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Posts posted by kgrl43

  1. Hi everyone!   OMG, very rarely do I come by to visit this thread anymore, but today I did, and WOW, was pleasantly surprised to see that Cheerkoo came by to visit also!!  Just wanted to say HI, that we all missed you and it was wonderful to hear from you again.  I hope that, like Koo, you are resolving your troubles bit by bit, and are doing well at this time.  I'm sorry that you had to go through whatever challenges that were present in your life.  It's been such a "surreal" year, I think for a lot of us.  I made a short stop in Korea in October and it was kind of bittersweet for me, as I remembered how exciting it was to visit Koo's cafe on my last trip, at a time when she was at the height of her popularity.  This time it wasn't so.  It's been hard for me to even watch Korean dramas or have any interest in anything Korean.  But I never lost interest in Koo, and would always check her instagram postings and come here once in awhile, and may I say, all of you who still post and keep us posted on her current activities, you guys are all amazing!!  Thank you so much!!    Now that she has finalized her divorce and is moving on with her life, I hope she'll continue to be active and allow us to see her at events such as the Chunsa Film Festival. If we're lucky, maybe she will return to acting in the future.  Seems like it's still something she desires to do.  I am so proud of her and the way she came through probably the worse time in her life and can still smile and move on.  We all knew what a strong and special person she is.  As for the divorce, it still bothers me to see all the negative comments about her on a lot of the sites, but I will try my best not to care.  Since she rose above all of it and divorced amicably and is trying to move on, then will also try to follow her lead.  I have a feeling she will do just fine and has not shown us all that she's capable yet.   All of you, please stay safe and in good health.  Where I live, things are slowly starting to open up, bit by bit, but it'll be a long while before things will return to a somewhat normal state, if ever it does.  Thanks again to all of you.  It makes me happy to know that we're over the hump and can now look forward to better things.  PLEASE STAY WELL AND GOD BLESS!!  (Hi macaronsandsakuratea)

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  2. Hi Sunnies,

    Since the topic of NJTTW has been in the forefront recently, I just wanted to say a few words.  You know, GHS has known at least half or more than half of the cast of NJTTW from when she was a newbie, spanning over 10 years, some of whom she's worked closely with, and I wonder what those people think about all this.  The very first time I saw GHS on a variety show, it was in 2008 when she was a guest on X-Man hosted by Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Suk (YJS is probably one of the most popular and well respected tv hosts in Korea).  They really loved her and through the years she has been on different variety shows hosted by these two.   Along the way, she acted on Nonstop 5 with Lee Seunggi, who was the NJTTW cast member that AJH replaced.  The cast of NN5 were pretty close and Seunggi was her love interest in NN5.    She was also a fan of Eun Ji Won's group Sechs Kies and they have crossed paths before through work, and I know GHS was on at least a couple of talk shows hosted by Lee Soo Geun.  I'm willing to bet that GHS even knew AJH's close buddy Kyuhyun from Super Junior when they both were SM trainees.   So she has a history with a lot of the senior members of NJTTW.  I know that the members of NJTTW have bonded over several seasons, but I think he was right to leave the show. I would not be surprised if some of them were not comfortable with this situation, not because of AJH but because they also like and respect GHS.  The fact is she's very well liked in the industry and has been around far longer than he has.   That being said, putting the entertainment industry aside,  I wonder how many wives, just normal everyday women,  would act calmly and rationally if their husband of two years started to stray from home and befriend other women.  It doesn't matter in what capacity, be it as friends, co-workers, or in this case possibly an extra-marital affair, a decent loving husband would put his wife's feelings above everyone else.  Instead AJH made her feel hurt and insecure and I feel she had every reason to act as she did.   The fact that she gave up so much for him and will now have to pursue a different path in life saddens me because he wasn't worth it.   I long for the days before "Blood" when I could still look forward to seeing her act once in awhile and watching her pursue all of her other endeavors such as art, writing, and doing charity work.  It was such a privilege to follow her career over the years.  I somehow feel that AJH has "stolen" something very precious from me personally as a fan as  I will probably not see her in public for a long while. But no matter what, I'll still be cheering her on and wishing her every happiness, because that is what she deserves.  Thanks Sunnies for listening.

