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  • Posts

  • Joined

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    Why looking at those latest BTS pics, I have a feeling like SeoYeon is gone, out of the picture,...like forgotten.... and what is HyangGi doing there? No wayyyy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't think JiHyung will die with her that is if she's going to die ... I know he loves her but not like that of Romeo.... Don't know if I have the courage of watching the ending. I want to live in my fantasy delusional world of Seoyeon and Jihyung a bit longer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So her daughter will have the same birthday as her? Does it suppose to have some other meaning?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Has any one been back to dramabeans lately for the recap of 18? A very interesting view from CutieJamaican
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Go there and have a read .... it will make you re-think about the drama, SeoYeon and JiHyung ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  4. Full Analysis of Soo Ae OL Fashion in A Thousand Days’ Promise

    The lead actress of SBS’s Monday and Tuesday TV series A Thousand Days’ Promise, Soo Ae’s popularity has increasingly popular. Through the character of Lee Seo Yeon who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Soo Ae shows classic acting, winning the praises from the viewers. Especially the fashion of Soo Ae in the drama has attracted the favor of working women.

    Long brown wavy hair, concise yet experienced dressing, let Soo Ae who acts the role of the boss of a publisher to display handsomeness in softness. Particularly dignified and feminine OL (office lady) dress let Soo Ae to join the list of “innocent actress.”


    The OL fashion of Soo Ae is centered primarily with mix and match of natural colors, lined pattern or shirt of simple design plus white, brown or grey color, thus highlights the elegant image. Soo Ae OL fashion in late autumn that is both innocent and competence, what is the secret of its arrangement.



    Point 1: Clear-cut no red tape – shirt

    Simple design shirt gives a dignified and clean image. Especially the milky white, white, beige shirt together with short skirt, pant, jacket and other variety of single-product, adding fashion sense while showing casual feel.

    H-style short skirt that long until the knee is elegant and shows the beauty of female, and in order to show the competence and handsome city sense, it’s recommended to add neat shirt on Western cotton trouser or retro style straight wide pant.

    In the drama, Soo Ae wore white shirt, beige cotton trouser, pink color straight wide pant, good in showing the agile sense of city. If the simple design of inner jacket is a little dull, it’s possible to embellish with a thin belt on the waist, or replace with shirt with wrinkle design is also a good choice.

    Point 2: Add even more female beauty – dress

    To create innocent beauty, is there better single product that long skirt?

    The romantic chiffon long skirt can be popular in summer, but the fashion trend of this fall is pencil-style long skirt that slightly revealed the body figure. The beige, flesh-colored tulip skirt that becomes popular after been wore by Soo Ae can complement a woman’s intellectual beauty, greatly welcomed by office ladies.

    Want the style that is cool in late autumn, then it must be long cardigan with noble sense or jacket, coupled with simple base shirt in the inside, and long skirt at the bottom for best result. But please pay attention that long skirt should not be longer till the part of ankle, as this will feel short and gives the feeling of stuffy to others, the length to slightly below knee is best. If you want a pride and competent dressing, the knee-length H-style long skirt is superior than long skirt.

    Point 3: The combination of jacket – keep warm the handsomeness

    Everyone has a wind jacket, long jacket is an indispensable fashion essential during change of season. Coat not only can keep warm, but can also match in variety with formal wear and casual wear, the advantage of practical usage and easy to match made it has no distinction of age, and widely loved by many women.

    If already bored with basic windbreaker, can try to challenge long jacket. Long jacket of wool material is light and has good effect in keeping warm, is also suitable to use as one wishes even in winter. If the shirt and skirt fashion is natural colors, then the jacket has to be in black, white or grey color adjustments, then there will be even more stylish beauty.

    Elegant and at the same time without losing the unique character, it’s recommended to select long jacket with no lapel design. The kind of jacket matches with simple shirt and H-style mid-long skirt or single color round neck one-piece dress, can show a female beauty that is elegant yet pride.

    CR : DramaAsian

  5. 2011 SBS Drama Awards – Han Suk Kyu, Jang Hyuk, Park Shin Yang & Soo Ae Are Hot Candidates

    Though the final list of nominees for the SBS Drama Awards that is going to be held at the end of the year hasn’t yet been published, but the candidates for the Daesang award (top award) have surfaced, where Han Suk Kyu, Jang Hyuk, Park Shin Yang and Soo Ae become the front-runner, predicted by South Korean media.

