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Posts posted by leianji

  1. hello to all!!
    i am super duper depress ... i'm right here at starbucks using their internet because mine has been out-of-service for how many days now!!  grrrrr!!  failed to be here for sukkie's birthday to greet him ...failed to be here to dance with joy at his confirmation to do 'pinocchio' ...and failed to be here to spazz about his fanmeet and about woobin actually being there!!!  waaaahhhhhh!! i missed out on all the wonderful things here ... gaah!!  ~X(  X(   the problem is still being solved ...and i hope that it does within the week or i am about to be consuming more coffee then necessary!! hahahaha!
    anyways ... as the saying goes ...better late then never ... BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUKKIE!!  without saying ... your celebration was truly a blast!!  your fans are all so awesome (ehem! me including! hahahaha!) and i'm sure a new wave of tears hit you by just knowing that!! hahahaha!!
    i am super excited about the fact that he said yes to 'pinocchio' ...and though i am not sure if the two dramas will clash in the same time frame ...though 'tomorrow cantabile' is having so much fanfare ... i am very positive about 'pinocchio' and sukkie to fare well!!  i am also very happy that he is doing this with PSH who ...lets not talk about the kissing ... i have known to be a credible actress in her own right!!  it will be exciting to see both together ...and i am so giddy about the thought!!  and i love love love lee yubi and KYK!!  it would be fantastic to see sukkie with lee yubi too ... a truly good actress!!  okay ...okay ... trying to hold back the excitement here!!
    and WOW!!  i love woobin for being there for sukkie ... and i was all so teary eyed too along with my boy in seeing his friend there.  for all the bad thoughts i had of woobin (because of his management!!) ...i am very much in admiration for him and his friendship with sukkie!!  i really really really hope to see this two act together again!!  and i don't even care if there wasn't a leading actress since these two can certainly hold our interest until the end!! hahahaha!!
    and so ...after two cups of cappucino ... i am glad to be able to be here and join in the really wonderful thread that this is!!  i will try using the connection on my phone to just be abreast with everything ...but posting using my phone is tedious since i love the space that my tablet or laptop gives my fingers to fly around the keys!! hahahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!!!

  2. hello!!
    love reading all the views of everyone here regarding their preferences on what project sukkie should consider ... and i guess he will choose a project that will be good and beneficial to him ... i am super sure of this!!  ;)
    rania :   :\">  okay okay ...laugh if you must my dearest bestie ...hahahaha!!  because surely there is a huge difference in jamboree and jambangee!! hahahahaha!!  at least the first four letters were right ... hahahahaha!!
    what is this kakao skin set that NukeA is writing about that she envies??? do tell do tell!! ahahahhaha!
    totally love that new post from sukkie ... that must be how he looks in the morning, right??!!  super cute really!!
    now ...along with the rest of the beautiful people here ...i am waiting for word from our boy on what project he has set his creative self to do ....

    jong suk fighting!!!

