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Posts posted by reiko53

  1. Hey guys! If you have Weibo account or you know of any friends who have Weibo account, can you get share the link below and ask them to vote?




    The vote is by MangoTV and I think the winner will have a month of publicity on their site or something. Currently ZLY is no 2 but the difference between her and the no 1 is less than a hundred votes!! So we really need all the votes we can get. Appreciate it lots! 

    • Like 7
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  2. On 06/03/2018 at 9:51 PM, jewelsc said:

    It does seem like modern dramas get more opportunity to show on air much sooner compares to the historical/period dramas..and i'm sure OGT will show soon (to me summer is just a couple of months away, hey we've just celebrated the New Yr and we're already in March!!) and since i'm currently watching Siege In Fog (loving Elvis Han in it), it will just past the time for me :).  I was hoping Ruyi was going to show this yr, I was really anticipating it eventho it's about 90 episodes..:(

    hehe I am watching Siege in Fog, pretty good so far... but gonna be another of those bittersweet love... Grrrr :bawling:

    • Like 5
  3. 4 hours ago, cenching said:

    Sorry, maybe I didn’t make it clear. Nikon doesn’t do contact lens but prescription lenses which absolutely great...since I use Nikon I cannot use other lenses anymore....


    Thank you for the thought and wishes...

    Ah I see... yea I think Nikon quality is trust-able. I saw some news going around that Minglan has been pushed to 2019 and I am not surprised given that the quota for Gu Zhuang dramas has been decreased significantly means the TV network can only broadcast those that can bring in $$$.... still no news on Ruyi broadcasting date :( I hope OGT can show soon!!!! 

    • Like 1
  4. On 05/03/2018 at 1:32 AM, cenching said:


    Thank you, Darling....:) The roots of my severe migraine is the weird changes of my eyeglasses prescription, the left was decreases by more  than -100 and the right was increases by -100.... I am using a Nikon lenses so it takes time to process it in Japan. Since it’s easier and faster to change my contacts prescription I am using more contacts temporarily while waiting for my Nikon but I am having more migraine if staring at the screens with contacts only...that’s why I am less online now until end of next week when my Nikon arrive....

    I totally did not realised that Nikon does contact lens as well. And yes @cenching hope you recover fully soon! I missed LY so much ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wish she have some magazines cover or CF 

  5. Honestly speaking part of the reason it is not doing well is that there were a lot of antis purposely bringing down the ratings at Douban and therefore causing the public to not have good impression of it. But when some of them went and see they felt it was not as terrible as it made out to be. I am tired of hearing how the rating are bad and the sales blah blah... I mean what is bad? Sure we hope Li Ying can score another billion sales in her pocket and we all know she will be focusing more on films but is not the end of the world when they are not No 1 all the time. I think sometime people have too high an expectation of Li Ying because of the attention she command which can be not good cause antis will have a good time laughing when she cannot reach it. I feel very frustrated when so many people cannot see see past sales and ratings as indication of each actor/actress's performance. 


    On the part of the romance I am kinda half half on it. I mean growing up I read and hear all about MK is about how a teacher and his 3 disciples journey to the west to retrieve scriptures. They always knew love was meant to be a trial something to test them. Hence I never expect to see some big romance sparks between Li Ying and FSF. In fact both of them did a great job acting their roles. In the end both of them understand that love is not about loving one another but a bigger purpose of loving everyone and to bring an end to their suffering, that love outweighs anything else.


    Of course many improvements can be made in terms of storyline is not as bad as how many antis have tried to make it sounds. All because they dislike Li Ying they disregard all the hard work of everyone in the film and that makes me real mad and disgusted.


    Sorry ranting off a bit...  

    • Like 8
  6. I went to watched MK3 earlier on! It's really good as in once again I am in awe by Li Ying's acting. She is part of the reason I was drawn into the movie but not to say the rest were not good, in fact I think this movie everyone played an important role to make it natural and not just acting. The animations and effects are pretty ok not the best but it worked for the movie. I hope all of you have the chance to watch it soon!! 

    • Like 8
  7. OMG sorry guys for flooding today.... BUT my country is showing MK3 ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I need to wait till 16th February but turns out tomorrow there are show times already and I am on leave!! This is so perfect! I am so happy beyond words... Also just saw on Weibo the sales for Mk3 has hit 2 million! Hip Hip Horray to Ying Bao!! <3

    • Like 8
  8. 16 minutes ago, minoku2209 said:

    Oh my.. I too cant wait for the special announcement too.

    Btw according to Yingbao's rumoured sched, she is flying from Hangzhou to Beijing today. I hope there will be firefly waiting to capture her photos at the airport.

    but the previous airport photos she didn't even want to show her face!! T.T I believed she will be flying as there are promotions of MK3 going during the 1st 2 days of CNY

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, minoku2209 said:

    This yingbao's dolls is so cute, but dunno what it's says here.

