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Posts posted by MythnoonA

  1. ^he doesnt really have a babyface...or does he? O__o cant tell. haha

    anyhoo wow amazing how much this thread grew....... O___o

    anyhoo i find it so funny how i posted up a thread of lee jeun ki pictures awhile ago in the korean celeb pictures section and people were dissing lee jeun kis looks....now another person posted his pics in the section a few days ago ... and people are now going wacko over him ... hahaha :lol:

    shows how much charisma and acting can change a persons perception on an actor.

    it also shows that people are too judgemental--without even giving a person a chance before giving negative comments--thankfully, I don't remember all the nasty ones, but there were enough. I think the girl's comments were meaner than the guys'. -___-||

    He didn't look exactly the same as he does now-he's changed a lot since I first saw him.

    haha. i remember posting kings man photos in the celeb section (this was before the crash) and in general the replies were like "ew." only a few people appreciated him but now it's all different.

    yes. Typical forum stuff (I posted in another forum, and got similar comments). Now that he's 'hotter'--everything has changed. we posted about him while they were still filming--and before that, too, if I remember right (I posted pics from Flying Boys). I haven't seen a whole lot of negative replies about him lately, though-now that more people can see what he's like--and that he's more than just a pretty face. I know he sometimes confuses people -but I guess I'm just so used to kkot mi nam/bishounen--that to me, he seems very male at the same time. :P




  2. Found this a little while ago, while looking for something else...they seem to have left a couple of things out--like his Japanese movie (Hotel Venus), the 'small parts', and his MV work.


    Lee Jun-ki

    In the entertainment world, sexually ambiguity may work or it may fail miserably. In the case of this 23-year-old catalogue model-turned-actor who made his screen debut in last year’s ``Flying Boys,’’ it seems to be the former. Within a year, Lee has gone from playing supporting roles to leads, as can be seen in his second feature film ``The King and the Clown,’’ currently in theaters. Lee was also the number one searched for actor on a local portal Web site for 11 days straight, giving him the record for this year. Fans can also catch him on the SBS drama ``My Girl’’ as he plays the love interest of actress Lee Da-hye.

    After I saw him in Kang Sung Hoon's mv, and a friend was able to find his name, I did a search, and found very little, including pics. Now there seems to be no problem with that lol xD ) Eventually I found my way to his Cyworld, and hadn't been back for a long time--until I just happened to go there after they'd started filming King's Man. I was hoping to be able to see him in something that showed his talent--and was longer than 5 minutes. (Haven't been able to find Hotel Venus for region one, or VHS. )

    He seems to have a sharp mind, too, (and dorkiness is veryvery attractive xD ), and I'm sure people have asked him endless questions about the character he plays in King's Man...especially how he felt about playing a girl (and related things). I've never understood why some people will think an actor is 'gay' (or use words like 'sexually ambiguous') because he plays a certain part in a movie. -_______-; I have to laugh when some people say they expect him to have a 'high' girly voice--like all girls sound the same.

    If animals like him (they're a good judge of character), he's just about perfect. lol

    now let's hope he appreciates older girls. *cough*

    :blush: :P

    ^^ ~ <3 I wanna shar cute pix in here too but afraid that you guys seen them b4 TT w TT

    post whatever pics you'd like to-- you never know what people have seen-- it's just so much easier now to find them, and he's becoming more popular every second. ^^

  3. ^ the first time I saw him was Kang Sung Hoon's mv for A Special Story--and then again in Clazziquai's Sweety mv. If someone had been speaking to me during either one, I wouldn't have been able to repeat anything they'd said.


    I can't wait to see this movie. It has to be good. Ancient dramas are one of my favorite things to begin with--and then there's the cast.

    I'm still looking for Flying Boys DVD for region 1, too.


    Thank you for the clip, teal. Can't download though. Said it would take 10 hrs. ><

  4. He did make a movie in Japan a while back (there were other Korean actors in the cast), and he probably has friends there-I think he likes, admires and appreciates things about Japan--and I remember seeing some things in his Cyworld--but I haven't been there since before they announced The King's Man...I wonder if he's changed anything since people jumped on him for his comments.



    everyone has been asking why sunghoon's not in the album and where has he gone

    he has NOT gone to the army

    he will be coming out with a solo album and is currently focusing on his solo career

    we just talked to his mother about this so i know for a fact that this is true

    I didn't think he was going to do military service--but then again--I'm not sure if he even has Korean citizenship. There are guys that have dual that are in goondae...but if he isn't and the others are (is Myung hoon going in? I hear different reports -.- )~ he would have to do something on his own (or collaborate with others)

    ...and what about after service? Has anyone said anything about re-grouping--or not?

    thank you for the news--at least the mystery is cleared up.

  5. Jae Hee deserves a best actor award. His eyes and expressions are to die for! :D

    he's one at least one so far (actually--Best New Actor), The Blue Dragon--a couple of years ago, for Bin Jib. He definitely deserved that one. But then again--he deserves whatever awards he gets.

  6. Hi everyone! Just dropping by to get a glimpse of Woo Sung ssi!

    Heehee... vicodin, you beat me into being the laptop!

