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Posts posted by leianji

  1. hello!!

    so happy with this news ... been waiting for ages to have lee jong suk and han hyo joo together in a drama!! and now ....woo hoo! so excited! the drama sounds interesting ... so i am doubly excited! can't wait for july!! *dances with joy* will be stuck to soompi again after this! hahahaha! 


    • Like 6
  2. rania : i know i know ... it is getting to the point that i am dreading/wishing that wednesday/thursday news are here ...because i am really wanting to see 'pinocchio' doing well!!  i guess it is because we really want sukkie to be happy after DS!!  and i want you to be happy too after DS!! hahahaha!!  i know how terribly disappointed you were with what it became ...boiling down to  who was the better pair for sukkie! and that the story lost its way somewhere!!  so lets pray really hard my bestie!!  i know we ...'pinocchio' ... shall prevail!!!
    oh! are the whole cast going to have a conference again??  is this a new press conference for them?? wow!!
    i truly love all the tumbler pictures of sukkie!!  not only because he has his hair all brushed up!! hahahaha!!  but ...hell! (sorry for the swear!) he looks too good to be true!! sigh!

    jong suk fighting!!!

  3. YAY YAY YAY!!
    rania!!  i told yah sooooo .... epi 6 made us number 1 ...where ...ehem! i also thought we should be!!  ooppss! i meant 'pinocchio' should be ... and i am doing all sorts of happy dance  ... sorry to have just pop in now ... hahaha!!  but i am happy beyond mere happiness!! hahaha!  i will be praying really hard that we will still rise in numbers!!
    i am going into epi 5 tonight!!  and you were right ... epi 4 was gooooodddddd!! but then the whole drama to me IS good! hahaha!!
    i was just looking through the gifs and pics of the latest epi ...and i couldn't help but want to see it now!!  sukkie is so great!!  i just love to watch the play of emotions on his face!!  

    jong suk fighting!!

  4. hello!!  happy thanksgiving to all!!
    suffice to say ... i am loving 'pinocchio' too much ... i am totally sold to PSH and sukkie together ...there's just so much in there ... i love them!! hahahaha!!  still going to watch epi 4 later in the day ...but so happy that epi 5 did quite well ... really hoping that epi 6 will finally break the lead!!  i am praying doubly hard this time ... still many hours to wait till the news!! hahahaha!
    rania : hello!!  those gifs of the fight for the right to go first to the rest room ...but was held back because of daddy's leftovers is hilarious!!  i can't wait to watch that!!  maybe epi 6 will be the one to let us lead the pack for this timeslot??!! hahahaha!!  i can't wait!
    hope sukkie gets to have the brush up look again ... i find him terribly sexy in that do!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  5. hello hello!!
    i am so thrilled about the rise in the ratings ... the whole cast must be ecstatic about it ... especially sukkie!!  i am seeing the drama doing even better in the next episodes!! i am praying really really hard for that!!
    rania: the drama is soooooooooo cute!!  i am still in epi 2 ...but i love the chemistry between sukkie and shin hye!! they're so lovely together!!  i will be watching the next two epis later in the day ... so i am pretty excited to hear his "english"!! hahaha!!  i am sure it is to-die-for since you noticed it!! hahaha! i am wanting to see the 'toast kiss'!!  gosh! pretty excited really! hahaha! 
    its absolutely freezing here so early rania ...how's it at your end??? 
    oh! i was actually LOL at the fan created thing where LMH and KWB in 'the heirs' scene were literally jealous of the 'toast kiss'!!  such humor!! i love it! hahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  6. Hello Rania....I miss you too ... And everyone here... Really? He won't keep the hair that way??! Why?? I really like him that way...anyways...just as long as he doesn't look like sooha...hahaha! I know that the competition is tough....but in the case of "mr baek" ...that drama had like a week to establish itself...while the other...well...anyways, I think and feel that "Pinocchio" will do well! I am seeing it will be number one soon! Trust me! Hehehe! I'm praying super hard for it already! For sukkie's sake and for us! Hehehe! Thanks for understanding why I've been away for quite awhile...hopefully next week...I will be here more often! Sorry if this post looks like one whole thought again...using the tablet, not my computer...I will download the 4 epis tomorrow after the fourth epi with English sub is hopefully out! I'm pretty excited already! Jong suk fighting!!

