Jump to content


Friends of Soompi
  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by mayz





    Tohoshinki 1st CM in Japan








    OMG! Their first ever Japanese CM! :w00t:








    I just watched a few of the other Oronamin C CM and they were so cute! It'll be nice to see the boys working with another well-known female Japanese artiste again. ^^








    Thanks for sharing the news!








    Entering the venue...








    2009/06/18(Thu) 15:45
















    Junsu immediately went to get a massage!















    LOL! Junsu... duck butt much? :lol:








    Thanks for translating! :]












    090617 @Incheon Airport











    credit: as tagged






















    I'm so getting myself a Cheer U Up t-shirt from Giordano now!! XD















    And I love Jae's pants as well.. the boys' always have such awesome off-screen styles.


























    Yay for another SM Town concert! Always love to see the SM-love! ^^












    [TRANS] 090614 Tohoshinki's Secrets




    [PIC+TRANS] 090614 The Secret Code Concert's Staff Reports















    Junsu got his prayer answered! :D The Channel-a path to tokyo dome video was really heartwarming to watch. A short documentary from debut to realising their dream with 2 concerts in Tokyo Dome! I love how the vid showed the boys speaking in not-so-fluent Japanese when they first started out. Definitely a huge contrast as compared to right now! So proud of the boys for achieving their goal.. all their hard work definitely paid off. <3








    As for the staff report, Yoochun seems really determined to learn the guitar! I hope we'll be able to see him perform with the guitar one day. Instead of playing on the piano, a change to guitar would be refreshing, no? ^_^








    And when is Changmin going to show of his guitar skills? I thought he was in the midst of learning it a while ago.. lol. one day perhaps, one day. :P
























    Lol me too. I go fb open RC and let it run by itself so I can level up faster! I used to watch the little ppl alot when i first started but now I just open it and do my own stuff on another window.




































































































































































    ^Perez is a famous celebrity gossip blogger in the US. It's said anyone who's featured in his blog will get more famous?? :/ You can visit his blog at perezhilton.com.
































































































































    I personally don't like his blog. I don't like the idea of spamming him to feature our boys as well. Like someone said before, it seems like we're desperate. -_-
































































































































    090611 Hosu – Mu mo magazine
































































































































































    credit: xiahyu-ri
































































































































    shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

































    don't know it already been shared or not..

    TVXQ CF's Infinitely Your. Seoul





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Credits: seouldreamseries@YT































































































































































































































































    So this was what they were filming for..with all the trees around them! :D
































































































































    Haha.. I love the first CF when the girl paste the post-it on Yunho's back! LMAO!! That's definitely on my no.1 list when I go Korea.. to see dbsk! XP
































































































































    The boys were so cute in the CFs.. <3
































































































































    I love how DBSK are in CFs that promote tourism in Korea. ^^
















































































































































    Tohoshinki @ Music Fair 21 Preview
















































































































    Jaejoong and Kim Changwan ~ Heaven's Postman
































































































































    ^^ what a great compliment for jae :)































































































































































































































































    They're performing Stand By U! Can't wait to watch the perf! ><
































































































































    Good for Jae Joong!
































































































































    Haha.. Kim Changwan was also the one who presented the album daesang to DBSK in last year's MKMF. :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Will be leaving in a month!! So excited and happy~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    DBSK- Tea for two (radio ver.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This song is awesome. Love the chorus! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [News]The Secret Code Final in Tokyo Dome will be boardcasted on TBS channel






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The secret code in Tokyo Dome ( 4 – 5 July 2009) will surely be boardcasted sometimes in August 2009 (not specific the date yet)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    source: dnbn































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Like Miroticon, I'm just gonna wait for the DVD release! ^_^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    090604 Heaven Postman Preview "Kissing Scene"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Um okay. I can't believe I'm tearing over watching the preview?! :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was expecting some sadness but man, this is tear-jerking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I gotta admit, JJ and HHJ look quite good together... ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The sadness is too overwhelming for me to feel jealous even though my heart did skipped a beat when their lips touched! :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    gaaaah... can't wait to watch this!! ><
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Haha, Hongki's so cute! XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can someone post up the lotte calander picture for June. It was just released like 1 or 2 weeks ago, but I forgot to save the June one. Thanks ahead of time































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ... I'm trying to restrain myself from watching miroticon on utube because I wanna watch it on DVD! XP
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    First of all I Realize of Faith that what you’ve gave to 5 of us.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That special “Faith” makes us more special,tight Membership. And potentialities of improvement.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I’ll say thank you for the blessing to drop the nightmares we had.

