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Posts posted by leianji

  1. I totally agree with everyone here who say that IHYV is the best drama this 2013 and that LJS is the best actor ever! And not because I am a fan of both ... It's the truth! I've watch the drama of song hyekyu ... The master's sun ... And is barely going through 'heirs' ( they should thank woobin for making the drama work!) ... So who's going to say otherwise? Hahahahaha! Dramafan 100: as usual ..very astute of you ...and count me in if IHYV and LJS doesn't win ...I am likely to get violent too! Hahahaha! This is not merely a fan talking...but truly nothing can beat both this year...much as I respect SJS and GHJ as actors...and master's sun did deliver...but it just ended there. As for TWTWB, it was okay ... The story poignant...but it left me wanting! Now ...let's not talk about 'heirs' because the only thing working for it is woobin...and the pretty stars! If this drama wins...then I am totally going ballistic! Hahaha! Shin.U: hello! So agree with your statement...woobin is the only living thing in that drama...he makes the screen sizzle with his stare ...and smirk! Rania: well...I am so happy that fate made you return to that particular page to see my post girl! Hahahaha! Naaaah! It's okay Rania ...even if you didn't see ...it's okay! Hahahaha! Much love for your sweetness my friend! Looking at all the bts of IHYV...all I can do is sigh! And go back to watching the whole drama again! Hahahaha! I love sooha and hyesung a lot! Because much as I want the real thing...it's highly impossible now!! Sukkie as a reindeer...I love! The doe eyes...the pouty lips...the naughty smile...I WANT! Gimme sukkie deer now! Hahahahahaha! Sukkie is a star! He is rocking that attire...now I wonder if hong kong is ready for him? Hahahahaha! Because I AM! I just wish he discards the earring! Hahahaha! I can't still get the hang of it... Jong suk fighting!!!

  2. Gosh! All the awards pics are to-die-for! Sukkie sure knows how to rock a tux! And that overcoat thingy is looking like a signature style of his...I've been seeing it in most of his appearances now...makes him look like an English gentleman! Hahaha! Is that true?! Did sukkie really make an appearance in 'heirs'? Wow....I thought that that will never happen! Hahaha! Rania: oh girl...doesn't sukkie look so yummy in tux?! Hahahaha! I love it! Maybe in his next role he should come out in tux too! Hahaha! And he's my lovey too...yah know! Hahahaha! I'm glad that more people are recognizing his talent! I wish he will have a long and successful career...much like the respected actors in Korea like...song kang ho, an sungki, won bin...to name a few! I think that go namsoon of school 2013 is a role that made people take notice of him...but it's park sooha of IHYV that made him! Most people love him as sooha...so I hope that his next role will be something that will surpass sooha! My fingers are crossed now! Waiting and waiting patiently for news of his future projects...as well as for HBY! Jong suk fighting!!!

  3. Hello hello!! My my my!! This thread is in a joyous mood today! And why not?! SUKKIE WON!! *dances sukkie's dance of joy* I' m so happy ...I'm actually gliding with joy! Indeed it's thanksgiving time! And what a way to celebrate! Rania: HE WON! And imagine beating joo won! I can't help but smile at the thought...joo won is a tough contender who is also popular and a credible actor! So imagine that! Hahaha! And he looks so dashing in his tux! You're correct...if there's a Korean Bond...sukkie is a top contender! And Rania ...his hair is golden now...RED gold! Hahahaha! Well...I know that he will win in the SBS awards...only I hope he is not going to be sharing it with anyone though...it's my own opinion that if it's shared ...it's like the judges didn't find your acting compelling enough...ahhhh! It's just my thing!!! Or my idea of an award is that only one should come out as the best! I'm glad that sukkie's earring is a tiny dot.....hehehe! Not much about guys and earrings really! The less jewelry he wears ... The better for me! Hahahaha! He tends to look like an idol or a star...not an actor! Hehehehe! What was his speech about? Did he mention anyone again? Hehehe! Dramafan 100: hi! As usual your thoughts are wonderful! And yes...sukkie keeps reminding us what brought us here in the first place! It's like he entered the door to our hearts ...and locked it! Hahahaha! Cheesy? Oh well...hahahaha! My thoughts...IHYV proves again what a stunning drama it was...and sukkie's park sooha's character a difficult act to follow. Here's hoping that sukkie's star does not remain in park sooha only...I hope he will be an actor whose many characters he will play in the future will remain solidly in our hearts...as the character park sooha did! Jong suk fighting!!!

