Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by bitchgoddess
































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's dawn here






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    reading J2dlee's translation






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ears plugged with music of Yong and Hyun's Falling Slowly duet from _hachimitsu's compilation.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ahhhh.... :wub: :wub::wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pure goguma heaven...
































































































































































































































































    thanks j2dlee, mountainmadman, _hachimitsu, sun_sun, synykiss
































































































































    I really wish before that Yong and Hyun will sing Falling Slowly at MBC's year end show, but I guess they maybe singing their Bubu song. It's fine. I have no complaints or whatsoever. Just wrapped up in my goguma world. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Waaaaahhhh!!! (shouting with joy) Oh what a happy night for our YongSeo!
































































































































    thanks sachet for the fancam! it made my morning and pushed me to writing here even though I'm at work (i hope i would not get caught! hahah! things i do for the yongseo!)
































































































































    jnj, a solid proof that it was Hyun that Yong was waving to. I really love your optimism! (generally, i'm really a pessimist, not wanting to expect too much in things)
































































































































    see you later guys!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Congrats to CN Blue!
































































































































    Congrats to SNSD!
































































































































    Im sure Hyun and Yong are proud of each other. <3
































































































































    Cheers to true Boices and Sones who supported their idols all the way, no matter what!
































































































































    Did Yong wave to the table of Super Junior or SNSD at 00:37?
































































































































    CN Blue wins!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    During the 300th day of our YongSeo I’m already thinking of writing about how this couple has brought joy to us goguma fans. Lots of gogumas have been saying that they overcome their depression or sadness because of YongSeo. The irony of this is, a lot of Korean artists are vulnerable to depression because of the state of their career, and some even resorted to suicides. Fans draw strength from their idols (that’s why they are called as such) and conversely, the idols from their adoring fans. But then, it was the 300th day and it seemed inappropriate to write such serious thoughts.
































































































































    And then came this news of bashing Yong and his being a nampyeon. And I cannot hold it much longer. Much has been said already in this forum, and they are all fitting and great, but still I want to add my piece.
































































































































    A true fan believes in his/her idol. I may not be a super fan of CN Blue like other Boices who are also members of this forum, but I respect Jung YongHwa as an artist and as a person. As an artist, he truly loves music. That’s what separates him from other idols. He writes lyrics, composes melodies, plays instruments, sings the songs. He does the whole process of making music. In his interviews, he is consistent in saying that he will continue to do music; that he hopes that CN Blue would create music until they are grandfathers. That’s a true artist, a true disciple of the arts.
































































































































    As a person, we came to know that he is cheerful, smart, witty, has a capacity to be both confident and shy, protective of people close to him, persevering, and has a playfulness side of him ~ okay, if you want to call it “choding” so be it. And we knew these different facets of his personality because of the different tv programs he has been involved him. Yes, FNC might be overworking him, exposing him a lot but I think YongHwa is also gaining a lot of experience and skills that would support him to gain solid success in the future and not just a fleeting one. He is not only being introduced to viewers but also people in the entertainment industry: music idols, actors, producers, station biggies. That is networking, building solid ground, investing. Yes, this 21 year old has been given responsibility by FNC to popularize CN Blue. So, please to all so-called fans and antis give Jung Yong Hwa a break.
































































































































    As my fascination with YongSeo grew, I visited Soompi’s SeoHyun and CN Blue fora. And it seems that I recognized some names. fallen*angel, jnj, _d3seohyun, miel_1301, s0leill123, lenovo in SeoHyun’s forum; crystal_malfoy, my.yonghwa.baby, bonbon31, tecle, panGG in CN Blue forum. I almost got goosebumps, I got this overwhelming feeling of admiration of what the YongSeo couple has brought. Fans of two different idol groups came together in one forum and shared information, pictures, opinions, consoled each other. Boices, Sones from different parts of the world spazz together. Virtual friendships are made.
































































































































