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Posts posted by MythnoonA

  1. he is natural except his teeth

    his teeth are more beautiful than his before

    you can compare his previous films with his newly appearance~~~~~ :D:D

    That's when I first fell for him, though. I like his teeth then, too. He has a killer smile, either way. I'm trying to find pics for a couple of people who wondered what he looked like before (other than having them straightened--like DBSK's Yunho--because they were so similar--now, too lol--I don't really know what he actually did. ) but so many of the older ones seem to be gone...still looking though.

    Here's one pic from when I first saw him:


    will edit when I find more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm not reading any of the thread because I don't want to see possible spoilers or anything. I fell in love with Yoo Gun's character right away. How can you not love someone as sweet and good as Haru is? I'm sure I would love him in 'real' life, too. If the drama doesn't turn out the right way, I'm going to be very upset. =/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I did remind me of Flowers For Algernon, which I hated. Also, one of Mel Gibson's first roles was a character with similarities to Yoo Gun's. It was a movie called Tim.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yoo Gun used to be a gasoo, too. He was in a group called O.P.P.A. I guess he debuted for the 2nd time as an actor. So far he's pretty good.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  3. *points to post above*

    hehe..that is soo true! when i read kjh's profile and jjh's profile, i couldn't believe it that kjh was older. but :D he's blessed with eternal youth..you know..sorta like won bin who's turning 30 this year but freakin looks like he's 25.


    his smile gets me everytime! :D

    lol! well--they still look young--because they are young--I mean compared to people parent and grandparent aged :P I'm older than they are (6 years older than god's Joon) ,and people think I'm about 26 xD We'll have to see what 'eternal youth' will look like when he's in his 70's. ^^ He'll be some incredibly cute halbuhji-type.


  4. omg thanks so much for the caps and giordano wp's u guys! <333

    i wanna watch that clip so bad ;o; i thought that it was really cute how he reunited with the main character from 'the hotel venus' ^^ (i forget his name XD)

    Tsuyoshi Kusanagi. He looks pretty good with shorter hair--it's not fuzzy anymore.

    about Goondae-- there are a bunch of late 70's-earlier '80's in right now---Yoobin from K-Pop is serving--('83), and some have already done their service--like V.O.S' Jiheon (one less I have to worry about )...he does have at least 3 years before they call him to see if he's eligible--I don't think he'd go right now either.

    I did notice the sweater too. lol He looks fine in any color, but really nice in red/black.

  5. Telly! I just watched your Shin vs. Yul at youtube- you did a great job with everything. The song is perfect. I have to watch the others, and I'm sure they're just as good ^^* Bath scene O_O LOL Never seen him on a horse, either. n__n

    He does look a little thinner these days--or is it just me?

    'picture spammage'? Never. xD He looks nothing like Spam. :blush:

    It's kind of funny when people are suprised by his age, but he's looked like a boy for so long--the first time I ever saw a pic, I thought he was about 16. He was 21. I'm not too good at guessing age.

  6. Actually seems Dong Wook was asked if he was better than Jun Ki and he said no, but the hat made a sound.

    Then Dong Wook gets upset and asks Jun Ki if Jun Ki thought he was better than him and Jun Ki says no, but no sound came out LOL

    ohhh---thanks ^^ it was hard to hear parts of it--maybe it's my headphones. It takes me a while to read written dialoque--and sometimes it goes too fast. -.- I can read lips, but that helps better when I can understand what they're saying. xD I've romanized things for my friends before, and asked them if they can tell me what it means. They do speak clearly, both of them. :P I just hard to focus sometimes when trying to follow the way their mouths mo---what was I saying?



    from what I've read about My Girl (which I still want to see), I agree with this~

    im sorta happy he didnt end up with YR since she loved GC and if she chose JW it just wouldnt be her whole heart. and i would feel even sadder cuz he'll know that she doesnt really love him fully. so its a good thing it ended with GC and YR cuz well YR loves him.

    I've heard a lot of people say that they wish the second male lead would get the girl once in a while. It depends on the story--and the way it's written. They talk about Chunhyang and Full House--- UTW's character in Chunhyang was not really a nice guy. He was more obsessed with her--and didn't fall in love with her until much later. Myung Ryong was the right one for her. In Full House-- KSS' character wasn't a bad guy, he was just the wrong one...maybe at some other time it would have been the opposite.

    and also wish people would comment past 'he's hot' sometimes-- with anyone. I guess some people can't help it.

    and yes, Junki does update his current Cyworld. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    roasted unsalted soybeans.

    but i always feel better eating peanut m&ms compared to regular ones... since nuts are good for you.. :P


































































































































  8. I wonder what he thinks of his mini self. (I would pinch his cheek gently--but it's too small. :P) They're all so cute--but that whole scene is one of the best ever on a Cyworld. lol

    I was watching the magic show on youtube last night (did he ask Dongwook if he thought Junki is pretty? :lol: )-- the first time I saw Choi Yeonwoo, he reminded me a little bit of Lee Sungjin. I've always wondered how old he is, but haven't been able to find much of anything about him, personal-wise. Does anyone know? I figured he must be at least 24--but I could be really wrong.
































































































































































































































































































































    I promised to post this pic a couple of weeks ago--but I couldn't find it on my computer. :P You can see the date--it's from a show called 'Bogo Shipdah Chingu Ya'. Click to enlarge.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank you for the articles, *sayuri* and Ujin!

































































  10. hey junki fans =]! i havent posted here in soooooooooooo long!!! and this thread has grown a lot!...haha here are some more pictures =]...i just saw one of his commercials for uh...that drink...and i just had to go junki picture hunting hahaha. that girl that says 'ah pretty' looks like the same girl in the my sweetie mv! is she?! i recognize that wink! haha.

    edit: sorry in advance if any were posted again...! its not a terrible crime x_x...