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  3. It saddens me to meet all of you, especially the long time fans of GHS who used to come here to discuss all of the goings on in her life, her dramas, appearances, music, art, etc, with such joy, excitement, and anticipation. Hi obbor4, ghsforever, macaronsandsakuratea, myonenonly, sheherizade3, , and of course cheerkoo, and to all the rest of you who have joined this family since then and added so much to the thread.  This has gone too far and I can no longer read about it.  Truthfully, it disgusts me. I believe one of the reasons why couples like the Song-Song couple have remained silent was to prevent something like this from happening. I support GHS all the way, and feel that if she didn't bring this out in the open first, he would have gotten away with all of it unscathed.  No matter what, he was the one who strayed,  openly dated and behaved in a manner that was repulsive for someone who is not yet divorced.  He is a scumbag.  They are a high profile couple, and yet he and his company apparently didn't think of the consequences.  I'm not from Korea but from what I've observed, they don't take divorce lightly, especially when there is cheating involved.  I feel AJH's career will suffer greatly from this and he will lose a lot of fans and support from the entertainment community.   To be honest, I had never even heard of him before Blood, and I only liked and supported him because of GHS.  He didn't impress me much as an actor.  What impressed me was the manner in which he treated GHS.  When I read the article that surfaced of how  the writer from The Newlywed Diaries described what he saw, that sealed the deal for me and convinced me that if it were not true, he (the writer) would not have dared to come out and say those things in public.  So I was fooled from the very beginning. From here on out, my wish is for them to settle in private.  We all know what we need to know, and it pains me to hear some of the things that are being said, even by GHS.  I feel the rest should be settled without airing every bit of their dirty laundry in public.  It's humiliating.  As a fan of GHS, I'd like her to get on with her life, take care of her mom and her own health, and to not spend all of her time being bitter and heartbroken.  The sooner the better.  As for him, he will get what he deserves because what goes around comes around, I really believe that.  Sorry for venting, but these past few days have been just the worst.  Sunnies, please stay well and let's all pull through this together.  

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  4. Hi Sunnies,

    Such sad news today, something I never expected to hear, especially the way the news came out so suddenly and the manner in which it was delivered.  As a long time fan of GHS, of course I'm sad for her, no matter what the circumstances are.  The pieces just don't seem to fit for me.  Many are  saying that it happened all of a sudden, from 2019.  How can he have a "change of heart" so suddenly in just a few months time?  All this time he's been nothing but a loving and devoted husband.  She also mentions loss of trust?  The one thing that breaks my heart was to hear that she still wants to work it out and stay married.  So it's coming from his side and it seems like he wants to divorce as soon as possible.  I've been married for 35 years and anyone who has been married knows that it's not a bed of roses all the time.  But what would make a couple so in love, no, "him"  want to divorce all of a sudden and so callously and force her to feel that she has to protect her family?   As I've stated, I am a fan of GHS first and foremost.  I am saddened because love and marriage changed her career so that she had options to pursue the things that made her happy, and to see her having to leave the company and to start from scratch breaks my heart.  Without knowing the specifics on how this happened, I am so disappointed in AJH and his company.  I am in her corner, period.  But as the saying goes, things happen for a reason, and sometimes when a door closes a new one opens.  She has always been strong willed and a fighter, so I hope that whatever the outcome is, there will be a happy ending for her.  She has my love, prayers, and 100% support!!

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  5. So nice to see some names from the past, hi obbor4 :) and I couldn't agree with you more.  I've been watching her on chibi tv. She looks so busy and happy with her life... but still...I too miss her on the small screen.  Thanks to all of you for keeping for all that you do to bring us the latest news.  and cheerkoo, you're still awesome... really appreciate you :wub:

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  6. Hi fellow friends,

         It's been a long while, but seeing some of this thread's  longtime GHS followers posting prompted me to come and say hello.  You all have been so awesome, truly, with all of the updates, videos, and news of GHS.  Thank you so much.  This has been probably the most challenging year of my life and through it all, I could come here, read your posts, and for a few moments, be at ease and just immerse myself in all of the news and updates of GHS.  I look forward to it every day.  It's interesting to see how her life has changed, just like the rest of us whose lives change from year to year, and wow... her latest adventures are spectacular to say the least.  I also wonder if she is preparing for some kind of role or directing something that requires expertise in these areas.  I really, really, hope so.  That would be amazing!!!!  Sue, you have my neverending gratitude, you too kooswan, and the same to all of you Sunnies out there, hi obbor4 , and to macaronsandsakura tea, :wub:, nice to hear from you.  I am now watching the newest Chinese version of Meteor Garden and you know, it's quite good.  The actor who plays Daoming Si ( Goo Junpyo character) is really good and so is the main actress, but somehow no one can beat GHS's portrayal of Geum Jandi in my book :).  To all of you, please stay well, and be happy, always.   AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!   P.S.  I know she gained was it almost 20 lbs? but she still looks beautiful!!! - I wish I could look like that after gaining 20 lbs!!! (not possible he he) And finally, may I say how much I love AJH, who is so perfect for her and is just an incredible husband!!  Take care sunnies:heart:

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  7. Hello Sunnies,  Yes, timing was everything in this case.   Just wanted to share a story.  It happened to my cousin, so I know how serious this can be.  My cousin was going on a ski vacation and the day before, his bags all packed, he went to the bank to get some cash.  At some point, on his way home, something in the air triggered an allergic reaction, a very serious one,  and my cousin, who usually carries an inhaler with him, had packed it in his suitcase to go on the trip.  He was found on the staircase going up to his house, probably in an effort to get to his inhaler and sadly he didn't make it.  From what I understand in his case anyway, there was nothing that could be done, it happened that quickly and took his life right away, and they could not pinpoint what it was that triggered the reaction.  This happened about 15 years ago.  So, in spite of being very sad about our GHS, I am also so very grateful that she could be saved, and that she can get treatment and get well.  It could have been fatal.  For whatever reason it had to happen, we have to be thankful for that, and to know that now she has someone who loves her more than life itself to help care for and help her is very reassuring.  I'm so happy she now has a partner and doesn't have to go through this alone. Thanks to all of you who are keeping us abreast of her recovery.  I'm still very sad, depressed, and concerned, but all of you being here really helps.  Take care, have a great week, and let's keep praying with all our might, okay?  :heart:

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  8. Hi Sunnies :( I am struggling to get through this weekend and can't even think about YATM and sis Cheerkoo, ditto to what you said.  I can't bear to watch the drama, it just is not the same.  The one thing that is helping me get through this "depression" is all of you who are so wonderful in your support of GHS and who share the same feelings as me, and who are going through this painful time.  Don't know how else to describe it, and really there's not much that can make it go away.  I'm sure, like anything else unpleasant, it will in time and one thing we can look forward to is to hear that she's okay and doing well.  Sue, like you said the hand looks bigger than Koo's but they kind of look like her fingers and I believe it is her left middle finger that has that cute curved tip. ^_^  I had to divert my attention somehow and started watching the drama VOICE.  OMG - if you like thrillers, this one is that and then some.  It was so good and riveting that I could not stop watching.  Anyway Sunnies, thanks for your support, let's all hang in there ok?  Stay well...

    A big hug going out to Macaronsandsakuratea.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.....:heart:

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  9. :cry:  Hi Sunnies.  Such sad news for all of us, just as the weekend is approaching and time to anticipate another episode of YATM.   In the last episode 6, I thought she looked funny, different somehow, and now I know why and why her part was so small.  I can't even begin to describe how sad I am right now.  I've waited such a long time for her to act again and I felt that this may be the last drama she would be in if she decides to have a child soon.  But you know what?  I've been a fan of hers for over 10 years.  She has worked so hard all these years and provided me with countless hours of enjoyment with her acting, directing, music, writing, artwork, and more, so when it comes down to it, I can only appreciate all that she's done.  I'm so sad that she has to be going through this health issue right now when I feel she is at her peak in life in terms of being happy and in love, and as her husband said not too long ago, she still had some things that she wanted to achieve in her career before they have children.  I feel for her husband and family and how worried they must be.  I'd just like to say thanks to all of you, you're really the best of the best, and we've been through a lot together in this thread, all the ups and downs over the years, and we'll make it through this too.  For me, I'm going to pray extremely hard for her speedy recovery and hope that she can recover to the state where we'll be able to see her act again, but most importantly, I'd like to see her overcome this life threatening condition and be able to life a long, happy and healthy life, in whatever capacity she chooses.  GHS FIGHTING!!!!    Sending you my heartfelt wish that your health will improve very quickly!    PLEASE GET WELL!!!!!   And you too Sunnies..... stay well and let's keep the faith.....  it will be alright.......:)

