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Posts posted by infinitemsinspirit

  1. I also had this problem when I started Uni (I hated writing more than anything since I'm a math major) but now that I'm in my third year I have come to like it a lot more. I agree with the posters above that it is a good idea to read examples of good essays. However, I know that in courses you can't always write about whatever you like because there are some guidelines for most of the assignments (if the courses you're taking are like the ones I did). One big thing is make sure to format everything correctly. Especially in first-year classes, the professors are really harsh on things like formatting the heading right, putting all of your references in using the right style, numbering your pages, good grammar and spelling even more than the actual quality of the writing in some cases. Not saying that quality doesn't matter at all (bc it still does) but you can lose a lot of points just on these silly things which is really frustrating. In terms of the writing itself, get it proofread by someone you know who is good at writing, and put it through Grammarly to make sure there are no silly spelling mistakes. I like to think of writing like music, and I try to make it flow well so that it is easy to read. The less your professor has to go back and re-read an awkward sentence, the better your chance is of getting a positive reaction. Good luck, and remember that writing does get more enjoyable the more you do it!

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