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Posts posted by sasha1818

  1. I actually enjoyed it HAHA


    SK's arc kinda makes sense I suppose. She would be okay with Rona UNTIL she feels that Rona has supplanted her in SH and SSR's affections. She needs to feel like she's the center of their world which ISN'T healthy. Part of her anger against SSR in season 1 was because she felt that SSR was more concerned with her other daughter. SK actually takes after her dad in the sense that she's greedy but in her case, it's love


    SJ losing it big time was hilarious but also makes sense. She spent her whole life on this pedestal thinking she's cheon Seo Jin so no wonder she's losing it in prison lol


    I feel like the real Dantae will have feelings for SSR at this point lol


    In Season 1, it was all about Yoon Hee. Then, Season 2 was Seo Jin. This really feels like the season they will explore why Dantae is the way he is.  Dantae seemed to really love Ae Gyo despite his general evil and vile persona which I think also explains his determination in killing Logan- not just as huge payback for putting him in prison but also because he wants SSR to lose some one important the way he did. 


    Legit didn't miss EB but I'm sure the action will kick back up in the next few weeks. This first episode was alrdy insane and I kinda respect the lawyer guy for somehow still managing to survive in prison lol He plays a bumbling fool but his tenacity and cunning is so dangerous

  2. Weirdly I was watching season 1 yesterday and it's very telling that SJ could have gone for a rich guy in her league but she went for Yoon Chul yesteday. Besides the whole, I need to defeat Yoon Hee totally part, I think she wants that sincere love and affection while not knowing how to give any. She went for Dantae because he had power, money and seemed to treat SR well BUT she only went after him when Yoon Chul basically proved he was disgusted by and disinterested in her.


    Aegyo and Dantae's relationship is kinda weird lol. She seems to provoke some real emotion and sentiment in Dantae and although she seems to be working with Logan, I wouldn't be surprised if she double crosses him at some point. Also, can see where Seo Kyung gets her bratty,provocative side from lol. I wasn't that surprised to see Dantae had some feeling for her because just last week he snapped at Seo Kyung for insulting her birth mother as stupid while usually, he doesn't give af about her being rude to anyone besides him


    And yeah I do sympathise with Yoon Hee but it seems everyone in this drama gets their comeuppance. Yoon Hee killed someone's kid for her own and doubled down on it when SR confronted her, even if it was out of fear/love for Rona. SR was blind to the suffering of the twins while focusing on her own daughter and always saw things from a sheltered point of view. She played her cards really well but ultimately failed at the last second because she truly didn't realise how dangerous and murderous Dantae was.  Seo Jin ultimately fell because she pushed her daughter so hard that she became a monster. She hid all of her mental problems even though YC pointed out last season that she needs serious help. 


    The only one who hasn't had some serious repercussion yet is Dantae who's basically been with every woman because Mari and the lawyer's wife. It's weird because they fleshed out SJ's backstory and how she became like this but we still don't know why Dantae is Dantae. S1 hinted that he has some severe trauma but after that, nothing. Aegyo seems to know more about him and it's telling that Dantae actually smiles around her and it isn't the fake politician smile that he does with SJ/SR/YH


    On a side note, doesn't Dantae remind you of Dante's inferno? LOL everyone is scrambling for their lives in their own circle of hell while he's playing pool and drinking whisky with his baby momma



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  3. So looks like all the couples are swapping partners again lol


    Joo Dantae never liked Seo Jin - he eyed her for her money and because of what he wanted to gain. 

    Yoon Yoon are down the drain because Yoon Chul went nuts trying to protect his daughter


    Now that Dantae has Seo Jin's weakness by the throat, he's going to force her to do what he wants. Seo Jin is apparently having a ball of lingering regrets and realises that while her husband may not have been that ambitious, he DID have some real love for her and sincerely tries to protect EB. Whereas, Joo Dantae will use her own daughter against her. 


    Logan Lee is still playing lone ranger so I hope he somehow faked Rona's death but at the same time, I wonder why he took so long to enter the picture. Perhaps he is the one who found the twins' real mother. 


