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    Quick question...when Dr. Kyung reached Dr. Yoon's apartment, she received a SMS. What does the SMS say?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Overall, I thought the ending was well done. All evidence was destroyed and Yoon used himself as a bait to catch the killer. The killer must be a psychopath. She showed no remorse.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even though it was a sad ending, I think it showed how people like Yoon valued justice and did all he could to close his case.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I thought the script was so well written...the main killer case always in the background running through the 20 episodes. Bravo performance from the cast and I enjoyed it very much!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Any preview for Ep 17 yet?? I am wondering if the Director will bribe DK to give up the evidence in exchange for money or organ transplant for her sister.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyone has the instrumentals covered in the OST? I would like to listen to the instrumentals? Thanks in advance!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am just surprised with the pick. With the experience from IRIS, I am not surprised someone in a more major role will get killed. I just thought it will be someone else instead.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from news sources found on baidu, JH is going to die in episode 19, and this in turn will be the climax that will lead the rest of the characters to take drastic measures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    AHHHHH... im so devastated































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here come OST #2 for Athena. Track 6 onwards are the same tracks as the ones on OST #1. The only difference is the first 5 songs included Park Hyo Shin, 8eight. They could just have put this in 1 single OST.
































































































































































































































































































    01. 널 사랑한다 - 박효신
































































































































































































































































































    02. 내려놔요 – 브라운아이드소울
































































































































































































































































































    03. Please – 장재인
































































































































































































































































































    04. Get Ready – 슈프림팀
































































































































































































































































































    05. 주문 – 백찬 (에이트)
































































































































































































































































































    06. Athena main title
































































































































































































































































































    07. Mission-The long road
































































































































































































































































































    08. Agent
































































































































































































































































































    09. Attack
































































































































































































































































































    10. Infiltration
































































































































































































































































































    11. Hard Boiled
































































































































































































































































































    12. The Game
































































































































































































































































































    13. True Love
































































































































































































































































































    14. True Love Version
































































































































































































































































































    15. True Love Solo piano
































































































































































































































































































    16. Love&Hate
































































































































































































































































































    17. Conspiracy 1
































































































































































































































































































    18. Conspiracy 2
































































































































































































































































































    19. N.T.S
































































































































































































































































































    20. Cool Bass
































































































































































































































































































    21. Chase 160

















  16. I am a bit confused. I can see it makes sense for the shooting of her husband/daughter in NZ causing her to shoot Park Chul Young in Iris movie version.

    However it doesn't add up in terms of timelines because I thought Lee Byung Hun and Kim Tae Hee didn't spend years together before LBH get shot. It seemed to happen shortly after Sun Wah went back to N. Korea. So I don't know...Hopefully the story wrapped up nicely to offer a good explanation.

  17. OST will be released on Feb 10. Yesasia accepting pre-orders:


    I am surprised it doesn't even include the song from Park Hyo Shin :(

    Track list:

    아테나 : 전쟁의 여신 OST (SBS TV 드라마)

    01. 사랑해요 (태연)

    02. 아테나 (동방신기)

    03. 화살(ARROW) (강타)

    04. 옆사람 (보아)

    05. Athena Main Title

    06. Mission-The Long Road

    07. Agent

    08. Attack

    09. Infiltration

    10. Hard Boiled

    11. The Game

    12. True Love

    13. True Love (String Version)

    14. True Love (Solo Piano)

    15. Love & Hate

    16. Conspiracy 1

    17. Conspiracy 2

    18. N.T.S.

    19. Cool Bass

    20. Chase 160




















    Great..I appreciate the information!!!












    Kangsuk's brother is really evil. Will be interesting to see his downfall!












    I need to find which exact episode... Jinjoo recovered on episode 28












    Jinjoo was kidnapped by Creepy which led to Jinjin having her final stage in the star competition appealing to the audience to help her find her sister and Kangsuk manages to get Jinjoo back. Jinjin got offered for a campaign CF and had the money to have the operation done on Jinjoo and that's how Jinjoo got back to her senses...












    Creepy is really getting into me! He just looks so evil!!























































    I have been watching Gloria on & off and jumping episodes.
























    Can someone tell me how come Jin Jo recovered? In which episode does this happen?








































































    It is going to be a tough pick as Jung Bo-Seok shone in Giant.
























    Hopefully it is not another split award.
























    I have a feeling that Go Hyun Jung might pick her second Daesung this year.
























    However, Lee Beom Soo also deserves it for his work in Giant.
































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