  3. rania : hahahaha!!  you are so so so naughty indeed!! hahahaha!!
    so ... you think that sukkie has probably said yes to 'pinocchio' right?? not bad!!  i am pretty hype up already anticipating the chemie between PSH and sukkie!  hopefully shin hye will put all that heat in her pictorial with sukkie in jamboree (hope i got the product's name right) to her role ...then whew!  we will get some really sizzling screen time for both, right, again?? hahahaha!
    so here's waiting patiently for that piece of news!
    though i see that you wouldn't mind him taking the 'vampire doctor' role too!  that would be pretty awesome if that be the case.  and i guess ...the premise wouldn't be totally hospital-based and all the doctor stuff ...maybe it would be more in his dealing with his being a vampire!!  i really feel that sukkie will be amazing in this ....only if they pick the right actress this time around.
    dramafan 100 :  you totally ace what i feel ...though i really hope that he can get both roles!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  4. hello hello!!
    gaaahhh!!  this is becoming so nail biting, suspenseful wait ... 'pinocchio' or 'vampire doctor'?? all projects sound interesting ...on the other hand 'pinocchio' has PSH, who has a huge following and experience while 'vampire doctor' has yet to cast its stars ... this is so 'to be or not to be' situation!! hahahaha!!  i know most of the fans wouldn't want to have sukkie do another medical series ... hahaha!! but the premise here is so different and ...sukkie's got the skin for it!! hahaha!!  couldn't it be possible that he gets to do both projects???? please oh please .... and i also wanted him to do the 'kill me heal me' thingy too!! all this are soooooo worthy of him (forgive me but i am a fan, okay! hahaha) ...and i know sukkie will learn much from doing this projects!!  i am sounding so greedy right??!!  please hold me back people!! :))
    rania : bestie ... were we not talking of the hands??? hahahahaha!!  was his pants not zipped up perhaps ...or are we talking of that particular thing on which a young girl once asked to her mom looking at her brother "ma, why is his so fancy and mine so plain?" kind of thingy??? hahahahaha!!  if so ..... you are sooooooooooooo naughty bestie!! hahahaha!!  
    shin.u:  oh! so it wasn't scheduled for this year ... oh well .... i am sure next year will be fine, right??  and hope you get your wish for a valentine visit!! hahahaha!!  and wouldn't it be just so perfect to finally give him your present then!! 
    sleepykid: hahahaha!!  that's so apt ... to call it 'nemo'!! hahaahha!!  and yes ... i, oh, so want to join in!! hahahaha!  its like doing something really interesting while waiting for the more interesting to happen ...'pinocchio' or 'vampire doctor'!!  what do you think it will be??

    jong suk fighting!!

  5. hello again!!
    i am super enjoying the conversation between my bestie rania, shin.u and sleepykid!! hahaha!!  so ... what is it with sukkie's hand??? huh?? anyone care to clue me in ... i've been staring at the picture for so long that i can't see anything different ... bestie rania??? shin.u??? sleepykid??? maybe his pockets are pretty short??? gaaaahhhh!! so clueless!!  :((  ~X(  
    rania : here's a really big hug for yah!!  >:D<   yeah!!  wouldn't it be really amazing if sukkie does have someone he can share his thoughts and dreams with ... and i have no specifics ...whether he loves a noona or someone his age or younger ...as long as it makes him happy ... so totally big of me right?? hahahaha!!  
    wishing for really positive news now ... sukkie ...shin hye is waiting!! hahahaaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  6. hello to all!!
    so so so excited with all the talk here ... gosh! there's a whole lot of it too!! hahahaha!!
    first ... sukkie is nominated for the korean drama awards!! yey!  so love that piece of news ...*dancing sukkie's dance*  and yes i do agree with one comment that sukkie had a strong performance in DS ...and since we are talking of performance and NOT the drama ... i strongly believe that though JSW of 'empress ki' and LSG of 'you're surrounded' are up against him for the award, sukkie played a more complex role then them.  so here's hoping for some really good news. OT : not that i think anything less of them since both actors are a fave of mine too (not as much as sukkie though) but isn't it quite soon ...and for those roles ...are LMH and KSH being nominated for a daesang????!!!  duh?? 
    second ... i have really nothing good to say of sidus ...but i just want to comment on why woobin is not saying anything and just letting his company go on a fishing expedition by itself.  i hope that this won't play damper on their friendship ...but this is the second time that his company is doing this to sukkie ... and as a friend ...he should put things straight!! i still believe that stars under any agency can speak for themselves too!! just my opinion ... teehee!!
    third ... much as i love sukkie and suzy as a couple ...i just found this piece of news like an IBC to me!! hahahaha!!  a cold shocking bath!! it just came out from nowhere!!  wish it were true since they would really make a beautiful couple and sukkie will have someone he can share dreams with ...but!! 
    fourth ... hi to sleepykid and darcydevenus ... just want to butt in too ...i love jane austen too!! hahaha!! and sukkie will make an awesome mr. darcy!! hahaha!
    fifth ... yey!!  PSH has confirmed ... so its left for sukkie to confirm!! and i say ... go for it sukkie!!!  we know YOU WERE THE FIRST CHOICE!! hahahaha!!  so excited ...and hoping!  wish the other two casts will confirm too!! and about the storyline .. even if they will be like uncle and niece ...but isn't it strange they are both the same age??  probably along the line it will be revealed they weren't related at all ... my take on the story... though my bestie rania's storyline is good too! hahahaha!
    sixth ...  'kill me heal me' sounds really good ...and i hope sukkie gets to play such a complex role ... challenging and meaty!!