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  10. Good Morning!!  Just watched the raw version of Ep 5 and LOVED IT!!!!   Of course my favorite scenes were between JHD and the CEO's son, I'm not just saying it because I like them both as actors, but they really have a great chemistry!.  IMO it seems he's slowly falling for her, especially when he sees her warm relationship with her father.  I like the electricity between them now, GHS is doing just great, really amazing!  The next episode will be interesting , and a turning point.  I don't want to give too much away yet if you haven't seen the preview, but CEO's son will meet Yoo Jina face to face and this will possibly introduce another twist in the plot? Can't wait!!!!   The CEO's son is doing things that points towards him liking HD as you'll see in the preview but I feel as if the YJN character will really stir things up in Ep 6.   YATM Fighting!!!   Excellent writing, directing and acting!  I'd really like to hear an OST track from GHS too - to this day one of my favorite songs that I listen to all the time is the song she sang in Pure 19.  I hope I get to hear her sing in this drama!   Sunnies, have a great weekend.  Stay well and THANK YOU SO MUCH for your posts!:D

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  11. Hi Sunnies!  Welcome to another week!  I just finished watching the raw version of YATM ep 4 - Wow.... and Wow......Excellent!   First of All, I was able to piece together what was going on thanks to all of your posts - many thanks for all your hard work - Kooswan, Khs7, Sheherizade3, and all of you who contribute posts and comments, and a special thanks to you Cheerkoo for the translations.   :wub:   For all of you who have read my posts, you know that I am also a fan of JGW who is playing the CEO's son PJJ.  So to say that I loved his scene with GHS is an understatement!!    Waaaaaah - I re-watched it a gazillion times already.  It sort of parallels the storyline of Pure 19 when Yang Gukhwa encounters chaebol Park Yunhu who also has a fiancee at the beginning of the drama.  The writers are doing an excellent job of making the audience guess between the CEO son PJJ, or the blind LKS, who JHD seems to be very fond of.  Their scenes together are so sweet and I think the actor portraying LKS is doing a great job as I would imagine that a blind character would be very challenging to play.  GHS is so beautiful and young looking, that you wouldn't even know that there's a big age gap between the two actors.  I'm really  loving the drama so far.  I was a little apprehensive after her last drama and how people's reactions would be, but this story grabbed me from the beginning, and I feel the writers will unveil some great plots and twists and turns  in the next 40+ episodes.   It's so exciting!!!!    THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE - I also go to the YATM thread and really appreciate your posts both here and there.  YATM - Fighting!!!,  GHS - Fighting!!!!!   I'm so proud of you - and thank you for validating the reason why I became your fan in the first place!!!   :heart:    Have a wonderful week everyone, please stay healthy and in good spirits, and see you next week!

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  12. Good Morning Sunnies!  Ditto to what Cheerkoo says : Thank You and you guys are awesome!!!   I thought GHS looked beautiful last night at the press con, loved her white blouse - and even in slacks she looked elegant and stunning.  I wonder if she was wearing jewelry made by her husband.  The earrings and her ring were really pretty.  There were so many questions directed to UJH and GHS and I liked the fact that UJH seemed to say positive things about GHS.  Although I didn't understand most of what they were saying, that seemed to come across and I loved all the expressions that came across GHS's face as she was being asked questions.  

    Have an awesome Tuesday and THANK YOU!!!!!     Stay well...  :D

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  13. Good Morning Sunnies!   Waaah, it's almost March and the excitement is building up!!  First of all, a big THANK YOU for all of your amazing posts - esp Sue and kh7 with all the recent news regarding YATM.  I'm so looking forward to this drama!!  Just seeing all the members of the cast and the first reading gave me goose bumps!  Very happy to see people who GHS has worked with before as you mentioned  robbo4 , mainly Kang Nam Gil who did act with her not only in Pure 19 but also in The King and I and Take Care Of Us Capt.  Jun Kwang Ryul was also in the K&I and GHS once walked down the red carpet with Kim Boyeon whose husband at the time acted in Strongest Chilwoo. I think his name is Jeon No Min.  But aside from these great senior actors, the main cast is stellar - Uhm Jung hwa blows me away and I'm anxious to see how her character will interact with JHD.  I feel this is a very challenging role for our girl who suffers from stage fright to begin with, and I'm so very proud and thankful that she decided to do it.  I'm also looking forward to seeing all of you again in this thread and the YATM thread as well to discuss.  50 episodes!!! I'm also a fan of Jung Gyu Woon.... sigh.....so it's all good for me  kekekeke.  