    I looked at her a bunch of times, because I thought maybe it was her too--at first. I'm still not sure. >< She does look different. Maybe someone will find out eventually. ^^

    I don't think anyone will shoot you for reposting pics. LOL.

    edit: thanks for the article, thunderbolt. It was very good--except they left out the first thing I saw him in--not Sweety--but Kang Sung Hoon's 'A Precious Story' (아껴둔 이야기)-and that was in 2003. Something else I noticed-- they said 'no awards' at the top--but then in the article, talk about the Max Award. lol Maybe he got it after the article went to print.

    I still don't really understand why so many people think he started the 'feminine masculinity trend' ((or see him as 'girly'))--when there have been men like him all along. Like I said in another post--if he was the only guy that looked the way he does--there wouldn't be a term for men of similar type--- kkot mi nam. Although--I think sometimes 'bishounen' (the Japanese version of 'Flower Boy' )is even more accurate. LOL He looks (which take nothing away from masculinity) even more like a manga/manhwa character now -than when I first saw him. ^^

    being overrated?...that'll always be the case to some i guess...indeed, you can't please everyone. as far as i know...LJK has real talent to back up his great looks...and that's good enough for me.

    I feel the same--and I liked him when he didn't look exactly the same as he does now. Those arguments get annoying--because talent is in the eye of the beholder, too...and some people that dislike the person being talked about-can be nasty. Some people insist his looks come from plastic surgery--and one girl said his teeth are fake.


  11. he's such a hottie..was my girl his first big roll??.. i think wasn't he in a movie with kangsung from GOD called FLying boys??...

    He's had parts in dramas before--but not quite as big as in My Girl...same with the movies...he was in a joint Japanese/Korean movie called The Hotel Venus, and then he did Flying Boys (with Yoon Kyesang ^^)--and a lot of people say they didn't pay much attention to him in that--but they really noticed him for the first time in My Girl--and then the movie--The King and The Clown (The King's Man).

    The first time I actually noticed him was about 4 years ago, before all the Junki craziness started. I'm glad, too. :P

    If you guys notice that thread about Junki being overrated--and you want to reply--try and be calm. -.- It feels like the thread starter was just trying to see how many replies he would get--and how angry the posters might become. I'm just ignoring him. I still can't belive so many girls still think he looks girly--and don't like him because of it. He's not the first Korean guy ever to look like a Flower Boy--and he won't be the last. That's the reason there's even a way to describe people that are similar type in the first place.


  12. Well, its open to interpretations. The first thought that probably comes into people's mind is homosexuality.

    But there's other interpretations like close or obsessive friendship. But I guess most people seem to think its abnormal for guys to be very close friends to other guys. I haven't watched the movie yet, but I don't think they actually showed any explicit scenes where there was anything homosexual. Just last scene where the king kissed gong gil, but it could just be a farewell kiss to the clown he adores who gave him happiness and companionship.

    I've read too many reviews where that's what the writer does focus on. -___- And of course--people keep bringing it up. We know there will be people going to this movie--never mind the great cast--JUST to see *the kiss*.

    It would be kind of strange--and I'm talking about Korean people only-- to think that some would think that it's 'abnormal' for men to be close to their male friends --because it's part of the culture that male friends can be very close, and extremely affectionate with each other. Some are closer than blood-brothers. Not all guys are like this, though, even though it's well excepted.

    The king's a tyrant

    The real king was known to be a tyrant.


    can someone tell me what song was NRG singing in this clip


    could you also upload that song for me?


    it's 나 어떡해 - 'What Should I Do'--it's from their 5th. We're not supposed to ask for files. >< I'll upload it for you, and pm you the link.


    I watched just seconds (all I could take) of Kim Hwan Sung's funeral--just once, about a year after it happened. I haven't watched since then. Added to the sadness, while his family and friends were crying their eyes out, there were a bunch of stupid fangirls commenting on how good the gasoo looked.


  13. hmm..hahah makes me wanna drink pomegrante juice LOL hahaha I wonder how it tastes like...

    it's kind of tart-sweet--- pomegranates are kind of interesting...and they take a while to eat, because the fruit itself surrounds the millions of seeds/pits inside--they kind of remind me of corn--and you can't eat the seed (and they can be a little messy if you aren't careful). lol Drinking the juice saves a lot of work. :P

  14. quick question. what was the title of the song of that eunjiwon music vid LJK comes out in? (i know the song.. i just forgot the title -_-)

    omgsh i love the CF. hes hilarious~ ^_^ i was crackin up the whole time he was singing. ahahaha~ the beginning makes it seem serious and all "mutessuh" and then... lol. hes a stuck up guy who thinks hes prettier than girls. lol <33 i like the mirror part ^_^ his singing is okay like trot style (nvm not even trot its like.. a funny way) . i wanna hear him sing his normal way =]

    미녀는 석류를 좋아해~

    the white makes him prettier. lol~ i wanna be one of those girls. no wait THE GIRL ^_^ it kinda seems like it was cut off a little early like 2 seconds. lol

    thank you seirin for the cf!

    It's funny. I wonder if he really does like pomegranate/juice-- I love it :P Maybe the mirror thing is like--teasing him a little--because he does use a mirror to practice expressions--not just to look at himself all the time. xD I almost wondered if that was his voice. lol I bet he can imitate people well--he seems to have a good ear for it. Last time I heard something where he was singing (fan meeting, I think?), he sounded like Min Kyunghoon. B)

    Edit: I don't see anything he does as 'girly', though--it's just--'Junki-ish' I don't know many girls who are as graceful in the way they move as he is sometimes.

    Eun Jiwon's song is 'Drunk in Melody' (Manchwi in Melody)--it's from his 2nd jib.

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