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Posts posted by Rori

  1. ^ Awesome! Will be looking forward to any show that Heechul appears on.

    He looks really good in those pics from Oppa Band, I see he's gone back to brown from the blond; which was a nice touch, but yeah, brown or black I prefer. I was totally looking for the part on the latest Oppa Band episode for where he appeared, but I guess it won't be until the showcase airs. If they show him at all, that is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    misshakissh: Thank you so much for posting that, if anything that has to soothe everyone's worries. It's good to know that Cassies are relaxed about this (compared to some of us, lol!) and have already sent out a letter to their fellow Japanese fans telling them to relax, too. It may sound horrible but it's good to hear what consequences will come to SM if DBSK don't get what they want and to be honest, hearing about the fact that SM doesn't like how big DBSK is getting in Japan doesn't please me at all. I know nothing of what happened to HOT and Shinwha but I'm glad whatever happened to them doesn't apply to DBSK.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    stellar.remnants: I really appreciate you keeping us updated with everything, I haven't see anyone with more informative posts and I don't want you to get into trouble when all you're doing is keeping us updated. I know everyone is going crazy right now and I don't mean to sit in the mod seat but there is a posting limit in this thread.
































































































































































































































































































































    Well my two cents on the whole thing, I've been keeping up with the whole situation on a few blogs and reading the comments and I have to agree that it's something that you can't believe is happening right now. DBSK was the reason I was pulled into the Korean love back in Sept 08 and I'm not a die hard fan since I drift to other groups every now and then but I always come back to these boys in the end. It's upsetting to hear that JaeChunSu are not happy, but they're human beings and it was only a matter of a time before an artist reached their limit with their contract. We all know the deal with how SM artists have it bad sometimes, it was only a matter of time before one of them cracked. Hearing how the contract works makes me just feel worse and quite appalled. It's even more upsetting that, like a lot have said, they're not in this together. Obviously YuMin don't agree. I have too many mixed feelings right now, I'm just going to wait and see what happens. SM have said 'DBSK absolutely must continue their activities' and there may be some people who can breathe properly now, but really, that hasn't solved anything at all.

































































  4. Oppa Band: rofl, Heechul came and went in the blink of an eye and I downloaded that whole one hour episode just for his 20 second appearance. I miss him so much on shows; no doubt he's busy with SSII and I'm getting along with fan accounts and fancams well enough. Ahh, Heechul, come back to TV.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    who do you think you are???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Most of us have this feeling -.-!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did you think about Shinhwa??? now it's just a "name"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And i'm really worry that they will become... gruuu






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There is no need to be so rude, I am not a Shinhwa fan so it's pointless asking me about what I think about them as I don't even know them. If I offended you then I'll apologize for that but I'm not changing my opinion; I really am quite shocked there are people who can't stand this idea. There is no question to DBSK's popularity, they are Asia's top - even separated they can stand on their own two feet just fine. If you're that much of a fan to the point where you can stand seeing the five of them parted at least try to support them - if the members didn't oppose it then the fans shouldn't either.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    My word, some people need to loosen up, so they're all going solo for one thing or another. So what? They've been a solid five for years it won't hurt and will certainly be interesting to see them work on their own. To be honest, I'm quite gobsmacked that some people are saying that they're disappointed in SM - I mean seriously; tell me what they've done wrong? :huh: Personally I cannot wait too see all their dramas. Saying that, I'm quite surprised Changmin is now casted, and cannot wait, even more so Yunho to see this boy in a drama. Aside from those two there's also JJ's HP in Oct.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    AADBSK3: Never really payed much attention to this but WOW at that list. It's so tempting to the point where I don't even care about how much is costs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After pulling an all nighter I was about to go to bed but seeing the pic above I literally ran towards the youtube video. I completely forgot there would be SHINee Generation on this weeks MuCore. It was better than I expected and I'm gonna jump on board with all this 'JongSica!' :ph34r:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, got to had; the camera man was great focusing on those two, I don't think I'd rather have any other couple, to be honest. Well done, camera man!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cannot wait! Never thought I'd see Yunho in a drama because of DBSK's tight schedules and the fact that they never really stay in one country too long. (apologies for the DBSK talk; not sure if it's allowed) I've always wanted to check an Ara drama out, too but never actually got round to it. And pretty excited to see Yoon Ji, too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Loving the cast, not gonna miss this drama for anything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really don't like the idea of the 'one performance per week' but at least on the up side it's quality over quantity (it's nice to see something a little bit different every perofmance)and hopefully the girls get more rest. For their latest Inki perf; they're looking gorgeous once again. So much better than their Fire days. I loved, LOVED CL's outfit. <33 & am I the only one who find Bom completely adorable?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The girls looked really happy during this performance, made me enjoy it all the more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, & as for Sketchbook: Min's dance! The girl is utterly adorable off stage yet put her on one and she blows you away. Bom's vocal power is just flawless. Completely wasn't expecting Dara to break out with In or Out song LOL!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would also have preferred them to pre-record the chorus along with their new English parts because it does sound a bit... iffy (can't find the right word) when you slap the original & new together. That's the only problem I have with it. Other than that I have to say I love it! A lot more than I thought I would since I'm not really a fan of English remakes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Off to replay all day. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also curious about the release date of the MV.

