    On another note, have really been enjoying The Honeymoon Diaries.  Boring?  Not for me!!  I love how PD Na captured their country life in such a fun and interesting way.  The way they harvested and preserved the fruits and vegetables, then showing their culinary skills was enjoyable for me and of course I love dogs so all of that was good too.  I kind of want to try some of their dishes but it wouldn't be the same as growing them in your own garden.  I'm very sad that this will be the last episode and that AJH said this will probably be their last appearance on tv together.  I hope that part is not true and that somewhere down the line we may catch a glimpse of them together somewhere.   Anyway, I wouldn't be able to enjoy all of this if it weren't for ALL of you who share all the latest news here in the different threads.   I so very much appreciate it!!!  THANK YOU!!     :heart:   See you again soon, and please everyone, stay in good health, okay?  :D  Excited and soooo happy!!!!!

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  14. Hi Sunnies!     Thanks for all of your posts :D really love reading all of them!  Am especially excited for the upcoming Honeymoon Diaries and drama UR2Much.  Jung Gyu Woon has been a favorite of mine since I saw him in Loving You a Thousand Times and Dr. Champ.  In these dramas he played the good guy, but that was not so in Birth Of a Beauty, in which he was the cheating husband.  Very versatile actor!  and wow, I know Eru as a talented singer but am looking forward to his acting debut.   Eru's dad is a very respected singer and entertainer, Tae Jin Ah.    btw, do any of you remember that Jung Gyu Woon played a cameo role in the first episode of Please Take Care Of Us Captain?  I believe he played an actor and was a passenger on one of the flights.  A very impressive cast so far... waaaaah, can't wait!!!!!

    Thank You again Sunnies, especially you Sue, who in spite of your busy schedule, keep us abreast of all the latest news on Koo and for all of the remarkable translationsI  Look forward to sharing this experience with you for the next few months - it should be fun!!!!! :lol:   Please everyone, stay well, and take special care in keeping in good health, okay?    

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  15. Hi Sunnies!  To all of my fellow GHS fans and AhnGoo fans as well,  I'd just like to say THANK YOU for all that you do for this thread and for keeping us abreast of all of the latest news and happenings.  There's been a lot of it too lately, which really makes me happy.  As in the past, there will be a lull in GHS news, then BAM we get an avalanche of stuff all at once!  :w00t:  She's good at surprising us!!!  I'm very happy that she is considering a comeback to the small screen with Uhm Junghwa.  They are both great actresses with different personalities and the role sounds like it would be a challenging one for Koo, but one that I'm sure she'll be able to portray brilliantly.  I'm kind of "on the fence" about her appearance on PD Na's newlywed program.  I would love to see more of this couple but i worry about Koo and hope that it doesn't shed any negative light upon her.  The selfish side of me though, is excited that I'll be able to see her interact with her husband and the pets.  The house that they filmed at is beautiful - is that their real home?

    Anyway, Wow, for all the exciting moments that we got to experience in 2016, I'm very grateful and am also so very thankful for all of you and your hard work!!  Please HAVE A HEALTHY, HAPPY, AND SAFE NEW YEAR EVERYONE, see you in 2017!!   :heart:

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  16. Hi Everyone and for those of you who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!!!  I just wanted to stop in to say how thankful I am for all of you and your posts and although you won't see too many posts from me, I come here daily and enjoy the news that you bring here.  You guys are amazing, as always.  Cheerkoo, hi, a special thanks to you for your tireless translations, without which I fell this thread just would not be the same.   The Ladies Journal Central article once again showed me that GHS is wise beyond her years and what a deep thinker she is, and how I love the way she lives out her life.  It just makes perfect sense.  And the fact that she has AJH there to discuss things with and to share her daily life with makes me happy.  I laughed when she shared the wedding experience and how her parents reacted, kekeke because like them, I only have daughters, and I would want to have at least a small wedding and to see my daughter in a wedding dress AND I probably would have given her a hard time about it too.  :lol:    She seems so grounded now that she's married and happy, and that's how it should be.  However, I still would like to see her act again, sorry, I know I'm selfish, but it's something I'm really hoping for.  Currently I'm watching the Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop, and loving it, and I'd love to see her in a project similar to this.