    The dramas produced by SBS this year have not been inferior than KBS. Dramas such as Deep Rooted Tree, Warrior Baek Dong-soo, Sign, Midas, A Thousand Days’ Promise, City Hunter, Protect the Boss and so on, have gained high ratings and well received by viewers. Other than who will win the best actors and best actresses awards, the only actor who will win the Daesang award at the end of the year is attracting attention of netizens. South Korean media has selected the actors most likely to win the award as the two lead actors in Deep Rooted Tree, Han Suk Kyu and Jang Hyuk, Park Shin Yang of Sign and Soo Ae of A Thousand Days’ Promise.


    Currently airing Deep Rooted Tree’s ratings have exceeded 20% mark, and is one of the top rated drama for SBS this year. Han Suk Kyu who plays the role of King Sejong in the drama can be considered as skillful actor, although he has not appeared on TV screen for 16 years, the acting is not stepping backward but continues to breakthrough forward, the success of Deep Rooted Tree among viewers in some point has to credit to his acting, and as such he is the hot pick among many Korean media prediction. And another lead actor of the same drama Jang Hyuk is also a candidate to win the Daesang award. In 2011, other than having good performance in Deep Rooted Tree, his earlier project Midas was also a high rated and good reputation TV series, undoubted acting made him an actor loved nationally.

    And the first forensic reasoning drama in South Korea, Sign, has been very popular in 2011. The role of legal examiner played by Park Shin Yang has left deep impression on viewers, as he perfectly and vividly portrayed the image of freak and stubborn man, transforming from the taste of gentle man in his previous projects.

    For female actress, most media speculates that Soo Ae from A Thousand Days’ Promise will score, although she has two dramas this year including “Athena: Goddess of War,” and she also performed well as female spy in Athena: Goddess of War, but her role in A Thousand Days’ Promise who is gradually suffered from Alzheimer’s disease obviously allowed her to bring out her original colors.

    The annual 2011 SBS Drama Awards will be broadcast live at the night of December 31st, 2011.

    CR : DramaAsian

    Great to see Soo Ae on the list, the only female ..hihi....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ok guys back to preview episode 19 when Seo Yeon looking down from the balcony while Moon Kwon crying but what the reaction of Ji Hyung errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , i'm a bit dissapointed, sorry no offense
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hey 71e, good job spotting the baby pics, I feel a bit of consolation now. It would be too cruel other wise with no baby.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also remember these pics you posted in p.2? We haven't seen them yet in the drama so far. Wonder if they are to come or what?!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    sorry those pics its for her CF " Olivia Lauren" :sweatingbullets:

































































  8. Who did the octopus pick for the 2011 SBS Grand Prize?


    SBS's "TV News At Night" ran an experiment for the biggest octopus in Korea, Coco, to choose the winner of the 2011 SBS Grand Prize.

    This was just an experiment to see who might win the Grand Prize. The octopus didn't even flinch at the picture of Soo-ae from the drama "A Thousand Days' Promise" nor did it move at the pictures of Park Sin-yang from "Sign" and Jeon Gwan-ryeol and Choi Min-soo from "Warrior Baek Dong-soo".

    There was one picture it approached and hugged. It was no other than Han Seok-Kyu, who was working hard for the spread of Hangeul in "Deep-rooted Tree".

    "TV News At Night" also had a power interview with Kong Yoo and the cast of "Take Care of Us, Captain".

    CR : HanCinema
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    by: hotshotlover30 on Dec 14, 2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    During yesterday’s episode, we saw a jump in time. Seo Yeon’s Alzheimer’s has signiciantly progressed as has Seo Yeon’s pregnancy. Although she resents herself and her disease, Seo Yeon accepts the fact that she will soon no longer be apart of this world. She’s busy making checklists, tying up loose ends, and allowing herself to forget. While she’s slowly making peace with herself, those around her are now more scared for her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With Seo Yeon’s condition rapidly deteriorating, Aunt has been helping Seo Yeon with housework while keeping an eye on her. With Ji Hyung coming home late from work, Seo Yeon insists that Aunt and Jae Min go back home, pleading to Jae Min, “Please take Aunt home. I’m not a baby. It’s ok to leave. Aunt is too tired because of me already.” Jae Min is reluctant to leave Seo Yeon alone, but seeing as that this might lead to another argument, Aunt agrees to go home.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As timing would have it, Seo Yeon accidently hits her head while stopping to pick up a dropped towel. The hit causes a huge gash, and Seo Yeon is shocked and scared to see the blood gushing down her forehead. Moments later, Ji Hyung comes home and hears Seo Yeon’s cries. He finds her in the bathroom sobbing and covered in blood.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ji Hyung takes Seo Yeon to the hospital where she gets several stitches. The accident shakes up Ji Hyung, Jae Min, and Aunt pretty badly. Aunt sobs hysterically, while Jae Min is too shocked to say anything. The regret of leaving her home alone is evident in Jae Min’s eyes. Ji Hyung manages to hold himself together until he takes Seo Yeon home and puts her to sleep. He then goes into an empty dark room where he finally allows himself to let out a muffled cry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    “A Thousand Days’ Promise” recorded 16.3% (AGB Nielsen) viewership ratings for Monday night’s episode, a 1.5% increase from Monday’s episode. Shin Ha Kyun’s “Brain” recorded 13.1%, while Son Dambi’s “Light and Shadow” achieved 10.1%.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CR : Soompi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CR : forums2.popcornfor2.com

















































