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Posts posted by Imzi

  1. Injured Kim Heechul Appears on TV Wearing Sunglasses


    Super Junior’s Kim Heechul appeared on TV wearing sunglasses.

    Wearing sunglasses, Kim Heechul appeared on MBC Golden Fishery's Radio Star which aired on March 23.

    Kim Heechul said, “I received an injury when I went to Shanghai, China to do a concert. When I was singing, someone threw a LED sign. I think it was because it’s been awhile since I sang.”

    Kim Heechul apologized saying, “I have to appear on TV wearing sunglasses. Please understand.”

    Meanwhile, IU, Park Wankyu and Lee Jung appeared on this episode of Radio Star.

    Source: Newsen

    Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM



  2. 110322 Donghae Twitter Update: Bye Bye Bye

    I lost my Ipod & my phon today !!Thank u for being with me !! For the last years !! Good bye I pod &phon!! So sad !! Bye bye bye

    Source: @donghae861015

    Posted by: hyukjade (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110322 RyeoWook Twitter Update: Cold

    We are in Hong Kong right now~ I thought ‘This winter passed without catching a cold~’ but ㅠㅠ I caught it in the end ㅜ It’s a good thing that there isn’t a Super Show Concert for a while..^^ Everybody be careful of the cold ♥ and~ Even though it’s a bit late, those ELFs that came out to Super Show 3 in Malaysia thank you >∇<

    Source: @ryeong9

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 Youngstreet Transcript

    Guest: Park Heebon, Shinee (Key, Taemin) – Viewable

    Opening: SBS power FM 20 anniversary special, Radio Days! All Hail Hee Chul. Have you tuned in to YS starting from 8pm? Or is it you have been tuning in to 107.7 MHz the whole day? Listeners tuning in since morning will be very clear that, from 7am to 3am is power FM 20th anniversary special. Now is the 2 hour YS special. Special Edition program will usually be come a legend program, so if you have any friends who yet to tune in, do notify them or else they will be left with regrets.

    Hee: Today is special edition, so our topic will be very special. That is, where are you and why are you tuning in to the radio?

    Listener: The World Cup interpreting which Oppa did left me a deep memory.

    Hee: Ya. From that time on, I started liking soccer and World Cup. This is a blessing in disguise.

    Hee: For today’s special edition, someone whom I hosted with 5 to 6 years ago will be here she with. She will be here during the 2nd hour on. Ah, I do not have anyone that I am afraid of, but technically, she is the only friend that I am afraid of.

    YS Drama Season 2 Chapter 94 – Mummy’s dream.

    Mummy has a dream. That is to go to the TV Station to participate in a program recording, but there is no such chance. One day, reaching home, discovered mummy is very happy, saying that she was on the street and saw a program interviewing passerby. Passerby was all very shy, not willing to speak, so she stepped forward.

    The program will air at 9pm. So at night, we gather around the radio and waited. It is a medicine related program. We were thinking what thing would mummy have said, so we kept on listening and we heard her voice. She said, “My son’s result is very bad, does he have some illness? What medicine should he take?” Gosh! My mum actually said about my results in the program. I lost all my dignity. I hate you mum!

    Listener: Am a 16 year old student. Everyday, after the tuition class, while on the way home, will tune in to YS to relieve stress.

    Hee: I almost wanted to say drive safely and buckle your safety belt. Since you are a student, you can’t drive right?

    Hee: A lot of people ask why there is a piano here. That is because in the past, when I hosted YS, I will play the piano and sing, so today I wanted to relive the moment again. But have not played the piano for a long while, so there might be chances where I will not be playing. Don’t place too high hopes. I have said I might not be playing.

    Listener: I am a 45 year old house wife. Have been listening to the radio the whole day. I felt that the radio is much more suitable for me than my hubby.

    Hee: Can I congrats, if you can love the radio just like loving your hubby, it will be even better.

    Listen: I am a man. Everyday, I will be tuning in to YS while washing to dishes.

    Hee: Ya, if the hubby likes washing the dishes, wife will treat you better.

    Listener: I am pregnant lady. I will tune in to YS with my 2 daughters daily, using YS as a prenatal education.

    Hee: Using YS prenatal education, even If I am a girl, I won’t be ugly. Hope your girl

    Can be like me, pretty, kind and quiet.

