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Posts posted by sweetpunze25

  1. 2 hours ago, larrysouth said:

    A question for the folks about Korean ladies fashion.  Are Korean high school ladies allowed to actually wear skirts so short to school.  I am no prude but I was actually a little shocked to see how short some of the student's skirts were and how much leg they show.  I know that as a father this would make me very uncomfortable to know my daughter dressed like that.  I also found it interesting that their was such a wide variety of different shirts, blouses, dresses, skirts, jackets, etc that one could wear and still be counted as wearing a uniform.  I thought the whole point of wearing uniforms was to make everyone the same and be less able to make class distinctions between the wealthy and poor so that everyone gets treated the same.  I am clearly missing something and it seems a lot more noticeable in this series compared to some other school series.

    I've seen HS girls in Korea in their uniforms and their skirts are that high. I don't know if the school allows it, but outside of the campus, their skirts are pretty short, maybe they hike it up when they are off campus, not sure. 

    • Insightful 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. Wookie on his way to LA for KONUS!

    Making the airport his fashion runway! :wub:



    Hidden Content

    cr: BNT


    Hidden Content

    Wookie on his way to LA for KONUS!

    Making the airport his fashion runway! :wub:



    Hidden Content

    cr: BNT


    Hidden Content

    Ok what time did he fly out? What time will he arrive in LA? I want to greet him and support him! Someone help!

    • Like 4































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [우결] 정용화-서현 애정 전선에 이상 기류?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    용서부부의 애정 전선에 이상 기류가 포착됐다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    지난 주, 히스토리 웨딩 촬영을 하며 알콩달콩한 부부사이를 뽐냈던 정용화와 서현. 하지만 이번 주 방송에서는 무슨 이유에선지 두 사람 사이에 심상찮은 분위기가 흐른다고 한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    이날 두 사람은 '명동 데이트'에 나섰는데, 그들이 명동으로 향한 데에는 특별한 이유가 있었다고. 바로, 용 남편의 어떤 결정적인 실수 때문에 현부인이 단단히 화가 났고, 그런 현 부인의 기분을 풀어주고자 나서게 된 것.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    용 남편은 그동안 쉽사리 볼 수 없었던 현 부인의 폭풍 분노에 바짝 긴장하며 하루 종일 명동에서 현부
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    인의 기분을 풀어주기 위해 엄청난 총력(?)을 기울였다는 후문이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    도대체 용 남편은 무슨 잘못을 저질렀기에 순둥이 현 부인을 뿔나게 만든 것일지, 용 남편은 과연 '명동 데이트'를 하며 현 부인의 기분을 풀어줄 수 있을 것인지, 이와 같은 내용은 12일 오후 5시 10분 MBC [우리 결혼했어요]에서 확인할 수 있다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can someone translate it??....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG!!!! i only understand the easy words!!! T_T someone please translate! What can make Hyun SOOO upset???? this is driving me crazy! it's going to be crazy this weekend! >_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    [Yong's pick] Fleur dress
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    omo omo... :wub: only 2 days left and it's driving us ALL crazy! why are the days going by soooo slow!!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kiss in forehead
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) YongSeoRockin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Kiss in hand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kiss in cheek
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Simulating a kiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Just wanted to say that this ep was AWESOME! I can't wait for next weeks ep. So I work for a wedding designer and its just so happens that our YongSeo couple went into our store called My Daughter's Wedding that carries our gowns. And Hyun's 1st dress was was none other then our Enzoani Fabi gown and the dress that Yong picked for Hyun to try on (bling bling gown) is also another Enzoani gown call the Fleur. I'm going to let our marketing team know so that they can put this in our newsletter! Daebak!




















































































    First gown Fabi dress
























































































    second gown is the Farlow dress
























































































    [Yong's pick] Fleur dress








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really want Hyun to where something like this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for the classic yet modern. accessorizing wedding gowns are in so its a must to add belts and stuff like that. >_< ahhh i can't wait for the photoshoot! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    or something simple like this:




























































































































































    add me to the list please! i'm from USA! ^_^ thank you.




















































































    since there are just 2 couples this week, that means more air time for our YongSeo! yay!!!! i can't wait! i wonder what Yong's friends are going to say about him...? hahahaha i love embarrassing HS stories. gosh!!! only Monday.... T_T
































































































