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Posts posted by aniola

  1. 4 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    or Dean drunk?

    Especially at the moment with finger next to nose.:joy:


    5 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    Though product placements, I laughed out loud at these, "Your brain will function better after you put on makeup" and "My brain cant function properly if I dont eat it".

    Yes, it was funny how for both advertisement they used the same reason: both Mis-cosmetic and Lay's are for studying better.

    Kinda same thing happens in "Blacklist". They promote some drinking staff what supposed to make your brain work better, so in the series the characters drink this staff and instantly have an idea what to do next (what the next clue to the case).:lol:

    • LOL 1
  2. 2 hours ago, mellialuna said:

    I remember reading a tweet from her saying she's not the one subbing those series, but I'm too lazy to find it!

    Yeah, i feel like i read something like this some time ago too. Also she writes about every new episode like a viewer not like someone who already saw it and worked on it.

    I think the person who mistook niece with granddaughter in ep.7 did it probably because he/she just don't familiar with the novel. (What we hardly can say about JayBL.))


    2 hours ago, mellialuna said:

    And I read something today that doesn't help me, I know I will be more than frustrated with this ship! :tears:

    There-there! Lets enjoy the small moments they have.


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  3. 9 hours ago, Mel_Rios said:

    (What is wrong with Jay this time...?)

    Wanted to ask you for some time already. Why do you think it is JayBL who translates both TharnType and UWMA? Because i have an impression that Jay is not doing subtitles for any series anymore. Or am i wrong?


    9 hours ago, gogole mongol said:

    i consider the tickling moment on the sofa between Pharm/Dean more than a filler than something having an interest into the story. Hopefully, it was pleasant to watch, and show us Dean can have fun and smile one time in a day!

    For me their tickling moment has the purpose to cheer up atmosphere completely. I mean they had crying emotion moment. After they just sat quietly hugging each other for some time because they felt like that. And to tease Pharm was the best way to make any sadness what left to fly away.:rolleyes: 


    3 hours ago, mellialuna said:

    (why can't I ship the first CP for once ? :crazy:)

    Somehow we are often after something that less available.:D 

    • Like 1
    • Insightful 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

    even if I don't understand WHY Parm brings food to everyone?

    I think we just have to take for the fact that Pharm is really like to cook. But of course he can't eat it up all by himself. So the best option is to feed it to someone: friends or neighbors (or whole university:lol:).


    32 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

    I can't believe they may be blood related somehow too, but in exchanged families.




    Knowing the suicide happened the same day of Intouch Birthday just killed me

    Yes, it very sad. Surely In's sister and mother were totally heartbroken (father too, but he is at fault so he deserves to suffer for rest of his life).

    • Like 2
  5. Second time for the week we see how couple are going to live together but plans turned out to be ruined tragically.:mellow:


    OMG, i laughed so hard during scene in Sin's apartment.:lol: And the words "what a small world" very suits the situation (even more that we know yet).

    Dean took the case into his hand... so we're waiting for results.B)


    8 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    Which is a complete and utter rejection that Alex HAS to accept.

    Not to mention that person don't have to be in relationship to be protected from unwanted flirting.

    Thanks for visual illustration, it was exactly what i meant too.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

    Ok, this is just exactly the same attitude In shown at the beginning for invite Korn to fall in love with him. If you agree for one, why not agree for two? Alex just use new words, but the goal is the same, no?

    I think i get your point, it's probably a tricky question when it's ok to continue to get someone's attention and when it's time to stop.

    I think for ep.7 main difference is Pharm being not free anymore. We don't know how In's attitude would be if he knew that Korn has a girlfriend. Also Alex was rejected quite straightforwardly three times already. How was Korn reacted all that month that In was chasing him we don't really know. I can guess that there was something in his response that was making In don't give up (but of course it's me assuming things, but we really don't have much information about how annoying was In for Korn). Also one of the main thing that bothers me is that Pharn physically shows how uncomfortable for him when Alex get too close to him.


    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Ignorant me, I thought you were speaking about REAL gun trauma or something :lol: Google makes me know its a movie :joy:

    Oh, only after your comment i realize that i read "Top Gear" instead of "Top Gun".:joy:


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Because even in other series, in eating scenes, they dont eat much.