    I recently had the pleasure of working with a boy from Korea.  He came here to attend high school and graduated from college and is now planning to further his education and go to professional school.  It was amazing to see how different the culture is from ours and how his thinking was different from mine, and I kind of took him under my wing and helped to explain things that were difficult for him to understand, like our language and our ways.  He left to go back to Korea to spend time with his family and girlriend before coming back for school.  I miss him, but am so proud of him.  We often talked about Korean actors/singers, and it was fun to discuss those things with someone who actually knows what I'm talking about.  kekeke.  I also recently attended my first YG event haha - the Big Bang concert!!!  I know, I know, I'm old enough to be a halmoni but it was just amazing and so much fun!   It was the first time they were here in concert, it was sold out, and they were really great!   Surprisingly there were a lot of other people my age there and a mix of both male and females, so it was a nice crowd.  They talked to the audience a lot and all spoke in beautiful English. The whole time we had to stand because everyone else was standing but in spite of the girls screaming behind me, it was a great time :P.    They were awesome!!!   Right off to the side, there was a section where their parents were sitting and apparently some of them vacationed before leaving.  Now if only GHS would come and I could meet her in person, I would not ask for anything more!!!!

    Everyone, please stay in good health,  be happy, and again, thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.  I just took my "bird" out of the freezer and am off to do some grocery shopping.  Stay well.....:heart: 

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  17. It's been awhile since I've posted anything, probably since GHS got married, but just wanted to say thank you for all of your amazing posts.  It's been frustrating at times to not have any news of GHS, but I guess it's exactly what I would expect from her - to be a good wife and support to her husband and to place their new marriage as a top priority in her life.   But all of a sudden...... waaaaaaah.......she's back!!!!!   So excited with the news of her new CF and role as narrator on Rookie 2.  She looks wonderful and so happy in the making film of Charmzone CF, positively glowing!  Is it just me or did she get prettier since getting married?   Thank you so much khs7 for sharing that news with us.  I, too, am hoping that this is a stepping stone to something more, but she now has other commitments in her life and I will just have to be patient :P   In the interim I was able to watch some interesting dramas and some of the ones that I enjoyed were DOTS ( I loved JinGoo/Kim Jiwon couple) and realized that GHS acted with JinGoo in Nonstop 5 - at first couldn't figure out why he looked so familiar!  Also watched Doctors which boasts a few YG actors - Kal SoWon as Park Shinhye as a child, Lee Sungkyung, and Jang Hyun Sung. If you look suspense and crime dramas, Signal is excellent, and I also really enjoyed family drama Yeah, That's How It Is.  Kind of checked out the Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese ones too but truthfully, my greatest wish is to see Hyesun act again.  Haven't watched AJH's drama yet but from what you've all described, it sounds like he's doing a great job and that's on my "to watch" list. 

    Myonenonly:  what great news!  congrats and best wishes and good luck in your last trimester!  I can remember those days, very challenging, but the end result is worth everything :)  Please take care of your health!  And to ALL Sunnies out there, please stay well, and again thank you for working so tirelessly and always keeping this thread alive.  A special thank you to Cheerkoo, you are so amazing!  btw:  will be experiencing a "YG event" soon - one of my daughters purchased  concert tickets for her sisters, a friend, and ME to attend a Big Bang concert when they come to our neck of the woods soon.   I will no doubt be one of the senior members in the audience, but BB is very talented and I plan to have some fun :lol: I don't want to totally embarrass her but I wonder if I should take some binoculars so I can check out the audience to see if maybe some other YG artists are in the house!  haha!  Will give you an update on what happens..... Happiness and Good Health to You All     :heart:

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  18. Hi Sunnies!,

         Wow...   I am truly grateful to 521 donationdelegate-nim for all of her hard work in organizing the wedding gifts, well wishes, and donation.  What a huge task that was!  Also it warms my heart to know that she really did receive our gift for their wedding and appreciates not only the effort but the love for the couple that motivated her fans to carry it out.   

    To Chaellyn:  I can't speak for anyone else but for me , it's hard to explain, but I felt both happiness and sadness, a kind of melancholy.  One side of me is happy that she found such a great partner, but then for me the marriage kind of marked the end of an era for the GHS that I've known as a single woman.  That's not a bad thing, but her first priority will now be her husband and all the decisions that are made in her personal and professional career will involve him.  Since I have a daughter who has left the nest, I can relate it to that.  We still see each other every week, but her whole world is about him, I've moved to "2nd place" so to speak - kekekeke.  It was an adjustment for me, but I've come to know that he is a good man, and although they are struggling along, I feel she will always be taken care of, and this is exactly how I feel about our AhnGoo couple.   He's definitely shown us what he is capable of and we know that he will be an able and loving provider.   Anyway, I now follow his projects and will watch works and will wait patiently for her to appear before us again.  But yes, it is a very precious moment in her life and I rejoice in their marriage, but just a little part of me is sad too.  :)