  4. Hello everyone! Shin.U: helllllllloooooooo there! Great to see you here...not only Rania misses you but all of us! Sukkie specially! He's giving you several love calls now! Do drop a line or two here okay? Rania: really?! That's a Richard Simmons! Hehehehe! That's so like...why? Hahahaha! Of all names to call that...that! Hahaha! Noooooooo! Not erotic ones....only romantic thoughts! Hahahaha! Just thinking of erotic things makes me giggly! Hehehe! Naaaaaahhhh! So giggly now! No she really does not have one now....but okay if she can't be....then the cashbag girl is alright! Hehehe! OMG! Much as I love sukkie...the idea of him singing is making me laugh!! There are really limits for sukkie....no singing! No dancing! Can he just be a guest host in that idol show? I love love that HBY photo! Sukkie looked handsome in his school uniform! Anymore pics like that hidden? Wow! Rania! Those are awesome couples for the SBS awards! But I gave great faith that sukkie and Bo young will win it! They were the IT couple amongst all! But gosh! Sukkie will have the fight of his career in terms of all those actors against him for the best actor award...what is your forecast girl? Do tell do tell! Excited! Expecting! Hopeful! Jong suk fighting!!!

  5. dramafan 100 : thank you so much for the spoilers!!  hahaha!!  i think that i will watch it for sukkie moments only now ... and i just want to say ... that if sukkie is searching for new projects come 2014 ... to please please please stir away from storylines that have no future in them!! and to look over the credentials of the people behind the scenes ... i want him to go for challenging projects that are critically acclaimed minus even box office appeal ... because i want him to be known as an actor and not a star! hehehe!
    rania : yes .. i've seen the link ... but i was just waiting for the word on the girl ... since there was really no story there ... then i might just see it for sukkie ... 
    naaah!! rania ... i read that it is not current!!  its way way way back ... so she's free for sukkie ... i hope!!  hahahaha!  she just looks so good for him!! waaaahhhh!!  okay okay! don't go ballistic on me ... i will try to refrain about pairing her with him ... for now! hahahahaha!
    just looked over the gifs ... and i say ... gosh! sukkie whatever are you doing in that bed sweetie??!!  hahahahaha!!  he is just truly asking to have someone in there with him!!  and ooooooooohhhhh!! the magic of a moving picture is that we see every change of expression as its happening ... and my heart went crazy at that gif of him rocking that chair with beer ... closed eyes and that smile on his lips!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!  hahahaha!  
    so ... what's this richard simmons thing in soompi?? i always happen to see it ... and wah! i have no idea at all ... okay ... don't give me that shock and "is-she-with-us" look ... i really have no idea! hahahaha!!  i always go back to a person ... in the 80's (?) ... who does exercises and has this really shrill voice!!  i say ... sukkie is way not like him!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  6. hello!!
    any news on how hyo joo took all these publicity??  i hope that she doesn't let this dampen her ... as all these things shall pass ...
    urie : hi!  well i sure hope that your wish will come true ... since LSG and hyo joo do make a cute couple on screen ... and it seem that they have kept in touch even after their drama ended ... so it seem that their friendship lasts!
    who is this KDH that was rumored to have dated hyo joo? if i may ask ...
    as much has been said about her win ... and as i have said .... hyo joo deserved it!!  her acting was effective to me as a viewer ... since i was with her role's journey as a rookie cop slowly enlighten to the world's bad ...it was both so pure ... and poignantly acted ... and with that landslide vote ... what's there more to say ...
    waiting patiently for news of hyo joo's next project!!!