    I wanna be the laptop too! Too bad I came a bit too late!

    Happy Holidays to all my friends here!

    shopgirl, moogles, inez, quteacho, leianji, vicodin, lovewls and everyone else...



    ^ Heeheehee... I think this pic is soooo cute!

    How ever can JWS manage to be so wholesome and kiddie when he is really so SEXY!!!

    Hi everyone =D

    It's a burden that poor him has to bear. LOL It's okay, though--he doesn't have to do it alone. He has lots of male company (like Jae Hee and Song Il Kook, who suffer from the same problem), and ladies who want to be 'company'--reallyreally badly.


































































    Thanks so much gals...Ujin, Fleur and MythnoonA for fulfilling our wishes ...these pictures and news of his J-drama's involvement is sufficient to keep us at bay in view of his absence in Korea. He prefers to remain low profile but hope his management will realize he needs to re-surface again ......to be acknowledged for his talent.

    Hope to see more of his desirable pictures and welcome all to share his news here...at least to make this thread more lively....Aja! Aja! Fighting....Agassi! :D;)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just read at YesAsia that they're going to release his Japanese concert-- a DVD-but very expensive =/ I wonder when he'll release the next Korean album.
































































































































































































































































    This is one of my favorite pics of him-- this and the pic of Lee Jae Jin are the only avatars I've ever used here. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this is one of the things I like about him-- his total dorkiness...
































































































































































































































































    After Loving You came out, I was able to see him (and Eugene) on a talk show. This was the first time I saw him on something showing his personality. He was laughing so hard, and covered his mouth a lot--just like the pic...and was blushing like crazy, which is also incredibly cute in male people (I'm an 'adult' and still blush a lot --I thought I was alone until I saw how common it is in Korean men--girls do it too--but the men are the real masters. :P ) In this interview they did, Eugene was smiling and laughing a lot, but Yong Ha laughed really hard a couple of times (I couldn't understand evrything that was said--but it was something really embarrassing to him)--and there was a big pillar on the set--and he went and hid behind it a couple of times, which made Eugene laugh even harder.

































































































































































































































































































































































































    PYH with a Japanese actress. Probably one of the Japanese production he took part in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yes--her name is Nakama Yukie. She was the female lead. The name of the drama is Tokyo-wankei-Destiny of Love.

    He was so privileged for getting a chance to hold his concert in Japan in a specific place (can't remember the name) where not many even the Japanese are accorded the privilege.

    it was the Budokan. Bi was there recently, as well. I forget exactly how many people it holds--but's it's huge, and I think I remember reading that the tickets were sold out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is a pic from when he was in Yokohama (July, I think), making an appearence for his CD. They showed this on the ent. show I watch, and it was wall to wall people...and he was crying, and could hardly speak at times. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (pic credits Yahoo Imagesearch/on pic)

































































































































































































    oh i wish they'd be back together... they look really in love with each other and its sad that they have to break up for the sake of their careers...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    busybodies made too big of a deal about it. They should have been left alone, but 'fans' (or antis) can make someone really miserable. -__-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like him. He's really good at playing a bad guy, but I like him in other things. I like his voice, too. My female dog decided he was interesting while I was watching Loving You. (She and her nephew are big tv watchers. lol ) She wouldn't take her eyes off him when he was on. The funny thing is, she totally ignored him when I re-watched Winter Ballad-- I don't think she recognized him.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  10. Anne! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too ^^ I have to go back a couple of pages...the Gio pics wouldn't load for me, and it looks like I missed a couple of other things..like maybe why you're missing Thanksgiving. :P (Nice Daisy pics, too--I guess we haven't seen that many yet. I'll see if I can get that clip to work =] ) If it's quiet here, it'll be good. -.- Happy day to everyone celebrating.

    skyelee21--nice wallpaper. His haircut there makes him look about the same age as JJH, not that he doesn't look fine with any style. Even shaggy looks good on him.

    quteacho--thanks for posting the calendar pics. It almost looks like he has --freckles?

  11. R3BELL : i loved that scene in 'chunyang' alot!! he looked awfully cute while pointing to her what the old ladies did to him!!! the scene would have been greater if chunyang just got hold of him and gave him a big kiss!! hahahaha that's what i would have done!!

    I was thinking the same thing while watching that scene.




    since KKR is a former uhljjang i can talk about VOS here

    oh yeah




    ^^what song of their is playing on the site now?!


    can someone tell me



    I guess you could talk about him--that depends...he hasn't been an 'uhljjang' for a long time--and he never had a huge following like some uhljjangs do these days.


    The name of the song on their site is 눈을 보고 말해요- Nuneul Bogo Marhaeyo~ 'Look Into My Eyes And Tell Me'.