    rania: hello there bestie!!  isn't it wonderful that sukkie is getting news linking him to another actress?? hahahaha!!  i know that forever he will have his fave noona in his heart ...but it will be wonderful if he gets to fall in love with someone who can be able to love him back!!  and whoever that girl may be ... we will love her for that!!
    shin.u : yep!!  as fans ... we are getting to the next level now ... and i like that!!  oh! are you thinking that sukkie may not go to vietnam again?? i mean it is in his schedule right??
    off to read some more!!!!  

    jong suk fighting!!

  7. hello hello!!
    just been lurking around yesterday ... enjoying the pics and reading all the shares ... 
    been to one of the k-pop blogs ... and i read most fans saying that if sukkie accepts 'pinocchio' and with KSR having 'misaeng' (hope i got the title of her drama right) and PHJ having 'bad boys' well this will be their way of redeeming themselves from the disaster that was DS!!  i was literally LOL LOL!!  truly fans has not forgiven their participation in DS!! hahahaha!!  having said that ... i still think that somehow through DS the three actors have grown a little experience-wise!!
    truly excited now for 'pinocchio' having read of the possibility of having LYB and KYK in the cast too!!  fantastic talent ...especially LYB!!  though i am like my bestie rania ...holding back my excitement less i will come out of the drama disappointed!!  honestly ..i can't help but feel a teeny weeny tingle of anticipation of it!! hahahaha!!  this is going to be something to look forward to!
    shin.u : sukkie is going back to vietnam!! wow!!  i guess you will be up and about seeing him again ...and maybe this time get to give your gift to him!!  fabulous, right?!  don't be too sad about sukkie's last fan sign ...maybe he was really not feeling well at that time only and so was not upbeat and smiley!!  but i am sure that the sight of the many fans lining up to see him made him really really happy!!
    waiting patiently for word on his next project!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  8. dramafan 100:  i do agree with your perception of sukkie ... he is different in every thing he does!!  i guess it is the artist in him.  and of course ...his being human too!!  i think we get moody at times and it is no different in actors/actresses!!  as for the vietnam fan sign ... i think he wasn't really feeling well during that trip ...so ...
    and i agree with you again ...that this playful side of him is the best!! :D
    rania : so it is a good sign that sukkie is not giving any answer regarding 'pinocchio' ... ohhh!!  i can't wait to know if we get to see him again in the small screen this year!! hahaha!!  and i am happy that he chose (if ever) a drama again against a film!!
    lucky you!! hahahaha!!  the quiz made me sad for not being able to get sooha in the first try!!  it felt like ...we were on a compatability test (sukkie and i) and i didn't get the answer!! :( =((   silly me!! hahaha!
    darcydevenus : hi! i so agree that DS wasn't bad for sukkie ...only that it was a project that never really made a mark ...drama-wise ...but sukkie was good there!  he, too, made me believe in his character so much that somehow it hurt me that the drama fell flat ... though the rating was steady.  i just hope for his next projects he will be more careful ... 