    That would certainly be the sort of trick the teaser editors often resort to. There's a shot barely a second long where SY (or somebody, but who else could it be?) appears to have a whole limb encased in plaster. That could well belong earlier in the actual sequence, not where the teaser places it.
















































































































































































    Many Thanks To Baduy, its always nice to read your post, im so glad u join this thread :)
















































































































































































































































    i think i see the baby pics here

















































































































































































































  13. Any news on her finishing A Thousand Days' Promise? Did they have a break up party or anything?

    I wish she could attend the award show together with Rae Won representing A Thousand Days' Promise.. It would be like a dream come true.

    no news yet, there is a news on 12/12/11 held in Seoul "The 27th Korea Best Dressed Swan Awards" i heard soo ae win the best dresses awards for her drama " Thousand Days Promise" , and the actor won by park hae il, and he said to bad soo ae didn't attend the show

    let see at the end of the year, i so hope soo ae attend sbs drama awards, if she appear together that will be a plus bonus, but as we know rae won will do a surgery..so I do not want too much hope, or maybe with lee sang woo oppa :wub: :wub:
































































































































































































































    For whatever will happen to SeoYeon, if JiHyung is going reunite with HyangGi it would be so so stupid!!
















































































































































































































    Most memorable scene - JiHyung crying in the bathroom *more tears*
















































































































































































































    SeoYeon is not herself, something bad will happen *cry*































































































































































































































































































































































































































    its gonna make me crazy if JH end up with HG, No Wayyyyyy :wacko:
































































































































































































































































    [MSD] A Thousand Days’ Promise: Episode 17 - On Mothers
















































































































































































































    by: hotshotlover30 on Dec 13, 2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It doesn’t come as a surprise that this episode was a tearjerker. It’s been getting worse by the episode, but what can you expect when you know that there’s no possible way for our main characters to get their happily ever after. There were so many memorable scenes in last night’s episode, and a whole lot of emphasis on family and mothers. With her baby on the way – as well as her imminent demise, Seo Yeon has been thinking a lot about all the mother figures in her life – the biological mother who abandoned her and her brother, her Aunt who raised them like her own, and herself who raised her younger brother. “A Thousand Days’ Promise” is one of those dramas that makes you reflect back on your own life and think of all those who are important to you.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After a house-warming party with several of Seo Yeon’s ex-coworkers and Jae Min, Ji Hyung and So Yeon are busy doing the dishes. When she sees Moon Kwon back from work, she states, “Let’s take pictures. Don’t say no. I want to take some before I’m no longer myself.” The two siblings pose affectionately, and So Yeon fondly pecks Moon Kwon on the cheek. Satisfied with the shots, she asks Moon Kwon to print them to which Ji Hyung pipes up, “What about me? Are you playing favorites? Aren’t you worried that I might get pouty?” So Seo Yeon and Ji Hyung take pictures as well, and she looks happier than she’s been in a long time.
















































































































































































































    While Moon Kwon is in his room printing the photos, Seo Yeon approaches him and apologizes, “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I haven’t expressed much of how I felt. I wanted to make you a capable, confident, decent man.” He tells her that he has never been able to meet her expectations, but she tells him she only acted coldly because she wanted him to grow stronger and succeed. She continues to apologize for raising him harshly and that she didn’t know she would end up like this. Fighting tears, Moon Kwon tells her “You don’t have to say these things. I’ve always understood why you purposely acted like a harsh mom. That’s why I didn’t run away or throw tantrums when I wanted to.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Seo Yeon tells him that she’s proud of Moon Kwon and makes him promise that he’ll continue to be strong even when she’s no longer here. He tells her not to worry, and she responds, “Look into my eyes and promise me.” She then goes on to apologize for feeding him only water and for lying that they’ll have gogi (beef) once mom returned. This last sentence is basically what made this scene so memorable. Even after twenty-so-years, she’s still full of guilt at not being able to feed her younger brother when they were abandoned. Even at a young age – when she too needed a mother – she felt the need to mature and take on the responsibility as the motherly figure to her younger brother. Can you imagine waking up one day, finding your mother gone, and realizing that you had to mature and take responsibility for not only your life, but also your younger siblings? And all that before you’re ten let alone twenty years old?
















































































































































































































