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Posts posted by Magritte

  1. To Believe or Not


    If denials by the Agencies or Actors themselves, here and there, left and right, up and down, around and around, whether irresolute or firm are the “yardsticks” for reality then all the denials that have occurred over the years by different celebrities and their respective agencies were in fact absolutely true.


    In Korean Culture, in terms of what they deemed as scandals, the tendency seems to deny, deny and deny some more. If this has become their custom in dealing with these “so called scandals” then why put so much “credence” on it? What is the value or worth of their words? How much weight does one need to put on it?


    In my opinion, not much, if none at all, especially in the case of Hyun Bin and Ye Jin! How much proof does one need to see what is already in front of you to not discredit what they themselves have shown to the public? 


    Please continue the fun! There are a lot more members now since I last logged in. It’s nice to see this forum being active. There’s nothing wrong with healthy discussions as long as each one is respectful of each other.


    On a different note, please be safe where ever you are! In the crisis that we’re in, this place is much needed haven to unwind and even if it’s just for a moment remove our minds from what’s going on in the world.



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