    So, I think, it is about time we pay it forward to our couple. The 300th day gave us a chance to show our support to the couple. Goguma fans all over Asia caught the attention of Korean Media. And through this, I hope, FNC, SM, WGM, especially Yong and Hyun will feel very much appreciated.
































































































































    Lastly, IMO, I think it is just appropriate that we write a press statement on how we fans appreciate Yong as an artist and as a person. There are so many good writers here ~ goguma1207, soshimunky, mrsjoker, luvtokki, j2dlee, redtulip and a lot more others. We could ask mountainmadman or j2dlee to translate our statement in Hanggul and maybe ask our Korean Boices to send it to Korean Media. This would be a good release on CNBlue’s 1st anniversary in January or YongSeo’s in February 2011.
































































































































    Maybe this is too much. I don’t know if the Yong nampyeon bashing is detrimental to Yong and CNBlue’s popularity and of course to Yong’s esteem. I hope Korean Boices or kay77 give us news from the ground. Anyway, it’s just a thought that passes me by every time our Yong and his participation to WGM is bashed.
































































































































    Forgive me for my ramblings.































































































































































































































































    On a lighter note, congrats to CN Blue and SNSD for winning awards tonight at the Golden Disk!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't pass the day without joining the celebration:
































































































































    Happy 300th YongSeo Day!
































































































































    Thank you to Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joonhyun for making a Go-Chun for us!
































































































































    Thank you to WGM for pairing this lovely couple! If only they knew how this two gives rays of sunshine to our lives!
































































































































    Thank you to all contributors to the 3rd YongSeo International Project!
































































































































    And a million thanks to the forces behind it - you know who you are, guys!
































































































































    Thank you to the Vietnam Goguma Garden. Those wedding photos are truly a 300th day gift to us gogumas. I especially love the on where they are sitting apart, holding hands and Yong was wearing blue. This picture fits most our couple.
































































































































    And lastly, though I still have much to say, thank you to ALL GOGUMAS!
































































































































    We are the third of this successful pairing. WGM + YongSeo + YongSeo fans
































































































































    From the start, I've already said, I am a fan of the YongSeo fans because of their dedication to this couple. I may not find the right words for now (damn headache!) but I think I echo Soshimunky's sentiments.
































































































































    To Yong and Hyun, CHEERS!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To WGM, GOM BAE!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To YongSeo Fans, CHEERS!
































































































































    To Gogumas, the villagers, the loyal F5 refreshers and the lurkers of Go-chun,
































































































































    It has been a roller coaster ride, hasn't it? As much as I love our spazzing moment, I can't help but love our 'other' instances as well. It has been 300 days, we should be proud of ourselves!
































































































































    I will say it here and now. I'm proud of being a part of this community. I love Jung Yonghwa. I love Seo Joohyun. I love Yongseo. I love Gogumas. I love how many Yongseo fanvids are out there. I love that Gogumas take their time to produce Yongseo artworks just because they want to (and there'a a lot of them!). I love how organised Gogumas are with Yongseo projects. I love that there are many Yongseo fanfics. I love love love Yongseo translations by dedicated Gogumas. I love that our Seohwa Soompi thread has humongous number of views. I love the Yongseo love spread on twitter, facebook and other social webs. I love how Yongseo is loved by many different people of different countries and ethnicities. I also love how everyone seems to want to share anything Yongseo related IMMEDIATELY after broadcast. Yes, I love everything about Yongseo :)
































































































