    and of course ...there never is ...was... a question whether sukkie can carry a drama or not ...because he can!!  hahaha!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  9. hello to everyone!!
    really love love love the milkcow fan signing pics!! hahahaha!  and shin.u ...yeah! it was really clever of sukkie to wear that shirt for that event!!  very very clever!!  and he's looking very healthy and rested these days which is fine with us right???
    rania : why was dramafan 100 looking for you girl???  did you leave us for awhile??  ohhhh! i hope not ...because you are one of the reasons for making this thread shine ...of course the other one is sukkie, himself!! hahahaha!  thank you for the many shares!!  hugs and kisses your way bestie!!
    oh!  i did take the quiz of 'which male drama lead are you?'  and ...was truly disappointed ... hahahahaha!  i got a 'kim tan'! imagine that!! hahahaha!!  and i so wanted to get sooha in the first try ...waaaaahhhhh!! i will just have to settle that i got him for the second try then!!  i think that the uniform thingy is the culprit!! hahaha!!  i am just too much a sucker for the preppy look i guess! hahahaha!
    so .... any word???  is he getting 'pinocchio' afterall??  i hope that sukkie will be more choosy and careful about picking his dramas and other projects after DS!!  i wouldn't want him to be in another drama that never really left a good memory ... 
    and wow!!  hitoritabi got to talk to sukkie longer!! wow wow wow!!  i think that that was awesome!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  10. hello again!!
    its great to be here always before school, which starts next week, divides my time away from my boy!! hahahaha! ...little snippets of news about sukkie is enough for me! hahahaha!!  but i wouldn't mind to have an avalanche though!! :\">
    sleepykid : yeah ...you are soooo right!  woobin's agency can be a jerk sometimes ... its just sad because woobin and sukkie are friends!  with what woobin's agency did ...it kinda looked like the drama was really woobin's first ... sigh!!  hope they don't do that!! 
    yay! you kept your word about finding news on sukkie too!!  hahaha! you're awesome!!
    shin.u: i know .... i guess if i were there too ...even near him i would be too excited to even notice how he smells!! hahahahaha!  i've been to vietnam some summers back ...and the weather is humid to warm ...i guess the change of temperature can be the cause of his being sick ... and the IBC didn't help either!!  i read somewhere that the ice bath can cause high blood pressure; colds and cough; etc. oh well ...he did have to do the challenge though! hahahaha! 
    and i am sooooo with you ... i am between being the caring and considerate fan to suggest he rests ...and the needy fan who wants to see him always too!! hahahaha!!  but i guess we can agree that sukkie needs to rest first!! hahaha!
    so what happen in the fan meet?? did some people feel left out again?? sorry if i am asking this knowing you don't want to discuss it anymore .... i hope that people won't blame sukkie much about it!!  i know that if left to him he would want to please every fan that came to see him that day!!  but since he was feeling under the weather already ...i guess they ended it right away!  maybe next time the organizers should know how many fans there are and to prepare for even more. its good that sukkie did promise to go back to vietnam again!!
    and a big hello and hugz to my bestie rania!!  for keeping this thread ALWAYS alive!! mwuah!!  sukkie is doubly happy ...i tell you! hahahaha!

