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Posts posted by leianji

  1. just saw the new pics from ceci posted!!
    rania zd:  whatever is sukkie doing with the bear??!!!  HUH!! hahahahahahahahaha!  it blows my mind looking at the pics!!  he is literally on the bear! hahahaha!  my imagination is going haywire over here!!  you just really woke me up with the pics that no strong coffee can ever do!! hahahahaha!
    thanks for making my day!!  hugz hugz!

    jong suk fighting!!!  (but please not with the bear! bwahahahahaha!:-O  :D)

  2. hello hello! so glad to be back!  couldn't post last night ... so got up really early this morning to have my morning fix! hahahahaha!
    everyone's been busy posting!!  yipey!!  i love love love all the pics and gifs!!  there were some funny gifs ... the one where he is dancing got me rofl!!  the one who created that must have a great sense of humor!! i was like ... nah! jong suk couldn't have done that ... with that expression! hahahahaha!
    i like the 'shy ljs' pics!!  he has a way of looking down when he is embarrassed!! and who wouldn't be in awe when you are beside the lovely KHS!!  i like his expression there!! hahahahaha!
    rania zd:  annyeong!!  i also hope he wins the award!!  but did i get it right that he wouldn't be attending if he does not win two awards??!!  i hope he wins all the awards because thinking back he was way too good then the other nominees ... not my bias talking here, okay!!:\">  hahahaha!  
    i found the pics of IHYV quite nostalgic really.  i can't help feeling a little pinch somewhere in the little corner of my heart while staring at them!!  i especially feel it when looking at the bts!!  sigh!!
    does anyone have the translation of the press conference of 'no breathing' and the interview afterwards??  so interested at what the questions were!!  jong suk must really be anxious now that the movie is due out soon!!  i am definitely crossing all my fingers that it does really well at the box office!!
    jong suk fighting!!

  3. hello again!!  so very back in this thread!! hahahahaha!
    rania zd:  read your opinion ... and i am 100% so totally in agreement!! hahahahahaha!!
    OMG! i had it in mind that he was the one in black ... but since i knew he wore gray for the vogue thingy ... it never crossed my mind that he could have change before attending that event! hahahahaha!  your comment had me rofl!!!!!!!  silly me!! hahahahahaha!
    love the pictures of jong suk with his eyes closed ... he must be very tired don't you think??? he just wants to rest ... poor baby!!  i want to say to his manager "Please let him rest!!" 
    do you think he will attend the korea awards thing??  i want him to win that soooooooooo bad!!  and i want his drama to win too!!!!
    its really okay that he didn't do skinship with the girl in 'no breathing' ... since our boy is truly a one-woman guy!! hahahahahaha! i guess you know what i mean!

    jong suk fighting!!

  4. hello everyone!! quite early in the morning here ... but i can't fall back to sleep ... needed my jong suk fix!! hahahahaha!
    corearen: hi!  i like the gif of jong suk waiting for food ... i think its from haritobi ... so like what i have in mind jong suk will be doing while waiting for his meal to be served!!! hahahahaha!  you post really fun and great pics too! thank you very much!! 
    rania zd:  do tell do tell!  i'd like to hear your opinion and point of view!!  because i know that you will be right on the dot! hahahahaha!
    yeah, right!! it was so clear that i can't see!! hahahahahaha!  but i guess he was the one wearing gray right??  i just wish there was a closer pic so i can see his expression better!! tada!!! hahahahaha!!
    you may be right ... he probably got that while shooting 'boiling youth'!  wish he'd be more careful in the future.
    so that girl in 'no breathing' likes SIG's character ... or person ... better than our LJS??!!  oh well ... we DEFINITELY love him more!!  i guess she was just a little taken aback since sukkie was a little aloof during the press conference ... or at the time they were shooting ... he was more busy concentrating on that other role he was playing and the lady!! hehehehehe!  okay ... that's that for that!!  maybe if our sukkie were more like he was in that drama (you know funny and touchy!) while filming 'no breathing' she would have fallen for him too!  just saying really! hahahahaha!
    well ... i am definitely captivated by jong suk!!!   i can say that about me!! hahahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!!!