  7. hello hello!!
    i am totally remiss for not being here during the premiere ...as well as ...for taking such a long time to post!!  :((  so sorry about that ...school is keeping me so busy ...with my catching up and doing all the necessary papers!!  but i have been popping here from time to time  ...and boy!  you people are so great with your shares!! thank you!!
    i feel that episode 4 later in the day is going to do great!!  i can really really really feel it!!  i haven't watch the first three epis ...but i am so sold into the PSH and sukkie pair already!! they look great ...and there's that comfortable, tingly, sweet feel i am getting from just looking at the pics!!
    and what a brilliant idea ... hahaha!!  bo young's voice cameo!!  like she didn't want to take the limelight from shin hye ... knowing what her cameo can affect the IHYV fans like me!!  who doesn't love her with sukkie??!! hahahaha!!  so a voice cameo shall suffice!!  hyesung power indeed!
    i really really have to catch up with you all here ...but please excuse me for a bit since i have to finish a few things for school ...but i am keeping tabs ...and i am pretty excited with 'pinocchio' and sukkie!!  he is good in anything .... and i am pumped up at how handsome he looks in that hair ...the one that's swept off his face ... gosh!! i am in love!! hahahaha! i hope he keeps that hair for the rest of the drama and not the one with the bangs ...because he really comes out so sooha to me in that!!  

    jong suk fighting!!!

  8. YAY!! i am right ...that it is later today the premiere of 'pinocchio' right?!  so excited!!  so nervous!!  everything is just like in limbo for me!!  GOOD LUCK!! sukkie!!  i am praying sooooooooo hard for your success ... as well as PSH, LYB and KYK!!  i hope to hear good news later on today ....
    rania : LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO!!  :-*  >:D<  you're my bestie ... are we excited already!!  i know that you will be monitoring the drama's progress ... as for me ... i will just have to depend on the first few dl tomorrow ...as i can't watch the actual live streaming!!  so ...here's some energy hugs for you to give you strength!! hahahaha!!  do you think hanyeon will be there to live stream too??? i hope i got his name right??  i like the way he is so honest in his feedback of a  drama!! how about you??
    so ...we've come to the day girls!!  lets all hold hands and ...pray hard for all our faves success ...in this case ...our sukkie!! hahaha!
    btw .... that was so super cute ...and embarrassing for sukkie!!  when the thing in his hands buzz indicating he lied!! hahahaha!!  not to have my head bitten by PSH's fans ...but i must say indeed sukkie is prettier! hahahaha! but seriously ... i don't think sukkie was lying when he said he found PSH so pretty ... maybe he was nervous which somehow triggered the buzz!!  you know how our sukkie is just so uncomfortable with things like this!! hahaha!
    anyways ...on to the main event!!  aja aja!! 

    jong suk fighting!!