    jong suk figthing!!!

  11. soooo back!! hahahaha!!
    i was reading shin.u's details on the fan meet with sukkie ...and i was like ...wow! that sure was a loooooooooooooooong wait before the actual meeting!!  so i am really amaze shin.u!!  you are the best fan ever!! hahaha!!  and your thai friend kai ...twice?!  totally awesome!!  and wasn't it really nice that sukkie came out to shake her hand and thank her personally!!  i knew he would be that kind!!  and i am proven right! hahaha!  and maybe his hands were cold because he wasn't feeling well???? did he smell nice ... hahaha!!  i just think that he would smell like that freshness after a drizzle! hahahaha! silly me!
    i am rather confuse ...was sukkie feeling ill during the fan meet??? or was it after?? and what illness is IBC??  sorry ...feeling so out-of-it while reading ..hahahaha!!  i just feel always worried after his health since i think he is awfully fragile!!  maybe ... he really needs to rest more!!  
    sleepykid:  thank you for sharing that bit of news!  so ...the truth was that woobin was never offered the role in 'pinocchio'?? right??  so why is his company spreading news like that??!!  its totally bad of them! grrrr!!
    hoping to hear some really great news about sukkie's next project soon!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  12. hello to all!! 
    been a little busy ....so i was away for awhile ...but, wow! the things happening in the thread are awesome ... 
    first ... shin.u: wow girl ...you ACTUALLY saw sukkie in person!! amazing!! so so so envious ... and to have actually touch his hand (though it was cold! hahahaha) that is so totally to-die-for!! i am right here just plain green about your experience!! 
    second ... i am so so in love with the instyle pics ...and they are by far the best i have seen sukkie in. i totally love the pic of him in shades. gosh!! he is so daebak! (is that the right word to use?? hahahaha) though i was in total giggles about that pic wherein he was looking upwards to the camera while pulling his shirt collar ...nooooooo!! no more pics like that sukkie!! hahahaha! its totally funny! hahahaha! oh! and i love the laughing sukkie with no shirt under his jacket!! those two are my faves!! 
    third ... the interview for instyle ... a really good insight to sukkie's world ... i guess it is sukkie's choice to stay away from his family ... but if he were to ask me ...there won't be any person alive who will have his own heart in theirs except his family. so i hope more then anything he gets to decide to get to know them again ...and be close to them. so glad that he is continuing to be close to his co-stars in DS especially KSR!! its good that he gets to meet with friends from time to time instead of staying home. 
    fourth ... 'pinocchio'! wow! i mean ...wasn't that a drama offered to woobin?? so is sukkie just the second choice now?? oh well .... i must agree that PSH is a great actress and very well known too ...sukkie can learn alot from her!! and i see why some fans are a little wary about her ...since much as she is a credible actress ...she can't really kiss!! hahahaha!! who knows ...sukkie may just be the one to get some real feelings out of SH!! hahahaha!! if and ...i say if... this pairing goes through ... i am going to be really excited!! hahaha!! 
    and i agree with dramafan 100 ...i am most happy too when sukkie chooses a drama over a movie ...more then anything else ...he gets more acting experience ...and we get to see him more often ...a win win situation!! hahahaha! i know that sukkie dreams to be recognize as a movie actor ...and i want him to get that recognition too!! but there's no rush sukkie .... there's really a lot of years to go from here, right?!! 
     aja aja!! 

     jong suk fighting!!

  13. hello hello!!
    so glad to be here again ... been rather remiss in my visit ... but my mind is always here!! :x 8->
    shin.u : wow! girl you are going to see sukkie afterall!! so so so envious really!!  its rather sad that when he came to NY there wasn't much funfare  ... and i wasn't able to even sneak a peak at him!!  so i, too, am going to wait very patiently for your first hand comment about our boy!! hahahaha!! aja aja!!
    i so so so love the instyle pics ... he is both relaxed and sexy in it!!  i love the pic where he was putting on the coat ... very manly!!
    so the most awaited reunion of sukkie is with woobin!! hahahaha!!  here i was thinking it would be with bo young noona!! hahaha!!  i guess that reunion may very well be sooner, right?? since woobin is finished with his film and sukkie is between jobs now!!  i wish they can come back in a drama like that of "maou" or "the devil"!!  which will be so thrilling!!  hope they do get to do such ...and for a change ...sukkie plays the baddie!! hahahaha!
    waiting patiently for more news on sukkie ... his next projects ...
    jong suk fighting!!!

  14. hello to all!!
    I LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVVVEEE all the g for guess pics of sukkie ...i am just literally jumping for joy here ...they are all adorably dorky, incredibly sexy and so so so sukkie!!  i like the pic with KMY ...its funny ...
    so giddy with happiness .... and so waiting patiently for any word on his next project ... 
    as i was reading the news for the casting of the drama version of 'face reader' ...i was wondering why sukkie wasn't considered for the role of prince gwanghae ...just thinking! hahahahaha!!  i hope he isn't just going to do dramas exclusively for SBS now ...
    off to my little corner ... flicking away at my tablet ...looking so peacefully at all the pics i have downloaded now ...special thanks to rania!!   you rock!! as always!! this thread is so alive ...with you around!! :D

    jong suk fighting!!!

