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Posts posted by widala

  1. 3 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


    * The more I see stills from this movie, the more excited I am to see it. The film was shrouded in mystery for so long, and now it feels like we're suddenly seeing an explosion of absurdity and color. So Jonathan Na is obsessed with himself?! And the fact the director said, “I imagined destroying that actor while watching Lee Seon-kyun's acting in 'My Mister' " is hilarious! :joy:


    So excited for this movie too!

    It's just too bad we haven't heard anything about international distribution...


    Although Lee Sun Kyun is a good actor but I think My Mister really opened a lot of doors for him too, because the directors that worked with him often talk about him in My Mister. 

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  2. 11 hours ago, sadiesmith said:


    You mean like this? What else have you seen? And while we're at it, what does "killing romance" mean? Does LSK get killed or he kills?


    Have you seen this one?


    Tho I doubt he'll look exactly like that :sweatingbullets:

    I'm curious what kind of character Jonathan Na is...But judging from that painting, he's probably a narcissistic a-hole


    About the killing part, no clue from the synopsis, but maybe LSK character killed by Lee Honey and Gong Myung character? Accidentally? I don't know... I wish they release this movie soon...



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  3. I wonder how many SEA countries they visited?

    We've seen them in Cambodia and this is Thailand...





    14 hours ago, sadiesmith said:


    Did anyone see the news of Killing Romance being released in April yesterday? Suspiciously, it was quickly retracted, and today you won't see a trace of it on any news site. Apparently LSK will be in familiar territory as he'd again play a husband of a wandering wife. :lol:  Anyway, whatever is happening behind the scenes, what little I've heard/seen has already got me too excited, especially with this kind of tweet from Pierce Conran. I wonder if he'd seen it. 


    From all of his unreleased movies, I'm most curious about Killing Romance because the concept seems unique and from blurry leaked photos, LSK visual is likely to be different from the usual...

    Hopefully the movie will get released this year.

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  4. 9 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

    Any idea what the Korean notes on the relationship chart say? It looks like they all wrote on it themselves. 


    More or less like what the official chart says... It's kind of hard to translate because of the handwriting :sweatingbullets:



    Oh no! Will HGS betrayed EY?

    Although if he does, I'm not too surprised. You can't really trust anyone here.

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  5. On 2/6/2023 at 7:57 AM, lila21 said:

    LOL, Myung Se Hee realized that daddy Myung will not support her ambition to get her hubby to the Blue House so she went to Eun Yong who happily gave his support but with conditions, that KS will fight his FIL. When wifey told KS about it  he lost appetite for the food he prepared for her.


    I love MSH's smirk when HKS sulk when she told him to work with EY instead of her father. Like she knows in the end HKS will choose EY.

    This part shows the dynamics between the couple.


    23 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


    I was a bit disappointed to see PJK have so little to do at the press conference though. She said one line and then it was all about HKS. I feel like the writers don't necessarily know what to do with her. Even Prosecutor Ham Jin has a meatier role in the story. And PJK's interactions with EY, while one-on-one, are pretty stiff and serious even though they're trying to be like family. I like seeing them together but I wish there was more overall, in regards to their friendship/relationship and their story.


    OK. Enough complaining :).


    Don't get me started on how this show did PJK's character dirty or we'll be here all day.

    Besides the writing, I also blame the directing on how stiff PJK sometimes. We can all see that MCW is good doing even the miniscule expressions, so I think it's easy for her to show more emotions if the directing allowed her to.

    I don't know if this has to do with the fact that this director is rarely work with actresses (he said so in press conference).


    Just wanna add another rant :D

    I think that 5 minutes flashbacks of Myung and Lee Su Dong in the beginning of episode 9 is unnecessary. But if they must, I wish they made it shorter and delve more into PJK's or Jinho's past instead. 

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  6. On 2/3/2023 at 5:31 AM, lila21 said:

    My POV. It is consistent with his character as the hero of the drama, and what viewers expect. He is someone who is winning although he gets beaten buried and what not. People whom he had helped in his past tend to help him back. He always has something in his playbook. Maybe viewers like myself expect more of the same from PJK. 


    And that's exactly what happened with her "miraculous" recovery from a coma.