    • Like 1
  9. hello!!
    wow ....the oakley photoshoot looks great!!  though i am not a fan of the brand ... i can't help but feel they look good ...especially on sukkie! hahahahaha! :D
    are we counting days now to the premiere rania??  i am pretty pumped up as the case may be!!  i was looking through all the pictures and can't help but love how good sukkie and PSH looks together!!  and don't you think that PSH seem shy towards sukkie!! hehehehe!!  but i can't say the same for yubi!!  boy! was the heart sign towards sukkie a really bold move by her!! hahahaha!  and that's what got me to notice that she looks good with sukkie too! gosh!! my heart is being swayed!! hahahaha!!
    yes ... you are right rania ...i think the story is going to be really good this time around ... i really really really hope!!  i guess i am a little nervous because ...honestly i had high hopes with DS having been penned by the makers of 'city hunter' ...and we know what a disappointment it was story wise!!  but i guess what really brought DS down was the choice of lead actress .... we know that most fans didn't really got attached to her!  but for 'pinocchio' we have no less then PSH!!  she is by far a credible actress with many projects already at hand ... and there's yubi too, who i find to be an excellent actress with much depth ....so easy to say 'pinocchio' will not fail us this time around!!  
    lets cross our fingers that the week that 'mr. baek' had as its lead will not affect the rating of 'pinocchio's' premiere!!  aja aja!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  10. hello to all!!
    totally love all the pictures of the press conference for 'pinocchio'!  PSY and sukkie looked so comfortable together ...and really act so cute! hahahaha!!  but nothing beats yubi's heart heart to sukkie!!  that was so so so unexpected and lovable! hahahaha!! will there be like a loveline between yubi's and sukkie's role???
    i am getting pretty excited for the first telecast ...and quite nervous too ...i am hoping for the best this time around for sukkie!!  DS did quite well rating wise but the story did not hold through to the end ...so i am hoping we have a solid and beautiful story with 'pinocchio'!!  this will mean so much for sukkie ... after the heartbreak that was DS!!  i have high hopes for 'pinocchio' this time around since he has bankable co stars! 
    rania:  yey! bestie ...you are right!!  long absences is not allowed here ....though i think if it were you who were absent for a long time ...people around here will be banging the walls looking for you! hahahahaha!  are you excited for the premiere telecast???  lets pray hard girl!!
    oh!  i love the brush up look of sukkie more then the bangs!!  he looks so dapper in it and more mature and masculine!!  hope he keeps that hair style later in the show!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  11. hello to all!!
    sorry ...it took so long to post back ... had to go back to hospital for a bit again due to the bronchitis ... and when i got back ... so was the problem with my internet connection is back too ... had to do a lot of backlog for school ... and i am sooooo tired with it! hahahaha!  i am using the school's internet ...so this will be short and sweet!  i still have a lot of back reading to do girls!! here and school!! hahahaha!!
    hello to my bestie rania and shin.u!! thanks for wishing me good health!  i am slowly going back to normal ...and my panacea is this ...sukkie's thread!!  and you all here!!  i am enjoying the read and hopefully i can be joining back in the fun of discussing our main man's events!!  please forgive my inabilities these days ...but when things are back to normal ...schoolwork and my internet connection...i'd be spending more time with you all here!!
    rania : i am still here bestie ... as i have promised you a long time ago when this thread was starting ... we ...i will not let this go till we are both old and with family!! hahahaha!!  forgive my ineptness for now!!
    so  ...the hair ...why do i think that i am the only one liking it!! haahaha!  he looks so cute in that unruly hair ... but before you GET my head again for this remark! hahahaha! ... i will certainly settle for the more modern short look later on in the series!!  are we excited already?? hahahaha!!
    so is his fan meets over now??? or will there still be places to visit??
    i love all the posters being shown right now ... and i am pretty excited with the PSH and sukkie pairing!!  can't really wait ... when is the press conference scheduled????

    jong suk fighting!!

  12. hello again!!
    i so love reading all the posts here ... everyone's words about sukkie are so adorable! hahahaha!  i guess i am truly happy just being with you all fellow sukkie fanatics!
    rania : truly miss you too bestie!!  ... gosh! finally i am able to glimpse a little of sukkie's hair for 'pinocchio' ...this internet connection of mine is making me see red!! ... and i went WOW! that's the hair!! hahaha!  it reminded me of that photo shoot with his longish hair!  that's how it will look ... ah emmm ...ah ... i shall reserve my opinion later!!  the only good thought i have of it is that sukkie can easily adapt any style ...so it may still turn out good!
    looking at the possible line up of dramas against 'pinocchio' ... i am getting excited over it!!  wow ... let the 'fight' begin!! hahahaha!
    shin.u : hi girl! thank you for wishing me well ... and i am getting there!!  so happy to be here again with all of you!!
    wizengamot : hi! i saw that short drama too!! though it was poignant ... i was left with not much connection with the characters ... sukkie was a little wet-behind-the-ears in acting still so ...but of course i was still captivated by him like the fan that i am, and i was like woah! the kiss the kiss!! hahahaha! ... and the leading lady though quite pretty in her own right was not so into the role (maybe she was captivated by sukkie herself and forgot her role! hahahaha). so i guess that's the reason why many was not into the drama ...aside from the premise too (i hear you, darcy! hahahaha!)
    so excited about 'pinocchio' ... can't wait!!  

    jong suk fighting!!!

