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(Philippines)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  7. I didn't say bother them, just confirm.  That they did arrive safely. Philippines has the worse airport. Everytime i go back there for a visit. I have to hold my temper. Just my two cents. 

    2NE1 is still in Korea at the moment. ^_^ Dara is exercising! LOL

    According to @welovedara, they'll be here on Feb 1. It's not an official confirmation though. (But I trust their info. biggrin.gif)


    아.. 이게 얼마만의 고독한 자기관리인가…?!? 여행을 앞두고 수영복을 입겠다는 마음으로 나의 마지막 몸부림 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 여러분~ 미리미리 합시다 ㅠ 에휴.. 나의 퐌상적인 11자 복근을 뽐낼수있는 기회였느데!!!+.+ 후회되네요.. ㅠ 앞으론 열심히운동해야징! 

    Source: Dara's me2day
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Source: Etude Korea (Facebook)
























































    Unnie is too cute to handle OMG  :tears:




















    *quoted image**quoted image*




















    *quoted image**quoted image*




















    Source: forever-2ne1 @tumblr




















    I love that pouting lips  :lol:







































    She doesn't even have an unnie-look!!! She soooooooo cute!wub.gif Thanks for posting these gifs!! biggrin.gif





  10. Find an interesting fanvid on Youtube ^^. This reminds me of the time when we had a topic (almost an argument LOL) of 2NE1's English a while ago.

    2NE1 Speaking English

    Credit: 2NEBang@YT

    I didn't know Dara spoke English that much when she was in The Philippines. ^^

    yup. Dara was not fluent in Tagalog when she started her career in the Philippines. It was hard on her in the contest because she can't speak Tagalog which is (somewhat) required of course when acting here. She's always speaking in English, 95%!!! hahaha So in the video, she said she'll try to learn Tagalog.^_^ And it's ironic, when she went back last year for the concert. When the press was asking her and 2NE1 in English, she always respond in Tagalog.haha Right now, I can say she's more fluent in Tagalog than in English. She's a little bit hesitant now speaking English but I hope she practice it in preparation for their US debut.
























    @ the fancam of Dara filming for Etude: Poor Dara... She must be very cold to film in such freezing weather with short clothes like that. Right after the filming is done, all the staffs gather and hurry to give her jacket and blanket. I want to hug her so badly.




















    Yeah eat more unnie~ ^^




















    *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*




















    *quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*




















    Source: rory-girl@tumblr







































    yeah, it's freezing there and she's wearing mini skirt. :( But she's not complaining. She's still very respectful. It's good that the staff are taking care of her. 




























































































    source: Etude Facebook (Korea)




















    Etude enjoys posting 3 pictures of Dara a day... LOL ~~ I don't mind.haha wub.gifbiggrin.gif




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love Dara's new Etude promotional photos!! wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif She's really getting younger and younger!biggrin.gif I can't see the Dara of 2NE1 in these photos. It's a totally different persona there.haha She really improved a lot. I'm feel so proud just seeing her.wub.gif
























































































































































































































































































    @samecut123: Your name is Jez right? Can I call you Jez? ^^




















    Fans should stop giving Dara more Tamtam because Dara has only one real Tamtam who is the baby that CL and Dara gave birth to. There is only one Tamtam of Daddy CL and Mommy Dara's. LOL just kidding ^^, Dara's fans are always so sweet.







































    yes, you can call me Jez ^_^ and how about you? What's your nickname here? 




























































    Source: http://2ne1shabam.tumblr.com/post/15572457982/favorite-part-in-the-club-dara




























    @samecut123: Congratulations !! ^^  :lol: . I'm jealous with you now.




















    Unseen Airport Photos Of Dara For Etude Japan Pre-Launching




















    *quoted image*




















    *quoted image*




















    *quoted image*




















    Source: @BlackjackBelle







































    Taken from: OhDara







































    @dragon-rider  Thanks! I'm more inspired now to make fanarts. ^_^  




















    ^ I wonder where Dara puts her tamtams given to her by fans. By now, I think she nearly has hundreds.biggrin.gif Fans are so sweet!wub.gif




































































































































































































































    Hi guys, I'm so happy!! My entries in OhDara/WeLoveDara contest won! :) Let me share it here.wub.gif

































































































































































































  17. Sandara Park loves her Neon Pink JC/DC Coat


    Sandara Park (박산다라) have been spotted wearing a bright neon pink coat to various place. Just to name a few places, the airport (en route to Singapore), Etude House 'Pink Play School' event, YG Family Concert band practice.

    If you have been wondering who designed the neon pink coat with metal closure, it's none other than Jean-Charles de Castelbajac! The coat is from his diffusion line, JC/DC.

    I love how Sandara Park (박산다라) makes the coat so versatile. Whether it's travelling or attending an event, she wears it so effortlessly. The color suits her bubbly and cheerful personality.

    Source: http://www.eiffelins...-pink-jcdc.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sandara Park loves her Neon Pink JC/DC Coat
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sandara Park (박산다라) have been spotted wearing a bright neon pink coat to various place. Just to name a few places, the airport (en route to Singapore), Etude House 'Pink Play School' event, YG Family Concert band practice.
































































































































































































































































































































    If you have been wondering who designed the neon pink coat with metal closure, it's none other than Jean-Charles de Castelbajac! The coat is from his diffusion line, JC/DC.
































































































































































































































































































































    I love how Sandara Park (박산다라) makes the coat so versatile. Whether it's travelling or attending an event, she wears it so effortlessly. The color suits her bubbly and cheerful personality.
































































































































































































































































































































    Source: http://www.eiffelins...-pink-jcdc.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Aziatix's Flowsik Talks About 2NE1's Dara in an Interview (for the 3rd time)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    starts around 2:16
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Q: Which Korean artist would you like to share a stage with?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Flowsik: Sandara Park....I'm a fan, I'm a big fan of Sandara Park in 2NE1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ok. Dara's fanboys are loyal.  :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yay! Since Dara is loyal, also her fanboys are loyal. Thanks for letting us know. wub.gif I'm happy with news like this.haha

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..