    Personally, I don't really expect a medical situation 100% accuracy from any drama/tv show.


    So, she's up and about the day she woke up from a coma is her "superpower" as one of the main characters.


    Just like JTC's luck where the cops just happened to be there when JTC recklessly followed the drug dealer and saved him from getting killed.


    As for her character, I always think that Payback's big flaw is how they underutilized such a good actress Moon Chae Won and how underdeveloped PJK as a character is.

    The later episodes is a bit better in my opinion. But just a bit.


    17 hours ago, patternedsocks said:

    My point all along has been to highlight what I felt was an odd double standard where the one female lead is singled out and criticised for looking too good after her injuries, while there’s apparently no issue with the male lead looking just as good after his various druggings/extended beatings/stabbings. For some reason, the show has to be ultra-realistic with how PJK looks, but not with EY. 


    I totally understand where you're coming from.

    The double standard for female characters and actresses has been happening all the time.

    A behaviour that considered "cool" in a male character could make a female character be called all the bad names if she did the same.

    Even a comment in MDL criticized MCW looks in Payback.


    Maybe in this case, it is a genuine criticism towards a character.

    But sometimes the misogyny is so internalised that people don't realise that they often hold women in unfair standards.


    On to episode 9!



    Oh no! Jinho died :tears:

    He did help to clear EY's name from the prison murder accusation.

    So sad to see him go...


    Love EY for profiting from Banwoo situation!

    But EY and JTC relationship is strained because JTC found out about it.


    Jang Tae Chun, please get off your high horse. Where do you think all the money that helped you get to this point coming from?


    PJK is a badass as always and I'm really happy to see more of her in this episode.

    We're also got many EY and PJK scenes! Yay!


    Hwang is in a tight spot because Myung is cutting him lose.

    This is probably why Hwang asked for EY's help (the kneeling scene).


    Can't wait to see ep10!



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  7. 5 hours ago, patternedsocks said:

    I’m really puzzled by some of this criticism of PJK and signed up just to say so, lol. The only real injury she had was a stab wound, and then she was in a coma for a month and presumably had excellent care while she was unconscious with the way EY was throwing money her way. A coma patient in real life would probably be more frail-looking, but this is a kdrama.


    At the same time, EY was in a prison brawl where he was hit and stabbed, then beaten by two prison guards who were hitting him like they’d get a pay rise with each whack (I swear one guy had to catch his breath afterwards). But a month later, he was as hot as ever, even though you’d think he’d have some broken bones or internal damage or something.


    I’m not saying PJK is beyond criticism, but I don’t get why she’s the only one being criticised for things that could just as easily apply to other characters.


    I agree with you.

    EY got beaten, drugged, almost buried alive, and got into a car accident but totally fine in the next scene, laughing and giving financial advice to the doctor that treat him. :D

    I don't count too much for this drama to stick close to reality.

    Like you said, it's a kdrama, let's just enjoy the ride!


    4 hours ago, patternedsocks said:

    I came back to say something less grouchy (lol) which is that something I find interesting (and kind of cute) is PJK is, by her own admission, distant and reserved, while EY is much more open and outgoing. But while the show’s made a few hints at PJK having romantic feelings for EY, it’s been a lot more vague when it comes to how he feels about her. There’s been plenty of evidence that he cares deeply about her, but I think you can argue either way about whether any of it is romantic.


    Just thought that was a fun contrast!



    It's pretty obvious in the farewell scene when she asked him not to go.

    For EY, I think it's the fact that he didn't call PJK while still in contact with CEO Yoon is the proof that he has feelings for her. (I'm guessing it's the early days after he left before they lost contact altogether).

    He probably didn't want to be tempted to return to SK when it's very dangerous for all of them.

    But, I don't know... I'm writing fanfiction here (again) :sweatingbullets:


    Sorry for the multiple quotes!

    I sent my reply a few times because I thought it was failed at first...


    How do we delete quotes anyway?

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  8. 9 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

    Whaaaatt?! So weird! More like a bizarre fan video than something I expected from a studio. :w00t: And people had problems with LSK and IU having a loveline?!


    Imagine your AU fanfiction got approved by your company :lol:

    I don't really mind EYxHwang fanfic but to imply that EY got something with Tae Chun is ick for me because they're uncle and nephew.