    Lastly, HAPPY 3OOTH DAY!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watching yukiandjudy's subbed preview over and over again, it seems that the one goguma point (which, i think, is represented by one wrapped goguma cookie) is actually Yong's goguma point FOR Hyun and not the other way around!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong: How many sweet potatoes do I have?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyun: How many do I have then?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong: Close your eyes. (and he shoved one wrapped cookie -or whatever that is - over the table towards Hyun)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyun: Only one?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong: (Grabbing Hyun's hand) Do you have to be that serious?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's either a goguma point for Hyun or they were playing a guessing game.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Arrghh...Can't wait to make things clear up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to mountainmadman, redtulip, yukiandjudy, bettylovegogumas, to other uploaders, and to all kindhearted gogumas who shared parts of translations.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you sun-sun for your sub. i want to ask you what can i download the videos from you. i really want to download videos with j2dlee's trans. but i dont know how to do it. do you have any downloads links for your videos? i hope i dont ask too much from you. thank you again for your work. fighting:-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi to all gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    to all those who wants to download sun_sun's videos with j2dlee subs, you can do these while watching our couple in youtube, twitvid, dailymotion, even tudou i guess. i asked sun_sun if this is okay with her and she readily agreed. i hope j2dlee don't mind, though i wrote her also a letter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    your browser needs to be FIREFOX since this is a firefox add on.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    go to this link and download this https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when you have installed it and you are now playing our couple's video, just click the down arrow on the right side of the video downloader icon, that three colored globes - yellow, blue, red thing that seems to be moving like an atom - and you now can now download the video.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for clearer instructions, you can watch this step by step guide in youtube:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    enjoy watching our fave couple over and over again!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Psy: I personally think that in a relationship, phone calls are very important.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Psy: there's also a time when your senses overcome your feelings. (not sure if that's right, but it's what I got)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yonghwa: there's a specific time?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Psy: 11:30 PM. That's actually the time that's best for doing phone calls.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Psy: At that time, your sense of judgment is weakened. You feel like doing things you normally wouldn't want to do, you're basically the opposite of what you usually are.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PSY, you got this right!!! This is soooo true and appropriate for young lovers like our YongSeo couple!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you are doing a phone call you don't see the other person, you are less conscious of each other, thus less inhibited. And when it is late at night, your mind is less guarded. To such extreme you even feel a little bit intoxicated. And I bet, a cold night is the best time to do this! It's autumn already, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YongHwa, you should keep close to Psy, he could teach you a lot!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    His advices are no joke!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Late night phonecalls and perseverance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SeoHyun have long, late night phone calls with HyoYeon, right? Maybe it's Yonghwa's turn. kekek :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you so much MountainMadman! Thank you so much!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for the link!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just watched it, and here are some of my thoughts:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The part that came before Yonghwa's question (where Psy was pretending to hold a conversation with the girl) was supposed to be a demonstration on how to hold a successful phone conversation with someone you really like.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks MountainMadman for the translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It really made up for the lost WGM weekend along, of course,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    with the love concert fancams.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I feel that I am begging for YongSeo love. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    for MountainMadman ['cause it seems that WGM PDnim is right ~ YongHwa is still a "pure" guy]:

    Is it too much to ask for the whole translation of Yonghwa cut? Or at least how Psy gave advice and the simulated phonecall? It seems interesting that YongHwa genuinely feel amazed and thankful for the advice/counselling of Psy. Maybe the translation will help us understand and know YongHwa more. Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ... I’m obsessed about 2 Korean idols that I’ve never met...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ... They’re both easy on the eyes...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ... When they are going through a rough spot in their relationship, I’m sad.  When everything is lovey-dovey I’m on top of the world!...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ... And most of all, I don’t want to see either of them hurt in any possible way... I just hope they come out of their filming of WGM with their hearts and minds still healthy and unhindered by any bitterness or resentment...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ... But most of all I want them to END UP AS PARTNERS FOR LIFE!  THAT would be DAEBAK!  THAT would make the planets align, make me believe in the power of LOVE, warm my weary bones, make my heart melt and provide rest for my soul...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    luvtokki, I super love your post! You exactly captured what I feel for our YongSeo couple, from my impression of them, what i feel for them, to my wishes for them. I was just planning to repost a line but ended copying a lot. When I was thinking of what to send the "Why I love YongSeo couple" project, I really wanted to say this: "They’re both easy on the eyes." But I backed out, embarrassed that I would not make sense (and it would have been hard for me to explain why in the next 44 words :D ).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And to all goguma lovers, CNBlue will hold a Christmas Concert in Busan!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And that means...Seohyun can watch the concert and afterwards spend Christmas eve/day with YongHwa and the parents-in-law!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Am I asking too much? :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe we can make that as our Christmas wish for our favorite couple. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This is the alternative link that found:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yongseo Fanvid