    P: I have not been so happy for a long while

    Hee: I have not been so afraid for a long while

    P: not long ago, YS staff called me, inviting me to the program. I asked them what I should say. They asked me to go ahead and talk about Hee Chul. So happy.

    Hee: Today, PD said there will be a special guest, who it is, why is it the one should come doesn’t come and yet the one that shouldn’t come appear. I want to go home, feel like resigning now.

    P & Hee: Heebon, Hee Chul’s diary, end~

    Hee: Why must the staffs do such useless things…?

    Hee: How is Heebon’s life?

    P: Very well.

    Hee: Then why so depressed?

    P: I was suffering, almost died.

    Hee: Why did you say such hateful words when you are here?

    P: Good that when I am suffering, I thought of you, the motivation is here. Cut album, shot a few movies and also started an internet shop, lived very well.

    Hee: That time, when I was hosting the program with Heebon, I am very thankful to her, because I have a lot of schedule then, so often there will be a lot of programs which needs to do recording. There is no time to the extend that even during live program, while the song is being air, I have to record program.

    Hee: When I got hospitalized, for the accident I am in, Heebon visited me and cried. I am thinking, “I am not dying soon.” See, she is crying soon. Really is a soft hearted person, but I am really very afraid of her now.

    Listener said a lot of Heebon & Hee Chul’s nickname, for example, Kim Cherry, Cinderlla…etc.

    Hee: There are many people who said Heebon look like Kim Tae Hee but when T-ara’s Jiyeon debut, the title got taken over.

    Hee: recently, there is one person whom I felt that you looked like. That is Simon D’s girlfriend, Lady Jane, making me wanting to take care of her. Because she is very similar with you, like making people happy, and someone who make people want to whack her. And you two really look alike.

    Hee: Sister Writer of that time, when hosting YS, we will be recording till 3am, having the guest to wait till 2 to 3am. There will only be 1 live day, while the rest is pre-recorded. I, too, can’t help. I am already so popular, really very grateful for all your understanding. (When talking about hosting YS in the past, Hee Chul said, “It’s the company’s entire fault, go and find fault with the company!)

    Park Heebon Live “Good Day”

    Hee: IU and you are 10 year difference.

    P: You made Good Day become Bad day, what a selfish person. Listeners, very sorry. The sand storm spoilt my throat; I can really sing 3 high notes.

    Hee: Sing then.

    Park failed again.

    P: Today I wanted to let Hee Chul apologizes to me, oh… Why not like this, when my throat got better, I will sing again and post it on to UCC. Everyone please wait for it.

    Hee: Ok!

    P: Actually a lot of listeners are curious, during that time, when the song is playing, what Hee Chul & I will talk about. In fact, in the past, we don’t talk to each other, it was when the brothers of DBSK came to the brother, and then the relationship between me & Hee Chul became like ramyeon & egg, blending it together. He tells me about his private life that is the 1st time I know about his heart.

    Hee: What did I say…?

    P: He even started discussing with me about woman’s topic, for example: Why does woman talk about such thing, this kind of topic.

    Hee Chul kept messing around, not letting her talk.

    Listener: Heebon Noona, Hee Chul Oppa knows that when talking about love relationship topic, he is still like this.

    P: There are a lot of female guests who came to the program, making it the number 1 tuned in program. Is it number one for this program?

    Hee: Don’t think so; is the listening rate that important?

    Listener: Hee Chul will always play the wrong key and the kind Heebon Noona will clear the mess.

    P: Hee Chul will get me to get phone number for him, should there be any female guest.

    Hee: If I have gotten the phone number and yet don’t contact them, Heebon will scold me.

    P: Listen to a song, this is the song which I produced myself, the lyrics is written in the ward, when I am about to die.

    Hee: Why do you keep saying that?

    P: I almost die then.

    Hee: I didn’t even know you are sick

    Played the logo song sang by Hee Chul & Yunho

    Hee: That is the original logo song.

    P: Ya, I remember it is sung by you and Yunho.

    Hee: That is my voice?

    P: full of enthusiasm

    Hee: Feel like whacking that person (saying self)

    This is imitating, the program which interviewed SJ & Shinee, years ago.

    Hee: Reminded me, Eunhyuk sex education… Ah, Taemin is still underage. Is Key of legal age? We will chat among the 3 of us, leaving Taemin aside.