  7. yah!  he wants to be loved!!!!!  gosh! sukkie ... you make my heart ache for you!!  i wish that for you too!! much as our love here is always present for you ... i know that you also need someone to share your everyday thoughts and worries with!! and yes ... as selfish as i am when it comes to you ... i am willing and praying that you will find that very special person soon!!
    rania: ows girl ... our sukkie is like crying out for love dearie!! what shall we do??  i think that seeing that most of his special people are already taken in real life ... he feels so alone now ... my heart is so sad!!  i am rather a very selfish girl ... gosh! that's a new side of me which i recently discovered after liking sukkie ... but hey! what selfish girl's heart won't melt if her lovey is crying out for love!! hahahaha!!  so here's hoping and praying the new year will bring that special person for our sukkie (praying really hard its my other fave!! *hides before rania grabs my hide in frustration!!*) ...
    oh! rania ... who's that girl being paired with sukkie ... she sure has some fierce makeup going on ... hahahaha!!  is it suzy???  but she's for sung joon (an actor i admire in acting!) already .... waaahhhh!! hahahaha!
    that star mag christmas pictorial sure showed some serious cake eating by sukkie ... its making me crave for more sweets!!  ah ah!!  mother will surely get angry if i over eat sweets now!! hahahaha!
    shin.u must truly be busy .... she's been missing for some time now ...
    waiting waiting waiting ... for more news on sukkie ....

    jong suk fighting!!!

    ps ... so did his character in NB get the girl?? any spoilers???

  8. hello hello!!
    wow ... more news on sukkie's lending his voice for use of the blind ... i gathered from the article is that this is not just mere reading some stuff ... but an actual book ... and also that the tone of reading has to be good!!  so i think that sukkie's reading will take hours ... and he agreed to do it!!  that's pretty awesome really! and i admire him for doing that ... in a time that he should take some rest from the hectic schedule he had.  goes to show how good he is!!  darn! ... what is there NOT to love with sukkie?!  i think he has everything that i like! hahahahaha!
    i also liked reading his concern for the blind lady with him on the shoot ... terribly terribly so thoughtful!! sigh!
    the school 2013 pics brings back memories of the bromance!! hahahaha!  wow! it has been a year!! that long .... 
    shin.u : where are you girl??!!  rania's looking for you!!!!!  :D
    rania : i love those bts of sukkie and bo young from IHYV .... i was especially lol about where the steam from the shower scene was coming from!! hahahahaha!  the ingenuity of it all! hahahaha!  are there more bts from IHYV??  i hope there will be shares of that here!!
    waiting ever...so patiently ... for more news on sukkie ... and his new project(s)!!

    jong suk fighting!!!

  9. had to come back to post ....
    i was sorry to read the news of hyo joo's former management blackmailing her and her family ... i can't fully understand why a picture of her and her boyfriend can be something to blackmail someone with! still ... i am glad that she was able to deal with it in the right way!
    so ... if this news is true ... does that mean that hyo joo has a boyfriend already??!!  must be someone that is not in the industry .. or else it would have been in the news!
    this kind of publicity is unwarranted coming from a time when everyone is happy with hyo joo's recent best actress win...i hope that she is okay ... and not to take this thing to heart! fighting!!!

  10. hello hello!!
    gosh ... this is way toooooooooooo late ... but ... CONGRATS HYO JOO!!  a truly great win for a truly credible actress!  
    i am loving all the awards pics ... as well as the japan fan meet ... and the airport pics!!  as always ... i love her fashion!! i love the blue pants ... hahaha!
    i know that many people thought that her role in 'cold eyes' was not an award winning role.  that's what happens when the premise of a film is an action one!! its always the concept that only dramas or melodramas are the sole criteria for one to win an award. personally ... i think that any role is an award winning role!  an actress is judged based on how  effective she portrayed her role and how affected the audience were based on her role!  i have seen amongst the nominated actresses' films ... 'montage', and 'hide and seek' ... and i say the actresses there did justice to their roles ... and were worthy of the nomination!  however hyo joo's portrayal of a rookie cop with a gift awoken by the realities of the world was both innocent ... and poignant!!  it was subtle acting without much hysteria ... and was very effective in touching me as a viewer.  so i guess the judges for the BD awards were just being objective ... hyo joo won it ... and i guess people should accept that she was chosen!!  i hope that all the hate words stop because ... what's done is done ... and i, personally, think that she deserved it!
    urie : hi!!  so you think that hyo joo may probably have heard LSG call for them to star in a drama again?! hahahaha!  well .. if that's going to be the case ... i don't mind ... they were cute in 'brilliant legacy' ... but i read somewhere that in korea ... it is seldom that an actor and actress who have already starred in a drama will be cast again in another.  here's hoping though that it is not the case!!  i will really love to see hyo joo in a drama again!
    fujiwara no sai : hahaahaha!  so it was a bts!! and here i was thinking that probably they dated! hahahaha!
    i really love what she wears!! hahahaha! gosh!  i think all those are branded clothes!! hahaha!
    i am hoping to hear some good news of her next project soon!!  crossing my fingers!!  make it a drama first hyo joo! please!!