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just downloaded it from itunes.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not everyone here loved tell me, so hot, or nobody but then we end up loving it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    suggestion: listen to it all night.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha, I'm a new WG fan and it took me... until 2 months ago to get into Nobody. I couldn't stand So Hot, but after watching the MV a few times it had me hooked. Tell Me I liked the first time I listened to it. I'm glad there's a new 'Nobody wave' coming, I can enjoy it this time when the last time it took me about 7 months to give it a chance.

































































































































































































































































  12. Thanks for the cyworld translations and also the bigger picture of him with Heebom. I freaking love his hair! <3 I'm so looking forward to his stares at either Hankyung/Siwon for the upcoming performances. :lol:

    May, 24th

    5:20PM MBC Sunday Sunday Night Part 1 – Quiz Prince [Heechul]

    (Schedule from SJ Zip)

    Woot! More Heechul to look forward to. Double dose that Sunday then seeing as we have Inki as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm a bit neutral to this girl group. They're called a 'female Big Bang' or 'like a female Big Bang' - which ever it is - and though I love some of their members, BB's music has never really been my type save a few songs. So I wasn't all that hyped when I heard about them and Lollipop didn't do anything for me. Didn't pay attention to yg hyping them up. I listened to Fire, and after a few tries I really got into it! I don't think I'll like every single thing they come out with but so far Fire has got me. Not as badly as some other people but I can't stop listening to it atm. The one thing I will be looking forward to is when these girls will perform.

































































































































































































































































  14. I only watched the HC & SW cut subbed version but that Saebaqui show is really freaking hilarious! Not just Heechul but the others; the women especially. The only people I recognized were Heechul, Siwon, that woman actress behind them and the two Kara members. Bless Heechul, some of his gags didn't work. He looks really great these days, though he seems really worn out too. He looked really tired when he was playing the piano on Inki and at the end he left the stage pretty quickly. You could see him leaving before everyone else.

    I don't think there's any variety shows he's going to be on anytime soon(?) Not by the looks of it right now, anyway. I hope he's getting enough rest.

  15. Looking forward to the last episode, though there's loads to cram in. I'm really looking forward to seeing how YJ/GE ends up: will BoF differ from the manga and Japanese version? I hope so. :( There was certainly little SoEul in the latest episode. As for Yumi: :crazy: I could have slapped that girls smile off her face from the preview (if you know, that was possible) The girl makes JK & MJ look like angels compared to herself. This is why I love JH, he sees straight through her sorry act. I can't wait to see the look on her face when JP finally remembers JD.

    There's something I have to say since it's already been mentioned, but I can't stand JD's mother either. Her dad and brother aren't so bad but it was despicable the first thing she did when she saw her daughter was drag her uniform from her bag and shove it in the noses of the group of women. And she still wouldn't leave her alone when they were asleep - don't get me wrong, I know she cares about JD - but she doesn't have to have a tantrum about not getting a rich son in law as her way of showing it.

  16. I can understand the frustration everyone is feeling to the latest episode. I was hoping for some movement but no, JK is still breathing down JP's neck every second. As for the playing on the comp together scene/shopping scene - what the heck are the producers doing?! :wacko: Then we have JP getting caught by his mom and once again he's marched off and JD gets a mouthful from his mother as if it's her fault. I don't mind fillers either, to be honest but I am not enjoying watching the JK/JP & JD/JH relationship develop in them. (Well I'm a little biased towards JD/JH, but that's not the point)

    As for YJ/GE, couldn't understand a word of what was going on but you don't need 'em to see he definitely didn't treat her well on that date, and judging by what the episode 20 text preview said the whole YJ/GE/EC triangle gets even messier. If the producers want to finish it with a YJ/GE ending, they better get a move on. :unsure:

  17. Haha... I thought the fiance arc in HYD would only be short and it lasted 9 of the 11 episodes. I hoped the same for BoF, but with the way it's going... I'll learn to never get my hopes up again.