    5 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

    I agree with everyone here that MCW seems to have such a limited role. (To be fair, I think everyone did in this episode, except for Park Hoon, the Chairman, and LSK.) I've heard she's a wonderful actor but it feels like she hasn't been given many scenes to show it. She seems a bit one-dimensional. And we still haven't seen her visit EY in prison even though those photo stills were released, right, @widala?  :tears:


    The story was supposed to be HERS. She instigated the whole revenge thing. But it feels like everyone and their grandma got more screen time than her. So, yeah it's pretty disappointing...


    And what's the point of releasing a whole article and hd pics of a scene that got cut out? 

    I don't know if we'll get it the in ep9, since looking from PJK clothes, it seemed set before she interrogated Jinho.


    On the other hand, I'm glad we got the hug in episode 7. It's a very warm scene...



    5 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


    In the end, I'd love to see EY, PJK, JTC, Investigator Nam, Hong Ha Na, and Jin Ho emerge unscathed to live peaceful lives. I'm also OK with Hwang KS and his wife moving on if they promise to make better life choices and not hurt people anymore. :)And I'll be happy to see Chairman Myung and all his unrepentant cronies fall.


    Me too!

    I hope Payback will have a good ending.

    Imo, endings could make or break a drama. 

    That's one of the reasons I love My Mister so much. Because it has a perfect ending.


    Can't wait for the new episodes this weekend!





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  9. 20 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

    Jang Tae Chun was so reckless. Thankfully the detective and the police were there.


    Like uncle like nephew :sweatingbullets:


    20 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:

    Final thought - the show keeps flashing back to happier times between Jin Ho and Eun Yong. It seems like Jin Ho was around Jang Tae Chun quite a bit as JTC was growing up, too. I feel like the relationship between Jin Ho and Eun Yong may still be a key piece to the story coming up.


    I've been hoping for Jinho's redemption arc since he saved EY from getting buried alive.

    Hopefully he'll get clean and join EY to destroy Myung.

    • Love 2
  10. Payback is definitely a slow burn drama. But the intensity in the later episodes really pays for the slow beginning.

    I love the back and forth between the two sides. They win some and then lose some.

    It's fun to see Myung's side back stab each other. You really can't trust anyone there.

    I hope EY won't get betrayed by one of his team, which so far I see is all trustworthy.


    I don't know why but they didn't include this scene in episode 8?

    They even release the hd pics...

    I was so looking forward to it :mellow:





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  11. 12 hours ago, sadiesmith said:

    You're right. I forgot about that. I guess by the time EY leaves jail we will see him in 2017? I wonder how far the show will take us into the "future."


    Yup, I'm also curious why the "now" is set in 2014...


    12 hours ago, sadiesmith said:

    I agree that MCW acting is great, we just need to see more of her. I remember watching the last two episodes and thinking so all these side actors were getting so much screentime, even went so far as mentioning to my husband that  LSK didn't seem to appear much. As far as back story, writer could have made the two have secret crushes on each other. Or PJK could have been jealous of her mother's attention on this new kid. Until her realization that he is part of her family, were we supposed to believe that she never did regard him as a close family member before? The writing of her character is rather uneven.


    I don't know if it's another case of male writer doesn't know what to do with female character :sweatingbullets:

    As for crushes, I think PJK has a little on EY. The time she asked him to not to go could be a heartfelt confession but she chickened out and instead used her mom as an excuse. And for EY, I think PJK is in the off limits category. 

    Sorry, I'm writing fan fiction here :D


    12 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


    The weird thing was that three years later in 1986, when his older sister had her baby, EY did not look 15. Not sure what happened there.


    I think they miscast the child actor for 12 yo EY, he's too small... Before we were informed he's 12, I thought he's 8-9 yo.


    12 hours ago, the_sweetroad said:


    I had thought he and his firm were legal, too, but then he and Ha Na were pitching untraceable accounts to those political bigwigs, helping them evade notice and taxes(?). That was kind of disturbing. Hopefully it's not too illegal.


    Call me a cynic but I don't think EY could be that wealthy without doing some shady works. At the very least, bribery. And other behind the closed doors deals.

    But, probably not at Myung's level who tortured and k*lled people (even his own) so easily.



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