  13. hello hello!!
    wow! so much news ...pics ... gifs ... i miss them all!  so nice to be back ...that is if i was missed! :D  loved reading all your posts while i was gone ... so sorry about that but i was in hospital for bronchitis and still recovering ... so i am slowly getting back into my world ...which is our world ...which is sukkie's world!!  i still have a long back reading to do ...but i will get there! hahaha! so sukkie is on an asian tour??? aside from shooting the drama??
    i am having a hard time looking at most of the pics posted ...especially his hair for 'pinocchio' ... i can't for heaven's sake understand why my connection isn't picking up most of the pics!  anyways ... i will just have to wait ... until it betters itself so i can see more pics of the beijing FM too ...but from what i've seen so far ..i think sukkie is on a plaids trip right now with his choice of attire ...loved the red one ...but the green fell flat to me!! hahahaha!!  and were they reenacting some scenes from sukkie's drama during the FM?? i envy the fan who got the hug!!
    i am wondering when i can see the whole cast of 'pinocchio' script reading ... and some really juicy bts ...
    off to read some more of the posts of people here ...which for most are so funny and adorable!! i think sukkie will love reading the posts here too!!

    jong suk fighting!!!

  14. hello hello!!
    so happy to be here again ...hahahaha! and i am seeing more new people which makes me doubly happy!! sukkie is THE MAN!! hahahaha!
    rania : the connection is holding on ... still from time to time i get a no signal but its holding on!!! and i say a silent thank you for that! hahahaha!
    yep! school school school!! hahahaha! and its near the end ...so pretty excited about deciding how things should go on in my life!!  hahaha!
    so there were no script reading promo pics yet??!!  i really really really wanted to see how PSH and sukkie will look together ... and the script reading will be a good way to see the first glimpse of them!!  so maybe they will show it later on right??
    so ... that 'kill me heal me' thingy we were discussing as a possible sukkie material is hyun bin's now?? i read it somewhere about hyun bin ... i so wanted sukkie for that role! sigh! i guess it must be good material!
    shin.u : yeah ... and off you go to where sukkie will be!!  i so envy you girl!! and i guess once isn't enough once you see sukkie in person!!  i can feel that! hahahaha!
    go on and think what gifts you will give sukkie ...and i guess if this time you get to see him face to face again ... you won't be as nervous, right??!!  ;)  
    hope you have a great time with him ...and be safe!!
    sleepykid : a date promo?? wow!!  that's so surreal! hahaha!  but i guess it will be winnerS as in many girls right?? or just one?? i am thinking if i did get to win ... however am i going to even think of eating??!! hahahaha! gosh! he may hold my hand across the table ... and yeah ...yeah ... stop the daydreaming!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  15. hello to all!! :-h
    so lovely to be back ... been busy with school ... so coming here is my reward!! hahahaha!! 
    i can see that more fans are here ... hello to all the new ones!! its really great to have you here ...and i have so much fun reading all your posts!!
    shin.u : WOW!!  and i mean WOW!  so you are going to thailand for the FM there too?? ohhhhh!! i am so totally green over here ... i guess once wasn't enough right?? hahahaha!!  and you will get to give sukkie your gift now!!  that's totally awesome!!
    rania : hi bestie!!  i guess sukkie and LMH, KSH and the rest must have one stylist!! hahahaha!!  i just hope that all three actors won't be in the same place with the same attire!! that would be like ...duh?! hahahaha!
    so the shoot has started ... is sukkie already shooting his part??  i actually like the young boy who will play the younger sukkie in the drama ...oops! not that the other young actor who played him both in IHYV and DS was bad, okay ... but this boy looks more like sukkie to me! hahahaha!
    i was thinking ...did they ever do the script reading already ... or i must have missed that post??
    darcydevenus : i think smoking in asian men are like the 'in' thing! like you ...i hope that sukkie stops smoking too!!  i guess if he doesn't ...not only will his lips lose its cute rosy color ...his skin will also slowly loose its luster!!  hope he knows the effects of smoking!! 