    Hee: The 2 of you are very busy, very thankful for coming, do you know Heebon?

    K: Of course, she used to be under our company, and I love listening to YS.

    Hee: You really like our show, how old were you then.

    K: Me, 16.

    Hee: Taemin is only 13 then, who do you like at that time.

    T: I like my parents.

    Hee: You are really a filial kid. Key doesn’t know how to like parents, only know how to like Kim Hee Chul.

    Hee: Taemin doesn’t really listen to YS, because Taemin is very obedient to his parents.

    K: I listen to YS occasionally in the dance studio.

    Hee: Key like me, he will hide from me when he sees me from far in the company, and I will call him, “Kibum (Key’s original name), why are you hiding from me. There is no need to be like this.”

    P: Why is it the more I listen the more I feel like you are Kim Gu Ra

    Hee: Is the any mistakes made during the program Key hosted?

    K: I jumbled up the singer’s name and song name.

    Hee: It’s ok. Me too. When SJ came to YS for the 1st time, we didn’t know anything, so we kept saying the brand’s name, car’s brand, clothes’ brand, we all said it out

    Hee: let’s listen to a song. Taemin, what song is it? Seems like it is the 21st century best song. The Hello Song.

    T: oh, is Hello.

    Rule of the game is to guess the song title according to the scenario.

    Scene 1: DJ said the wrong tile wrongly in a live program. Use one song to describe Key’s feeling. Select from the following:

    1. SJ – Sorry Sorry

    2. (Not sure what song)

    3. Shinee – Sister is very pretty

    4. Sistar – How Dare you.

    Hee: When hosting, what kind of mistakes made is the most?

    K: One is jumbling up the singer name and song title, the next is pronouncing the English name.

    Hee: Didn’t you live oversea?

    K: …………..

    Hee: What kind of mistakes have Taemin made?

    Taemin explained that it is accidentally saying words that are similar to vulgar

    Hee: Seems like this has got to do with daily habits

    Streaming got cut off.

    Hee: Listen to a song, what song is it Taemin? Heard that it is the song you hate most?

    Taemin: Super Junior – Sorry Sorry

    Hee: Oh, so is really you hate it.

    Taemin: no, why like this (Taemin being flighty)

    This part is one person describing while the other guess. Introduced a lot of prizes.

    P: Why so many prizes?

    Hee: because usually won’t be giving.

    K: we have prizes too.

    Hee: You want too.

    Hee: Call in started? My voice is not nice; Key & Taemin pick up the call.

    Listener: I am Kim Shi Ra, 23.

    Hee: Your voice doesn’t sound like 23, more like 13.

    Listener: I am 23, voice is like this.

    Hee: Noona, today Key & Taemin will game with you.

    Listener scream

    Key: Then Noona, let’s fighting!

    Hee: What, people doesn’t like being called Noona, call name!

    Question is: Key is a nation idol, what is Hee Chul? Answer is Space Big Star

    Listener’s answer is MC

    Hee: Let the listener use Key’s voice as ring tone. Key, make a breathing sound. Key is very obedient~

    2nd listener is a girl younger than Taemin.

    Hee: Say hello to Taemin Oppa.

    Listener: Hello

    T: Hello

    Hee: What, you should say, “Hello xx (listener’s name). (Seem cheesy)

    Taemin did as said, everyone laughed.

    This listener answered a lot questions correctly, everyone laughed to death, because a lot of people helped with the answering

    Hee: This listener, you pass the phone around to the friends around you (people surrounding the listener kept going, “Me me me me me…” Too noisy) I am wrong. Please put the phone back to the original person.

    Listener: Can you help to say, “Year 1 class 12 Jjang”

    Hee: Which class?

    Listener: Class 12

    Hee: Year 1 Class 12 Jjang! Taemin say something too.

    T: Study well

    Hee: let’s listen to Secret’s Shy Boy

    P: Not Shy Boy’s Secret?

    Hee: Secret’s Shy Boy

    Hee: Going to send Key and Taemin off.

    K: It’s been a while, not sure if everyone is happy. We have worked hard. Not long later, we will be standing on stage, facing everyone with a new look.

    T: The listener from just now answered many correct answers. I am very happy too, being able to host the show with senior Heebon & Hee Chul.