    Also, WOW. Lee Ji Ah plays the new character well lol. She just oozed sultry , mischievous and dangerous all at once. Dantae seemed furious to see her again so I'm guessing he knows who she really is. I'm also wondering about Dantae's feelings towards the real mother because in the last episode, he wanted to slap Seo kyung for insulting her birth mother as stupid. Dantae proved that he's willing to kill anyone that gets in his way so if he doesn't kill the birth mother, I wonder if there was some real affection there



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  4. I may be in the minority here but I'm actually not that torn up about Rona dying. Ya it sucks obviously but I like how the writer has a vision and is going to stick to it. It's like SR dying at the end of season 1 , things don't always have a good nice ending, the bad guys don't always lose or get their comeuppance and high school sweethearts aren't always going to have a happy ever after. I mean there are tons of shows out there with enemies to lovers/ rich boy with poor girl/ bullies to lovers that I don't mind this relationship with Seok Hoon and Rona not working out


    Penthouse is so absurd and over the top and I just like being on this crazy train and guessing where we are going next lol


    Also, I was totally wrong about seo kyung being the one falling lol. Also, LOL at Dantae getting all the action.

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  5. I mean I personally found Rona damn annoying in season 1 but she seems to have grown up and matured in season 2. What I do find annoying still is that she won't COMMUNICATE with her mother and can potentially mess up her mother's plans. Like, GURL yall are on the same side. Act like it and work out the issues in therapy. It sucks when even the deranged duo of Seok Kyung and Eun Byeol have better team work lol  


    At the same time, Rona can't get past what her mother did-which fair enough. Dark and messed up and I think YH understands that as well. At the end of the day, she did kill someone. I just feel they should get rid of all the evil people and THEN, fight among themselves. But eh, real life is rarely that neat. 


    Ironically, Logan Lee and SR WERE able to put aside their respective anger with each other over Seol A and work together. Which again just makes them superior players imo. Yoon Chul and YH have leveled up but Logan and SR are on another level. And I'm kind of missing this element in the drama so far as much as I have been enjoying it. 


    Despite YH getting smarter and more composed, she still gives off vibes of middleclass girl swept up in this endless mess of penthouse intrigue, backstabbing, disgusting opulence and malice.  Like SR/Logan's ruthlessness were closely matched with SJ/Dantae. It reminds me of that Lorde Song White Teeth Things " the way they are, the way they seem, it's something in the blood".


    I do think that Seo Kyung's death/injury will bring Lee Ji Ah back in the fold and she will team up with Logan Lee.  Also, Rona/Seok Hoon's scene was cute but I really could care less if they don't end up together. 


    • Like 5
  6. 4 minutes ago, bsushib said:

    Because SR and Logan are both smart.  Their only mistake was showing their hand.  I would have went to the grave not letting them know it was me.  SR got away with not only convincing JDT that she was still his poor weak defenseless wife, he also thought SJ was crazy for believing SR was behind everything.  SR was willing to even punish her own children.  It was morally wrong sometimes but it was thrilling to watch.  She really had no weakness. 


    OYH is not like that.  Sure she's more composed than she was in the past, but she already shown her hand and her weakness (her daughter).  Also, her motivation is redundant.  Taking back everything SJ stole from her?  She tried that before.  18 YEARS AGO.  And what's her motivation to go after the other characters?  She has NONE.  They all need to be brought to justice too.  But OYH has no reason to do so.  I just don't think she's strong enough to carry this series, but that's just my opinion.  This drama was always over-the-top and some parts didn't make sense, but the protagonist's (SR) motivation was never in question.  And now I'm questioning the very basis of the show.  


    Maybe it's just me but I just want to see a protagonist ruthlessly going after everyone. Not moody emo scenes between OYH and her daughter and more screaming matches between OYH and SJ.  That's boring and a sideshow at best.  But this is just my opinion.



