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Everything posted by liyahsbutterfly

  1. Original plan? I did not feel bad for the nurse. 😂 Looks like Attorney SML and Min-Ju are endgame. I have seen a few dramas where they kill off the ML, but I doubt it'll happen here. Wait... what? She brought Crazy Aunt into it? And HW is embezzling too?!
  2. I don't think he'll die, but a near-death experience with him would drive HW even more into evil. Thank you for pointing this out, because everyone seems to forget this.
  3. I highly doubt it, consider it's the biggest network in Korea. This drama has gone past 8% a few times during its run. People are also betting that the next daily will have better ratings.
  4. And she never lied in the first place. The father planned to send HJ to a children's home anyway, HW just overheard and told her.
  5. Hye-Won didn't start this though, she fed into it with her thirst for revenge. Which was Hye-Ji's fault, no matter how you look at it. And no, Hye-Ji never wanted to make up with her, she just wanted her (and everyone) to forget about her crimes because of her delusions/amnesia. Not how it works. All of this is the parents' fault and Yi-Chul's fault, too. This drama may be absurd, but it's far better than US soaps right now.
  6. It's only 100 episodes, it's actually shorter than most dailies. But yes, I recommend it. It drags a bit but the SFL and her allies do play dirty to get revenge on the FL. It was on tvN (which had great dailies. I wish they still made them...)
  7. A commenter online called her an anti-villainess- which is exactly what she is. The show has pretty much made it clear. Even her own parents don't see her as a heroine. Neither does the aunt MS. No happy ending in this one, for sure. The next daily has a villain FL. (? Unclear.)
  8. I think that was just a metaphorical scene, I don't think it's happening. They already had a 5-year time jump.
  9. With the wake-up MIL's twin gave her, I doubt HW will go after revenge for MIL anymore. HJ is annoying and HW is selfish. Well, both are. And they can both get the WTOD special. #TeamNoOne. He was the lead in Witches' Game. I didn't like him there, but here? He's fantastic. Between him, Chase, and Attorney SML (sadly, he's definitely not the ML anymore at this point), I prefer him (Shady Secretary) and Chad Oppa (who isn't that stupid compared to a lot of the characters. At least he's got chemistry with everyone.) I stopped caring for Attorney Baek a long time ago.
  10. Luckily I hate both sisters. They're not even trying to make Hye-Won likable- she's still a villain, writer-nim! 🙄😂
  11. She's actually gonna be in the next daily, Scandal. I don't really like her acting.
  12. A Bird That Doesn't Cry had the SFL not forgive the FL (who was a villain) if that counts. I'm hearing a mention of a 2-year sentence, will there be another time-skip?
  13. I encountered a recent spoiler/theory saying that HJ may die. Which is possible too... she might redeem herself. I feel like the aunt (HW's aunt) is gonna die next.
  14. I've been watching this drama and so far I like it. Not a big fan of the ending theme, maybe it'll grow on me like the one for Secret House did. ML's mother is apparently a mistress. Not a fan of that. That aunt is also pure evil, she basically killed her own sister. The stepmother is gonna be the big bad of this daily. I also missed seeing Lee Seung-Yeon in a drama, I'm glad she's back. Many of the actors I know are here, and I adore Uhm Hyun-Kyung. As for Soo-Jung's dad- he's not coming back, he and the mom's actors were listed as guest performers in the credits. I love the adoptive dad too. I'm wondering if Young-Ae will go after Min Kyung-Hwa for revenge in the future. I'd also like to see the ex-chairman's illegitimate son. Looking forward to the next episodes. Good theory! It's definitely possible. I missed seeing you around chingu.
  15. But she is the protagonist, just because she's not a good person doesn't mean she isn't. Plenty of k-dramas have morally grey or evil leads. Her and HJ are both protagonists, and they're almost the same, the thing is HW is just a bit more decent. I don't think they'll reconcile. The writer has eased off on killing characters, but I'm thinking that either HJ or both sisters may die at the end, since it's a tragedy. I don't see a happy ending.
  16. Oh yes. But she also said she feels herself becoming more like the grandma- I think she's passed that stage of pondering and is sinking into that ruthlessness, all in the name of getting rid of Hye-Ji/Do-Eun.
  17. Remember- he's dying. So all this is just to whitewash him before he goes. One thing I do like about this drama is that the protagonists aren't afraid to commit crimes and be nasty, unlike most dailies which tend to play it safe.
  18. She'd ally with Chairman Romeo if it benefitted her. Random plot idea: she teams up with Chairman Romeo to kill Hye-Ji, then betrays him after Hye-Ji dies and kills him too. She gets YJ Group. Kicks out Crazy Aunt. The end.
  19. Yong-Ki got his memory back and HJ was arrested in the recent episode. She's also apparently teamed with Min Ja-Young. Will HW still be the final boss of this daily? I think so.
  20. Overall it is indeed a 5/10. 6/10 for the music- mainly that ending theme- and certain actors. Also the fashion was great. It dragged a lot, though. I hated WIAV a lot. I may do a rewatch of MIAV- another show that quickly went downhill. Did not watch Teacher Oh Soon-Nam, not a huge fan of the lead actress. What I do when watching dailies (or most dramas in general), I watch the first 5 episodes to determine if I like it or not. If I do, I continue it. If I don't, I drop it entirely.
  21. As someone who dropped this somewhere around episode 90-ish (I can't remember), I don't have too much to say. I feel like the drama was hurt by the extension a lot, it was unnecessary. I will say that the acting was great on all fronts. As for the characters, DJ had SO much potential and it just... fizzled out. She could've been way more vicious than she was. SR was an amazing villain, so was WJG. Jeon No-Min did an amazing job playing him. I don't think I've ever seen him play a villain. I liked Bo-Bae, and I wonder what happened to Noel? Yo-Han... I actually liked him at first when he was determined to avenge his father- then he basically ruined DJ's revenge. Terrible. And I feel like he and DJ didn't have much chemistry. Ji-Hoon was more compelling as a character, he got his karma. SR's mom? Trash. SC's mom, also trash. SC also had potential, he was wasted. Secretary Yang was the MVP of the show. As for the kids, this is one of the few shows where I actually enjoyed their presence. Poor SY, and I'm happy Anna got her happy ending. I did wanna see her adoptive mom, though. DS should've stuck around longer (I love Ahn Nae-Sang.) And whatever happened to SR's uncle? I liked the ending, especially for SR and JG, it suited them. My overall rating: 6/10. This is one of the better daily dramas in recent years, it's not a favorite of mine, though. And I'm glad that MBC dailies are improving. But I wouldn't rewatch this one. I'll be watching the next one, The Brave Yong Soo-Jung. See you there, chingus!
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