  11. hello everybody!
    wow!  those IHYV pics are giving me some bittersweet memories!!  the pics are so sweet and the rapport between the stars are so transparent ... who can't fall in love with them!! hahahaha!!  if ever there would be a chance that everyone gets to star together again ... it will be perfect!!
    rania: sukkie truly has a knack for red hair!! hahahaha!! he has been having that color from time to time!! hahahaha!!  
    i am still trying to recover from the W mag pics!! gosh!  i hope that sukkie's next role will exude the same aura as these pics ... i want to see a really hot and sexy guy on my small screen now!! hahahaha! 
    dramafan 100: as always i am loving reading your random thoughts here .... and i envy you ... your husband seem to be a really cool guy!!  maybe when the time comes for me to get down to having a relationship ... hahahaha!  i hope to find one who will laugh off and accept my craziness on korean/japanese entertainment ... and my love for sukkie!! hahahahaha!
    jong suk fighting!!

  12. Hello everyone! Wow! More pictures, videos, and news to drool over...thank you so much to all! Much love coming from here for everybody! Dramafan 100: thank you for that very insightful review of NB! Haven't gotten to see the movie yet...but with your review ...i will be watching it with an easy heart! Just really sad to know that the role didn't give him much room to shine though! Sigh! I am hoping that HBY will give sukkie the chance to show his abilities as an actor! Because much as everyone loves him for his modeling ... I want more people to love him as an actor who delivers! Rania: hi girl! Still no news as to why sukkie did not attend the MAMA? Is that picture of the IHYV guys recent? Did they meet up somewhere? That's really so great that they continue to be friends even after the drama. Actually the reason I was trying so hard to know his perfume is that I really really want to buy it for myself!! Hahahaha! I KNOW! It's for a guy .... But the reason why I want it and plan to use it...is so that I get to carry his smell around! Hahahaha! Okay ... Call me crazy... But I guess I am! Hahahaha! I am dying to know ... His perfume... I read somewhere that he uses 'man' by bulgari... But no confirmation really ... So I've been scouting around for the info! Hahahaha! Is that SBS photo recent? Looks like sukkie loves red hair so much! Hahahaha! So I think unless his next project requires him to change the color ... We are going to be seeing red for quite awhile! Hahahahaha! Are you seeing 'red' perhaps now Rania?! Hahahaha! Waiting patiently for HBY! And any news for his plans for 2014 yet? Jong suk fighting!!!

  13. Hello hello! I think that of all sukkie's photo shoots...the last three...geek, W, and star mag...shows sukkie's new image really well... And I love it! Geek...has sukkie smoldering...W...has sukkie daring and honest...star mag...has sukkie playfully Christmassy! Hahahaha! And I like! Rania: okay okay...will fall in line...settling myself at number one!!! Hahahaha! That's so sad...why do you think sukkie failed to attend? Maybe he wasn't feeling well...or probably he was preparing for his china fan meet? Bo young looked fiery hot in her gown...too bad sukkie didn't get to see it... Okay ... Just got myself sukkie's organix shampoo ... As well as hairdressing cream! Crazy?! But I wanted to use things he uses! Hahahaha! Hope to get an update on why sukkie failed MAMA...as well as dreaming so bad of sukkie right now...too bad I'm quite wide awake ... Jong suk fighting!!!

  14. Rania...I WANT him for a hubby sooooo bad now! Hahahaha! I don't really need to cook well now...yippee! I am sooooo giddy with the thought! Yes....I am really excited to know his next project now....let's hope it will be one that will show sukkie's full potential as an actor...and I hope it's going to be one really HOT project!! Waiting for MAMA! Hahahaha! Jong suk fighting!