    thank you MountainMadman& redtulip OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! just 2 more days and i'm like dying!!!! this ep is going to be a good one i can feel it! more skinship and Yong's surprise......? DAEBAK! playing catch me if ya can is so cheesy!!! >.< but i'm not going to lie even i did that. <3 YONGSEO FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Boice is name of CNBLUE fans. Boice is the mix from Blue and Voice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Blue referring CNBLUE,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Voice means music, sound and fans's support happy.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CNBLUE will always need BOICE. truly boice who always support them. not some people who jealous and have negative thinking overtime.fury.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CNBLUE fighting!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yongseo.. i love u wub.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for Sone, you can see in this http://forum.jphip.com/index.php?topic=16707.0
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i'm a little bit confuse too, sweatingbullets.gif  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    aaaahhhhhh......... thank you!!!!!!!! yeah... they are a bit crazy, but YongSeo still have us. and we will support them til the END! yay Congrats to SNSD & CNBlue!!!! Melon Awards next week! i'm hoping for a surprise YongSeo performance???????? >o< [cross your fingers]




























































































































    omg! i'm like gone for a couple of days and BOOM! it's like a bi polar week. >.< i'm soooo happy wirth everyone's support for yongseo!!!! <3 but wow! antis are just something.... >.< ok... don't laugh at me cuz i do live under a rock, what is BOICE? is it some kind of brand or something..? >.<




















































































    YongSeo FIGHTING!!!
































































































    omg!!!!!!!!! thank you for loading up the pix! i thought it was fake or mere rumor cuz if there was such a big commotion in Busan then there HAS to be pix! thank you guys SOOO much!!! another wish down! more wishes to fulfill!!! they look so Chic! Yong in his specs and Hyun is wearing her P coat again. yay!!!! i hope they do meet his parents. and his dog! hahahahaha...




















































































    omo~~~ i'm just waiting for their wedding pix!!!! and hopefully their single~~~ [just daydreamin] YONGSEO Jjang!




























































































    @sweetpunze25: What article are you exactly referring to? (Or, am I missing something?) Would you maybe provide a link or something?




















































































    Secretly dating ... ? Since when? I don't remember reading anything about that. Fanaccount? Pictures?




















































































    Best regards,



























































































































































































































































    lol..... i was just hoping! >.< so sorry. it's just a wish of mine. sorry for the confusion. ^o^




















































































    omg!!!! i'm so sad... -_- another weekend w/o Yongseo.... T.T darn!!! and it's my 4 day weekend too! oh man... well... i guess it's watching the ep all over again. ^^ happy Turkey EVERYONE!!!!






    I think we don´t know, seems like a rumor because there were some fans who said they saw Yuri but then others said that there were just Yong and hyun :wub:... anyway, lets wish for Yuri to be there!!! She is one of us :rolleyes:.

    dreamyboo: Yong´s nosebleed? hahahaha, I can totally imagine it... Lets hope that they will talk about it next time when they film :wub:

    Gogumas, I need to say this even when I know it is a very much over analized thing but I´m really curious about yong´s drawings of them in the wooden tables  ... I wish I know how to interpretate them;  he seems like a snake and she is round like a ball, as if she was pregnant or something keke.

    I don´t think that is intentional, but I´m pretty sure that we could find an interesting meaning behind the drawings ^^...


    can anyone translate what YongSeo wrote? gosh... it is a given FACT that they are indeed into each. secretly dating...? i wish!

    i really do hope S. Korea is ok at a state like this. i was there last year and that place is a BEAUTIFUL place. Seoul is AMAZING. anyways hope WGM airs this week. it would be good to ease all the tension. i mean if we keep talking or thinking about it, it makes everyone more angry and tense.

  14. but, but, but.

    The issue is Hyun.

    Does she see him as a love interest or just a friend??? :tears: otoke??

    YOU ARE SO RIGHT! i agree! i mean he's been obviously showing her his feelings. how about her. i can see that she does have some sort of feelings for him, but is it just oppa dongsang status for her? it's hard to read her b/c she won't show her feelings freely, it's either she doesn't know how or is too embarrassed... something! dude she HAS to do something or it's going to be too late once she realize he is THE ONE. guys can only take it to a certain point. if he is willing to wait that long for her...WOW... he is the ONE. so.... we will wait and see... until then... Seo Joo Hyun Hurry!!!! Let it out! he's Calling out to you!!! you have to meet him half way! <3 sorry just venting don't mind me. =P














    omg!!! i'm so LOST!!!! >.< so is the LA concert Free? well duh it is cuz it's all over the articale! but how do i get tickets????? do we have to wait in line on the day??? or do we have to go through with ticketmaster???? omg!!! i'm so confused and excited! idk what to do! someone who has solid answers, please help!!! T.T thank you! and EVERYONE we NEED to support THEM til the end! i feel so sorry for them. but they are true to their fans which i TOTALLY respect. ok i'm tearing up writing about this. -__-



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