  15. hello hello!!
    wow ... so kang minyung is the girl with him for the g for guess shoot ... that's nice!!  they look sweet ...but not so chummy which is really more fine with me! hahaha!!  i totally love that pic of sukkie with his pouting lips!!  i am between kissing my screen and ... kissing my screen! hahahaha!! that pic just screams "kiss kiss kiss!"
    dramafan 100:  sukkie walk??  i love all his walks ... i see different personas in them ...but all of them are sukkie's!!  he is a model afterall ... one thing present in all his strut is his ...confidence!!  and that little boy silliness too!!  so everything of our sukkie ...i like!! hahaha!
    waiting patiently for his next project ... 

    jong suk fighting!!

  16. hello hello!!
    was so happy to read a fan account on spotting him in NY ... its really nice to read that he gave the fan a big smile and was very friendly ...just sad that there were no pictures. 
    its great to know that a fan found DS to be good!! hahahaha!!  at least it was entertaining ...though i quite agree that any awards it will get will certainly be limited to SBS ...but if it is an actor award ...i think that sukkie has a fair chance to win one in other awards too!  
    shin.u : do tell how it went okay ... your attempt to see sukkie first hand in vietnam!!  i agree with one comment here ...NY is quite a huge area for anyone to bump into him ...unless a miracle should happen! hahahaha!
    rania :  yep!  quite excited to see more of the g for guess pics ...your avatar looks so great that i want to see more from that set of pics!! 
    of course i know you didn't mean sora!! hahahahaha!!  i was just stating a fact ...because she is a good actress and has quite a good body of work already for a young actress.
    suzy ...well she is cute ...and acceptable as an actress!!  i just hope that sukkie gets his share of really good actresses in the likes of how joo won, lee minho, kim soo hyun, etc.  seems to be getting!  i hope that in his next project he gets to co-star opposite some really good ones!!
    and yeah ...its a little early to have a reunion with bo young ....and of course, i'd like him to have more experiences with other actress types ...sooooooooo maybe the reunion can wait. hehehe!
    oh!  so ...woobin was asked to do 'pinocchio' ...oh, okay!!  hope sukkie gets a really really good project next!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  17. hello to all!!
    lovely to be here in sukkie's thread ... just a really really calming effect on me! hahahaha!!  though how i wish that there were more news from him ...but i guess he must be resting ...or probably in transit to his next project.

    shin.u:  you are just too beautiful for words ...hahahaha!  you made me laugh at your comments on why you wouldn't like sukkie in vietnam!! LOL LOL!!  hearing of news that sukkie is coming to NY ...well ...it made my heart skip ...its just a bus ride away for me ... but i, too, am thinking will i be strong enough to wiggle myself near him!! hahahaha!! and where in NY will he be????? hahahaha!  so the dilemma of a fan never ends ...happy to have him near but sad that even with that short a distance the space between is still a long way away!! hahahaha!
    rania : hi girl!!  really really loved the g for guess pics ... so the photoshoot in NY may be of a different nature ...oh well ...i am sure the pics will be something to-die-for again!! hahahaha!
    and yes!!  i strongly believe that no one could be paired with sukkie that will be worse then what he had in DS ... but sora was okay if i may say so!  though there are still some actresses out there who are not up to par with sukkie's presence as well as talent ... there couldn't be any worse for wear, right??? hahahaha!!  i just keep on wondering why?? why??  couldn't they have gotten someone with a little more presence ... and the likes of joo won, etc. can get good ones??? grrr!!  on the good side ... it seem that in kdramaland there are numerous reunions ...we may still be able to wish for a sukkie/bo young pairing again!! hahahaha!!  that will be so wonderful!
    waiting patiently for sukkie's next project ....

    jong suk fighting!!!