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now, I know what I'll feel when YongSeo bids its goodbye.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This video makes me wanna cry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With news of not seeing our couple this Saturday
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is like a staring through a window in a gloomy day.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Damn! Why does 2AM sings so blue.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just wish that YongSeo is really true!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks to sun_sun for the video and j2dlee for the translation.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have been waiting for this to come out since 10 hours ago: :sweatingbullets: , BUT,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this video is totally worth the wait: clear resolution and smooth translation. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't mind waiting as long as it is as perfect as this!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for all the hard work.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm sure all gogumas would also want to give both of you what Yong handed over to Hyun at Inkigayo:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    an award with a silver STAR!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hey guys!
































































































































































































































































    i tried restraining myself from writing but after many times reading it,
































































































































































































































































    i have to say this:
































































































































































































































































    can you please stop saying "eyes _ _ _" blush.gif
































































































































































































































































    it hurts my eyes.
































































































































































































































































    i don't think our innocent & pure YongSeo couple matches that kind of image.
































































































































































































































































    maybe just use eye ship, like skinship.
































































































































































































































































    or adoring eyes :wub:
































































































































































































































































    or eye loving :wub:
































































































































































































































































    whenever I read the term I remember Yong saying (in the 1st epi, i think):
































































































































































































































































    "I would not put dirt on her." or something like that.
































































































































































































































































    of course intercourse is not dirty, per se, but....
































































































































































































































































    i hope you understand. i don't mean to offend anyone. blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Happy 1300th page! I also wish that will reach 2000, 3000 pages, until forever. :)
































































































































































































































































    First of all, thanks to the Chinese Gogumas! You are unbelievable!!!
































































































































































































































































    Second, thanks to the pollykpy for posting what our Chinese Gogumas discovered. That's why I keep on coming back to this forum. Small things that I miss are being captured by people here and those are actually the ones that make the YongSeo couple real.
































































































































































































































































    Third, thanks armedbattle fort the quick translation. (and BTW, i really like your name!)
































































































































































































































































    So, yes! Hyun really came to Yong & CNBlue concert.
































































































































































































































































    jnj is right, the photo signifies something since it was candidly taken.
































































































































































































































































    Seems like there was no WGM around to film the event.
































































































































































































































































    There were no leaked photos of Hyun attending the concert meaning they were really careful not to make it public.
































































































































































































































































    This precious picture was not even focused by PDnim, instead the framed scene actually slide fast to Hyun's turning of the next page.
































































































































































































































































    Of course, Hyun already met Yong's parents and brother.
































































































































































































































































    So, what proof do we still need?
































































































































































































































































    I'm sure we are all in the same page! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































    I hope there are no WGM BTS of Hyun watching the concert because that is more meaningful for us. THAT. IS. REAL. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I love the YongSeo Couple because it reminds me of pure, innocent first love: the sparkling eyes, the teasing smiles, the pouting lips, the careful touches, the soft giggles, the butterflies in the stomach, and the fast beating of the heart.
































































































































































































































































    It has been more than a week since I logged in here and the thread has ran loose pun intended)! It's good that sweetpotatodays blog keeps me updated with our couple's whereabouts. That reminds me to finally post this:
































































































































































































































































    genxv, your sweetpotatodays blog is the best!!! When days are so busy and I can't catch up with our soompi thread, i just take a peek at your blog. It's so organized and yet every essential YongSeo material is there. I really admire how you maintain it. Please extend my thanks to others who help you or co-administrate the blog.
































































































































































































































