  5. hello hello!!  i am so back here!! hehehehehe!!
    rania zd: its okay ... since i know that you're busy posting pics galore of our sukkie!! hehehehe
    wow! thanks for the pic of jong suk attending LBY's wedding! heehehehehehe! very clear pic indeed! hahahahahaha!  i will just have to use my laser eyes to see jong suk! hahahaha!!  but i am glad that he attended the wedding since LBY went out of her way to invite him to it! that's so very nice of him ... though i guess thats the reason for his rather sad eyes at the vogue thingy afterwards!! *ducks head from flying plates of LBY's fans* hahahahaha!
    yes! i did read haritobi's nbr 6 ... and i am saying again that its just truly sad that things couldn't have been ... jong suk was ... and the word is "was"!! hahahaha! .... really into her at that time ... and hey! she was too! *shields self from more flying plates of LBY'S fans*  heartbroken for him really!!
    i also want a new drama for him!!  and i hope its going to be with han hyo joo!!  please please please!!  
    yep she's kind of young (the skin ad girl) but ... i have no one in mind really ... except ... ME perhaps! hahahahaha!  i can be firm!! hahahahahaha!
    i truly love the press conference pics ... couldn't wait for a decent time to open my computer again since its rather early here ... and viola! pics galore!!  the girl seem to look at jong suk really shyly ... do you think she is a little awed by him?? hahahahaha!  he seem to be a little aloof though ... hmmmm ... must still be sad! hahahahaha!  i enjoyed the pics of SIG and jong suk holding hands ... really cute!
    lets hope that jong suk gets some rest ... and get back to his old self again ... no more sad ... tired eyes!! lets cheer him up!!
    oh! i noticed ... did you?? ... he had like a plaster on his cheek just under his mole ... i hope it was just a zit ... and not that he had a little accident ...

    jong suk fighting!!!!

  6. hello everyone!!  so glad to be back in my home and in front of my trusty computer!!  all the better to see the pictures of jong suk!! *dances with joy*  thank you to all that shared!!
    rania zd: hello!  well i am happy to know that he did attend LBY's wedding (is there any pic of his attending??) ... since it is right to do so having had work together!!  and YES!!!!! i have just seen ... and in fact still fawning over! ... his skin food ads!! they're so cute and fresh!!!  and i so love the beautiful girl he shares the ad with!! she's just too cute ... and poor sukkie is like ... lost in her cuteness!! hahahahaha!!  maybe he is thinking "huh?! is there anyone here cuter then i?? woah girl tone down!" hahahahahaha!  i guess if there is anyone near his age or younger then him that i'd like him to share the screen with ... this is the girl!!!  she reminds me of myself!! >:)   *runs off for cover*  by far the only thing similar she has with me is her height and chinky eyes!! hahahahaha!
    i so love all the pics of jong suk eating!!  he has a way of eating that's just so cute!!  watching him munch away the cookies etc. makes me want to pinch his cheek and say ... "go ahead sukkie ... eat eat eat!!" hahahahaha!
    the post of haritobi giving us a peak of jong suk made me love him more ... he is just so special and pure ... i hope that he will not change ... and continue to be grounded!
    rania zd did you notice??? its pass 150 pages now~~ yipey!!!  jong suk must be so proud that his thread is moving!~~ hahahahha!!  did you say next is 1000 pages??? hahahahaha!
    jong suk fighting!!

  7. Hi to all! Just a short note...can't post long. My phone's battery might conk out on me! Hehe!

    Jong suk looks so great at that vogue thingy. So did he get to attend LBY's wedding? I'd understand if he didn't... and i think its best so less talk from the really possessive fans of LBY. They may think he's using her again! Hehe!

    Hi rania zd!

    Jong suk fighting!!!