  15. Hello everyone! Okay .. Like everyone here ...I, too, have yet to recover from all these! Sukkie certainly took us in a roller coaster ride this time around...cute and full of aegyo on one end ...and terribly sexy and hot on another! But I guess ...we all wouldn't come down from our ride anytime soon, right?! Hahaha! Actually ... I am waiting to be surprised again by him! If this is heaven...then I wouldn't want to get out from here now! Hahaha! Shin.U: hahahaha! Well girl ... We were all left breathless by him...I think that sukkie is too hot to handle... Thank you so much for translating sukkie's letter...again...I am tickled pink by his open adoration of his noona! Naughty boy indeed to be so vocal! Hahaha! No shyness here at all! Dramafan 100: same sentiments here too...how aptly you've put into words what everyone feels! Hahahaha! Rania: girl...you are amazing! While sukkie and I ...okay I've put us into a couple now! Hahaha!....can barely wink with one eye...YOU can do with two! Awesome! Hahahaha! Waaaaahhhh! It won't be as good as sukkie's eating cake...rather it would be a good example of what gluttony is! Hahahaha! I have yet to view the W pictorial video...so... Can't wait to see HBY...since sukkie seem to be really excited about this movie...and he has put in more effort on a role that is totally different from his character! Jong suk fighting!!!

  16. Hello hello! I guess that indeed...Jong suk left us all breathless with his recent pictorials! As much as I loved the geek photoshoot...what with those smoldering eyes of sukkie staring at every pic at me...meltdown!! What those W pictures did was left me speechless! I think I just had an attack! Hahaha! Attack to my senses! I love that with those pictures he showed himself to us...it's like a soul baring photo shoot...giving us an idea of the man he is...he smokes...he drinks...he washes his hair...have bad hair days...etc.! For that...I thank him! His honesty is awe inspiring...and much as I already love him before...this time I am totally sucked in...hook, line and sinker! Hahaha! And I am loving it! Rania: I know you were jesting me...WOW! A two eyes wink is something incredible girl! Hahaha! I knew that the horses had to take the backseat for now....so have you fully recovered by now? I know...only sukkie can eat sexily...whereas I...alas! Eat like a greedy person! Hahaha! Maybe I will post a pic of my mouth full of icing...hahahaha! Well...as far as I am concerned...sukkie's speech was nothing to be mad over. Hmp! Shin.u : how's your heart? Mine has been torn to pieces several times now...but I am not minding it one bit since sukkie's the one doing the tearing! Hahahaha! Dramafan 100: I guess you too have not gotten over the pictorial...it will probably carry us over till his next project! Hahaha! Waiting excitedly for HBY...because if it's anything like his W and geek pictorial...I am already preparing myself! Jong suk fighting!!

  17. can't resist to post!! hahaha!
    shin.u : yes!! i agree ... first with your comment on his cigarette and LIPS!! hahahaha!  and second ... i think that he is really preparing us for HBY ... all this preparation however is making me greedy for more!! hahahaha!!  i am getting pretty excited over here now!!
    rania : hey girl ... are you still stucked at gazing at sukkie's naked pics?! hahahaha!  
    i noticed in the gif that you posted of the behind the scene at apan awards of bo young and sukkie that it looked like she was angry at sukkie ... am i correct?  looked like she was glaring at him ... and he was like trying to appease her ... whhhhhhhyyyyy?  do tell do tell ... if you get any news on that!  

    jong suk fighting!!

  18. hello hello!
    fujiwara no sai : its okay ... i know that you must be busy too!! hahaha!! but thanks for taking time to reply to me ... its so very nice of you really!! :\">
    i think that hyo joo is a lovely lady with or without makeup!!  she is just so beautiful!! hahahaha!!
    and who doesn't love SJK!! hahaha!  that boyish charm ... and that smile!!  and i think that hyo joo and him will make a great pair on screen ... oh! i am not very sure ... so correct me if i am wrong ... was there a time that people thought that they were dating?? not so sure ...
    oooohh!!  i am so excited!!  it came from her mouth ... she is not sure whether it will be a movie or drama!!!  i am now praying that it will be a drama!!  please hyo joo!! it would be lovely to see you for a longer time then in a movie!!  and i am still hoping it will be with my other fave!!!! hahahaha
    well ... i am wishing that it would be go soo who will be with her in japan ... oh please please!! they make such a good looking pair!   