    Hee: I am in pain. Not sure what Heebon want to tell me… Hope Shinee can be good, send you to off. Listen to a song, is what Key wants to tell Taemin, fans will like it.

    K: That is M4’s My Love, everyone scream

    Hee: So is like this!!

    Listener: The two of you is indeed like in the past, has the tacit agreement.

    Hee: Actually, now I feel that 2 person hosting is very good, because 1 person can be really tired.

    P: Now we are going to call out to an old friend.

    Hee: I told you just now.

    Call out successful

    Hee: Hello

    Guest: hello

    Hee: Please introduce yourself.

    Kibum: Hello everyone, I am Kim Kibum.

    Hee: Wah, Kibum.

    P: where are you tuning in to the radio now?

    Kibum didn’t hear it clearly but later one said at home.

    Hee: Did it remind you of the scene me and Heebon hosted 5 years ago.

    Kibum: Heebon is very kind in program.

    Hee: isn’t it!

    P: I’ll call you in a while!

    Hee: I think she will scold you later. Say something to the listeners

    Kibum: It’s been a long while. Didn’t think that I will use such way to say hi to everyone. I am preparing for my next work, not being able to appear, am very sorry. Hope everyone must take care of your health and be happy. I do not know what to say next.

    Hee: No matter how you present, it’s always so kind. I am the one who wanted to do a call out, Kibum did not prepare anything.

    Kibum: Hee Chul didn’t get fired?

    Hee: No… We’ll see each other while gaming.

    Hee: Going to send Heebon off, how do you feel today?

    P: I wanted to say about your things but…

    Hee: Today is so funny, so didn’t play the piano. Will play again the next time. That’s the end of today’s program. Bye~

    Credit: 金希澈80后花瓣部落 @ 金希澈吧

    Translated from Korean to Chinese by 梦希,影素, 韧霜 from 金希澈80后花瓣部落

    Translated from Chinese to English by @sillyjune of @heechulfacts

    Please do not attempt to change or take out without proper credits and make it seems like it is yours

    Please give proper credit to the original translator and us.

    Please note that there may be inaccuracy in this Trans as it is being translated from Chinese to English.

  3. 110321 Twitter Update with Heechul


    Suju Charles who has bigger eyes than noona http://twitpic.com/4bqo1v

    Source: @anney_love

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 HeeChul Twitter Updates


    Heedictator: http://twitpic.com/4bpx4a Monday is the day I read Internet comics (+_+) Threeternet (Yahoo, Daum, Naver) were all good but these days I’m into DanWoo’s ‘Stalker’ and Miso’s ‘Paradise’. There is a portrait right so I will upload a picture of my girlfriend

    BoA_1105:@Heedictator Huh… Isn’t this picture me?? ㅋㅋ


    Heedictator: @BoA_1105 Oh this was you? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is the ladies sign of SooWon’s Brother’s Karaoke’s bathroom. My face is the men’s sign ㅋㅋ This was you~ You cut your hair


    BoA_1105 :@Heedictator: What….. So I was using twitter with a bathroom sign for many months?


    Heedictator: @BoA_1005 http://twitpic.com/4bpx4a Your face and my face are firth ㅋㅋ I asked SooWon who made my face to make your face, so he made this ㅋㅋ But then you changed your profile to Hurricane Jjin Bbang

    BoA_1105: @Heedictator ㅋㅋ So you got mad?! ;) Can you ask your friend to make a 2011 version? I wanna see a 2011 Version JjinBBang ^^



    Heedictator: @BoA_1105 A Fan made it. Pick pick ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://twitpic.com/4bq5jr http://twitpic.com/4bq5ap

    BoA_1105:@Heedictator Why am I not there??? ㅠㅠ


    Heedictator: @BoA_1005 http://twitpic.com/4bpx4a Here you are, my BoA~♡

    BoA_1105:@Heedictator ㅠㅠ Bathroom?? ㅠㅠ Make me a blackhaired jjinbbang ㅠㅠ a pretty one ㅠㅠ


    Heedictator: Oh yeah When I cam home Donghae was watching “once more even though you hate” !!