    i totally was like LOL with one stylist trying to fix sukkie's back ...poor lady ...she couldn't get the right spot with sukkie teasing her like that!!  I WANT HER JOB BADLY!! hahahahaha!  and yes! sukkie is ...and will forever be the boy that he is!! hahahaha!  no more poses like that for me too, sukkie!! hahahaha!!  i am in the state of total adoration already without it!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  16. hello!! 
    yay!!  so back!! hahahaha!!  the service provider fixed some wires ... and for now ... its holding on (my connection)!! hahahaha!!
    darcydevenus : i agree that PSH has always been in melos ...i guess she is good at crying ... hopefully this melo is not going to be a hankie-wringer of sorts!!  much as i love a melo ...i sure don't want anyone dying ..or breaking up. ..or an open ended story!!  because that surely sucks!! hahahaha!!
    so glad to call you darcy!!  the british actor colin firth comes to mind!! hahahaha!! 
    rania : yeah ... you are so right ... a bowl cut in a melo!!  its sure to bring in the laughs bestie!! hahahaha!!  i can't imagine sukkie doing all his emotional scenes ...and we are all like ... gosh! the bowl cut sure is funny! duh! hahahaha!!  seriously .... i think that sukkie will do well in a light rom-com type of drama!! hope he gets to do that in the future!!
    lets pray that the bowl cut will be a great cut ...and we all know that sukkie can carry any style well ...
    hello to all the newbies!!  >:D<  :-bd  the thread is all the more livelier with all of you here!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  17. rania :  LOL LOL!! you also had me laughing with your comment on sukkie's possible hair style!! ack! maybe it wouldn't be that awful, right??  then again ... is 'pinocchio' a comedy perhaps??
    shin.u : rania has that special gift to make us laugh really!! hahahahaha!! 
    darcydevenus : if that's the case ...i am a go with the project too!! i am already picturing how the whole book will look like ...and i think you will make it truly amazing darcy (hope you don't mind my cutting down your name!)
    i am along with you in praying that the fan meet doesn't happen on a sunday!!
    trying to muster enough energy to watch rain's film ... hahahaha!! sometimes rain's manner of talking is too OA for me! hahahaha!!  but for the love of sukkie ...i will give it a go!! hahahaha!

    jong suk fighting!!

  18. hello!! 
    gosh ... i am so happy things are still holding on!! hahahaha!!  so i am doing a rather desperate move to continuously post here!! hahahaha!
    darcydevenus:  will try to watch R2B ... hahaha!! i have nothing against rain because he is quite a capable actor ...and i see why our sukkie is a fan!!  but the idea of watching the movie and skipping things is so tiring an idea ...but i will because i want to see sukkie as a beginner!! hahaha!
    i have seen 'korea (as one)' and i thought the whole movie was good ...and was made better by a really rookie sukkie!!  
    wow!  that's terribly kind of you ... so what should the page look like ...gaaahhh!! the panic ... the anxiety of it all!! hahahahaha!  i hope i don't need to do a highly technical thing like having blinking lights or gifs ...because i tell yah ... i am a dummy at those!!  but the idea of having my words reach sukkie, through you, is awesome!!  thank you for wanting to do this for us!!  and i hope we already get a clear picture when the fan meet in taiwan will happen!!
    oh! so outside taipei ...sukkie is not so well known yet!!  well in time, i believe that sukkie will be heard around the whole of taiwan!!  especially if he gets to really have a fan meet there ...and people get interested to see his works!! that will be so like a domino effect ... hahaha!!
    rania:  hello bestie!  hahaha!!  isn't sukkie's hair sporting that red jacket a bowl cut already?? hahaha!!  so i guess it wouldn't be any different from that ...except they will try to make it more geeky i guess.  i am pretty much excited to have the first view of the hair cut already!! hahahaha

    jong suk fighting!!