    To ordinary_arie, I've been meaning to answer your post in page 1219 (whew, it seems that was ages ago :) I'm glad that you feel the same sentiments and like you I'm a fan of positvity of this thread. That's the reason why I joined this forum.
































































































































































































































































    sonnawabit, how's your subbing project? I hope you continue it.
































































































































































































































































    for mysweetpotato;
































































































































































































































































    seeing Honghyun being a stand-in for Yong in the concert rehearsal, I kinda liked Jongseo, too. Hahah. Although, I can't imagine them in WGM, i don't know who would initiate the conversation. But Hyun would really like Jonghyun's honest and straightforward comments, unlike someone i know































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Finally, i decided to join this hullabaloo. Yes, i choose to join. I could have just lurked, spazzed alone, laughed at the witty remarks, frown at overread analysis, ogle at all gifs, wait for kenconovie's latest episode link, j2dlee's translation, and sun_sun's hardsubs. Instead, I choose to write my take on this.
































































































































































































































































    First, on the epi and if it is scripted or not:
































































































































































































































































    "Jung Yong Hwa! Why didn't you even tell uri Hyun that you wouldn't contact her for a month because you'll be busy for your concert? You made her worry." (Me: screaming at Yonghwa in front of the goguma fandom)
































































































































































































































































    "Now, you are back to square one. I don't know when you'll have the chance to hold her hand again without being inside a haunted house or in a production number." (Me: sermonizing Yonghwa, but with a sad, regretful tone)
































































































































































































































































    Yonghwa: - adlib - (will answer whatever he wants, will act according to the way he wants, but have to consider his image as a KPop Idol, his company's PR reminders, and Hyun's character)
































































































































































































































































    Okay, that's a script.
































































































































































































































































    WGM has a general script but not a detailed one since WGM is a reality show. It is a show, which as much as possible, approximates reality. Nevertheless, it is a show.
































































































































































































































































    Now, considering these two main casts, Yonghwa and Seohyun, they may be following a general script but all words and actions, I choose to believe, are all theirs. You cannot fake that glimmer in their eyes nor those pouting or teasing lips.
































































































































































































































































    Maybe, the WGM production staged the epi to suit the concert theme. We know why Lovelight was chosen, but we where wondering why Run Devil Run. And I choose to think WGM scripted the last epi to give way to this song. In billiard/pool parlance, it is called "placing".
































































































































































































































































    Now, after watching last episode, after reading all the posts here, and after I tried to come up with a logical explanation as to why Yong didn't call Hyun after the momentous hand-holding, or if Hyun really came to the CNBlue concert or to the Make a Wish affair... I got a headache.
































































































































































































































































    At the end, I choose to believe what is just reel and what is real. No one can take that away from me because I am the one who choose what to believe as long as I remember the premise that this is just a reality show.
































































































































































































































































    Now, I would like to commend the gogumas here. I've seen how we responded before whenever some negativity rose up. But this latest one, i can see that gogumas have learned their lesson. The wordings are well-chosen, the tones are more respectful, replies to negative comments are more understanding. That's what I call "growth".
































































































































































































































































    I am aware that, even against my heart's wish, the story of the YongSeo couple will end. Like any other show, it will end. But at the end of the day, the first thing I search in my browser is this thread. Come Saturday, I wait for the latest episode. Before midnight strikes, I await j2dlee's translation. Come Sunday, I wait for sun-sun's hardsub.
































































































































































































































































    Why do I still do those things even though I know that this is just a show, a scripted one? Because I choose to. And even to some extent, I choose to believe that there's reality in that script.
































































































































































































































































    Okay, enough debriefing.
































































































































































































































































    Second, on the International Support for YongSeo couple:
































































































































































































































