    Heedictator:Star ZzinBbang RT @youngsi_onlySJ http://twitpic.com/4b3s0o http://twitpic.com/4bu47e

    Source: @Heedictator and @BoA_1105

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 Heechul Twitter Update convo with Jungmo

    ㅇㅇ that is your image ㅋㅋ For your present I’ll give you a bikini RT @guitarjm birthday cake that I received in advance~ The shape is … difficult ㅋㅋ Apparently fans prepared this for me because they thought that I might like it ㅡㅡㅋ Did I have this kind of image? yfrog.com/h0qy6gpj

    guitarjm: @Heedictator Truthfully that’s your image ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    Heedictator: I don’t really like bikinis. You already know that I don’t like it when belly button is revealed~ I don’t really like swimming suits~ I’m a pure man that likes straight bangs with hair tied back so that you can see the line of the neck and short checkered skirts

    guitarjm: ……………… ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    Heedictator: This is why I shouldn’t tweet with you guys ㅋㅋ Everybody dies ㅋㅋ Hey let’s go get a massage.

    guitarjm: you’re right. In the end everybody is hurt ㅋㅋ Massage call~ ㅋㅋㅋ

    Source: @Heedictator

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 Leeteuk Twitter Update: door’s open whenever

    The door’s open whenever. Always have left the spot open. Hope you’ll only talk truth. We’ve never let go of your hands. Don’t want any false pain anymore. We are Super Junior!!But still hope you’re happy

    Source: @special1004

    Translation: @TwELFs

    Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 KiBum Twitter Update

    Who wants to eat dinner with me raise your hand~ One person, first come first serve ㅋ


    Nobody.. By myself Go Go ㄱㄱ

    Source: @ikmubmik

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110321 Donghae Twitter Update


    Don’t hate me !! http://plixi.com/p/85874573

    Source: @donghae861015

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110322 HeeChul Twitter Updates: Conversation with Many

    KyeYoungChon: Ah, just now some messy looking elemantary kid kicked me in the back … ㅠㅠ Ow my back …. Elemantary kids!!! Let’s not do handstands in the elevator ! ㅠ0ㅠ

    Heedictator: @KyeYoungChon You should knee kick the nose to make them come to their senses


    defconn1: Sometimes people who do twitter mistake that everybody that follows them actually likes them. Some might be watching you or get more excited about the mistakes that you made

    Heedictator: After all twitter is a conversation or a diary that has been overly decorated. How shall I conceal or over exagerate myself? How will I deliver my words so that it is plausible.. @defconn1


    Heedictator: It’s been a while since I’ve gone out ㅠ-ㅠ I’ll be back from my date~

    KyeYoungChon: Hmm? Where are you going?

    Heedictator: I spent happy times… Thanks for the Beatles music~~ I can’t get the CD anywhere ㅡㅡ

    Source: @Heedictator

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    110322 Heechul Twitter Update: hair


    http://twitpic.com/4c5n81 When will my hair grow like that.. I’m waiting patiently and not even dying my hair to make my hair like that again ㅡㅡ^

    Source: @Heedictator

    Translated by Jee (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

  4. 110320 Heechul’s Twitter Update


    (I) woke up from sleep and (started) watching Inkigayo with the kids at the dorm for a long time~ INFINITE came out!! I know INFINITE quite well ㅋㅋ http://twitpic.com/4bd1n8

    Source: @Heedictator

    Translated By: LoveMyPSBღ (mypearlsapphireblue.wordpress.com)

    110320 Yesung’s Twitter Update


    http://twipl.net/bHrb All (of your) love in Super Show 3 (In) Malaysia !! Thank you so much!!!

    Source: @shfly3424

    Translated By: LoveMyPSBღ (mypearlsapphireblue.wordpress.com)


  5. 110320 Leeteuk Twitter Update: Malaysia Super Show3

    Malaysia Super Show3!! Thank you for your passionate love.^^ It rained again!!ㅋㅋ I don't know if it's a jinx or what. But I hope it rains again at the end in Vietnam.. Malaysian fans thank you !! Apa Khabar*...^^

    *As expected, Leeteuk spelled thank you wrong :D

    *Apa Khabar means how are you in Malay

    Source: Leeteuk Twitter

    Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGPOST.COM



  6. lol Heenim's wearing a little mermaid bag at the airport and Eunhyuk's wearing his Secret Garden tracksuit... it seems like the boys were in the mood to dress up today.