  8. hello!!
    rania zd: yes its true ... i'm not sure what the problem is ... my password is the same but when i type it on my phone it does not connect ...sttttrrrrrraaaannnnggggeeee indeed! hahahahaha!
    fair is fair ... i just hope WE don't tire him out!! hahahahahaha!  he may rather want to work then stay with us!! hahahaha!  as i said i can act like his noona ... that is because he is into noonas nowadays! hahahahahaha!  that noona co star is over now (he better forget about it!! hahahahaha)... maybe he can focus on new noona co stars in the future ... (ehem ... han hyo joo (though she is not that old in her late twenties) perhaps??!! hehehehehe!  okay okay that's me being biased!!).
    yeah! he does have skin to-die-for!!  i wish mine can be that milky white!!  hahahahaha!
    hope i can connect later ... off to the grannies .... 

    jong suk fighting!!!!

  9. hello again!!  i am having a blast really ... just can't keep myself away for long ... the problem is during weekends when i am at the grandparents place where my phone can access soompi but for-the-life-of-me!!  why can't i post??? why?? hehehehee!  the answer just eludes me!! everything is okay .. but i can't post?! so while i am at it ... i will post to my hearts content now! hahahaha! *locks the door so mom can't nag*
    rania zd:  that's  fair play ...  as long as i can keep jong suk at night! hahahahahahaha!!  yipey! warm nights ahead!!  oh! he is into noonas nowadays??!!  really??!!  then i CAN be a noona for him!! fighting!! hahahahahaha!  do you think he has a noona hidden somewhere??  obviously it ain't ... you know who?? hehhehehehe  won't mention her name now that she's getting married and some obsessive fan may get me for it! hahahahaha!  but really ... no girlfriends first jong suk!!  my young heart is still too fragile! hahahahaha!
    oh! rania ... those close up pics are just to-die-for!!  thank you ....
    off for awhile ... be back later!!

    jong suk fighting!!!!

    • Like 1
  10. i'm totally back again ... that's a few hours sleep! hehehehehehe!
    rania zd:  woke up to the news that bromance buddy KWB has a girlfriend!!!! waaaahhhh!!  i hope our jong suk doesn't have one hidden somewhere too????!!!  unless its ME! bwahahahahaha!>:)   seriously KWB's girl is really lovely so i am glad for him!!  and i will accept any news of jong suk having one too ... ehemm ... maybe in ... like the ... future??!!  hahahahaha!  not now jong suk!! hehehehehe  where do i get the authority to be dictating my fave not to date! hahahahaha
    hope that they do get to have some eye contact with each other in the next shoot of 'skin food' ... but just that!! hahahahaha!  she's too cute really!!
    is there no new news from jong suk these days?? lately i don't notice any tweets from him ... he must be very busy ... 
    can't wait for more news!!
    jong suk fighting!!! 

  11. i'm back!! hello hello to everyone!!
    rania zd: i'm so happy to note that you won't be entirely gone from this thread ... whew! i mean we did have a target of 150 pages now right?? hahahahaha!  and the next is 200 pages????????  aww! he is sad these days???  i guess ... maybe he is just really tired?? ... i hope that that's just it!  maybe he misses his mom ... and KWB perhaps since he is now busy with his new series and can't hang out with him. rania zd he needs us then!! hahahahahaha!  wish we can hang out with him to make him happy again! hahahahaha! 
    i really like the girl with him in the cf 'skin food'!  they look so cute together!!  but she does look intimidated by him don't you think??  there's barely any eye contact with the photos! hahahaha!
    i do hope that both films where he gets the lead roles make it big too!!  maybe this makes him anxious too with the responsibility ... its really hard when things are on your shoulders unlike when he was just doing little roles.  all i can say is ... aja aja! jong suk!!  big or not ... i am sure all of us, your fans, will enjoy both films and support you!!
    excited about the results of the korea awards!!  let jong suk win please!!! hahahahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!!

    • Like 1
  12. hello everyone!!  its been days!!!  i miss all of you here ... and i miss jong suk!!  though things are looking good in this thread!!  thank you to all!!
    i am so happy to learn that his movie is doing extremely well!! but i guess i will be more then happy if the two movies he is heading will do even better then 'face reader'! hahahahahaha!
    hello rania zd!  wow!!  it seem as i went through the pages that you have been posting so well!!  jong suk will be so happy! hahahahahaha!  so don't leave us here, okay?!!
    so so so excited about the korea awards (did i say it right??)  i so want him to win the award!! please please please!!  and i hope the drama IHYV wins the best drama!!  
    and yes jong suk!!!  i will continue to praise you because you do things worthy of that praise ... so don't worry!! hahahahahaha!  
    off to read some more .... be back later!!

    jong suk fighting!!