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    p/s: he wrote his message in english































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well..chun's n his engrish XD






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Yoochun is soooo cute and sweet! LMAO. Tight membership.. ^^"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "potentialities" reminds me of "passionable." :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The members also praised...!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2009/05/30(Sat) 13:39
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We discovered the 『Sekine Curry Chicken (European)』that Sekine-san produced!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The members who love curry found it delicious~! Addictive!! They gave rave reviews (^o^)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Stop it~...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2009/05/30(Sat) 17:09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When Jaejoong was wrapped up for a massage, Yoochun snuck under and took a picture of it (laugh).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jaejoong was frantically trying to resist (^o^;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Source: [tour2009.toho-jp.net]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please do not remove without full credits.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for translating this! I love reading the staff reports! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sekine will be very happy to hear the boys love his curry! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    LMAO @ YC and JJ!! Go YC! I wanna see another weird pic of JJ!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought JJ loves taking weird pics? Why is he resisiting now? :lol:









































































    It released on Youtube...!!

    Tohoshinki- Stand By You Drama Version
































































    cr: uploader































































































































    Finally! After waiting so long! ^^
































































    Now after hearing the full song, it's even more beautiful.
































































    The drama MV is awesome. Sad love song + story= very emotional. T-T
































































    I teared while watching it. I don't think I've ever teared while watching an mv.
















































































    Thanks for sharing the subbed version!
































































    Finally able to watch the making of the CF! Best part was Junsu figuring out how to make a heart shape! He's just so cute and hilarious! :lol:
































































    Haha, as expected after reading an article about the making of the CF, JJ is really hyperactive and dramatic! Especially when YC "falls off the window edge". :P
































































    Would be nicer if JS and CM had more on screen time in this making. ^^








































































    [EngSubbed] 090522 Mirai Souzoudo - THSK [1/2]
























































    [EngSubbed] 090522 Mirai Souzoudo - THSK [2/2]































































































































    Thanks for the subs! :D
































































    Man, I love how they were so hyper while guessing the names of the animes and trying out the various nattos. They're such anime enthusiasts! But those animes mentioned seem quite old to me. o_O
































































    It was cute how they were singing the Korean version of the songs in the anime! :lol:
































































    Somehow whenever THSK are featured on those talk shows, they always include food in them. I guess it's because of the boys' cultural difference where they come from and their love for food? Or is it common a thing for Japanese shows to introduce food? Lol.. just wondering.
































































    Oh and Changmin is really quiet in this show! Maybe the others were too hyper already. :P

















    Finally a fancam from Sendai :D

    Junsu Box In The Ship @ The Secret Code Tour in Sendai































































































































    Sure am glad Junsu is recovering well! Nice to see him dancing so happily. :)

    Has this been shared yet?

    Junsu- Who's There?






































































































































































































    Haha, that is so random and cute!
































































    Look at the rest of the members' expression! :lol:
































































    I just love moments like these- Junsu's random English and "no comments" from the rest. Lol...








































































    [News] 2009 Seolreim CF Story























































































































    source: http://www.lotteconf.co.kr/Blog/main.asp?pcode=LC714































































































































    trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress





































































































































































































































































































































    Oh man, there's no other versions of the CF. It'll be cute to see different members doing the CF.. But it's okay, the one and only CF is still awesome!
































































    It's good to know that they chose DBSK mainly because of their acapella! Woo! That's more recognition to their singing abilities. :)
































































    After reading that, it'll be nice to watch the making of the CF. I can just imagine them singing their own versions of the CF song and playing on the roof! :lol:






















































































































































































































    090517 2008 MKMF rehearsal [DVD]































































































































    Jae Joong is obviously wearing glasses with no lens there! He rubbed his eyes through the glasses! :lol:
































































    I love watching their rehearsals and behind the scenes~ I love to see them all serious then discussing among themselves on what to do, so as to give audiences and fans a perfect performance. ^^
































































    Thanks for sharing this!
























































































    DBSK- Stand By U (Radio Ver. 3m 47secs)
































































    The melody is stuck in my head right now.. ><




















    Yunho Cute Fancam @ Nanjing Mirotic Concert 2009








    oh my gosh, leader-shii is super cute here!...and the bg music fits perfectly=P























    :lol::lol: Thanks for sharing this vid! Yunho cuteness overload!












    He's always has this leader aura around him in shows and most of the time put on a rather serious face. The other members did say that he's the one who is most different when being off-camera and I gotta say this vid shows off a lot of his aegyo side!! XD












    GIFs from Seolleim CF












    Junsu is saying, Yoochun love you. Haha.. what a dork!
































    DBSK & SuJu in a promotional vid for Korean wave/Entertainment












    They were shown for just a few seconds but still great to see them part of a promotional vid for Korean Entertainment! :)












    [Trans]Mina Fujii Blog about Tohoshinki












    Sunday May 10th, I went to Tohoshinki’s concert at Saitama Super Arena!












    Ever since I was born, this is the first time I go to such a big concert in Saitama Super Arena.












    Together with many other fans, I spent 3 enthustiastic hours, my heart was so touched by Tohoshinki.












    credit: KB Huahuabbs.ifensi.com + mr.TVXQ












    trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
























    Mina Fuji is the actress in THSK's Doush!te MV. Seems like a lot of celebrities went to their concert in Saitama! The boys are receiving lots of love as well. ^^





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