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Posts posted by thisismyv
































































    There's a few on ebay going for around $300~
























































































































    Ah, I see. So far that's the only one I could track down on ebay or monoprice, but I'll keep looking. Maybe RadioShack would carry them? Thanks again!








































































    ^ That is a sexy phone! I like the simplicity of it... not a whole lot going on, which is why I love ketai so much. ;) Is that an older model or new?
















































    @IonNuke awesome, thank you for replying again! Sorry for asking so many questions, but another one.. would this particular cable work? It's the closest I could find to the DoCoMo one, so hopefully it's similar... here
























































    Thank god I asked you guys before forking over $20 + shipping + 3 weeks of sitting by the mailbox. Thank you!
































    Probably a dumb question, but do I need both the cable and the CD?
























































    Does anyone know where I can buy a USB cable for my DoCoMo P906i, or the CD? I saw two on ebay for like $20, but wondering if there's any other places I find the cables? Or, if any of you guys got them when you bought your phones. I'm mostly curious if you guys have them, is it worth buying, otherwise I'm having a really hard time getting music or ringtones on my phone. I've been using the Hardwarezone tutorials, and I can't seem to get them to work.. ><;
























































    Another translation please..? <3
































    Please include hiragana as well, since I can't read a lot of the kanji... ;;
































































































































































































































































    Thank youuu~
























































    I remember back in 8th grade *sooo embarrassing!* I took a razor to my brows just for the hell of it since I had no idea about makeup or anything... u__u; Shaved off the inner part of one of my brows, eww! Thank god I don't have any pictures! :P
































    Back in 2007... there's worse photos, but I don't have the courage to post them lol!
































































    Last year. Still haven't figured it out completely, lol.
































































    Naoo (well, 5 months ago). Sorry it's not a great picture, but it's obviously a step up from 3 years ago, haha.
































































    I've been getting really lazy with grooming my brows lately, so they're pretty crummy right now. I don't really care though, since I'm only at work for 5 hours and have no where else to go.
























































    Translation please? I kinda get the gist, but I'm not sure on 話変わるけど...








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    These are absolutely vital to know, but I'm more freaked out because I'm lying on the floor of my room with a cracked window and my sister's crazy ex-boyfriend. Can I borrow someone's non-civic, you know, just in case? <<; >>; :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, thank you so much for sharing! I heard on TV a few weeks ago about a rapist on the loose, and my mom told me that a woman was assaulted near my Uncle's house, which isn't far from where I live. :o I really want to take a self-defense class now; there's so much crazy mini cooper going on around here... *sigh* I miss the safer days of my childhood.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I also remember running in a zig-zag from a gunmen from watching Oprah when I was a kid! The way they explained, is because the gunman is most likely going to try and follow/aim for you, and running straight will only give him a better advantage...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh! I've also heard that women with longer hair are better targets for rapists and such too... especially if you're wearing a pony-tail, since they'll just grab your hair :X

































































































































  10. This whole weekend has been just, UGH.

    - I wanted to go to Fanime on Friday just to see FLOW with my boyfriend, but of course, I was SICK. I also missed my chance to meet some online friends for the first time because I was sick... we were looking forward to this for over a year!

    - Stayed home yesterday moping around while my sister got to go and cosplay and come home with goodies.

    - Today my little sister went, cosplaying of course, me stuck at home again. She lost my brand new eyelash glue as well, which I was really looking forward to using. I wanted to dress up and maybe head down to Fanime today to see my bf...

    - I get to hear my mom constantly thanking my sisters for "cleaning up"... pulling the garbage cans up from the sidewalk deserves mountains of praise over me spending literally 5 HOURS in the kitchen cleaning up? Okay... I've been cleaning like crazy this past week, and no one says anything. They just go and mess everything up again. THANKS!

    - My boyfriend got mad at me on the phone earlier because I couldn't figure out the bus schedules for him. He apologized later, but of course I was crying *again*, which was totally unneeded.

    - And now, I broke my new sunglasses. I didn't even get a chance to wear them yet because I'm either stuck inside, or it's raining. They only cost $3, but I am so broke I can't even buy a new pair! Especially at such a deal for such a cute pair... wtf... I HATE Fanime weekend!
















    Can someone tell me what this is?
