    Pls anyone do translate for our better understanding, thanks

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    cr zlyfb

    The top liner just says the fan want to do a new year greeting. As for the below line it says "Zhao Li Ying characters clay models - the past was exciting, more to look forward in future"


    Just a rough translation but the meaning is there. 

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  10. 11 hours ago, jewelsc said:

    Shawn Dou, he's so gorgeous :wub:..

    Anyways, what is Han Han trying to do making clips of LY and FSF together?, is he indicating something here?:o

    Nah is not that haha I think more than anything he just trying to show his support for their upcoming MK3. And a reminder that FSF acted in Hou Hui Wu Qi movie while Ying Bao was in Duckweed. Maybe show affinity, anyway Ying Bao almost immediately commented on his post I think she really enjoy working with Han Han.  

    6 hours ago, frenchfan said:

    Ohhhhhhhhhh so cute.  I want these collection :)

    Yes and where are the others eh?  She always help her friends and fellow actors and actresses promote their new drama or movie and it is kind of disappointing that the others doesn't even make any effort.  Xié Na is her trusted "big brother".  

    Xie Na has already promoted MK3 back in an earlier post and also when she thanked Ying Bao for gifting her a very nice gift for her child. :tongue:

    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    it is easy to confuse bc it translates as a billion but 亿 is actually for a 100 million. I don't know why and chinese numbers tend to confuse me because they are arranged differently than what I am used to. I think they count every 4 zeroes as oppose to 3. I believe a billion would be 10亿. 




    it is actually a 100 million 

    Yup it's 100 million but I don't think there's a lot of movies that hit this target for their pre-sales but of course the movie title itself is a huge draw factor especially after 2 successful earlier titles, I hope the 3rd will be even better, I feel stress for Ying Bao too :tongue:

    • Like 4
  12. I saw some information yesterday which was an interview that she did and the interviewer asked her what are her plans for 2018 after finishing MingLan. She said that she will be finishing some unfinished work (did not mention what) and she hope to take a break and adjust herself. I believe this is for her bump and probably her tooth cause she has been having toothache since finishing OGT.... 


    Yes I didn't really like the Chu Qiao wax figure doesn't do her justice!!! >.<

    • Like 6
  13. 2 hours ago, cenching said:

    This is the thing that have me wondering too.....instead of clearing the air he was only said please focus on our work....#EyesRoll


    Talking about cheating and divorces, I can say it’s not exclusively among celebrities. In non celebrities world there are more cases.


    In a marriage no excuse for cheating. You have problems that can’t be solved with your spouses, get a divorce first and hook up to the next person. Cheating is like a tropical malaria that can’t be cure completely, it will come and go...


    There are some celebrities couples that can make their marriage last too. But I got some non celebrities friends that got a divorce Kim K’s style....


    In some ways I do think that much better for a celebrity to marry another celebrity. Celebrities profession is a profession that full  of intrigues. Only people from the same world can understand each other. Especially where one of them has to perform a racy scene. Not to mention the lack of time for each other 







    Let's just say the divorce rate across the world is increasing on the whole. Yes you made some valid points too it's true only if one if from the same profession can understand the partner when working. We see anyway whoever Li Ying guess will be someone good looking since she always like handsome people.... 

    • Like 6
  14. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    I have never seen KW as anything else than a little brother. He is too young for Liying, she likes older dudes I am sure :lol:

    As for LGX-ZLY sadly I have long buried that along with my other ZLY's ships. It is pretty much confirmed he is dating Wang2. As for FSF, he is growing on me as in I am looking forward to this drama pairing. 


    Now I am not shipping until she gets married and even then it seems like a lot of celebrities cheat on their wives and husbands. All these cheaters being ousted by paps, I really hope ZLY finds someone loyal. 


    Baidu bar used to be easier for me before they put this restriction that you need a mainland phone number. Now it is harder but I randomly stumbled upon their shipper bar. It is not popular because they have really hidden it away. I think most of the gossipy stuff get discussed in baidu bars since people can talk back and for, I usually look at general entertainment bars. 



    But he is not denying it either, which is kind of weird. Maybe they dont want to kill the promotions of their works, that is the only other excuse I can think of.


     btw didn't ZLY use to be under HuaYi? 

    I still use baidu bar but only to follow Li Ying one. They have quite strict rules over there like no posting of stuff that are based on rumors or shipping her with someone.


    Yes I think she was HuaYi for a while after she won the competition by Feng Xiao Gang but they did not renew her contract after it was up sadly.


    Madam Tussauds China posted an update of Li Ying 2nd wax statue and it's our dear Chu Qiao!!! I hope it turn out well :tongue:




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