  13. I see Andre Kim as more of an artist (how I see a lot of fashion-as art) than a designer--I don't really think he expects people will wear a lot of this type of clothing as a regular thing--if at all...it's more of a moving art show/romantic little 'skit'--characters in a fairy tale. I do like some of his dresses--and I've always kind of disliked most dresses. lol Some of his men's stuff is nicer than others, but he does have a good eye for which male persons would look good on the runway ^^

  14. Has anybody seen Bodyguard? I'm watching it now, and although SIK is the villain of the piece and does do some pretty awful things, I sympathize with his character. I find myself looking forward to his appearance and experiencing his fine acting.


    he's very good at villains. :P I'm sure Han Jae Suk (the actor originally cast) would have been good as Yum Moon--but no one could have played the character as well as Song Il Kook.

    I don't want to give anything away--but you might like how his character goes in the last few episodes of Bodyguard.


  15. Jae Hee

    dob: 1980.05.25

    height: 178cm

    weight: 68kg

    education: Dan Gook University

    dramas: SBS Golbengi, SBS Medical Center, KBS Sassy Girl Choon Hyang

    movies: 3 Iron

    I like that pic :P

    Would you please add to his dramas--the first thing I ever saw him in--Woori Jib, with Kim Jaewon (MBC)


    and my heart breaks when i see him cry (like those sad scenes in 'sassy girl choonyang'). am i crazy or what??!!

    are you a noona (I am)? if not, then you must be in training to be one lol--I always get upset if someone I like (or love) is crying.



    YooMin & Sungjin is going to army? Does it mean NRG is a no more after the china conert?

    they keep saying it's only until their service is over...then they will get back to being a group. I really hope so. t_t



    Why? Is there something wrong with Myunghoon? =/ :(

    Happy birthday Yoomin!!!!!! <3333 Even though it's actually late. ><;;;;

    I did wish him happy birthday elsewhere yesterday though =D

    well--this is the 2nd time I've heard about his eyes--and I haven't heard any mention of him going in--but I guess that doesn't mean he isn't. It always seems to be Yoomin and Sungjin they talk about. I'm going to miss them, but they're some of the ones I love the most-so I'll wait... I'm an expert at waiting and hoping, thanks to Black Beat. ^^

    ygchixzta1177~ Sunghoon used to have really beautiful looooong hair. It looked nice when he got it cut short and spiked--and he looks good now, too.

    jun ji I came kind of late to NRG, but i liked him...and I know they loved him--it's very hard to watch anything he's in--and I've never been able to watch his funeral for more than half a second. The first time I tried to watch--was the last time.

    the leader--'traditionally' the leader of the group is the hyung--the oldest...and that's Sungjin...but in some groups, the actual leader less defined. I think I would still say Sungjin.

  16. Hi to everyone... glad to see a lot of the ex-regulars in the thread--but where is Kat unni? I especially owe apologies to her--Anne, and lluna for not posting in so long. (Not that I have anything incredible to contribute. -.- It's hard to find newer pics that haven't already been posted by someone else...not that the older ones are boring in any way. :P ) Seeing moogles' avatar or banners in the 20+section a few times made me feel guilty for neglecting the thread. It's more that sleep has been claiming me more in the past few months--and taking a lot of time that I used to spend reading and replying. And sometimes-actually posting the bits I was lucky enough to find. Thanks you to everyone for posting the great pics (old; new-we don't care xD ), the files--and the news. I hope to actually be able to see these movies...I've asked the library system about getting them, and others--but they have to be region 1 or all region DVDs t_t -- I have requested a few--but the only one I've been able to get so far is Bin Jib (3-Iron) We already have Musa, Gumiho, Beat...as soon as the others are available for North America--I will jump on them, and send the info to the Library. Could only find Ddong Kae in region 3. :(

    I never got to see the first movie he did with Gosu--but as bad as it might have been (judging by comments and reviews), I'm sure he was good then, too...even if he needed more time to develop as an actor...someone saw his potential early, and gave us all a gift.

    I hadn't been in the original thread in so long, I came back a few days in a row--to take notes, so I could comment--like always (we make a lot of long posts, with questions being asked, and other comments being made--I don't want to forget anything I want to reply to). When I came back to post (finally)-- the forum was down.

    I must be one of the only people who like him who don't want him--and yes, I mean that way (means no competion from me ^^). lol I like him veryvery much, but it's Song Ilkook that mainly occupies that place (where's the blush icon :P ), with Jae Hee , and very few others (and btw--Jae Hee isn't much younger than Woosung ssi--I think he's almost 28 now). The gasoo namdongsaeng deul take the rest of my attention. ^^


    This pic is from The King's Man. Lee Junki (if you've seen the whole poster--the one that looks like a girl--but isn't) is missing. *pout*

    *adds to Library list*

    I'd really like to see Woosung ssi do another historical drama--and maybe a partial comedy would be nice? I will watch someone I like in anything they do--but maybe something a little less Kleenex-soaking--for a while.

    edit: The Motorola pics wouldn't show for me before. I just saw them.



    (hi, Anne--more pics loaded-- where's the ice?? @_@~~ ) Hand placement, Woosung. ^^ I wonder how many hit lists Han Yaesul was just added to. pppppp )

    more Minimoto CFs so we can cool off a little, please. :lol:


    I always thought it would be Sungjin and Yoomin...I wondered if Myunghoon would be able to--

    Today is Yoomin's birthday , US version.


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