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Posts posted by mssarahkhan

  1. 2 hours ago, guguthecat said:


    it has mental problem sis... mental problem...

    OK we understand how you feel, whatever decision you make we will always support you but don't hiatus from this forum too pleaseeee, keep be pur guiding light :kiss_wink: *virtual hug*



    :joy: 'coincidence' coincidence for how many times already? just say its coincidence but why the tone of music is similarrrrr :sweat_smile: should i call them 'copy paste' couple?


    Not to crush our delulu... But the song i think is really for that type theme of clip.. :sweat_smile:


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  2. 6 minutes ago, LoquatsLove said:

    As the content stealer of my IG account content still continue with it's action.

    Hereby I declare, I will no longer posting anything with English translation or provided them in my IG account or in this forum.


    Thank you all.


    I will continue as silent lurker again, until this thief come out and apologize.

    What is your ig? I want to follow.. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, guguthecat said:


    Dear.... you have to watch all ALL their videos interviews from 2014 until recently... 

    Don't be waver... rewatch again several time. He said he believed in love at the first sight but that is not enough it is still need slowly being understood by mutual party. When he explained it, look ZYL' face... he smile then ZYL said 'please tell us your story',  V's eyes look up left and answered 'it is starting in 2002' they were laughing after that... wait! Then the MC said 'I'm sure that must be a good story BUT both of you has started this story with Reba recently. NOW, GAO WEI GUANG tell us this love at the first sight feeling with her (I suppose the MC ask about Tang Nan Nanm RB' character in the movie)'

    The MC pointed the question only to V and after the MC finished say "her', look at ZYL's face again... a 'VICTORY' smile. 

    Now... lets hear his answer: 'Because it was all about work. Work' (hey, the question was about love at the first sight with RB's character Tang Nan Nan, not real RB... but his answer is not for Tang Nan Nan but for RB because only RB is in his head, thats why ZYL smiled because he knows this is a 'trap' question for V) 

    Also look his face while he was trying to say it was just for work, that is an unsatisfying face, he was not happy saying that the feeling he had with RB was only for work, it is more than that... 

    Other thing is the MC doesn't care about his 2002 love story.

    Remember that this event took 2 weeks after their press conference with Reba (when the three of them on the same stage) You have to watch that video first and then you know why ZYL's smile is suspicious and why the MC triggered him with 'love at the first sight'.


    Other thing I want to say... who doesn't have first love? It is normal for him to have first love when he was 19. Everyone has first love but it isn't necessary to end up with his/her first love. The fact is... many people marrying NOT with their first love. Unfotunately RB is not his first love, so what? He is still can be a real man for her. 

    And... if he had a girlfriend, he wouldn't be so clingy to RB and RB would not want to be so close to him.

    Louder sis, louder! Hahahhahaha i thought the same way... Hhahaha the way he respond to the question really awkward 

    • Like 4
  4. 6 minutes ago, AlexW said:

    @mssarahkhan @AppleAngel13

    I believe this is what you are looking for. D updated this on March 27. Pretty much after Covid19 is over in China. 



    Also it was discuss too in YouTube by YouTuber Marcus Sim. Starts at 2:00.



    Oouhh this one.. I watched it:D I thought she posted it very recently... Anyway, thank you very much :lol:

    • LOL 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, LoquatsLove said:

    I believe not so long time ago, someone was posted a Weibo post.

    Caption: I've grown fat.


    Then today, another person both updated on Weibo and Oasis.

    Caption: I didn't get fat. -_-


    Sorry, i don't get it.. Who is someone and another person?? I need explanation... Thank you in advanced 

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  6. 1 hour ago, guguthecat said:

    Back that time they both were 'unstoppable' until 2018... so what happen in 2019? I understand if some people assume they are not together anymore.... But, I always remember their ELOD farewell messages... don't you think they gave us a big hints there? 

    Relationship is growing... IMO, the honeymoon phase of 'dating time' lovey dovey like a fool has stopped, now it is time to go to the next level of relationship... I believe they live together in that way they can hide and seek with us. Can paparazzi monitoring V's house 24hrs? I think celebrity is not stupid either... if they want to 'hide' it they will hide it as much as they can. 

    I think they are still in good relationship to each other, the proof is Happy Camp! If they are not close anymore, R will not give VCR, it could be Lian Song or ZYL or ZBB... why RB? And his introduction too... why he had to choose '3L3W you little fox are always be mine'... the weirdest introduction i ever heard... he actually claimed his 'reba', yes he is... thats his style! They always have this kind of 'silent message'

    Let's just believe in them... if they are meant to be, we will hear goodnews soon or later. 

    Btw when you are living in the same house, do you need to hint publicly to your gf or bf? No, right... I will just go home straight because I know he/she is waiting for me at home. And when I go out of the house... its only for work, period. 


    Goodnight all!

