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Posts posted by bitchgoddess


















































































    YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 1/2





































    YONGSEO is getting married FOR REAL 2/2









































































    Thank You SDD Prod for making this possible






















    since thread is slow, i just want to thanks the SANGDO-DONG Productions!!!








    Kubih - Im sure you are one of the forces behind this. Hahah!)








    So, now, we find something positive in not understanding Korean.








    We could make our own dialogue, according to our wishes and no one would tell the difference,








    with that perfect synchronicity of subs with the talking








    and matching facial expression.








    Love it! Hahah!








































    Looking back at the one year our YongSeo couple spent time together, I said it back then (p. 1151 & 1500) and I’ll say it again, my favorite episode which ruined Kdramas for me is EPISODE 27, their 14th WGM meeting.








    There are so many thing to spazz about in this episode but I’m going to enumerate the most important and meaningful ones. It’s a turning point in their relationship in so many ways.








    Celebrations of anniversaries are remembering of being together but birthdays, for me, are opportune times to let you feel a person how thankful you are for her/his becoming. That’s why …








    EPI 27 NUMBER 1 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: Yong’s appreciation and respect for the mother of his wife








    Yong gave Hyun a couple necklace. Not for them both but for Hyun and her mom, who brought Hyun in this world. By this gesture, we could see how Yong treat women. He gives importance and respect to them and I was amazed by this. This boy is just 21 and he showed so much maturity by acknowledging the ability of women to give birth. And this was not acting. He was consistent. Remember what he wrote for his parents when he gave them cards when he was younger? “Thank you for having me.”








    EPI 27 NUMBER 2 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: “From a girl to a lady…”








    That was the title of this episode. We were surprised but most importantly Yong was surprised by the ability of Hyun to show her courageous appreciation for a man. Yong exclaimed, “Seo Joo Hyun, so you do have such a side?” Who would have thought that Hyun would be the one doing the serenading? A woman serenading a man? And she was the one who bought the rings! Isn’t that a man’s usual share of wedding responsibilities? Who thought that Hyun is just prim and proper? She might be called pure but she has belief in her actions. She got out of the box! She smashed her stereotyped image! And Yong recognized this. You could see and feel his awe, his eyes wide and glazed with amazement. Truly, Hyun was not the girl anymore that Yong first met at the MBC Lobby, she has turned into a woman.








    EPI 27 NUMBER 4 REASON WHY IT IS DAEBAK: Their development as a couple.








    This reason has two instances where we could see that the YongSeo couple had their first turning point (Japan episode being the second). First, the conversations that followed after Hyun gave the rings, especially when they were talking about the Sarangbit composition. I very much like how Yong said his lines. They were so raw. I truly believed that even this is a reality SHOW, those were sincere questions and persuasions by Yong: “What is it?” (referring to Hyun’s beating around the bush of whom he got the inspiration for the Sarangbit rap part) and “Say it out. Quickly.”, followed with his jashik explosion. I feel that every time Yong explains something for Hyun regarding very sensitive and personal matters, he explains slowly, contemplatively, and in a low voice (this also happened in Japan, wherein he encouraged Hyun to initiate phone calls for him). For me these are sincere and raw moments for the couple.








    Second, the holding hands. Yes, they do have their eyeships and their unusual skinships (hand wrestling, patting each other’s backs, foot wrestling, etc.) but holding hands is the official skinship. This is the episode that they had their first hand holding. It’s not From-a-girl-to-a-lady theme anymore, it’s more of a Couple-relationship-and-no-turning-back. A couple’s relationship is more felt or official or validated when you have your first holding-hands because it is a signal that you are allowing your partner to your personal space. And for Hyun that’s a big deal. After this intimate gesture, there was no turning back. For all of us viewers, and the MCs as well, this was a much anticipated event in their relationship. It was like, finally, they are truly a couple now.








    For me, it was like a beautiful ending for a Kdrama, that’s why I said that this episode ruined all the Kdramas for me. Nothing could top that exhilarating feeling of a well-ended anticipation. YONGSEO is REAL!






































    To YONG and HYUN!






























    To US, gogumas!






































    EPISODE 27
















    PS. Thanks to YongSeo International, bezbezbez and company!!!
































    Here I am crazily joining the wagon...changed my avatar!!!















    Happy 1st anniversary to our YongSeo couple!!!








    ^^ While watching (without understanding, translators, pls!) Yong's interview, I saw the photoshopped wedding photos of our Vietnamese gogumas! The Korean media really caught the photos! I wonder how the real wedding photos will top the already daebak photoshopped ones.








    And the ring is there! ( I have to admit, I'm one of those who anticipate seeing the rings).