  19. okay ... i can't seem to hold my heart  ... am i asleep still ... or wide awake ... cause i'm not sure what i am looking at right now ... is there truly anything that sukkie can NOT do?!  God help me!! hahahahaha!
    rania : you naughty naughty girl!!  i thought you love horses!! hahahaaha!!  was i so surprise to see a new avatar!! hahahaha!!  well ... a nekked sukkie will make anyone change his/her likes!!  :))  loving the new avatar girl!!  and mind you ... i think that naked sukkie was inviting ME to join him in bed ... he winked at me! hahahahaha!
    hahahaha!!  i am not asking if you have two eyes!! hello ... is the naked picture of sukkie clouding your eyes now?? hahahaha!! i was asking if you have trouble winking too girl!! hahahaha!
    geek photoshoot looks sultry ... but w mag is totally sizzling hot and manly man!! I LIKE IT SUKKIE ... CAN WE HAVE MORE OF THIS!! hahahaha!  i have dl all pics ... and i can't seem to choose which i want on my desktop now!! hahaha!
    if he wanted to change his image really bad ... well i think he did succeed!!  because ... darn it!! much as i love the really aegyo, cute sukkie ... i am loving ... and i mean loving THIS sukkie much more .... it is just asking to be taken seriously!! hahaha!  what do you think that fave lady of sukkie will think now, rania?? hahahaha!
    well ... i don't like cigarettes ... but i am realistic enough to know that most men do smoke sometime in their lives ... others smoke a lot!  so seeing sukkie with a cigarette is really not surprising ... in fact ... it carries his message of change ... and being honest!!  i think he is hitting it right in front of us ... that yes he does smoke ... so don't go searching for any pic anymore because here i am showing it to you now!  that part is truly sukkie ... honest and soul baring!!  and i like!! hahahaha!
    and oh!!  i eat my cake that way too ... is it destiny ... hahahaha!
    dramafan 100 : i ... we ... don't mind how many times you post here because ... i, for one, loves to read your random thoughts posts!!  they are honest ... and funny!!  thanks for sharing it always!
    shin.u : i see you've change your avatar too!! hahahaha!!  and i like it  ... rania's naked sukkie  is truly inviting ... your smoking sukkie is asking for a spank!! hahahaha!  
    i am now ready for more changes ... excited and anticipatory ...

    jong suk fighting!!