  19. rania : its holding on pretty well for now ...i mean my connection ...and i hope it will forever or else i am going to pull my hair out in frustration!! hahahaha!!
    yeah ... so excited to see sukkie ..again!! ... twice a week ...and i hope that this time we will be enjoying the ride!! hahahaha!! is it only for two months?? wow! so short ... hope he gets into more dramas after 'pinocchio' ... or am i getting ahead of myself!!
    hahaha!!  yeah ...hope he gets his degree before he turns forty!!  but ...REALLY??!!  he gets to the university once or twice a year only???!!  whatever is he going to learn from that?? hahahahaha!!
    are we all jumping over the 'pinocchio' thread now???

    jong suk fighting!!!

  20. hello to everyone!!
    the battle for connection still rages on ...and i am afraid i am the loser for this! hahahaha!!  i can't seem to muster the right approach to the service provider to hasten their work or else ... but anyways ...i must be thankful for this!!
    i am in awe of the pictures, gifs etc of sukkie's pictorial for nylon ...or is it neylon?? i totally love how every picture is different to the other ... i still find sukkie with the long, unruly hair to be ...duh?!  maybe not so used to looking at him this way ... and guess i just really love him with the longish short cut of the other pics!!  hahahaha!!  and i had a rollicking LOL of the cartoon sukkie (ddochi) of the longish unruly hair with the red smear on his mouth by hitoritabi shared by my bestie rania!! hahahaha!! that was funny!!
    totally love the brooding sukkie in GQ korea ... i love love love all of it!
    so ...sukkie is in school?? i mean judging from the pic with his professor and that instagram post??
    darcydevenus : i so agree with you on your post re LMH, KSH and sukkie!!  i admire all three actors ...and all of them have different ranges of emotion in acting. but thanks to sukkie's desire to try all sorts of roles ...it has perhaps done him well since we have seen how talented he is ... he is funny when he is funny ...he is in love when he is in love ... he is in despair when he is in despair ... and he can go all loco then sane ...and we are all there along with this varied characters he plays.  if he is really careful in choosing his roles ...i feel that sukkie is going to be that actor that other actors will admire and aspire to be!  ;;)  ;)
    oh! and i understand about your feelings towards sunday! thank you ...

    i am again watching HBY ...school 2013 ...IHYV ... still mustering enough desire to rewatch NB ... since for most of the time i found the film a tad  too boring!! hahahaha!  not watching R2B since its really rain's film ... not really so interested there ... and have still to watch the last 9 episodes of DS! again ...not too interested to go there too!! hahahaha!!  
    so suffice to say ... i am very excited to see some BTS of 'pinocchio' ... as well as a little peep at sukkie's bowl cut!!  i am sure he will rock that look!!  

    jong suk fighting!!

