we're hoping it to be...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I want... to live in Korea for a period of time to experience the culture.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I should be sleeping. But I just can't tear myself away from the com.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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