    • Like 1
  13. hello again!
    i keep coming back to this thread!! hahahaha!  i've got to show my support for jong suk even in my little way!  aja aja!
    hitoritabi (hope i got the bloggers name right) really writes beautifully!!  i love what she wrote in her post "i like" ... i love every word she wrote about what she thinks of jong suk!  indeed he was brilliant in IHYV!  but i also thought that his role in 'school 2013' was the more challenging!   and i see more good roles  in the future for him.  what i admire most of him is his being so grounded.  and not overwhelmed by his sudden popularity.  this is a good attitude to take so as not to be eaten up by the system.  i hope that he does continue to be the honest and realistic person that he is now ... and i am praying for that!!  
    thank you for sharing part of the ceci interview too which was translated i guess by hitoritabi (again i hope that i wrote the bloggers name correctly).  all i can say is wow!!  to read that and get that much insight into jong suk's mind was so enlightening!  i admire him more! and again i pray he never changes.  sometimes too much fame is hard to handle ... and i agree with the analogy that if namsoon bought the land, sooha built the building!!  so true!  hahahaha!!  
    i can't wait to see 'face reader' and looking forward to 'no breathing' and 'hot-blooded youth'!!

    jong suk fighting!

    • Like 1
  14. hello again everyone!!  :-h
    wow wow wow!!  the ceci shots are to-die-for!!  i love each picture ... thank you to all those who shared ... simply put ... I LOVE YOU ALL! hehehehehehe
    i loved the pics with the fake mustache and the funny glasses!!  hmmmm ... the last of the bear pics was just too much for my young imagination! *devilish laugh* 
    and of course i agree with everyone that the leather pants and jong suk equals hotness!!! yay!
    hi rania zd!!  your comments about 'dong yi' made me laugh!!  yes its veeerrrrryyyyy long ... but she was great there!!  and i really hope and pray that she gets to do a drama and film with jong suk!! *praying so hard* and i wouldn't mind that she gets cozy with him too! tee-hee! fangirl talking here ... so no need for any violent reactions!! hahahahahaha!  please watch 'brilliant legacy' its a shorter drama and more trendy!  she's got 'cold eyes' out too but i've yet to see the film!  now ... thats that for that before people here gets really fiery red with this OT! hahahahaha!  oh! why are you leaving???  i hope its not true ... we will miss your posts here ... and jong suk should be really sad too!!
    is there any new articles on jong suk???  aside from the new pics at ceci??  am i right ... is jong suk's favorite scent bulgari man and burberry???  anyone here knows?? 

    jong suk fighting!!!

  15. hello again!! 

    thanks rania zd for reminding us what makes jong suk the cutest actor ever!!  i totally agree with your posts! hahahahaha!
    OT - rania zd so sorry to read that you're leaving??!!  are you saying you're not coming to post here anymore?? that's sad ... and i know jong suk will miss you too!
    are there any new news from jong suk??  maybe he is getting some rest, right??  or is he busy completing 'no breathing'?? 

    jong suk fighting!!!

  16. hi rania zd!  han hyo joo is a good actress ... please watch "brilliant legacy" with lee suengki, "dong yi" which is a little toooooooo long but a great watch!  and her movies are "love 911" with go soo, "always" with so jisub, "heaven's postman" and more!!  hahahaha!
    and to go back to the thread's topic ... i believe that she's going to be totally great with our jong suk!!!  so i am praying for that! hahahahaha!
    thank you as always for keeping the thread alive with your many posts!!  hey! we reached 100 pages!!  yipey!

    jong suk fighting!!

  17. hello ... HHJ looks so beautiful in toronto!!  i wish i was there to see her in person too!!!  is there any plans for her and the rest of the group to come to mainland usa??? specifically in maryland???  i hope so ... i do do do want to share with everyone's experience here!! 
    i hope she does plan to go into dramas again ... and of course ... i wish it would be with my other fave ... i think that they will look good together!! crossing my fingers really tight!! hahahahaha!