  20. hello everyone!!
    dramafan 100 : you are wonderful!!  your posts are so funny ... hahaha! sukkie as a cuddly but deadly vampire ... that's truly beautiful!!  and your comment of woobin looking more like a vampire then sukkie made me rofl!! hahahaha! certainly very astute of you!! 
    rania : okay okay ... no more 'rolls eyes' comments here!! hahahaha!
    i am loving that back hug bts from IHYV!!  you can see sukkie was still in the role ... while bo young was happily enjoying the hug and making the v-sign!! hahahaha
    i had to laugh at sukkie's effort to give a wink ... i, too, have a difficult time winking ... one of my friends said its probably because i have small eyes!! hahahaha! i don't know ... how about you?
    HAHAHAHAHA!  nooooo! i am not trying to destroy you rania dearest!! hahahaha!  but as far as i gathered from my telepathic conversation with sukkie is that ... he is really really liking the red!! hahahahahaha!!  so if we want it changed ... lets gather all our forces and get him into a new project soon!!  the downside is that ... it might require THAT hair color from him!! hahahaha!  ooooppps!! are you still up rania??  i have a fear that you've fainted from too much frustration by now!! hahahaha!
    loving the 'geek december 2013' cover ... and rania .. his hair isn't red here!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  21. yipey!! finally a fan account of the event ... i am so happy!! 
    shin.u: thank you so much!!  what are we going to do without you ... and i am echoing rania's 'you rock girl!!!'  i love you!! hahahahaha!
    dramafan 100 : i totally love your scenario ... hahahaha!! they say the best ideas come with liquor!! hahahaha!!  and yes!! i agree ... there is beautiful ... and there's lee jong suk!!  God!!  why is he totally to-die-for!! hahahaha!  i can just stare at his face forever!! hahahaha!
    rania : ows!! i am glad that there were jdoramas that i mentioned that you've not watch!! hahahaha!! or you're getting my head for having had you google 'rolls eyes'! hahahahaha!
    that makes us two (2) bad fans!!  because ... yes! i am selfish ... yes! i am wishing he fails it!! hahahaha!  omg! something came to my mind suddenly ... if what we wish for comes true ... there will be something for that person to bash sukkie about again! oh! well ... that person can roast because i will be totally one happy ... bad fangirl! hahahaha!
    yes ... SHK will be an awesome partner for sukkie .. but will there be the same chemistry as his fave lady ... i don't know ... judging from the apan awards ... i don't think there will be much talkies ...or even closeness that will happen behind the cameras! hahahaha!  gosh! i was laughing at the fan account of how sukkie was like sulking in his tiny corner thinking his fave lady wasn't going to attend after all! hahahaha!!  i can guess what was going on in his mind!! and he even dressed-to-kill for her!! hahahaha!
    i would die too!  that was such an awful looking sukkie expression on that muscular physique teaching some aerobic exercises ... and to  top it ... why paste that mummy-looking face of sukkie on one of the students??!!  that was double whammy!! hahahaha!! i am dying of laughter here! hahaha!  was it your creation???  hurray for your sense of humor!! hahahaha!
    i've done it .... telepathic transfer of wish... and sukkie's reply ... let rania sweat a little more from the sight of my red hair!! hahahaha!  nah! joke!  i'm sure that he is just going through a rebel phase and once a project is in line for him ... he will change his color!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  22. hello hello!!
    gosh! the smiles, stares and touch shared by my fave couple of all time gets to me .. right here in my heart!!  ahhh!!  the total hopelessness of a fan!! ahhahaahahaha!!  but i love them together ... and this will be forever ... i guess until there will be a lady that will surpass bo young in chemistry-ville!! hahahaha!
    rania: i wasn't laughing girl!! hahahaha!!  and yes ... here are some dramas that i've enjoyed and wish for you to try ....'kimi wa petto', 'nemoreru mori', 'koori no sekai', 'sora kara furu ichioku no hoshi', 'majo no jouken', 'koi no chikara' and 'nodame cantabile' ... just to name a few!! hahahaha!!  some of the dramas are really old ones ... set in the 1990's but really beautiful ... the newer jdoramas are a little manga-ish ... very light ... oh! 'bloody monday' is good too! hahahaha! its stars miura haruma (yum! hehehehehe!) ... you can try one recent one that stars him titled 'last cinderella'!!  nice!! .... ooops! sorry girls for the OT discussion here!
    yes!!  i was totally loving the pictures of sukkie yawning!! hahahahaha!!  gosh ... the total boredom of it all!! poor sukkie ... i guess he still has a long way to go in learning how to start a conversation with a diva like SHK!!  WOW if the two will be in a movie or drama ... i am going to watch ... not only will i be mesmerized with the total beauty of the two ... but the slow but sure development of a friendship!! hahahaha!
    oohhh!! poor rania ... i will have to send some telepathic message to sukkie to change his hair color NOW ... or else!! hahahaha!
    i know! i know!  that discussion gives me a lot of pain too ... its a reality that he will have to join the military ... but next year?! that's too much for my fangirl's heart!!  so... any news of the result of his medical exam????
    i am dying with laughter here rania ... whose creation are those sukkie exercises!!  OMG the choice of sukkie face is to die for!!  i am rofl!! enough!! hahahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  23. hello everyone!!
    i love her new photos ... she is so lovely to look at ... i can stare at it forever and not grow tired!! hahahaha!
    and news from my side!!  i finally got to see 'cold eyes' ... and WOW! she was good there ... gosh! i am totally fangirl-ing myself right now .... awesome!!  its too bad that she and jun ho (hope i got the name of the young guy) did not have more scenes together ... they had some spark there!! hahahaha!!  but hyo joo is one actress that literally owns a role ... be it period films ... romantic ... and now ... action!!  OMG she's exceptional!! hahahaha
    starix: hello again!!  so you love '911' more ... that was a good film too!!  i guess i have no particular favorite in hyo joo's films because ... she was great in everything i saw her in!! hahahaha!
    of course you love SJK!! its obvious enough! hahahahaha!!  i think he is a good actor too!! and i love him in 'sungkyungkwan scandal' (i hope i got the title right!!), 'wolf boy' and 'innocent man'!!!  ... you may have gathered here that i like the actor very much too! hahahahaha!   he has grown as an actor ... and i felt bad that he had to go to military just when he was getting into his groove acting!!  your wish may come true ... once joongki is out of the military!!  i .. for one ... will look forward to that project when the time comes!! hahahaha!
    waiting for more hyo joo news!!!!!

