Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by sueko-chan
































































































    hey new episode tonight (:































































































































































































































































































    Did they make you swear an oath of silence?
































































    well no but yah i dont wanna have the crew get fired.































































































































    they were really nice and stuff. so yah.































































































































    but my friend got more pics posted from thier make-up trailer.































































































































    secret stuff nobody knows about.














































































































































































































    BUT OMG! jin<333333































































































































    hes alive i cried lol































































































































    im such a freak































































































































    but im so glad he is alive.































































































































    i cant wait for the episode where jin and sun reunite.































































































































    also if all of them get off the island. he gets to meet his daughter!

































    XD Nicole... Thank you so much for sharing your expieriences with the cast and crew as well as photos! Locke is one of my absolute favorite characters and it's so cool that you got to take photos with him. He seems so nice. In general I have heard that the Lost cast and crew are pretty nice to the fans. :)

    Yeah when I saw the premiere if the fifth season I was under the suspicion that the chick at the end that Ben is speaking to is Daniel Faraday's mother. Who knows though. She might be someone else entirely.
































































    Also regarding the possibility that Faraday will bring Jin back to life...I don't believe it possible. Remember, it was Desmond in particular Faraday spoke to. He even told Desmond that he is special so the rules don't apply to him like it does to everyone else.
































































    I hope Jin isn't dead though. My hopes are low considering with all that has happened on the island so far we haven't seen Jin at all. :tears:
































































    Also awhile back someone asked where Claire is...I don't know if eveyone is aware of the fact but Claire will not be in season five.
































































    They say she will return in season six though. That is what I heard anyway.
































































    I also really like Miles and Daniel. Charlotte...I don't not like her. But the whole thing between her and Daniel is pretty cute. It might borderline to sad...possibly. She needs a constant? I really want to know more about Miles. He's really funny as well as interesting.
































































    I don't want to like Charles Widmore because he was such a jerk to Desmond. And the young version of him was a jerk too.































































































































    well just to let you know a little secret from what was said from one of the people jin isnt dead.































































































































    hes is actually filming still. alsio claire isnt dead either. shes gonna be in season 6.































































































































    and also like yah pretty intresting stuff about season 5. we got secret scoops :P lol































































































































    oh yah about the cast being all chill from what our crew friend said jack is the only one who kinda is mean.































































































































    it depends on his mood. sometimes hell give autographs and somtimes not. it just depends.































































































































    but yah locke was amazingly nice. hes very chill. we gonna try out to be extras this week.































































































































    we gonna go on thursday. ill let you guys know what happens.
















































































































    hey lost fans! well heres my update on pictures with the stars :D































































































































    so we got autographs from locke and got to take a picture with him.































































































































    my other 2 friends took a picture with a new girl charcter and ben.































































































































    i had to go home so i didnt get to take the picture. i have more better quality pictures but i gotta find them































































































































    ill upload those later.





























































































































































































































































































    new charcter





























































































































































































































































































    also this is my friend last year he meet hurley.














































































































































































































































































    i keep thinking of my ex and i miss him































































































































    but sad thing is he cheated on me and lied.































































































































    but idk im still waiting for him for some stupid reasons. -__-































































































































    i just wish i still had him :'(
















































































































    hey lost fans!!!!































































































































    so again im back to update on the show.































































































































    so the episode 12 is gonna be crazy! we went down and made friends with the crew and they were filming epi.12































































































































    so yesterday locke sun and ben were there.































































































































    also today they well be there with kate and j__































































































































    but yah im super excited cuz we actually got invited to set to hang out since we made friends.































































































































    this weekend we gonna try go down to the studio and be extras on the show.














































































































































































































    so from what the crew said jack is kinda =/ when it comes for pictures.































































































































    but the other stars are pretty chill. they said locke was the nicest.































































































































    so im gonna try get pics today. its our third day going down there.































































































































    i hope i can take pics with them today.
















































































































    hey lost fans!































































































































    hehe well since i live in hawaii and i only like like an hour away from the base camp of thier filming































































































































    me and my crazy lost friend decided to drive there yesterday. we met ben!!!!































































































































    we sadly couldnt take a picture but we did get to watch them film and stuff.































































































































    they were filiming with ben mostly yesterday. hes such a sweet guy!































































































































    we couldnt take a picture with him because he was in a dahrma suit ;]































































































































    and he had the side parted hair. but yah on monday he invited me and my friend to come back and take the picture with him.































































































































    so maybe by then ill have the picture. hehe just letting everyone know.































































































































    OH i forgot kate might be there on monday too so ill try to get a picture with her also.































































































































    we made firends with the locations guy :P































































































































    haha well ill be back later with updates! :)
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WOW! lol im just gonna save all these pics. lol nah jk































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hehe 2pm is awesome they all are cute and really funny :]














































































































































































































































































    i was wondering if anyone had that pic of taekyeaon when he was at a like banquet or soemthing
































































    i think he was wearing glasses and he was with 2 friends.
































































    im not to sure but i think it was from when he was in high school.
































































    does anyone have this pic?
















































































































    hey i was wondering if anyone had a pic of him at like a prom event.































































































































    there was one on soompi but i cant seem to find it anymore -__-































































































































    it was like a banquet and he was with 2 friends.































































































































    it was from when he was in high school i think.

















  11. ok my question is:

    if you tell your GF you dont wanna be in a relationship but then your cheating on her

    would you apologize? or even try to make contact with her? like she is very hurt and just wants an explanation.

    but you run away when you see her and you tell everyone that you broke up with her but in reality she broke up with you.

    how would you handle this situation?

    what would you do if you lied and cheated on your Gf?

    would you still wanna be friends and keep in contact or just not talk to her.

    even though shes hurting alot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think thats soo unatracttive.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    its just gross.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i dont wanna be kissing and ash tray.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i just end up sleeping after a while.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yah during 3rd period graphics.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    also sometimes if i got to my old teachers class.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    she lets me use the computer
































































































































































































































    holy crap these are scary!































































































































    im scared to go sleep tonight :(
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    5% german.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol im a mixed plate.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    and my dad was japanese and everything else. lol








































































































    why would you want to go and do soemthing like that? huh?













































































































    its hurting me so much and you just dont see it...





























































































































    i dont want you to go to the military..















































    i dont wanna lose you.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    him: no you dont.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    him: cuz i love you for who you are. it doesnt matter cuz you have a great personality and an awesome GF.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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