  18. hello hello!!
    love those pics of sukkie ...the ones of G of guess ... it looks really nice ...so is that the photo shoot he will be doing in NY too??
    still waiting patiently for his next project ....and i would love that he comes back in a drama ...something really romantic!! hahahaha! and who would you like him to be with???  my dream is still that sukkie gets to work with HHJ!! hahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  19. hello hello!
    so ... sukkie is not going to be in the 'time renegade' film??!!  kind of forgot the premise of that film's story ... i believe it was offered to him and that he was thinking seriously about it before, right??  maybe sukkie decided it was not a good vehicle for him ...
    i love all those past pics of sukkie ...but i think his present look is my fave ... i think that sukkie has found himself these days ...his look, his style and his confidence!!  and i really really really hope that in his next project ...whether its on films or tv ...its going to be a good project!!  and hopefully my dream to have sukkie and HHJ will be fulfilled! hahahaha!
    so sukkie will be in NY this month ...i guess whats left of july then ...i wonder where in NY will he be?? hahahahaha!!  
    corearen : those nuthead sukkie art is so cute!! hahahaha!!  and i love those pics of him eating ...or was it gulping??!! hahahaha!  those sandwiches!!  reminds me of how i eat too!! hahahaha!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  20. hello hello!!
    sukkie looks sooooo good at the 'sea fog' (is that the title of the film??!) premiere ... i think that black ...white ...and gray looks good on him!! hahaha!  its nice to see him in an event again.  i kind of missed just seeing him in any activities after DS.  i know i know ...he needs to rest! but ...i guess i am one of those fans who needs to constantly just want to see him! hahahaha! 
    what is with his lips??? i really don't see anything wrong with it ... or maybe i am just blind!! hahaha! hope its nothing bad.
    i am excited to find out his next project ... aside from the shoot in NY!
    and oh!!  i want that school bag!!! hahahaha!! where can i get that?
    jong suk fighting!!

  21. hello to all!!
    just was reading some news on the movie version of DS ...it says that most of sukkie's north korea scenes were cut ...and the focus is on the hospital ....and the competition between sukkie's character and that of PHJ's ... hmmm ...more confusing to me now! hahahaha!  and that the movie will have a different ending then that of the drama ...duh??!!  is that even sane?  i have always the thought that whether its a drama adaptation of a movie or vice versa ... the endings are always the same! only scenes are added or in this case cut for cinematic effect! now ...i just wish that there wasn't a movie version of the drama! hahahaha!!  so is sukkie over with the work on DS the movie??
    i read the comments ...as well as listened to the podcast in dramabeans on DS ... just really feel so sad for sukkie ...that people found DS bleh! ....and that having accepted the drama will leave a dark mark on his resume.  all i can say is that sukkie was ..is ...GREAT! in the drama ...and he did really well in trying to carry it for the whole run of the series! and its just plain awful that the choice of co-actors weren't in his hand ...or else it would surely have been better. i guess the story did turn haywire mostly because of the desire of the production to make fans happy ...which ultimately made the drama more confusing in the end. hopefully ...sukkie's choices of projects will get better next time.  
    there was a comment that kind-of made me see red  saying ..that sukkie's reason for accepting DS was because he wanted to do a joo won similar role in GD which he found great!  must there be that reason for sukkie to accept a role other then that HE FOUND the role challenging???!!!  gosh!
    not pretty excited if his next projects will be films ....mainly because ....news are far in between ..and i get to see him once on screen ... which will happen in months of waiting and waiting and waiting! hahahahaha!
    oh! i found it terribly funny that people at jong suk dc (? not sure if that's the name) cut off JSY's face from that picture!! hahahaha!!  call that fans' fury!! hahahaha!
    wish that sukkie gets to do another drama please!! films are okay ...but not a big fan of that medium mainly because news on it is too little ...and i want to always see what sukkie is doing and how he is interacting with his co-stars ...
    sukkie in ny??!!  waaaaahhhh!!  when??  
    jong suk fighting!!!

  22. dramafan 100 : yeah ...i so agree with you on sukkie and DS!  the drama was not spectacular ...but sukkie was ... and i guess that is what matters! hahahaha!!
    he was most often a cute boy to me there! hahahaha!! it was in the beginning that i felt he was sexy ...especially when he was so emotional with his dad ...and with his first love!!  but when he was in SK ...he was like a naughty boy!! hahaha!
    rania : you are not serious are you??!!  so DS the movie is a whole different story then the series now??!!  i mean ...why???? hahahaha! i so wish that sukkie didn't do the film already ...
    and ...LOL LOL!!  you would really find it funny that JH is now agent cha's girl! hahahaha!!  because i find it hilarious!!  so are they aiming for a comedy now??!! hahahaha!
    sometimes .... and only in this instances ...i'd like to give sukkie a little whack at the back of his head!! WHY??? for heaven's sake did he even think of accepting the movie version ...when most of his solid fans found the drama to be bleh! gosh!  ~X(  X_X
    jong suk fighting!!!