    I think main reason is that if shooting takes time then it's hard for actors to eat all the time.

    But it always bothers me too how characters often treat food. Like to eat 1-2 spoon of something, say "i'm not hungry" and leave, i always fell sorry for wasted food.:lol:


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Especially Plan with black hair

    After seeing him with dif colors lately it felt even a bit unusual to see him with black hair in LBCs2-teaser and in UMWA.


    45 minutes ago, Mel_Rios said:

    What I dislike the most of this Series is this over toned soundtrack in so many important scenes since EP 1.

    I am so glad I am not the only one...!! 

    Actually i like how soundtrack is used in most of the scenes, but in kiss scene it was indeed too noticeable.



    14 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

    Strangely, it seems i'm the only one that cement with production edit with music.

    not, you not the only one.:P

    You exaggerating. We (except for Mel_Rios) were complaining only about one moment, and you already suggest us turn sound off completely.:D


    20 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

    Maybe this pic comes from workshop?

    No, it's from the future episode. UWMA team always gives new teaser and few pictures somewhere in the middle of the week.

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  8. I'm so glad that we're finally at the place where Dean and Pharm starts to learn/remembering more about Korn and In.^_^ I just love everything in the series what shows us connection between two couples.


    But Alex who don't understand word "no" becomes really annoying already.:wacko:


    • Like 1
    • Awesome 1
  9. 4 hours ago, mellialuna said:


    The kiss was cute but I expect something more (not the kiss itself but idk) and the music was overly present!

    Agree about music. When I was watching the scene first time I noticed that I hear words of the song too clearly and it almost distracts me from the scene.))

    Did you expect that their dialogue about their feelings and relationship would be... like there would be more talking, not only kissing? Because I think i partly did.))

    But I love the scene anyway. I get so soft from how Pharm and Dean look at each other. ^_^

    • Like 2
  10. I know i was complaining about everybody being too interested about Pharn and Dean's romance. But i really like how much acceptance and support they receive from their classmates. All this friendly teasing is kinda sweet.

    And i glad Dean, Win, Pharn, Team, Manaow and Del have started to hang out together.

    Scene with In and his sister was sad to watch. Because we know it's the last time when An see her brother.:(

    Every next scene with Pharn&Dean are continuing to kill me in the most positive and sweetest way.:wub:

    It's also nice to see at least some hints about Team&Win. I feel like it's a game where you should watch and guess if they have something or not.:lol: (But thanks to Boun for how Win is looking on Team in almost every shared scene.))


    I also think how great it would be if they stepped out from the novel and just made Manaow and Del a couple.:phew:

    • Like 3

    34 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    And Pond, even if he was nosy, character-wise, I hadnt felt annoyed and mostly, he was funny for me.

    Close friends always have much more rights to be nosy.;) 

    As well as more rights 

    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    to kick him

    back for such nosiness.:D

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    I have seen fanclubs for ordinary person for real :D

    Probably because you right about modern world with all kind of tech we are living in. Just instagram with nice pictures or youtube-channel with interesting or useful videos can make you popular among group of people. I guess i still not really used to it. Or just didn't think about it as fanclubs.


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Actually I was looking for a better word too, yeah nosy will be apt.

    Oh, my intuition were telling me that "nosy/noisy" is the right word, but translation of "noisy" didn't exactly fit with it but i went with it. Turned out i just added extra letter  "i" in it. Actually because of engsubs to LBC word "nosy" instantly reminds me about Pond and how nosy he was about Ae and Pete.:D


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Also, I think, their parents will be supportive this time around.

    I think that too.

    • Like 3
  13. 14 hours ago, nastyacolors00 said:

    For now, I don't have any idea who the old lady is, but I think she is related to In.

    I read somewhere that it's In's older sister An.

    I checked opening and ending credits and all three actresses here play the same person. Older one is in Pharm's time. Middle one is in In&Korn time. And younger one is from baby In time (we saw such scenes in the trailer).



    23 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

    I was surprised that their funerals were held together considering how things blew up and ended.

    I think they are like Romeo and Juliette's fathers making peace next to their children's dead bodies. I guess they learned their mistake by the hardest way and only thing that they could do is to not separate In and Korn at least after death and to wish them (by red thread) to meet and be happy in their next life.