    “A Thousand Days’ Promise” recorded 15.3% (AGB Nielsen) viewership ratings for Monday night’s episode, a 1.6% drop from last Tuesday’s episode. Shin Ha Kyun’s “Brain” recorded 12.6%, while Son Dambi’s “Light and Shadow” achieved 9%.
















































































































































































































    CR : Soompi [MSD]
































































































































































































































































    "A Thousand Days' Promise" Ratings bounce back
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "A Thousand Days' Promise" found its place in the ratings again.
















































































































































































































    According to AGB Nielsen Media Research on December 14th, the December 13th episode of the SBS drama "A Thousand Days' Promise" rated 16.9%. This is 1.5% higher than the previous percentage of 15.3%.
















































































































































































































    This shows a recovery of the percentage to the same level as two weeks ago and proves that it has procured a reliable rating. However, as MBC's "Lights and Shadows" and KBS 2's "Brain" are catching up real fast, "A Thousand Days' Promise" might have to watch its back.
















































































































































































































    On this day Seo-yeon (Soo-ae) had become extremely sensitive and bad tempered with her child's birth coming up, and she'd been going around saying things to hurt people. Also, at the end of the episode, Seo-yeon suffered from the thought of her child resenting her in the future.
















































































































































































































    Meanwhile, MBC's "Lights and Shadows" and KBS2's "Brain" rated 10.1% and 13.1% respectively.
















































































































































































































    CR : HanCinema
















































































































































































































































    Hi 71e, I don't know why either!
















































































































































































































    I don't like the way Seoyeon's acting lately, you get the feeling that every time she talks
















































































































































































































    it's like her last word. I know life hasn't been easy for her, and she feels like she's a burden
















































































































































































































    to her loved ones, but must she heading into that direction, killing herself like what we saw
















































































































































































































    in the preview end of episode 18? I don't understand why can't she devote whatever times she has
















































































































































































































    left to JiHyung and her child instead? Won't the child feel abandon like what she has felt all
















































































































































































































    her life? and won't it be worst if the child to learn that the mother killing herself??
















































































































































































































    I really don't like seeing her dying, can't we leave it for the imaginable future instead?
















































































































































































































    it's already heartbreaking every time I look at her lately and the thought of Jihyung and
















































































































































































































    Moon Kwon losing her making my heart ached too much too much.
















































































































































































































    Why do I care so much about this particular drama, I don't know why!?































































































































































































































































































































































































































    :( maybe cause her condition become worse and worst and she has lose her mind or she cannot even think what she doing this really sad, OMG this is so sad, i don't want to see seo yeon die tears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.giftears.gif
















































































































































































































    btw episode 18, scene where his head hit the bathroom its looks so real to me, I feel like my head collided with the harsh, make me cry
































































































































































































































































    What happend with Seo Yeon why she commit suicide (tears :tears: )
































































































































































































































    "A Thousand Days' Promise" A very pregnant Soo-ae gets nasty
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lee Seo-yeon (Soo-ae) said spiteful remarks to her former co-workers.
















































































































































































































    The eighteenth episode of SBS drama "A Thousand Day's Promise" showed Seo-yeon almost due but rather bad tempered.
















































































































































































































    She had her birthday ten days before her child birth. Former co-workers, Hwang In-yeong and Byeon So-hee came to congratulate her. Byeon So-hee told her that Hwang In-yeong was flirting with Jang Jae-min (Lee Sang-woo). Byeon So-hee sad, "Little strokes fell great oaks. She's really thick-skinned".
















































































































































































































    Lee Seo-yeon's face changed. She said, "Not to my brother. She's too sharp and spiteful... she's twisted". Everyone became ice.
















































































































































































































    With Park Ji-hyeong (Kim Rae-won) especially surprised, Seo-yeon continued, "Didn't you all used to talk behind my back saying I wasn't team director material?" When Hwang In-yeong explained, "It wasn't me, where did you hear that?" Seo-yeon became sarcastic and said, "Are you even worth protecting?"
















































































































































































































    Hwang In-yeong said, "How could you be so mean to us who came to congratulate your birthday? Does that disease make your personality change too?" and left the room. Lee Seo-yeon didn't change her expression a bit and said, "Not her. I feel good. She was a nasty one" to herself.
















































































































































































































    CR : HanCinema
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..