  21. she's going rania!!!  hurry ..tell darcydevenus the date, time and place before she changes her mind!! hahahahaha!
    darcydevenus : why can't you go if its on a sunday??? oops! hope you don't mind my asking!! but i am really glad that given the chance you will go and see our man!! hahahaha!
    dramafan100 : totally agree with you regarding sukkie feeling sad about the outcome of DS!! i guess he was feeling the weight of the responsibility of DS during its run that the disappointment of the fans as well as the low ratings (though it was still number 1 in that schedule) ...and the story that went awry ... made him doubly sad!!  but i salute his professionalism because notwithstanding all that ...he still gave a stellar performance!!  i can't say anything more then that i respect him more as an artist now!!  maybe that is also the reason behind his delayed acceptance of 'pinocchio' ...maybe he was seeing to it that the drama does not fall flat on its face again ...after all ...he really needs a drama that he is carrying to be a big hit like IHYV was ... so lets cross our fingers that 'pinocchio' is it!!
    oh so you are not liking the long hair pic with that red thing on his lips and hand ....  hahahaha!! too vampire-inspired like! hahahaha!!  but i like rania's explanation of it!!  ... my take ... he ate red raspberry ice cream which melted into his hands ...and he is now licking it off! hahahaha!!  explains why there is an abundance of it around his lip area too!! hahahaha! me trying to be funny!!! hahahaha!
    rania : so sukkie is not staying long on the island ... here i was wishing he had more off time with PSH to like practice  the 'kissing' thing!! hahahaha!  okay okay ... don't hit me!!  i was again trying to be cute and cheeky!! hahahaha!!

    jong suk fighting!!

  22. GAAAAHHHH!!  i truly truly love that video of woobin and sukkie holding hands and embracing ... it brought so much feelings out of me ... i felt the longing and missing of each other there!!  gosh! to have such a solid friendship like that is something!!  and again ... i love woobin for being there ... although sukkie was remiss in greeting his friend on his day ... waahhh!!  so loving this moment!!
    if ever there would be another drama offered to these two ...and sukkie has just finished a drama ...i would shout out ..."please sukkie do the drama with woobin!! please!! and maybe rest after that!! but do the drama!!"" ... i am truly waiting to see these two in a drama or film together!! that would be awesome!!

    hehehe!!  dramafan 100 is surely going to love the long haired sukkie with the guitar in hand rania!!
    darcydevenus : i join everyone in saying ...GOOOOOO!! i agree with rania and shin.u that this chance to see him in person may not come again ...so go!!!  many times i think to myself ... could i wait those long hours to see him?? what if i wasn't going to be part of the 100 or 200 fans to actually meet him in person ...and i waited that long, is it worth it?? i guess if given the chance to even catch a glimpse of him ... i may go!! hahahahaha!  i would! i would!!  
    any news on 'pinocchio'??

    jong suk fighting!!!

  23. truly love the 'believe' article of hitoritabi ... and yes i will stand here believing in sukkie for a long long long time!! hahahahaha!  he is one of a kind truly ...
    rania and dramafan 100 :  i see the attraction of the long wavy hair (nylon photo) ... but it just comes out way too like the model fabio lanzoni to me ... hahaha!! still like my sukkie with the longish short hair in the cover of nylon and that of him sitting down ...
    dramafan 100 : yey!!  you have your own signature now too!! wow!!  and a new profile pic ... fabulous!!

    jong suk fighting!!!

  24. hello hello ....
    trying out my connection ... its a here-now, gone-tomorrow-situation for me still ... but glad that its staying for now! hahahaha!
    tried what shin.u was instructing dramafan 100 on how to put/change the signature ... and viola!! i have my own little "WITHJS" creation! hahahaha!  so mighty happy about that little feat of genius!! hahahaha!!   ;;) :P   and now i truly feel very much a member of his fans .... hahahaha!
    rania :  hi bestie!!  yeah yeah!!  what pure luck really to miss out on the day itself ...but better late then never right??? hahahaha!  and i am really here now ... and hope that this connection stays!! hahaha!!
    so glad to know that 'cantabile tomorrow' isn't going to have a heads-on collision with 'pinocchio'!!  not that i have any fear of anything ... i have this teeny weeny desire that both dramas  be on the same days just to see which will rate!! hahahaha! but that's me being so sure of sukkie's power!! hahaha!! 
    i am pretty up there with excitement already ... so wishing to see the first few teasers ... and ...well ... the  'hair' of sukkie for the drama ... can he get anymore cuter then that??! hahahaha!!  he would look like harry potter if they put him in round rims too!! hahahaha!!  wouldn't that make the already boyish looking sukkie MORE boyish!! hahahaha!!  now where did all the manly man go?????

    jong suk fighting!!!

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