    Good point. The only time SSR flinched was when YH betrayed her. And even that was momentary. Logan and SSR were cool, calculating and ruthless. They just fumbled at the last minute lol


    But I have high hopes for Lee Jia Ah's new character. I feel like she will be cut from the same cloth but even colder haha. 

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  7. EHH, feels like my intial prediction somewhere in this thread that Seo Kyung will die might come true lol 


    Jenny dying won't make much of a difference and Eun Byeol still has more to unleash so doesn't feel like it will be her.  Dantae was the first to see the dead body and it doesn't make sense to me that he would run for Rona or EB tbh


    I feel like the death will happen in the next 2 episodes which starts off the new mystery and Logan Lee and Lee Jia Ah's character return in full force in the second half. This fits with them saying Lee Jia Ah will be playing a new character.


    Right now, Seo Kyung is playing such a dangerous game. Her brother isn't protecting her like before nor he is in her confidence. If he knew that she was blackmailing Seo Jin, he would at the very least play it smarter AND it's more safer because Seo Jin can't kill them both because too suspicious. And I do think SJ is capable of killing Seo  Kyung because after you have killed once, it becomes easier. There's only one real way to silence a blackmailer for good. Unlike Eun Byeol who still loves and needs her mother, SK doesn't have those scruples


    Unfortunately, I think that's the start of darkness for Seok Hoon. He's been turning over a new leaf away from his dad's shadow but I think the loss of his twin will affect him much more deeply. Dantae won't give a RickRoll'D because he didn't really care about the twins. He gives off vibes like "my heir and spare". As long as he still has seok hoon as his heir, what's the loss of a spare after all

    • Like 6
  8. 8 hours ago, Madu Mita said:

     Can you have lust and passion without loving someone though? I think you should atleast like them in a certain sense?


    That's a good question. I personally think you can defn have lust and passion without loving someone. Especially if you are a superficial sort of person like SJ and Dantae. It's like that's the depth their emotions can go for each other, know what I mean? They are physically attracted to each other but emotionally there's a disconnect.  They both use passion and sex to control and drive a relationship though lol. SJ seems to need more emotional assurance than Dantae who's very much about his goals and is practical. 


    That's why I think she clung to her ex for so long. She's seen what he's capable of and what he's now giving YH(or so she thinks lol)


    Ironically, YH seems more suited to Dantae emotionally. She's so used to being on her own for so long and doesn't seem as clingy as SJ.  She's also passionate and has needs lol 


    SR was I think, indifferent to him ultimately. He never managed to overcome the deep love she had for her ex. And she TRIED i think to live up to this idea of being a good wife and loving her husband. But it was very much out of duty. She never loved him-which is why it was so easy for her to fall in love with her ex. When she called him,  it felt more like guilt that they were breaking a promised arranged marriage rather than omg, I'm breaking my boyfriend's heart. 


    SR/Logan's relationship formed based on a common cause. They are both super similar as well so it's not suprising that their close union resulted in feelings.  Both fundamentally good but passive as hell- SR because of her personality, grief over her husband's death and her child in coma. Logan- because of his sickness primarily I think. But when provoked to action, they are lethal, cunning and calculating chaebols lol. Out of the three couples, their relationship seemed the most chaste and sincere.  In another lifetime, they would have probably been a good match. 

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  9. I think all this discussion is good because it makes me look at the characters in a way that I wouldn't have otherwise. Sorry this post is probably very long and I'm just rambling here


    Personally, I feel like most if not all of the characters are painted in grey here. There's no black and white. And I'm just enjoying the ride tbh. YH proved that she can be selfish and vicious like the rest of them in the Penthouse. Like ya, she was drunk but she wanted to kill to make her daughter's dream true. Kill an innocent life so like her precious child. And drunk actions reflect a sober person's thoughts in my mind. 


    SR is good but she reminds me of that line in Parasite- she can afford to be kind and nice because she's rich. If she had a life that was as hard as YH would she have been as good? part of me says yes because she seems to have a good core. But at the same time, she neglected the twins because all of her attention went to the child she had with the man she really loved.


