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Posts posted by Xkumagorobeamx

  1. read first response.

    Other than that, striking good looks, proficiency in some sort of skill, and interest in his interests.

    I'm not sure what kind of attention you're seeking, and what audience you're after. please elaborate for a more thorough response

    i was liking for something that would make him interested in me..
































































































    I'm very excited and pumped for the new album!








































    to be honestly have no idea what to say about how great big bang. is, but, I kind of have a little story of how i got into big bang that i'd like to share








































    I use to never listen to Kpop songs, because i thought they all sounded the same.. nothing special.








































    One day I went over to a friend's house, as soon as i walked into the door i can hear this very upbeat and catchy sound. I asked her what she was playing. She told me it was big bang's Last Farewell. As a musician, even though i didn't know understand the lyrics, but through the melody and the rhythm i can feel what the song is trying to tell a story. Ever since that day I have been looking up big bang's mvs, lives, and even their dance and singing practices. The energy and effort they put into their work really showed off in their songs, and because of their hard work they have really motivated me to work harder to become a better musician myself.








































    I'm glad I have the opportunities here to really thank big bang for keeping me motivated and pushing myself to work harder!
















































































    - California, Vicky








































































































    2011 Mazda3 Itouring
































































    - name: BBB








































    - picture: NAH!








































    - gender : Female








































    - age: legal! :]








































    - location: Laguna Beach








































    - ethnicity: I wonder...








































    - interests: Games, art, music, bunnies.. anime...typical asian stuff
































































    Nada sou sou ; n ;








































    god its just so tragic how he died
































































    Knowing how you feel, and yet i still cant forget about you.








































    You are the only one thats been on my mind for months.








































    Why is it so hard to forget about you?
























































































































    1. <3 Drummer
















































    2. Cutest smile
















































    3. Curly Blonde hair <3
















































    4. Funny <3









  8. Ok guys.

    I have a question.

    So I confessed it to a guy that i like him. He was really shocked and surprised. Then later he said he didnt kno wat to tell me, He kinda like this other girl. After that he said he will text me or I can text him later.

    I mean I didn't ask him out or anything. From a guy's POV do u guys think I would still have a chance with this guy?
































































    urgh problem with connectivity again~
















































    I have set the setting right, and it worked before.
















































    but now I can't send nor receive any mms or go on internet again.
























































































































    ah~ RIP Honjo Ren.. <3
















































    It feels so unreal that he just left like that...
























































































































    Thank~ just curious.. does internet work on the phone?
































































































    i'm having trouble with SH9020.








































































    I can't send or receive any Picture messages.

















































































  13. yay nay?!

    Ok, so I'm caught between things.

    My friend A (girl) and my friend B (boy). A and B have been friends for a long time. And A and B kinda went on a date one day, A felt that she has something clicking with B, but she is shy and doesn't have the confidence to confront B about her feelings. A feels that B doesnt have the same feelings for her as she does. So she asked me for some advises. I told her to talk to him more and get closer and closer to him. But the problem now is she doesnt know how to talk to him more without making her look desperate or annoying. D:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    can you give me some of the models of phones that contains wifi :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ah~ that looks so nice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    is it software unlock or hypersim?

































































































































































































    New here and wanted to share....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wats that white one the second column on the right called?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm going to bump this thread just cuz im a die-hard diru fan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ><; d

































































































































    I don't sell phones anymore. I stopped doing that. It was really far too much effort and wasted a lot of my time and the turn around time for the customer was like 2 days atleast. Like I said. Too much time wasted on the buyer's end and just really tiring for me.

    The most I can do is set people up with the sellers and it's up to them for the communication part (that's the hard part. The people I know some speak english and some don't speak english at all LOL).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohh hmm.. do you think its possible if you can help me find a seller. xD I'm really looking forward to buy a new cell.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    What else do they speak other than english :o I can somehow manage to communicate with them. haha

































































































































    That looks like the old 2008 3G-SIMs....... those should only have been limited for use in Asia. **shrugs** oh well things travel these days.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh.. I see
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Do you have any newly updated sim cards?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    How much are they? And do you also sell software unlocked phones? :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    got a picture of it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry its kinda blurry
































































































































































































































































































































































































    and for some reason i'm not able to text verizon, at&t, and sprint users. D:

    Sure it's ismart'09? I'm willing to bet it's 08 version LOL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    haha i doubt it cuz i had a 08 ver of ismart, and it looks completely different than this one
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh and sorry for cutting off ur post ^^;
































































































































































































































































































































































































    one more thing also wanted to ask you if you are seliing any software unlocked docomo?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks :D

































































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