    110318 Discover Korea’s Delicious Secret with Super Junior

    Credits. koreahansik @ Youtube

    Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    Korean Red Cross: 2011 Blood Donation Posters Yesung, Shindong and Kyuhyun



    Credits to. www.bloodinfo.net | Shared by. Blue★Princez @ SJ-WORLD.NET

    Reupload & Posted by: uksujusid (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

  7. Nam Heeseok, “You’ll be like me” prediction about Super Junior’s Yesung


    Gag man Nam Heeseok has made a prediction about Yesung’s future, attracting attention.

    On the March 16th episode of MBC Every1’s “Super Junior’s Foresight”, Choi Yangrak and Nam Heeseok appeared as guests, and taught the 3 MCs of Super Junior the ways to make up fashionable words.

    In particular, Super Junior’s Yesung, whom had received special training, still appeared to be nervous even after his seniors have taught him the ways to come up with fashionable words. Hence Nam Heeseok asked him to straighten up and not be shy, and confessed that he used to be embarrassed in the past as well.

    In addition, he also mentioned that while in middle school, he used to have similar thoughts to Yesung, and predicted that with increasing age, Yesung would gradually be like him (Nam Heeseok).

    On the other hand, Nam Heeseok could not recall any funny stories about making up trendy words, but the story behind one of the words that he had randomly came up with had an explosive reaction to it. It will be revealed on the 16th of March, Wednesday at 11PM, on MBC Every1’s “Super Junior’s Foresight”.

    Source: BNT News

    Korean-Chinese translation by 言言 @ MyKRY.com

    Chinese-English translation by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET


    Please take out with FULL and NO ADDITIONAL credits.

  8. SJ fans’ strong backing, Heechul sheds tears

    Korean group Super Junior held Super Show 3 Taiwan’s second concert at Taipei’s Super Dome yesterday. Leader Leeteuk said: “The last time we came, we had two concerts and because of fans’ love, we could have three concerts this time, let’s see if we can challenge four next year.”

    Last night, Heechul did not participate in some of the performances due to his facial injury. During the ending stage, fans chanted “Milky white skin Kim Heechul, I love you Kim Heechul” in Korean causing Heechul whom has been acknowledged by the members as the person who is least likely to shed tears to be moved to tears despite wearing his mask. Last night, fans collected funds amounting to 30000 Taiwan dollars to prepare food support. Donghae generously gave full marks to the fans’ effort and strong backing. He said “we saw the surprise prepared by our fans and we are very touched.”

    Super Junior frequently visits Taiwan and shows off their Chinese demonstrating sincerity. Donghae joked in Chinese saying “Dearest dream lovers, please come into my dream after the end of today’s concert. You need to line up to purchase tickets to watch our concert, but you don’t need to do that to come into my dream. Therefore, when you enter my dream tonight, please give me a call.” Shindong spontaneously performed “Mum is the best in this world”* and “Justice Pao”**.

    *世上只有妈妈好 (Shi shang zhi you ma ma hao) is a famous Chinese children song

    ** Justice Pao is a famous Chinese drama

    TRAX who was the guest performer for the first concert was accompanied by Zhou Mi and Henry during last night’s performance after TRAX’s main vocal Jay injured his left foot.

    Super Junior is scheduled to release their fifth album this year and have their Asia tour while Super Junior-M has recently released their new 2nd mini album “Perfection”. Leeteuk said: “We kept hearing good news while we were in Korea that “Miinah” has claimed first place for 41 consecutive weeks in Taiwan. We would not be able to achieve such good results without the encouragement and love from fans. We are truly grateful to them.”

    SOURCE: Taiwan Yahoo

    Translated by: KyU Is L♥Ve@SJ-WORLD.NET

    Posted by: Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

  9. 110315 Ryeowook Twitter Update: One fine Spring day

    Very long time,,, very long time from now,,, when you see me,,, tell me that you were always with me,,, <One fine Spring day> This song is already welcoming its second spring,,, Even though it's still cold. Keep your spirits up. Spirits!!!^^

    Source: Ryeowook Twitter

    Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM



  10. MTV Entertainment: SS3 Taipei, Taiwan

    Credit: CANDICE4star @ YT

    Posted by: Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    [Engsub] 110314 HaeMin's UFO Star Call

    credit: RaiBaka

    110314 Leeteuk’s Twitter Update

    Super Show III (was held in) Taipei Arena, Taiwan for 3 days! There were so many that attended!! Thank you for making this time full of happiness!Also (,) ‘Miinah’ was 1st place for 41 weeks..ㅠㅠThank you!!Let’s meet (again) in Malaysia this week!!^^

    Source: @special1004

    Translated By: LoveMyPSBღ (mypearlsapphireblue.wordpress.com)

  11. Super Junior Makes 30,000 Audiences go wild in Taiwan


    Male group Super Junior mesmerized Taiwan with their third Asia tour Super Show 3.