  18. hello everyone!! i am sooooooooooooo late! sorry about this ... was off for awhile and just got back and ...whew! immediately in front of the computer!! they say ... better late then never so ... here goes BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONG SUK!!!!  and so sorry no fanfare or nice pics with the greetings ... as i said ... i am not so knowledgeable in the beautiful things most of the lovely people here can do ... i guess i will just share in their creations!! hehehehehe!
    wow and wow!!  you all can come up with a lot of cute and gorgeous graphics!!  *green with envy*
    i so so so love the gifs of jong suk consuming those cookies!!  he's too cute  and too hug-worthy!  i eat cookies that way too!! hahahahaha!
    the ceci shots are to-die-for!!  i wish that i could tie him up like that .... haahahahaha!
    i join the call for a drama for jong suk soon!!  and please oh please!!  can it be with han hyo joo??!!  i would love to see two of my faves together in a drama and film!!! so crossing my fingers for this!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  19. hello again!  just dropping by to get my jong suk high!!  :D   and gee ... am i so giddy with delight ... and love love love!!
    the cass ad is absolutely lovely ... though the end part was a little risque ... hahahahaha!  jong suk just literally lets himself go when he is with KWB ... i guess he is really comfortable with him.  
    though i have yet to see 'face reader'  ... i am already anxiously waiting for 'no breathing'!!  so excited for this two films.  the only downside is some comments i've read in other forums discussing 'no breathing',  that jong suk is not believable as a swimmer because he is too gangly and thin ... or that he looks like a fish!! and so much more!  ah! the unkind words of other people ... it just goes through my heart and make it sad.  i hope that if they can't say anything nice that they refrain from writing ... all i can say is that yes ... he is rather thin but hey! he is muscled ... and yes ... if you like him to look like a fish then so be it ... but this is one fish i really really really like!! hahahahaha!  and of all the fish looking guys ... he is the most good looking!! hahaha!!
    now that we are down to one film being shot ... i hope that jong suk can start planning to make a series for next year perhaps??? please oh please!!  and can it be with han hyo joo?? please ... they would look so good together!! forgive my fangirl rant here! hehehehehe!
    hope we are nearing the 100th page and that i was able to contribute somehow!! :\">

    jong suk fighting

  20. hello everyone!!  whew! it took me awhile to get back here ... so sad about that! but being back is soooooooooooooo great! the pics, gifs, articles and videos are to-die-for! thank you to all!
    wow! the poster for 'no breathing' is out and its beautiful!!  both LJS and SIG look so hot!  and to think they supposedly came out of the pool!! hehehehehe!  i can't wait for the film!!  do you think LJS role there is like a bad guy??? i hope not ... maybe a competitive person but who is nice ... please!!  the background story paints his character as ambitious ... so hopefully not a overly ambitious one that will hurt to get what he wants.  can't seem to think of him in that role! tee-hee!  and is 'no breathing' a manga??  i saw way back that there was a manga??? or did the good people here not only created a storyline but a manga too??
    i was just really rofl on one gif that had jong suk roll an egg on someone's stomach before eating it?!  was his tummy salty?? hahahahaha!  or i think it was part of a series ... like 'highkick' perhaps??  i didn't get to see that ... i can't seem to see that with a sub???  
    i saw R2B and enjoyed it ... well i guess seeing jong suk in it made it more enjoyable ... so i was sad to learn that a lot of his scenes were cut ... i guess ... that's reality!!  i would have loved to see more background of his character there though.
    is it just me and my taste that i seem not to like it when they paint jong suk's face with too much mascara and eye makeup!! hehehehehe!!  he looks too ghoulish in it!! hahahahaha!  i still like the manly figure ... more like his singles pics and the recent jambangee(?) photos with PSH!!  
    did i read it right??? are we aiming for 100 pages now??  ohhhh!  i hope we can!!  i want it to be more though ... i hope more people come and join us here too and aim for more pages!! hehehehe

    jong suk fighting!!!