  23. hello hello!
    did i read it right??!!  there's a DS movie?? huh?? so sukkie is shooting this right now?? is it any different from the series? hopefully the movie is better then the series ...so is the writer in the series the same one thats going to do the movie script? 
    i guess many of sukkie's fans were disappointed with the series ... i have seen the whole thing ...and it wasn't bad ...nor was it good! hahahaha!!  i found it entertaining enough since i came there watching it with no thoughts of anything but to enjoy sukkie's acting ...and he didn't disappoint me.  for that i can say i enjoyed the series!  and seeing the whole thing made me appreciate the chemistry between KSR and sukkie ...hopefully ...since they weren't really the main couple here ...that they can come back in another series that contains them only ...and hopefully its a rom com since they really rock the comedy a lot! hahahahaha!
    shin.u : hello there!!  glad to know that you enjoyed the series too! hahahaha!  
    hope to see sukkie in another project soon ...and i am not saying the DS movie! hahahaha! ... i know that most of his fans thinks that the DS series is not good enough to be part of sukkie's works ...but for me .... story aside ...sukkie was very good there ....he got noticed more there since whether the story was crappy ...he made his character alive and carried the series pretty well!  so its not that bad to be part of his works ...i was thinking that DS was better then his movie "no breathing"! hahahahaha!  my thoughts!
    will always be in awe of sukkie ...and waiting excitedly for his next work!

    jong suk fighting!!!!

  24. hello hello!!
    LOL!  sorry about that ...my writing "later" seem to be forever!! hahaha!  but here i am again ...just lurked at the DS thread to see what's up ... really happy that DS ended still on top of the rating game.  i just feel that sukkie deserve such after working so hard at his character. will be watching DS as a whole series now ...i guess it will be better to watch it that way.
    so happy to see the cast in their wrap up party ... but where was kang sora???  didn't see any picture of her at the party ...guess she is off to her new series already.  but it was good that PHJ and JSY were there ... they all looked happy ...one picture though had sukkie teary eyed! hahahaha! i guess no matter what the series turned out to be ...the cast did great ...and they should celebrate that!
    corearen : those pictures of 'face reader' movie brought back the memories of it!  as far as i was concern ... sukkie was marvelous there.  he truly tugged my heart especially in the end.
    well ...whatever project sukkie will take will surely be because he chose it!  to learn from it and grow in his craft!  i think that from here on ...sukkie will not take baby steps into what he wants himself to be  recognize as an actor.  i think, as always, i will trust in his judgement ...and support him all the way. hahahaha!
    and i would like to congratulate him for a job well done for DS!!  people are learning more about him ...for the awesome actor that he is. and i think that he still has a long way to go.  as for loyalty ...well we know that even if a lot was said about DS, we know that sukkie remained with it ...and gave it his best!  so i am one proud fan!!  of course ...PHJ, KSR and JSY did well too!!
    so ...on to his next project!!  much as i want to see him in some risque role ...like what PHJ is going to undertake now in a new series ...i still have a hard time seeing him in such!! hahahaha!!  i guess i am still hang up with sooha for now! hahahaha!!  maybe a romantic comedy, sukkie ...before the really meaty meaty ones!! hehehehe!!  just asking! hahahaha!  would love to see him with Ha Jung Woo in his movie ...but not looking forward if his role will be so small that his screen time is less ... i think that after his many works ...a role that has a little more substance (and i am not implying he should be in the same level with ha jung woo! ;;)) will be appropriate. just my opinion! tee-hee!
    jong suk fighting!!!

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