    Some (if not a lot) are not happy the way their idol is being portrayed or treated in this reality show. Being an internatinal fan, I sometimes feel helpless, because WGM will only continue the YongSeo segment if Korean viewers supports the couple. And marketing sponsors rely on Korean viewers. But everytime, Hyun or Yong hold events outside Korea, the YongSeo fans shower them with their love and adoration. The pictures that I see in this thread are all proofs of that. And I am sure WGM surfs the net, right? So, for more love for this couple, let us support the 3rd YONGSEO INTERNATIONAL PROJECT http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com/2010/09/project-30-its-yongseo-world-afterall.html. Let us show our force. Currently we are already have views: 8009588, replies: 24362 in soompi. 8 MILLION!
































































































































































































































































    Third, some personal notes:
































































































































































































































































    mashamishmash: good to hear that those (-) are gone because I totally agree with you.
































































































































































































































































    luckynew: woah! that story with your ring and husband was sweet and touching. See, there's reality in this show. :wub:
































































































































































































































































    _d3seohyun: i agree with you. When Yong entered the salon, with his hood on his head, he was so charming! (see image below) For a moment, I want him for myself, but later on, I just thanked "The Forces" that he has been paired with our beautiful, intelligent, sincere Hyun.
































































































































































































































































    jnj: you don't have any negativity in you. your post are always cheerful. i think you choose to put a 4D whenever such posts come up. keep that up. :)
































































































































































































































































    anne0129: Yep, for me it was also staged for the duet.
































































































































































































































































    alexia92: last week, after the birthday epi, i also heard Katy Perry's song Hot n Cold and instantly remember the YongSeo couple, but it was more in the context of their mildang (push and pull; hard to get, etc.). And since it was an upbeat song, i related it with the couple in the context of young lovers having their ups and downs and in the end they kiss and make up, so for me it was fun. Katy Perry is fun, right?
































































































































































































































































    and to all lovely gogumas, men and women alike, let us water ourselves with YongSeo love so that we'll grow and bear more, whatelse...goguma love.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Seobaby, I have to confess. The moment your husband walked in through that door and flashed that































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    smile of his..I squealed hahaha..and I'm not really sure if it's because he was about to see you or because































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he was just looking too darn charming :lol: and that wasn't the only time...there were a couple more































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    instances after that LOL











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "your mind is so different from others"








    seohyun, really surprises us, everytime. we might see her as a conservative girl but actually she just have a mind of her own. and when she thinks of something she wants to do, she's going to do it no matter what.








    were not we surprised when she sang lovelight to yong? were not we amazed when she gave the ring to yong? isn't serenading and giving out rings delegated to men? but that is dictated by society. and hyun isn't just somebody who can be dictated.








    Way to go, gurl!








    luvtokki, i love your post! that's what we also experience when we like someone and we want to know more about them, right? we fish for info that might tell us about her/his past relationships, wishing that s/he has gotten over them. we also want to create memories that are firsts for both of us. :wub: giddy :wub:








    Ah! So we have ourselves a new slogan now
















    I like!















    also, KEEP THE FAITH is a song by Bon Jovi, Yonghwa's favorite. Here's some relevant lyrics dedicated to all of us supporters of YongSeo..and i might as well dedicate it to all the trolls passing by :D (woah! soompi does censor. have to spell differently.)








    Everybody needs somebody to love








    Everybody needs somebody to hate








    Everybody's bittching








    'cause they can't get enough








    Faith: you know you're gonna live thru the rain








    Faith: don't let your love turn to hate








    Right now we got to








    Keep the faith
















    So, please don't be upset by reponses by a few selected number of fans who mistakenly thinks that they have a personal right to everything that Yonghwa does. There are more fans who truly cares for Yonghwa as a person and the musician they've come to know since last year. I hope that my post reassured some people who might have been concerned...
