  21. hello!  i'm back!! tee-hee!  or i just have my computer with me now minus the mom who always nags me to go out sometimes and not be hooked in front of my computer!! hahahaha!
    so sad that jong suk wasn't able to attend the vip screening of his movie!!  everyone was there ... sigh!!  i was looking and looking for pics ... and then i came here and learned he wasn't attending! i guess his schedule is indeed so tight!!
    hi to rania zeid!!  i agree with your thoughts too!!  people say that there is truly only a thin thread between love and hate!!  so ... i guess we have a very BIG fan of jong suk who is still in denial! hahahahaha!
    hope to see more pics, videos and articles!!  i really wish that all those who attended the screening enjoyed the film and jong suk's part in it!! 

    jong suk fighting!!

  22. hello!!  so happy to be here again ... was for awhile going through other artists' threads here at soompi ... when i happen upon one thread ... read some post where LJS was mentioned and was sadden about the remarks.  i guess as fans its hard to read such vile remarks written against someone you admire. so i was really sad to read those words against jong suk ... i can't seem to understand where the deep hatred was coming from ... only that i have to think that the writer must be so obsessed with the artist that anyone perceived to be against that artist is bashed ... i will just have to think that way or i may go down that person's level which i don't want to be.  my thoughts only.
    i believe that LJS is at the stage when all this attention is new to him so is unable to really deal with it... and knowing as a fan that he is an introverted person then any ... in fact, he sweats a lot when being interviewed ... he may have said things that to him is not bad since he thinks that as friends this kind of messages are normal ... its his way of saying that nothing has change ... that's all ... maybe someday he will learn that not everyone likes so much honesty!!  that there are others who are adverse to this. i can only hope so ... and as a fan i know that there will be others who are not a fan ... so i hope i can turn a blind eye too at all the bad remarks. hehehehe!
    the cass ads are really nice ... as well as those with PSH!!  i guess LJS has the same character as PSH!  he is just made for everyone ... since he has chemistry with all that he is paired with. 

    jong suk fighting!!!

    • Like 1
  23. hello! gee ... i find myself coming here more often ... hehehehehe!  school is around the corner and i should make use of this off time to spazz more on jong suk!! hehehehe!
    i so so so love his suit for the press conference of 'face reader'!  dapper i must say!  and that maroon color with shades of blue looks extremely good on him.  and since its jong suk ... he just can't help making that v-sign! lol!  
    really??!!  did KWB feel that??!! that the focus of the cass ads were more on jong suk ... awwwss!  i don't think so ... it was of both of them since jong suk can't help but continue to look at him for guidance ... never was it more, for me, on jong suk!!  hope woo bin won't feel this way ... aw! maybe he was just joking ... since they love to make this kind of remarks about each other!!  that's more like it!!
    the review of 'face reader' was good ... and it made me feel great to know that the reviewer gave a passing mark for jong suk ... i know he can't be more then the sunbaes since they were all acting long before he even started thus had more experiences already.  but thinking that he is okay now would mean that in a few years time ... who knows ... he can be in the level of LJJ (an actor that i respect so much) and SKH (another that i love too).  so ... ASA ASA!
    now that his films are slowly winding down to the finishing mark ... i hope that he is already into looking for a series for next year for us ... i so so so miss him in the small screen!!  can anything be in the works for him to work either with han hyo joo or ha ji won???  i love this two ladies ... and i know he will work well with either of them!!  please please please!!  hope the script will be good!!
    i love the pics, videos and articles posted here ... thank you!!  hope to read your views too!! hehehehe

    jong suk fighting!!!

  24. hello again!  wow! hyo joo looks so lovely in the airport pics ... her glasses are like mine! yipey! i am even cutting my hair like hers too!!  so fangirl right???  i grew it to her length ... now i am cutting it similar to her new hair but not that short! hehehehehe!
    i so envy those who saw her personally in singapore .... wow!  the experience!!  and i guess she was so nice to everyone ... as i can see from the photos!!  *so green with envy*
    she will still be very busy with 'cold eyes' promotion right??  i hope she gets down to making a new drama soon!!  i want to see her everyday on tv!!  films are great ... but there's just too many days in between before we get to see it unlike dramas.  can anyone please have a drama with her and my other fave?? hehehehe
    so waiting to see 'cold eyes'!!!

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