    Seo Kyung's guilt towards SR shows that SR did love the twins but in a different way. Also, she treated her mom like trash so that's that lol. That scene of SR with the twins showed that they did have good times with her but it went sour as they got older when their dad's abuse of them got worse. Seo Kyung who is more emotional than Seok Hoon,  probably already had a complex that SR had her own daughter and so lashed out more at SR because she felt that SR chose her real daughter over them. 


    Logan Lee was basically a rich spoiled child who happened to be sick. I notice there isn't one mention of all the OTHER children who were sent away after they got tested. But he fixates on Seol A because she helped heal him. So from that point of self interest, his feelings towards her softened to a sincere brotherly love and need to protect this person who helped him. Her efforts to treat him like a real brother left an impact as well. He must have been freaking lonely as a patient. 


    Even the evil people have their own moments. SJ lives with the fear of her dad looming over her. And now she forever has his death on her hands. Her breakdown at the hospital felt very real. Yes she killed him but that was her dad and I think left a severe impact on her. She probably grew up in a cold coporate environment and besides her rivalry with YH, I suspect the warm and SINCERE affections that the Yoon Yoon couple had - she wanted that because she had been starved of real emotion. She started the affair with Dantae because again of jealousy and also because her husband clearly couldn't stand her- besides greed, it very much felt like - so love with a poor man didn't work out, eff it  I will go for power lol


    Dantae- I think he got treated the same way his twins are being treated by him. Highly abusive environment and he NEEDED to marry SR to elevate his position. I don't doubt that he wasn't very pleasant to begin with but his upbringing didn't help. Dantae reads very cold. His relationship with SR was all about his legacy and he didn't love her. He was obsessed with her because she was the perfect society wife and  could give him benefits that no one else could have. With SJ, again, she's the picture of society wife AND their relationship is based on lust and passion. SR and him seemed very sexless tbh. Will be interesting to see his relationship with the twin's real mother. 

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  10.  Out of all the kids, min hyuk seems the least developed and it's hilarious that his parents now have this cheating arc HAHA It's apparently a Penthouse pattern that if you like a guy, your parents will hook up and make your relationship pseduo incest 


    Seo Jin and Dantae's relationship already seems to be showing cracks. This is not a couple that will weather the storm together and they don't trust each other AT all lol They just got together for mutual benefit to avoid their mutual destruction by Logan/SSR duo


    It's also interesting, that quite a few of the scenes from the trailer have already been used in the first 2 episodes so they are really building up the suspense. 


    My main issue with YoonHee is that she seemed so impulsive/dumb last season but she seems to have sharpened up . 



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  11. I have to agree and say that I don't really get the hype for Seok Hoon and Rona's romance either. As in it's a overused plot where misunderstood bad rich boy falls for the plucky poor forever punching up heroine- which I love- but I feel that Seok Hoon's character had the potential to be more interesting. Out of all the kids, he reads the most calculating and cold. He wasn't that invested in bullying SeolA until she made that ONE comment that caused him to snap. Feels like he got some of his dad's temper and emotional instability


    Also, Rona has evolved but at  the same time, with a story as warped and fast moving as this, a sweet and pure romance between Seok Hoon and Rona which made Seok Hoon soften up, feels a bit misplaced and optimistic. Which doesn't fit the show's overall feel. Even Logan Lee and SR while on the side of good, had this EDGE to them - ruthlessness, intelligence etc.So give me a twisted and warped romance lol.


    I'm glad that they are fleshing out the kids more- jenny getting bullied now(so basically, these wolf puppies will tear up their own the minute they smell weakness), Seok Kyung is a kite in the wind basically. Her brother no longer backs her up as before. Her stepmother is just as psychotic as her daughter. Although have to say, it's HILARIOUS that EB now has TWO stepsisters that hate her. 