    On episode 18, though, I totally agree; the Won Bin scene - what? Are the producers trying to give this guy his own say in the story? I know people are asking for it but there's no need, there's already enough to be going on with, with Jun Pyo, Ji Hoo and Yi Joung and as far as my opinion goes I don't really care about that guy at all. Either way it didn't work for me, it was thrown in a completely unnecessary place. Utterly random and a waste of 7 minutes? As for YJ! I can't believe he injured his hand - I honestly hope that some miracle will happen and it'll be back to normal and he's just being angsty like he has been about everything else for the past episode or two. I don't know what they're planning on doing on the YJ/GE front. It looks as though GE has no chance of shaking his feelings for his childhood friend/female pottery companion/teacher /can't remember her name person.

    I thought there's only be one episode this week so looking forward to tomorrows! With the pace it's going I wonder if they'll include the Umi/memory arc at all, not that I'd have any complaints if they didn't, that girl is definitely the most frustrating thing in HYD's/BoF's existence. :ph34r:








































    I'm very late but I want to comment on "Gee's" MV. The song... when I heard it; I really liked it. Just not to the point of 'WOW' and switched to another song after about 2 plays of it, but kept going back to it every now and then. The MV has really changed my opinion on it 'cause I can't seem to stop playing the damn thing. I really, really love the whole concept (Minho, LOL. Totally random, I thought) I loved the outfits, the colors, and the choreography! This is one thing I can't get over. I've read a few comments saying they thought it was hilarious, and I think do too, hilariously cute. And looks like a ton of fun too. If there's one thing I can't wait for it's too see these girls performing it. (Boo for no MuBank, tho) The girls look beautiful, Maknae is so gorgeous. Really not digging Sica's hair but it looked good enough in the MV. Now I need to get round to watching a subbed version.
































    I see "Gee" has been a hit already so gratz to the girls. (really) Looking forward to them performing. :D





  19. I'm a bit late but about Heechul's entry about him gaining weight, I was watching the latest Good Daddy and was kind of shocked at how skinny he looked.

    Heechul's sisters' entry: Nice to see she posted something up about the concert. Er, I wouldn't be too happy if I was Kyuhyun's sis and I read this. ._.

    PetalOfFlame, if only there were clearer versions of those gifs. XD :phew:








































    ^ It was mentioned just a few posts above there is a group working on it. The only ep subbed in English so far is the pilot - as it's been said before quite enough times.
































    It was nice to hear that Hongki attended SuJu concert, I hope that boy is feeling better after the whole SBS Gayo Daejun & getting taken to hospital incident. :(
































    The latest ep was pretty good, I enjoyed it more than the previous anyway. Heechul teaching the mom's the Nobody dance. :lol: You know, I had to keep rewinding it a bit at the start since Hassan was so quiet :huh: and that guy is NEVER quiet. I thought he wasn't there. XD
































    Preview for next weeks: Is that Yuri and Tiffany I see? :D





  21. ^ Ahhh, I thought he played WoW - I wondered when I read an entry (or something) where he was talking about 'undead' and 'horde' a while ago.

    lol, I feel so sorry for him reading that, he lives with others right now, if I'm right? Or are they also spending Christmas with their family? :[ Glad to see that he's still got Heebum though. BoB narrator doesn't know what he's talking about I think. :wacko:


    ^ Thanks for the link to Initmate Note and JoAhSeo & I hope you're feeling better.




















    ^ Thanks for that, the other one loading much too slow.
















    Poor, poor Taeyeon, being sick is hard enough, it must be horrible to have to perform - twice - especially when she's tired. I watched the Kissing You performance first and you could tell she was a little out of it. The buttons performance was OK - that's all I really have to say on that one.






















    I saw wrong. XD The girl actually wasn't attacking Hongki, he tried to take that plastic hammer (whatever it is) off her and she wouldn't give it him. That bit was so hilarious. :lol:
















    Ahh, Hongki would make such a troublesome big bro if he ever had (or does have) a little sister.



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