    42 minutes ago, nastyacolors00 said:

    Until We Meet Again The Series Episode 6 Teaser:love::love:

    *counting* just two days left...:rolleyes: And here they are again, teasing all the time. As if we could forget..:lol:

    • Like 3
  14. 23 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    When it comes to real life, I have seen photos taken from behind (of Perth), obviously without permission.

    I think there is difference between actors with huge fanbase and ordinary students. And Dean and Pharm are supposed to be ordinary students. Yes, Dean have some admirers because he is captain of swimmers, but he should be that famous to be photoed on his every step. Actually it's the thing what surprised me when i started to watch thai lakorns - some students having proper fanclubs.:huh:


    23 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    But, taking that few crazy people as the 'General-standard-of-all-shippers-in-BL-Series' is definitely wrong.

    I wouldn't call them crazy, but those who we witnesses in series (LS, LBC, UWMA, WRU) are usually too noisy about others people lives.


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    But if they show it again, now I am sure I dont have the heart to watch it.

    A bit opposite for me. They showed us Korn&In deaths few times already and i'm starting to think "please, not again" because it feels less and less dramatic.


    1 hour ago, dramaandfood said:

    Do you all remember that after this week's episode airs, we are exactly at the half-way-of-series?

    No, i don't remember.:P 

    • Like 1
  15. 55 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    Either this episode went by too quickly or I like it sooo much that I want to continue watching more :D.

    I have this feeling with every episode.:D It ends so fast.


    56 minutes ago, dramaandfood said:

    I wasnt surprised because its the kind of generation we live in. Sharing-without-asking-permission and online-gossips has become a trend.

    Yes, but i think popularity of shipping is exaggerated because it's BL-universe. I understand why fujoshi is more and more represented in BL-series, many fans can see themselves in them. And people like to stick their noses into others lives since forever. But i often tend to imagine myself on a character's place and i know how uncomfortable would be for me to be in such spot light. But there is still positive thing about it. That means that people don't care at all about if it's girl+boy or boy+boy or girl+girl. Which will make contrast to Korn&In time, since one of their problem (if i'm not mistaken) was homophobia of people surrounding them.



    • Like 1
  16. fb653809850de83a472186b75ab4fbb328785a45


    * * *

    • The only thing which bothers me is how many people in the uni are interested in Pharm and Dean personal life. It seems like as soon as they make a step on university territory they got photoed.<_<  (I was glad to hear from Manaow that she'll post Pharm photo only after asking him.)
    • It's fair that now it's time for Dean to feel some shock and sadness about his past life. Pharm had cried so much already because of sudden memories.
    • And of course i'm continuing to die from all DeanPharm moments.:wub:  My soul is so happy with being filled with that much of fluff.:lol:
    • I guess TeamWin and Manaow+third-swimming-senior will became more seen in the second part of the series. Now it's all about Dean&Pharm and a bit Korn&In.

    * * *

    @nastyacolors00 can i ask you to use spoiler box when you bring many links and info from twitter? It'll help make scrolling through a page easier.;) For example 2-3 posts from twitter put openly and other hide in spoiler box.

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  17. 19 hours ago, deltos said:

    and in reality...it doesn't always end happily every after.

    I know. But i'm not really looking for reality in BL.:ph34r: At least when it comes to a endings.


    I was thinking about Rhit-Farm-Bright today, and i guess i would be ok with any resolving as long as story is good and sensible. Maybe if Farm really likes his cute nong then maybe he'll eventually get over Bright and Rhit'll make him believe in love again. Or maybe Farm and Bright will start over somehow. Or maybe Bright will stop make sad eyes and will find his inner Brian Kinney again.:lol:  

    Also I didn't watch "Bad romance" (except for KornKnock-cut what was my first thai-bl before Sotus) so i don't know much about Yiwah/Cho-story.

    • Like 1
  18. Before watching the trailer I read many-many crying comments. After i was like... emm.. ok. I guess i was afraid of some cliche plots like cheating or love triangle (for KornKnock-drama) so i'm a bit relieved what there is the family issue. And I ready to hate Korn's father with all my heart. I'm not really sure what i think about other two couples so i'll just wait and watch. But all this "beginning.. or the end?", two-sides posters still make me a bit nervous about happy ending for all couples?)

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