    SO now Yoon Hee got her voice back while SJ lost hers. And she got her exhusband as well lol. I know that it's sticking in SJ's craw because even though she got Dantae, She sees the Yoon Yoon couple and rages because they have lovey dovey feelings(or so she thinks) while Dantae while sultry, passionate with physical affection,  rich and powerful is fundamentally cold not unlike her HAHAH. 


    Also, I may be mistaken but I think one of the reasons Dantae pounced on making Yoo Hee the scape goat is because she saw his weak side last season and that makes him uncomfortable and eager to dispose of this person. 


    I'm abit sad that there's not much of Logan  Lee and Lee Jiah Ah but it feels like they are building up to the murder so that's good! need to have faith with the writers lol They had the balls to kill off SR so I feel like they can do anything to make the story keep on rolling


    I have a feeling this time , one of the kids will be the killer . 

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  12. So the show started off with a bang lol I CACKLED at that wedding scene. It was hysterial and I loved how over the top it was. 


    SJ has an affair with Yoon Chul but then marries Dantae. And now Yoon Yoon are supposedly married? I feel that the couples will swap partners sometime during the series lol. SJ will slowly become disillusioned with Dantae(more than she already has LOL- already having affairs before going down the altar). As much as he helps soothe her ego, his true cold and psychotic personality will slowly come out lol 


    SJ seems to have an obsession with whatever her rivals have. She wanted to tear down SR so she aimed for the Penthouse and Dantae. Now that she has that, she sees the apparently sincere happy feelings of Yoon Yoon and now she wants Yoon Chul back LOL


    Seok Hoon still likes Rona and clearly believes that his father is behind the death of SR. 


    Feels like the twins have a rift between them. And I like how Seo Kyung's character feels more fleshed out. She clearly misses her mother.  Weirdly, I can buy that Seo Kyung dies. Her arc seems alot more fragile compared to Eun Byeol's insanity and Rona's forever fight against elitism and common sense(seriously, this mother and daughter better wise up- they have ZERO strategy and seem to think they can scream their way to a solution)


    Quite sad that Ji Ah didn't appear and not enough Logan Lee! 

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  13. I am so excited ! Seo Jin is about to find out that her happy ever after isn't that magical lol 


    Yoon Hee needs to wise up. She killed Seol A and almost wanted to kill SR. 


    I think it's POSSIBLE that SR is alive but the opening sequence was so magical! Is the lady on top justice or is it SR's twin/the mother of the real twins? This reads like Pretty Little Liars HAHAH


    Can't wait to see Logan lee again. One thing I love about this drama is that even the side characters like the lawyer family, the teachers- all are interesting and horrible in their own way. 


    The cast said that there are repeated twists and lingering regrets. I can't help but feel that the kids will be more heavily involved this time and perhaps it's them involved in a murder now. 

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  14. Yeah I'm banking on one of the kids dying as well.  The season starts and ends the same way but everything has changed. 


    Have to say that I do NOT think that SeokHoon is changed or more innocent than the rest. He comes off as very controlled and cold. He IS Dantae's son and I think he learnt from his parents to play his cards close to his chest. I can see him betraying his father to side with SR as we can see during the hostage scene, SH gave no care to the fact that his dad might die. In fact, I think he might prefer it. 


    The cage scene was hilarious. 


    Yoon Hee as usual has no brains. SR stayed one step ahead of her and now it's all backfired in her face. But I think season 1 will end with no clear winners so that season 2 will be like the hunger games. Now everyone knows where they stand and knives are out.  How does YH think Rona will react when she finds out about her and Dantae? YH always loses because she can't think of the long game. And because she thinks she's outsmarting someone when literally they are playing chess and she's trying to master tic tac toe


    Seo Jin is way too emotional and unstable right now. EB follows in her footsteps. Makes sense that one of the Hera Palace's Kids will die and Logan Lee/SR will be under suspicion. 

    Can I just say that I also love the tarot reading part? Reminds me of wine country(movie) where the ladies have a tarot reading and it was so funny. 