    ETA: The Korean netizens' responses to the Kanghwado (Birthday) episode of Yonghwa is hot and very postiven. I don't think I've seen reponses like this to any other episode of WGM this year. All the WGM related posts are the most online sites are talking about Yongseo couple this week. The episode was DAEBAK! Even with the nonfans of Yongseo. ;)








    ETA: I do have to mention that I don't usually go to the official CN Blue messageboard at their homesite. I go there to get CN Blue informations, schedules, and official notice from FNC, but I don't go to messageboard. That place scares me. One thing to note is that those who are most vocal at official messageboards are not necessarily the most dedicated supporters or the most supportive fans. They might just be the vocal ones. Don't let them get you upset or sway you. ;)















    dearest kay77: thanks a million for taking some time answering and clarifying things. i am so glad to know that YH/CNBLUE have fans like you. and i believe you are a real fan, you really like YH/CNBLUE and not just like any ther that jumps in the bandwagon and in the first sight of trouble or disklike runs away. CNBLUE should be admired beyond their good looks and personal lives. their music comes first. for me, it's the music that counts. just like back in my home country, we have this band that is so popular that even though they do not look that good their music is so much loved. even though they have disbanded, their music is still being played and loved across generations.








    kay77, i also admire you for being able to balance loyalty and objectivity. i think FNC should hire you as their publicist or PR. kekeke. :D








    by the way:








    1) hugs to you regarding your mom








    2) i wrote in p. 1160 that the scene i like most was the YongSeo couple blowing dandelions. high 5! next is, YH giving the couple necklace to Hyun and her mom. such a thoughtful guy. but Seohyun was really surprising. ok, i love them both. kekeke.








    to goguma fans: keep the faith!
















    Another scene that really moved me was Yonghwa's gift to Seohyun and her mom as well as his letter to her mom. That scene really had me in tears...because of something in my personal history with my mother and this one video of SNSD I've watched.








    I guess I can now say that I have never really been a fan of SNSD in the past. In fact, anybody who has an access to my personal blog and my youtube site knows that I had some problems with some of the comments they've made, dating back a couple of years or so. I've never really gave them a chance. Then, WGM with Yonghwa and Seohyun came along. I got curious about Seohyun and her relationship with her SNSD sisters so I beging watching some of their past interview videos. That is when I came across an episode of Chocolate with SNSD, one in which Seoyun's mom came out as a surprise quest. I couldn't finish watching that episode of Chocolate because I was in tears by the time I found out that SNSD girls' one forbidden word is a word "mom". It was at this time that my misconceptions of SNSD were washed away.















    thanks for this kay77








    I found the video. Though I didn't understand a word since it was not sub, I cried watching it.








    Seriously, how can you not like such a sincere girl like SeoHyun?








    SNSD Chocolate Seohyun's mom




























    I already finished watching the epi with subs!








    Thanks j2dlee, subbing even the caps!








    sun_sun, it's really hard work, isn't? but goguma fans will reward you with their love.








    jnj, yes, i waited for the whole episode to be thoroughly subbed,downloaded it in my disk, then watched it without any pause. but this is the second time that i watched it because i've seen it before without the subs. also, i'm not just a girl, i am a yongseo fangirl!!!! kekeke








    Just sharing:








    Though all parts of this episode are my favorites, I really feel different with this scene. It was candidly taken. The couple are in their own innocent world. :rolleyes: It is so refreshing.
















    now, i'll sleep. annyeong!




















    sun_sun, palli! palli! for episode 3! i'll wait for you to upload it before i watch the whole fireworks.








    i know you are having a hard time timing and typesetting maybe because you spazz after every second you watch. but i cannot blame you. this episode either makes you hold your breath or gives you hyperventilation.








    ok, my heart says "palli! palli!" to you but my mind says, "do not pressure the subbers!" kekek! :D








    Hearts to you sun_sun and j2dlee!









    I think this was the most beautiful episode of any K-drama I've ever watched. I guess there is some "reality" in Yongseo story in comparison to other dramas. They are like this most perfect fairy tale couple ever. I think Yongseo ruined me for K-dramas.