    I just wanna add.. That line "3L3W you little fox........." is his last line in ELOD before the eps ends... 

    So idk if that line during happy camp is really comes from him or he just say his line... :sweatingbullets:

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Babyval said:

    OK OK I do hope I have not upset anyone here, especially Eery2... 

    I am not here to speculate. I am here because I know a thing or two, was at the MFW and am just telling what I know.  

    It's okay to share anything... Let's spill here and discuss.. That's the purpose of this forum tho.. HHhahhaha I'm so excited to read all your writes.... 


    And also.. Your families are destined together to be guangre shippers.. You guys really amazing :lol:




    (Btw,, yess don't get too carried away.. Hahaha dangerous) 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Milli said:

    Yeah I felt that to.

    Even Reba said she felt sorry for alanrou n I think she said she even got emotional about the story. 

    For me personally I felt Reba was more like alanrou. 

    I don't know if I'm the only one. But who noticed that Reba gets emotional when talking about love or being asked about her love life, well depending on the question. Cause sometimes she looks excited lol

    Yes.. Me too.. I'm feeling this way too.. Somehow i felt V and R is like Shen Ye and Alanrou.. They hv affection for each other but can't show it.. Like they hide it..  And i feel like ELOD is really a drama for them.. I found the characters is so much like them.. Btw, let's pray they hv an ending like dijun and fengjiu :lol:

    • Like 7
  9. For me.. It is not good for us to discuss about religion here.. Since it is very private.. 

    Yes, majority of uyghur are muslim.. But not all of them..

    I'm a muslim too.. But being a muslim doesn't mean we r very restricted. .  islam is a religion... Not determining who we are.. It is up to that person her/himself.. How they practice the religion.. 

    The most important is lead a good life and respect everyone single one in this world.. 


    I pray for the best for the both of them ❤️


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  10. 3 hours ago, sg_niner said:

    @mssarahkhan Someone post the clip of V visiting R on set Sweet Dreams and everyone tried to reason her to delete it, but she refused. So the fans rally everyone to report that post. (I made a mistake posting that clip once, but I deleted it soon after realizing how sensitive the clip is.)

    Thank you so much friend.... I am blessed to be in this group.. You guys are amazing

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  11. 18 minutes ago, rainyday293 said:

    Sunset view 



    Reba you can't film this






    Crab Legs






    Beach 1



    Beach 2



    Beach 3



    If you wanna check when this video taken, you can go to comment section and scroll down like me :joy:


    I know I still can't get the exact date when this story posted. But from first comment at least I know probably when it was posted.


    Edit : because that sunset view story... now my fav song is Kiss Me :joy:

    Thank you so so so much... :lol:

    Btw, why ear heard "weiguang you can't film this" hahha idk.. But whatever i always wish the best for the two... 

    • Like 3
  12. 28 minutes ago, rainyday293 said:


    :open_mouth: I just checked their weibo story. Sadly, Weibo don't provide date when that story taken. 


    So, I go to comment section. Scrolllllll. Scrollllll. :ph34r: :ph34r:


    For story "Reba you can't film this"

    First comment was on 9th April 2018


    For squirrel story

    First comment was on 7th April 2018


    And then, I think... I should go to Reba's story! :naughty: and voila!


    She posted story on 5th April 2018 eating CRAB LEGS! :lol: and I can hear another male voice. 


    R posted a lot of stories on April 2018.

    But there is one video from 6th April 2018 (because first comment on 6th April) that make me freaking out and jumping! :wub:


    She posted story Sunset View

    Background song is ... I'm in love now, kiss me like you wanna be loved... you wanna be loved...

    《Ed Sheeran - Kiss Me》


    Oh.My.God. :wub:

    I don't know is this my delulu mode


    R wanna make memories on her weibo to remind her "that day". 


    Another story she posted she was in hotel room there was a white flower and she seems so happy jumping on her bed.


    Everything seems like a puzzle.

    Reba you can't film this

    Squirrel (I heard her voice)

    Sunset view with background song I'm in love now...

    Is she trying to tell us? 


    There's 2 videos R at the beach 

    First comment 2nd April 2018

    Her smile her gesture like she's in love! 

    Woah woah... Really needs a link or a screenshot... Thank you for the info :thumbsup:

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  13. 19 minutes ago, Misty said:

    if you want to compare R response towards other ML. Look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7yGOWH5gfM


    Her response when they asked about kiss scene but no giggle, no sparkle, purely work, totally professional. Then compare it with previous video when she was asked about V, the response is like heaven and earth. 


     Me tooo. desperatelyyyy. hahaha

    I stop watching after the 1st question... The reporters question is so annoying... Btw, R answer so satisfying.. She said they would rather do it quickly so that they don't have to do many takes... But.. What happen during ELOD dear... Hhahaha why you shy shy.. :P

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