  24. hello hello!!
    wow ... more pics ... videos and articles!! thank you so much everyone!! looking at all those flashback photos of IHYV ... its bringing back all those giddy memories ... and all the reason why i totally love the couple so much!!  if ever there's a chemistry that hit the right mark ... this is it!!  they totally rock the 'in-love' look!! hahahaha!
    rania:  oh! girl ... that made me rofl!! hahahaha!! to have actually googled that title!! hahahahaha!  its a good thing that you just got the 'guys with strange eyes'!! OMG!  you are FUNtastic!! i totally LOVE you!! hahahaha!
    i guess ... you are right again!! hahahaaha!!  she did! sucks ... must have been frightened by the hubs who is not working now!! hahahahaha!! ooopps!  that's just me okay folks!! *praying that i don't get any backlash from the couple's die-hard fans* :D
    wahahahaha!!  you are the BEST rania ... thank you for wanting to do the HHJ and sukkie pairing for me!! hahaahaha!  should i?? should I?  hahahaha!  this fangirl can't rest ... she is hoping to get the pair together before our sukkie gets down and carts himself to the military!! waaaahhhhh!!  i will die then!! but before that ... i hope some producers will be kind enough to hear my rant and give this fangirl some crumbs to pick for possibly two of the saddest years in her life!! hahahahaha!
    i still think it is red rania ... though maybe not as orangey as that he sported in the beaker thingy as well as the NB meet! hahaha!! do you like this red better??
    hope he did get to talk with SHK ... or maybe he was just so awestruck by her ... rendering himself speechless... noting that SHK is like an international actress now having done some foreign films.  and SHK does not help either by remaining aloof herself!! hahahaha!
    woobin is doing well in 'heirs' ... in fact his character is the only ALIVE character there!!  LMH is a good looking guy but ... i am afraid in depth ... woobin is the winner!! hahahaha!  i hope that he will get an award for a stellar performance ... and i hear that his film 'friends 2' is doing well ... so ... i think that's way good for sukkie's BFF!!
    bonjour : hi! good to have you here again!
    hoping to see him in a drama ... and still praying hard that .... i don't lose him to the military anytime soon!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  25. Hello everyone! Woot! Woot! SUKKIE WON! Hahahaha! *dances with joy* Rania: noooooooo! That's not a title! Hehehe! It's an action on my part! Hahaha! I knew you had some hidden...and it's mighty awesome since you actually earned from it! Gosh! I literally died and came back to life!! Sukkie looked so handsome! And his hair is still red! Though I must say a better color...or is it the lights again?! And I was totally giggly at that photo of sukkie's puckered lips...hehehe! I dl it and pasted it on my tablet....guess I will have it next to me forever! Hahaha! I guess he fell asleep from sitting next to SHK!! She can be not so talkative at people she's not familiar with...and you know our sukkie is a terribly shy boy! Hahaha! I guess when his noona came to sit next to him...he felt like a lifeline was dropped on his lap! Hahaha! Do you see how they look at each other...gosh! That's compatibility for yah! I will forever compare all girls to Bo young from now on! Hahaha! So people are trying to pair him with different girls....hmmmm...I hope someone will do one with HHJ! Hehehe! *runs off to hide* Rania...I saw some pics of Bo young and guess what...I don't think she did...you know what I mean! Hahaha! I guess woobin didn't attend the awards...that's too bad...I wonder why? Didn't he like his award? Just asking...it would have been so great to see them together! Sukkie and woobin! Dramafan 100: sukkie sure looked dashing! I needed to fan myself from hyperventilating too much from staring at his pics! Overly excited for more!! Jong suk fighting!!

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