    Super Show 3 which started in Seoul and was also held in Qingdao, Beijing, Nanching, Guangzhou, Bangkok, Yokohama and Shanghai is receiving overwhelming response wherever they go. This time, Super Show 3 landed in Taiwan and held 3 shows, making 30,000 audiences go wild.

    It was a first time for foreign singers to have 3 consecutive shows at Taiwan’s biggest concert hall, Taipei Arena. Super Junior showed off their ticket power by having their 3 shows sold out and mobilizing the largest number of audience for the first time.

    Super Junior previously was number one for 36 weeks on Taiwan’s Korean Japanese must chart with the title song “Sorry Sorry” from their third album released in 2009. Last year, their unrivaled popularity was confirmed once again with their fourth album title song “Miinah” becoming number one on the same chart for 42 weeks.

    In the concert, Super Junior performed their hit songs including “Sorry Sorry” and “Miinah.” Also, there were performance from various units and individual members. Guest, Trax performed “Oh! My Goddess.” Super Junior presented grand and diverse performances to the audience by singing over 30 songs for three hours.

    Taiwanese fans prepared group cheers for this concert using the color blue which represents Super Junior. Taiwanese fans all threw their blue balloons and blue confetti in the air, making the stadium look like a waterfall. They also moved Super Junior members by showing various phrases using light sticks.

    Meanwhile Super Junior who finished their Taiwan concert successfully will continue their third Asia tour Super Show 3 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 19th.

    Source: TVDaily

    Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM



  12. 110314 Ryeowook Twitter Update: Keep your Spirits up


    We've finished Super Show 3 concert in Taiwan safely. Thank you Taiwanese fans for filling up the big stadium. Actually, my heart is heavy with the bad news about Japan. Fans who are in Japan, I'll pray. Keep your spirits up.

    Source: Ryeowook Twitter

    Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM



  13. 67104481jw6df7a44p8nbj.jpg

    110313 The project they did today! It was supposed to say “Congrats Bonamana winning for 41 weeks!” OMG T-T

    #SS3Taiwan “미인아41주1위추카” project was held up during Bonamana. But bcos of the lightings the boys cant see clearly. During encore, Leader asked what was that so everybody held up their placards again. After seeing Leader said “It’s all bcos of everybody” [cr @Eldonna404] T-T Leader… Our leader!

    Via: SJia13












    Kyu's accident


    Credits: as tagged – Shared by: 13elieveSG | DONGHAEisMINE | NooNim_83line | GyuHolic_ | SJia13

    Reuploaded & Posted by: Phoebe (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

    Fancam Kyuhyun's accident

    credit: RaiBaka

    Boy band Super Junior gives third sold-out Taipei concert‎

    Taipei, March 13 (CNA) Thousands of fans of South Korean boy band Super Junior thronged Taipei Arena Sunday for the group’s final concert on its second tour in Taiwan.

    Lined up outside the Super Show three hours before the afternoon show, many fans, mostly girls and young women, were carrying hand-made posters with Korean characters, glowsticks and other props for the concert.

    Some held a red rose folded in paper — distributed for free by one of the band members’ fan clubs — while waiting to watch their idols.

    Wendy Yeh, a club staffer, said they arrived as early as eight in the morning to wait for the 3 p.m. show.

    The roses were to be used to cheer for Donghae and Eunhyuk, two of the band’s 12 members, during the concert, Yeh added.

    The 11,000 seats available for each of the three concerts on this tour were sold out long before this weekend, in part because the pop band’s concerts are said to be like parties, with lots of interaction between the performers and fans.

    Fans who attended the first two shows were overjoyed to see the stars up close and the band’s performance of Mandarin songs made them swoon, according to posts on Internet bulletin boards.

    The band, whose 2009 hit “Sorry, Sorry” stood as the best-selling Korean-language album in many Asian countries, including China and Thailand, was the first overseas music group to hold three concerts in a row in Taiwan.