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  19. Hi Everyone!  Today is the day!!!  It's kind of surreal that it's here so soon, this day that someone I have admired and whose career I've followed for over a decade, that today she is really getting married.  I'm kind of weepy and at the same time extremely excited and happy for our AhnGoo couple, and oh so proud of the manner in which they are starting their married life.  So noble and unpretentious, so like them, and so deserving of all the love and attention that they are receiving from everyone.  Dear sheherizade3, you so eloquently voiced all the feelings that I had about AJH.   I was so doubtful at first, but I came to adore him because he showed me by example how he was warm, loving, and very diligent, and I knew that he would care for and love Hyesun for the rest of her life.  I totally approve of him and am so happy for her.

    Thank you all so much for bringing all of the wedding photos and news leading up to this day, especially the beautiful Marie Claire pictorial.  I was expecting it to be beautiful, but OMG, it was stunning!    The forest background was very romantic and kind of had a mystique to it, and AhnGoo looked gorgeous!!!   Each shot exuded the love they have for each other.  So sweet and simply amazing......   I wonder if it's possible to purchase this magazine from overseas?

    I hope they are at this very moment enjoying this special wedding day with their families.  I was so happy to hear that they will wait a bit to have children as GHS still wants to work (thanks for that translation Sue). At least I know I'll be able to see her for a little bit longer before she has a child.  They have really planned well and discussed their priorities in life, and I'm confident that they possess all the right qualities that it takes to make a marriage work!    DAEBAK!!!   BEST WISHES TO THE NEWLYWED COUPLE FOR A LIFETIME OF LOVE, HAPPINESS, GOOD HEALTH, AND SUCCESS IN ALL FACETS OF THEIR LIVES!!!!!! :heart:


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  20. OMG!!   Isn't this sweet proposal video just like our GHS and AJH couple?  It's something I would expect from them and it exudes their pureness and goodness.  A simple setting in the back of the car, in a parking garage from the looks of it, I mean even the beautiful flowers look like daisies, baby's breath, and the kind of flowers you would see in nature.  And Hyesun's dressed very casually but looks so beautiful and radiant.  The fact that we can feel their love for each other even without fanfare and extravagance is so like them.  The two of them really have good hearts, and are so humble and down to earth, I'm just so happy and proud of them.  I'm also very thankful to AJH for sharing these little snippets of HS with us, as we haven't really seen her in public since they were discovered dating and then before that the drama awards appearance.  Really, he is such a good man - I want him for my son in law too !!!!  kekekeke.  Is that her engagement ring that she's wearing and is it a pearl?  I can't believe it's just two short weeks away.  Anxiously awaiting the big day.....so happy and crying at the same time.   :w00t:   A very young male co-worker of mine just proposed to his girlfriend of 5 years on her birthday a few days ago and he showed me a video of how it went down.  They are only just out of college, in my eyes still babies, but he said "she's the one".  He invited her family members down to the beach where they all held a big banner saying Will You Marry Me.  They were covering their faces.  He walked in with her at sunset and I could see her turning around to see who was being proposed to - it took her awhile to figure out that she was the one!!   They then lowered the banner, my co worker got down on one knee and proposed to her with the Bruno Mars song Marry You playing in the background.  And she said YES!!!    I couldn't help myself, I cried like a baby.  Just thinking of AhnGoo and their impending marriage is making me cry like a baby too.  So happy...... but a complete basket case!!!    kekekeke.   

    Everyone..... thank you so much.....will be looking forward to sharing the countdown with you......  please stay well and keep smiling.........:heart:

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  21. Hi drmjs - nice to hear from you dear and to see you here during this very special and meaningful time in the life of GHS :D  Thanks for your post - I can hardly wait to see what unfolds in the next few weeks until 5/21 and to hear the insider reports - :P:wub:!!!!