    Justephoy, i heard a Mocca song from WGM 1 (it's over now) and I fell in love with it! Sometimes, I'm really amaze that us Asians can do songs that can parallel, or even outdo Western styles. It's just that we need exposure!
























    Y: How old are you going to live?








    H: I’m going to live healthily.








    Y: Around 100 years?








    H: That seems about right.








    Y: Then I’ll live until 101.








    H: That’s too much.








    Y: Why?








    H: We need to die together…








    Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain








    H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.















    Y: Yeah.








    H: Do you really want to live until 101?








    Credits: Mountainmadman. (Thanks a lot for translations ^^)















    Instead of being disappointed with Yong for saying that Hyun is nagging (which honestly, for me, was just a natural, stereotypical couple joke) I'm more surprised ~ okay disappointed with Yong because he didn't answer Hyun's cheesy line with his usual witty remarks.








    But then again I wouldn't want to dwell on it. Instead, I'll just hold to the idea that this was Hyun's first time saying a cheesy line, wasn't? Maybe Yong was just surprised and stumped to say anything. His expression said it all. He was loving the idea. Heheh.








    Question: What did Yong said between








    H: We need to die together…
















    H: What am I talking about?








    around 10:34-35 at What did Yong said?








    jnj, i agree! And I've been meaning to post this long time ago but just didn't have the right timing:








    They should hug! Kiss I would really, really like but i think it's impossible at this point. Besides a hug is more meaningful (for me). It's a very comforting feeling. It's like you feel that someones loves you and you feel sure of that feeling. It's a feeling of security, as well. There have been many times when I wished Yong would hug Hyun. Can't remember at this point but for this episode, I just want Yong to console Hyun when Hyun said "I'm seriously going to cry" when Yong surprisingly touch her sole. After Hyun slapped Yong's arm, I hoped Yong would just hug her. Hahah. Crazy me.








    Anyway, thanks to Mountainmadman, Aisou45, Scatterbrain and Tetsuya!








    seohyungeneration, i agree with you that Yong should buy Hyun flowers, out of the blue! Also, with your thoughts that Yong (i know that you are referring to him) should know that a date is truly enjoyable when both parties enjoy it. Don't worry when JYH watches this episode he'll know that. Hahah! That will be a lesson for all of us. (But you know what? When I am being given a good massage, I really tend to forget everything!)
































    Note: If you're NAUGHTY: You'll like their Conversation in this Video. hahaha!








    **Nightshifters - you'll enjoy this! hahah.








    Sangdo Dong Parody After Having Breakfast















    A MUST SEE!!!!!























    Sangdo Dong PARODY after breakfast








    credits to Kubih of #gogumaleaks and Ammel123 of #go-chun















    BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol::w00t:








    I love this video more than the original dialogue!








    Goguma fans are really repressed! (you know what kind, right?)








    Even though a lot of "creative" skinship is going between our two leads








    We still want more, more than more!








    Kubih, you are really.....!!!!!








    I always read you SPD chats and guys there always tell you








    to go to gogumaleaks. Hahahah!








    But this parody really made me laugh! So witty!








    Thanks ammel for the upload and typesetting (?)








    Thanks lenovo, for sharing. :)
























    i think it was an ep. 1








    Seohyun gave his a nick name "yong" which is "dragon".








    i wish i can make a screencap :sweatingbullets:








    n also they called him YONG i think on his early childhood (i read somewhere b4..)






















    dramafre4k, you're right! "Yo~ong," i think means dragon. Thanks!








    Now, just looking over allkpop:








    HYUN! why are you wearing a BLUE hoodie?








    Seohyun's Blue Hoodie
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    cr. yonghwa twit. kkkkkkkkkkkkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from 흑룡 (흑=black 룡=Dragon)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    After dyed black, 흑룡 is yongs's new nickname
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a poor translation. lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's cold night at Paju(city name)... Everyone!! Happy new year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you have many blessings, give it to me. kkkk
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have a nice holiday. Let's meet on sunday!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    from. black dragon