    The three shows were said to rake in NT$84 million (US$28.5 million), according to local media.

    Source: Focus Taiwan News Channel | By Kendra Lin

    Posted by: Melody (www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com)

  14. SJ Attacks Taipei’s Super Dome, Leader Leeteuk Gives Full Marks

    “SJ” Super Junior and their sub-group “SJ-M” Super Junior-M have held concerts at Taipei’s Super Dome for three consecutive days, last night was the second night of their concerts, they rocked the Super Dome together with 10,000 fans, on the same day there were also fans who generously bought delicious food from a well-known Taiwanese steamed dumpling shop to offer to their idols and journalists, which was quite considerate.

    Heechul Hears the Shouts of Fans and Has Tears

    As they are the first group of foreign artists to hold three concerts in succession, yesterday at the combined interview for the print media, leader Leeteuk confidently shouted: “last time it was two concerts, this time because of the love of fans, so three concerts were held, I hope that next year it can be four concerts!” The 30,000 tickets for the three “SJ” concerts were sold out very early on, Leeteuk gave the concerts this time full marks.

    In relation to member Heechul who had his face injured at the Shanghai concert a few days ago, it seemed that his mood was affected greatly, he was also absent from the interview, Leeteuk said: “due to his injury Heechul was unable to participate from beginning to end, he heard everyone shouting at the concert, he was so touched his eyes reddened.”

    Siwon and Donghae to Film with Awkward Chinese

    While members Siwon and Donghae are about to come to Taiwan to film the idol drama “Extravagant Challenge”, both are members of “SJ-M” with awkward Chinese, Siwon said: “we are extremely honored to hold concerts in Taiwan, I hope that together we can have a wonderful night.”

    Today at 3 o’clock in the afternoon they still have their final concert, they will all leave Taiwan tomorrow.


    Source: Liberty Times

    Translated by: purple_princess@sapphirepearls.com

    Do not edit the translation | Do not add additional credits

    SJ Three Consecutive Concerts Completed Satisfactorily, Support Japanese Earthquake Disaster from Overseas

    Popular Korean idol group Super Junior held concerts at Taipei’s Super Dome for three consecutive days, besides giving lots of fan ‘service’, the members were also touched by Taiwanese E.L.F (name of SJ fans), even if injured they still went into battle! While at their second concert SJ expressed their concern at the huge earthquake in Japan’s north-east and they sent their support and encouragement over the sea, Leeteuk and Siwon stated that there were many Japanese fans who had come for the Taiwan concerts, they hoped that through the concerts it would give everyone strength.

    The journey to Taiwan this time was for three days of concerts, during the encore the SJ members’ performances got even bigger, shaking hands is not rare, but they did all kinds of things such as taking Polaroids together and signing autographs, which made it totally worth it for the fans in the front row of the second level. Besides their good service to the fans, the fighting spirit of the members was even better, Shindong had actually strained a ligament in his left leg during the first concert, for the last two concerts he was even bandaged to go into battle and he flew around the whole venue. While Heechul who had his face injured in China was encouraged by the passion of the fans, he even expressed his thanks to the Taiwanese fans for letting him regain his smile, at the end his mood was so good he removed his face mask, which lead to waves of screaming.

    In addition, Taiwanese E.L.F gave enthusiastic support, at the final concert on the 13th prior to the climax being reached, when many blue ribbons all appeared, it made the members on stage incredibly happy. Finally they also celebrated Eunhyuk’s birthday again, the members picked up spring water bottles and had a water fight, but towards the end Kyuhyun accidentally slipped and hit his knee, luckily there was no serious injury. This drew a perfect ending for the Taipei concerts. This time SJ had their performance inside, while outside the stadium the preliminary estimate of official concert merchandise sold over the three days was NT$7,500,000, avex taiwan which is responsible for the arrangements for selling of goods stated that due to many people outside the stadium selling self-imported or unofficial goods, it had some affect.

    The Taiwan stop of their third tour successfully ended after three days of battle, the SJ members will leave Taiwan in two groups in the morning on the 14th, firstly it will be at 8.10am on flight CI160 and then again at midday on flight KE692.


    Source: Yahoo Taiwan

    Translated by: purple_princess@sapphirepearls.com

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