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Andrew -

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Posts posted by Andrew -

  1. 3 minutes ago, heartoppaya said:

    Am I the only one wanting SH with CH? 

    No hate please. But I would love it if SH and IJ continued to be best friends. If they broke up that means the five of them will be awkward when they’re together. I don’t want that happening. I’m speaking from experience. I dated my best friend and when we broke up, even our friends were weird with us. The entire gang broke up and we’re no longer in contact. He dated someone else and I dated someone else but we never saw eye to eye ever since. We were best friends since our childhood so to think of it, it’s weird. So I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t want SH and IJ to date. The awkwardness to kiss your best friend, to know that they have kissed other people, slept with other people and told you about those other people is too weird to name. I would prefer if the writer would pull a surprise twist and make SH date CH or make her be alone in her new hospital. That would be better than dating her best friend.


    Please no hate. Please.


    What if they NEVER broke up? (:

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  2. all the alternative theories are making me nervous, for once I want the writer/director to stop fooling the viewers with all these possible alternative pairings and just present it as it is.


    Will be good to not play the guessing game for once.... (Prison playbook doesn't count!) :/


    If anything, the ost merchandise (the ikjun songhwa and junwan iksun cards) makes my hopes for normal pairings a little higher...?



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  3. 24 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

    @zonk90 Ah I see, so 13 polaroid including Mido and Parasol


    Thanks. So her OST will be either Part 11 or Part 12


    Hope hers is part 12 to end off this season and her OST is one of the 7 MV made

    I may be wrong, from what I remember, there are typically no new OSTs released on the finale week of the drama, meaning if there is a OST by JMD, good chance it will be this week as the final OST release.


    which means 2 more days to go! :D

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  4. TBH at this stage of the drama, any of the pairings beyond the obvious ones will be a troll and a slap to the audiences' face.


    so much more screentime and story have been invested (and plain obvious imo) to the pairings that everyone has been talking about.


    Of course there can be further developments into the other possible pairings later in to the seasons, but im sure the writer/director will ease us into that portion if it does happen, and we will be more than willing to accept it.


    Remember at the end of the day, this is a drama for korean audiences and casual drama watchers, they see what is being put plainly in front of them and will expect the drama to go a certain way. Why were there such an uproar in both the korean and intl community for reply88 pairing ? Because both pairings were given ample/adequate screentime and development, and thus no matter either taek-deoksun or junghwan-deoksun happening would have caused an uproar. I think the writer has learnt her lesson from this.


    Finally, there is a difference between exploring other possible pairings and exploring possible pairings and subtly shoving it in our throats. It is honestly getting annoying. My two cents. :)

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  5. 8 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    I think surgery time will really depend on what is the operation is about... :sweatingbullets:


    Since you know Korean, is 넵 something one will normally use with their professors? And is it true that the way SH replied him is more like a "see you soon" instead of "see you later"?


    My korean knowledge is really basic, I can read (literally) and write, but I wont be of much help if you are asking on the actual meaning of the word and whether it is something one will use with their professors.


    What I can say is having watch many many dramas, 넵 is more of an enthusiastic 'Yes' that one will use towards someone that is higher in seniority.


    As for the see you soon/see you later, I think either way it makes sense (from a work perspective) since they have to interact quite a lot during work.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    I have watched the said YT clip, but I have to wonder about the dates.

    One is on October 3, the other is October 4. Clock format is not the 24-hour format (5:56 vs 17:56)

    So it could be two different evenings.

    Anyway, it could also mean that the two of them meeting on the evening of October 3, while the emergency surgery (dinner with IJ, umbrella text) happened on the evening of October 4.


    Can anyone tell what was ACH reply after SH said "see you later"? It's only one word, but too blurry.


    Btw, her reply is more like a "see you soon" instead of "see you later". I feel that their relationship seems to have gotten closer. If that is the case, then no, he doesn't really have to stand up to greet her. It would be perfectly normal for him to wave while sitting down.


    The carpark where SH was looking for her car was not the hospital carpark. It must be her residence. The hospital carpark would have a combination of a letter and two digits (eg: B-04)

    On the dates itself, it is, it is exactly as what you have said (due to timings). The likely scenario (based on their conversations and mannerisms especially) would be:

    (Dinner on october 3rd, surgery during evening of the 3rd, which ended late into early morning of the 4th)



    5.56pm - Chihong ask Songhwa if she had eaten, Songhwa replies.

    Between 5.56pm - 7.40pm - Ikjun asks Songhwa out to eat on the rainy night

    7.40pm - They were having their dinner before getting the emergency call

    She had to do an emergency surgery for the 13 yo patient, which ended late into 12xxam the next day. (Ikjun was waiting for her during the time)

    Hence, when Ikjun called, her first response was: 'What? Why are you calling me at this hour?' 



    Now do we have any actual neurosurgeons here? how long do these kind of surgeries normally last? haha that could actually help establish the scenario. :D


    On the word you mentioned, its "넵!", which is sort of a like a 'Yep'.



    Note: that this whole scenario only helps to establish Songhwa's attitude towards Chihong, and not towards Ikjun. They are old friends so we do not have to take this romantically in any sense (though Ikjun waiting for her from 7pm to 12am is kinda suspect haha).



    In case anyone is still having doubts on the am/pm:




    오전 12:38 - 12:38 AM

    오후 5:56 - 5:56 PM

    • Insightful 5
  7. 4 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

    @Andrew - she also mentioned about the blue and red chair, this is quite interesting as well


    the thread that tie down the couple

    yes she did, but i found the the message portion the most interesting of them all.


    Also, she mentioned that Songhwa had interactions with SeokHyung, Chihong, Ikjun on rainy days on 3 separate occasions, and this might mean that in the end she goes with neither, or we may only see any loveline progression in season 2 :wacko:

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  8. another theory for IkJun X Songhwa X ChiHong

    one of the chinese youtubers found some breadcrumbs which I find may be telling of Songhwa's attitude towards Chihong
    actual link is below:


    In one of her points there is something I found very interesting..

    (For those who do not understand Chinese)


    starts at the 0:45 mark -

    The scene where SH reads the message that Chihong sends her on the umbrella portion, it is around 12:38am.

    The night prior she was having dinner with IkJun who asked her out to eat during the rainy night, before being emergency summoned by Chihong due to the 13 year old patient.


    If you take a close look at the messages (after the surgery scene),




    There is a conversation before the Umbrella one,

    (at 5:56pm)

    Chi Hong: Professor, have you eaten?

    Song Hwa: Yes, see you later.


    Which means at 5:56pm SH told Chi Hong that she has eaten. But during the restaurant scene, as the youtuber pointed out,

    IkJuin and Songhwa were having dinner at around 7.40~ish pm




    This means that Songhwa likely has yet to eat dinner at that point of time when Chihong messaged her.

    Now why will Songhwa lie? The most rational reason the youtuber (and me as well) thinks that this is because she did not want eat alone with him (or give him the chance to), which is telling of her attitude towards him, that is they have just a simple work relationship and thats it. 


    I gotta hand it the director's attention to detail, this was such a smart setup.


    Though, whether Songhwa's attitude towards Chihong will change towards the end remains to be seen. But as with this writer, we will never know until till the end! (which makes this insanely entertaining or frustrating to speculate!)



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