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  22. myoneonly sis:  I know... I too have mixed emotions.  We've been following GHS for so many years that she has become an integral part of our lives, and it feels as if I'm giving my daughter away.  Part of me is sad because I feel I will get to see less and less of her as an actress.  She will be a good wife, so I believe that as his career is blooming, she will be his support . She may perhaps travel with him when he goes to China, and they may want to start a family right away.  He's been saying that all along.   I feel strongly that she will stay at home once they have a child.  She may stay active in other areas such as her art and music, but it will be difficult to do dramas with their crazy schedules anymore.  So I'm kind of no, I'm very sad about that.   At the same time though, I have come to adore AJH.  It wasn't so from the beginning.  But the more I learn about him,  the more I like him, and now, I've totally fallen for him!!   kekeke   He is very intelligent and mature, has very well defined long term goals in life, is hard working, and I believe he will cherish and treasure her for the rest of his life.  I can't wait to see at least A wedding picture, and I'm dying to know how he proposed and if he designed her wedding ring himself.  He seems like the romantic type and he was smitten with her from the very beginning.  I think that was the deciding factor for me - that I could see his caring and devotion to her in every way.  Also, it still makes me teary eyed to think of the way they are going about their wedding plans.  Together, they are amazing.   :wub:

    Yesterday I received my Blood DVD.  I can't believe all technical aspects that go into filming each scene, especially at the hospital, when Rita is trying to run tests and get blood from JiSang. So much thought and preparation had to go into the scenes before we got the final clean cut version with the music in the background.  They really put their all into this drama.  Of course my favorite scenes were the ones shot in Jeju.  GHS was so adorable in them and I can see that he felt that way too.  Anyway,  yes, it's a little bit sad, but we can continue to support her as a married woman and look forward to the next chapter in her life.  :heart:   Always nice to hear from all of you.  Take care.......P.S. Even if there is no big ceremony and reception, isn't it customary to take pictures before the wedding?    And I thought they were looking for a wedding venue and wedding attire, right?  So Please, dear Wedding Gods, let there be at least one picture in her dress and one of the married couple together!!!   I think they will be mindful of all of their fans who want to see their wedding photo and will share one with us!

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  23. OMG what a blast from the past - thank you for all the pictures of Song Baek Kyoung's wedding.  I had a feeling GHS would attend - they have been close since back in the day.  It's so nice to see all these hip hoppers dressed up in nice suits and ties.  I think Hwangsabbu looks so cute in his suit - you remember him (yes Sue it is Star Life Theater) when HS went to visit him at the YG gym.  I like how they remain close and are loyal friends to one another and help each other out over the years.  In some of the other pictures I see 1 Tym members Danny and Teddy. I don't see him but their other member Oh Jin Hwan was probably there too - he may be the member standing in last row with glasses.   HS was in Danny's music video The Reason I Close My Eyes.  To this day it's one of my favorites.  That must have been a nice party. Recently Minzy from 2Ne1 announced her departure from YG (so sad) but the very next day the news of AhnGoo marriage hit and kind of took center stage.  Collectively YG does a lot of volunteer work and donate to a lot of charities.   Sean and his wife Jung Hye Young do a lot of charity work to help children too,  so I'm glad Hyesun had some good role models to learn from and that she is following in their footsteps.  It's kind of blurry but the picture of HS with the gentleman wearing a black shirt with a brown jacket looks like it could be Lee Minwoo (saw his face in another  pic).

    Thank you all for all of your posts. She looks so happy and pretty and wow, some of you have such good eyes - I now see that she's cut her hair  :)  Next month.... May 21....that's right around the corner....Please  all of you take care of your health and stay well.....

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  24. OMG!!!!!!  I really had a rough day at work today and the moment I walked through the door my daughter says, mom, go look at your computer NOW!!! It's great news!!!!  I was so scared and excited at the same time but knew that it had something to do with GHS.  OMG!!!   I could not believe my eyes, and after I calmed down and read the details, I thought to myself,  how just like her....  to unselfishly make a donation to the terminally ill children in lieu of having a wedding ceremony....  and what a wonderful couple they are.   Their announcement really touched my heart and showed their love and commitment to one another and waaaaaah, that they want to be each other's family.........:wub::P:wub::D !!!!    My hat's off to AJH for bringing such happiness to this special person and for being her soulmate and for sharing the same values that she has.  For someone as young as he is, he's really earned my respect!     And of course, he must have been born under a lucky star - look who he gets to spend the rest of his life with!!!

    Please let us have at least one picture of them on their wedding day, or hopefully one will be shared with GHS in her wedding dress.   You don't know how long I've been waiting for this!   Just so happy - CONGRATULATIONS to this wonderful couple!!  I wish them a lifetime of love, good health, and happiness together!!!!! :heart:  Sunnies, thank you so much!   We've come this far together and I can't tell you how happy I am!!!!     Thank you all for sharing the news.    :wub:

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