Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by my_angel03

































































































































    It's called a 'vignette' (vin-niet).

    Vignetting can be achieved in many many different ways.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Your method will depend on your version of Photoshop.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There's a built-in filter in newer versions (CS2/CS3/CS4) called 'Lens Correction' found under 'Filters>Distor' menu.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    There's a vignette section in there that should be pretty self explantory.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To keep the vignette effect on its own layer, don't run the filter on the photo itself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Instead, create a new layer, fill it with white, then set the Blending Mode to 'Multiply'.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Run the Lens Correction filter on this layer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you're on a version of PS without that filter, try this link:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I looked at the beginning of the thread and found what I was looking for, but the link helped a lot :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Unfortunately, I don't have the Lens Correction Filter, thanks anyways.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Does anyone know how to make this effect? The black things surrounding the picture? Thank you! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and is there some kind of effect in Photoshop to make the photo clear or it the picture quality?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hey i'm new to this so, bear with me if i do something wrong ;]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hhmm, i'm just wondering, does mikki own the girlsholic online store or is she just a model?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I just noticed, many ulzzangs have really great sense of style. haha! i love it!

































































































































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Important Information

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