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  15. Eh, I don't feel that SR will leave the twins. If anything, I find that she will take the twins away(or attempt to) in order to throw Dantae off. I remember the twins always wanted to go overseas so they might leap on this chance as well. I feel that Logan has enough balls to tell Dantae and ENJOY telling him that I'm taking your wife and kids with me


    Seo Jin is completely cracking. Not only is she being blackmailed, her letting her dad die is making her unstable.


    I feel that YoonHee's acting can be abit annoying ESPECIALLY when she gasps and covers her mouth with both her hands. It's so over the top but that's also pure makjang lol

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  16. I am CACKLING


    Look Away if you don't want spoilers


    So Rona and SeokHoon are together. EB tries to turn SH against Rona by telling him that YH is having an affair with her dad but SH plays uno reverse and says that it's actually HER MOM that's sleeping with her dad.


    Rona and Yoon Hee are shaping up to be even worse than SeoJin and EB. Rona is now going to throw her weight around by using SH while her MOTHER is apparently eying SR's place.


    The core of this show is basically parallels of different pairs of mothers and daughters. SR has been earmarked to be the hero from the start while her daughter who is the innocent that died. The death that sparked off this whole plot. 


    Logan Lee and SR are going to have a love line while YH is now suspicious of Logan Lee and SR while making moves towards Dantae because they are having more soft moments. SeoJin is basically out of the loop with all the plotting and I'm dying at how she suddenly became the lowest rung on the totem pole. 


    I think YH might try and alert Dantae to SR/Logan's plotting to win him over and this is how Season 1 will end with YH as the new queen. There will probably be another death for sure. SR and Logan defn are cute together and their brains are evenly matched. Logan was the one who questioned how much they could trust Yoon Hee

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  17. Can I just say that Yoon Hee is screwed the minute Logan and SSR find out what she did?


    I think this is why the show needs season 2 and 3. One season to take down SJ, another to take down Dantae and then YH.  SJ is already cracking by the looks of it. Dantae has some trauma now. 


    I really ship Logan and SSR. But, I think YH will be worse than SJ because SJ is just so openly evil whereas YH and SSR have a relationship so the betrayal will cut even deeper. 


    I think the way the show is going Logan and SSR might have a love line. Rona is going to have a revenge rampage now that she has Seok Hoon with her. 

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  18. WOW.  This show is just something else. 

    To recap-

    Rona actually leaves school and becomes emo drop out kid. She also blames her mother- nothing much has changed there.

     SeoJin kills her dad. EB has totally gone off the deep end. SeokHoon suddenly displaying human emotions. Logan Lee pulling a uno reverse card on Dantae with the gun. 


    Preview is INSANE:

    SJ haunted by the spirit of her father!

    Rona at a  convenience store wearing a cheap wig with horrible makeup infront of Jenny and Min Hyuk and potential 2nd love interest!

    Logan Lee and SR together in the penthouse!

    SR slapping Dantae!

    Dantae and YoonHee on a date!

    SJ now slapping Yoonhee!


    This is batshit crazy but the show is entertaining. It's like they boiled down makjang to 20 episodes.  Also, I defn ship Logan Lee and SR- they have good chemistry and he's HAWT as previously mentioned. Dantae will defn back off from SJ when she's starts displaying her more unhinged side- the death of her father is defn going to unsettle her. I don't see him letting go of SR until he gets that thing- is it property? Ownership over the company? what is it?

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  19. I now ship Logan Lee and SR.


    I have a feeling SeoJin's life is going to hit the skidds soon. Whenever someone is happy in a makjang, it usually comes crashing down. She's going to see Dantae's ugly side soon. No way will he let go of SR, he legit killed a man to get her. SeoJin is the fun passionate side, SR represents his status, ambitions and dreams. And for a man like Dantae, his status,ambitions and dreams ARE him, everything else is secondary.


    Now that the doctor and SJ are divorced, I feel like SR will push him and YH together to make SJ spiral. But EunByeol threw everything out of whack by telling Rona. That's going to backfire too because SeokHoon inherited his father's temper and he won't go easy just because she's a girl. 

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