    Is it like, "outfit" or something? When I try translating online, it comes out in Chinese as "tailor". :huh:








    Also... これ
























    ^ I don't even know if it's moisturizer actually, I just use this lotion by Cetaphil that my mom keeps on the sink! XD It's pretty thick, but maybe I'm not waiting long enough for it to absorb into my skin or something? I use a wet sponge to apply the foundation, which helps a little, but I really want to get a stippling brush. But thanks a lot for the tips! Can you recommend any drugstore foundations with moisturizers? ^^



    It all depends on the brand that you buy. Lipstick or lipgloss that I buy ususally around $20 cuz I usually buy it from MAC, NARS, Makeup forever, etc. Where my mascara only cost me around $12 cuz my HG mascara is from Cover Girl.

    & I use BB cream from skinfood, so taht's pretty cheap also.


    We don't ahve riteaid in canada, but is it like Sephora?



    Riteaid is more like a mini-supermarket. I don't really know how else to describe it, but it's a drugstore. I'm not sure they have "drugstores" like we do in Canada, since they sell pretty much everything. XD


    Question~ So, after I tone and put on face lotion (is that the same as moisturizer? lol), when I put on liquid foundation it still looks obvious that I'm wearing foundation! It will either look like it's sitting right on top, or it makes my skin look dry. o_o I'm using the Revlon Colorstay foundation btw, if that helps! Oh, especially around my nose area... I exfoliate the dead skin, but it still looks like it's there. Any suggestions?






    I'm Eurasian and proud of my roots. :) Although, if I could somehow make myself as photogenic as those gals... XD



    I never knew I even looked Asian, even though people always say they can tell. I think I still can't see it since my eyes have pretty much been trained that way. Either way, I like being somewhat different looking. xP






    Wow, what a great idea for a thread! o_o



    I think my skin is mostly normal, except for some dryness around my mouth or nose area, or tiny bit of oil around my nose. I also have redness in my cheeks that must be covered! :P I also notice that oftentimes when I put on foundation (even after toner and moisturizer), it's obvious it's lying on my skin, if that makes sense? It just looks awful, which is why I'd like to try BB cream :)



    I occasionally get a pimple or two around my forehead or nose, but usually only through stress I think. Otherwise just red cheeks ><



    Skin tone: About Light-Medium? I think I've actually been getting lighter even though it's damn sunny and hot all the time. Umm.. if it helps at all, I've been using Revlon ColorStay Foundation in Sand Beige I think, but it's too dark for me now.



    I bought this off ebay (http://pupe.ameba.jp/item/IUJQ8b1g65Xu/quB2oUKcqvW0/), but I mostly use it as a base since it's definitely not a match. The color is just... strange. XD






    I need help with this one line... it's from a dialog for class, but I don't know where my book is, so this is right.






    I think that's what it said... well it was something like that, but I have no clue how to translate it. :/

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Thank you! Even a rough translation is greatly appreciated, so thank you so much! <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can someone translate this for me please??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    also, translate this along with romaji... i'm having a time figuring out some of the kanji :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank you! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    nevermind! i found what i was looking for, sorry!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ugh, that's why I've been trying to get my mom to quit AT&T. And then of course, she wants to switch to Verizon. If that happens, I'm jumping to T-Mo myself, lol.
































































































































































































































































































































    I also heard something about AT&T upgrading their SIM cards, or something of the sort a while back? So when my Vodafone died, I needed a replacement phone and the AT&T people got rid of my old SIM card and gave me the new one. I'm sure that also contributed to my HyperSim death. ><
































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, thank you very much for the suggestion! I will definitely look into it. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope it's alright to ask this, but here goes.
































































































































































































































































































































    What Hyper Sims do you guys use/recommend? I cheaped out and bought one of those $30-something hyper sims on eBay, and it finally died after about a year or so of use. I don't know the name or brand or whatever, but I remember one that was recommended before that goes for about $80. My old one didn't drop calls too often, but it would stop working to the point where I'd have to carry around a second phone to reset my sim card. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sorry, mine is kinda my first kiss... and it sucked. XD
































































































































































































































































































































    My boyfriend kinda... jumped me, if you will, on my porch one night and I banged the back of my head on the door. It was really loud, lol.

































































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