    I feel the same way, too. Of, course K-dramas have better editing, better lines, better timing/blocking, better lighting but they cannot beat the sincerity of this YongSeo episode because, precisely, there is something real between Yong and Hyun. No K-drama can top this for me. I don't even know if WGM can make an ending for the YongSeo couple that can top this episode. When they were walking, holding hands, fading from the camera, it was like they were heading off towards the sunset or disappearing behind the rainbow. :wub:








    Yes, I think K-dramas are ruined for me, as well. :blink:








    P.S. j2dlee, i'll pile another thanks to you!








    P.S.2 Our couple are still a hot topic in soompi!

















    hacker8 thats awesome! where do you go to view that?








    sorry to cut your post, panGG:








    i want to post the soompi forum board image here but i haven't learn to do that yet (i have to use imageshack, i guess) so you just follow this:








    Go to:








    www.soompi.com > forum > korean celeb photos > Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread








    or the link, then look for our speeding forum:
















    EDIT: here's a rather awkward image of it:




























    Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread








    CN Blue YongHwa & SNSD SeoHyun








    22,845 Replies
























    We may not have the highest number of replies (yet) but we have the most number of views! (Runner-up up has 6.6M)
















    And while the latest epi was shown there were 870+ viewers all at the same time (according to ...EDIT: crinkle_twinkle! - thanks!)








    and since i now have the time to backtrack some response:








    starsundaepower: how was it? did you manage to hold until the epi was shown? it was fireworks, right? me, i was speechless after watching it, and there was this weird feeling in my chest and stomach, it was as if i was also falling in love...waahh that was cheesy of me, but true! :wub:








    jnj: it's ok if you didn't take the challenge. i understand. it was hard for me as well. i forced myself to watch WGM I to distract myself. i guess after watching this episode you'll still find yourself hard to sleep. come on, let's stay awake and wait for the subs. :P
















    I knew it when I said in my previous post that despite uri Seobaby's so-called "inexperience" in a girl-boy relationship, she shouldn't be UNDERESTIMATED. More that the constant rumbling and ranting of non-believers tagging her as "slow" in terms of skinship, I personally wouldn't trade everything she prepared and did for Yong's Birthday--- the surprise event, imitating the gag artist singing "Love Light" to the Story Book of Yong and Hyun, to the Couple RINGS and finally having the guts to ask YongHwa of the real meaning of the song "Love Light" and why does it bear the lyrics "I'm Genie for you Girl"----- which she all did think of and prepared by herself. No amount of public display of affection A.K.A "skinship" can outdo or even simply match what Seobaby has done. The term "shabby" she used to describe her presents was definitely and undoubtedly an "UNDERSTATEMENT". For a beginner, she has given her best!















    I was tearing up the moment she started revealing her surprises to Yong.








    Seobaby is simply a very RARE creation. No wonder she's been continuously winning the hearts and affection of people surrounding her.








    Never have I been touched by just so simple yet very significant and meaningful Birthday gift-giving and surprised event.








    Cleary, This episode is the "TURNING POINT" in their relationship.








    j2dlee, where art thou our angel. I shall camp here to patiently wait for your translation.








    This is the BEST amongst the BEST episodes so far!!!















    I reposted what miel_1301 said because I second her thoughts and I'm too excited to compose words because of the latest episode so I'll just repost her post. Am i making sense? Obviously not. What am I trying to say?








    That Jung Yong Hwa is an amazing person,








    That Seo Joo Hyun is an amazing person,








    Putting them together the word "amazing" would be an understatement.








    Yong and Hyun: thanks for surprising us.








    Yong's Mom and Hyun's Mom: Thank you for giving birth to these two amazing people.








    To all Goguma fans: After, this episode, don't you feel that we want to hug each other and cry in happiness after all the trials, arguments, trolling, losing faith, skepticism we have experienced in this thread?





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