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    He was called "dragon" before, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just can't remember when, where, and what context.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And what is he doing at Paju?!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's Tuesday, maybe filming WGM with Hyun?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or maybe having alone time before the come back?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Skateboarding, skiing before the next season melts the snow?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since it's Lunar New Year Holidays
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe vacationing with the family?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or with the CN Blue bros?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ok, just rambling...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ANINK, Thanks for the BTS alert!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Scatterbrain, Lumpiere, thanks for the quick translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Why did we fear before that YongSeo will end?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    All those posts about YongSeo following Adam Couple's footsteps,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    being busy and tired, new drama, held hands and nothing more to see, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But after the Busan trip, it seems that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    a new chapter has started!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With this new level of comfort,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I do feel that they still have a lot to show us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    YongSeo, you really do the unexpected!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PS. Aneng, in your posted image, I find Hyun looking like Jang Geun Seuk, who's smile is really cute and to die for!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong's flirt at full blast!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She has flirted a little in some episodes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I firmly believe that
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hyun will be able to catch this full blast flirt.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She's a fast learner as we all know.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong, you are really good
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But watch out.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Students can outdo their teacher at times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And when that happens, you can never go back.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "All you gotta to is hold her’ and KISS HER’ and squeeze her’ and love her.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And after you do’ she will be yours."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EDIT: manners, hacker, manners... thanks to vmasterpiece, Destinedsone_tiffany, and Dduk!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hoot for Thai Gogumas!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You're jjang!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Heard the audioclip of Yong singing balmal song
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and thai fans almost broke my eardrums! hahah!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And they really memorized the lyrics
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (but i also caught myself singing along.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i guess it was the effect of the 10 filming takes).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was just thinking,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can we reach 2000 pages during YongSeo's 1st anniversary?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So that in their second year,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    we'll have another thread. hahah!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just thinking aloud.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Moderators, I'm just being funny.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Give me YongSeo (forgiveness). :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Annann, i borrowed your pictures. I hope you don't mind.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just want to say that I feel a couple vibe here. I don't know. Maybe because they are in front of Yong's childhood friends who are not celebrities, real people who don't have to act (i truly hope so). It is as if Hyun has to depend on Yong and Yong is so proud of Hyun. Yong don't have to say that Hyun is his wife because the friends know that already. It is given, thus the couple vibe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks M3 for the translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And for the messages:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Valentine's is celebrating love. Yong and Hyun, celebrate each other as finding each other is magic itself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1st Anniversary:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Congratulations for being together for a year! May you create a lot of beautiful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    memories together in the future, take care and cherish each other, grow more fondly of each, express more your feelings towards each other as this would help you understand yourselves better and appreciate each other more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am so glad that they filmed again!
































































































































































































































































    Assuring our anxious, fragile hearts.
































































































































































































































































    But... I have to say this... please let me...
































































































































































































































































    Hyun, books again???!
































































































































































































































































    You love reading books,
































































































































































































































































    I love readings books, too.
































































































































































































































































    But I don't think those are the things that can make Yong say, "Yipee!"
































































































































































































































































    (Remember his reaction in Tours Les Jours when you gave him books?)
































































































































































































































































    Hyun, it's time to give Yong other things.
































































































































































































































































    Find things that interests him.
































































































































































































































































    Oh good god, help this girl. :tears:
































































































































































































































































    Where are those 8 unnies?
































































































































































































































































    Jungmo oppa, what does a rocker want?
































































































































































































































































    To all Seo biased, please kindly use your soshi powers.
































































































































































































































































    So, now, kill me...give me those (-)s.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is the ring Seohyun wearing their wedding ring????






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am kind of obsessed with their rings. I have seen YongHwa wear the ring so so many times outside of filming and I wonder if Seohyun does the same. I watched cuts of SNSD Come to Play and Seohyun was wearing a ring and the pictures above with white HOOT outfit. It looks like the couple ring.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Am I right??!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just want to make sure Seohyun is doing the same and staying true to the couple thing.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Cute video I found! Check it out!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yonghwa dancing to G6































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Some of our loyal gogumas are saying
































































































































































































































































    that Yong can dance but really,
































































































































































































































































    all i can say is ...ah...hmmm..ehh...
































































































































































































































































    it's good that buin can really dance...
































































































































































































































































    they complement each other.
































































































































































































































































    Hyun can teach him to dance and
































































































































































































































































    Yong can teach her to compose songs. Perfect! :)
































































































































































































































































    I read somewhere here that
































































































































































































































































    obsessed ring finders are called gollum?
































































































































































































































































    Can we change that?
































































































































































































































































    I really hate Gollum, he's slimy.
































































































































































































































































    Maybe we change to: Gogllum? :D
































































































































































































































































    Just dropping by! Wave to jnj, kyung16, and everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    kyung16: high-5! hello! nice to meet you...virtually! likewise, i'm so happy to meet someone who have the same thoughts as mine. hmmm...maybe we'll have a grand reunion if Yong and Hyun will get married for real someday? We'll wait outside the church, the hotel, the garden or wherever they choose to get married! Hahah!
































































































































































































































































    LalaCAKES: thanks for the reply :)
































































































































































































































































    JUST PLAYING AROUND since thread is quiet :)
































































































































































































































































    I was watching Secret Garden and found parallelism to our YongSeo Grand Wish (i.e. for them to be real) and to Hallyu Star Oskar's situation. One of our gogumas already pictured a picture of Oska but I'll post it again and more:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yong has really set a trend: this winter skinship style
































































































































































































































































    And do you know who has that same hair style?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Our YongSeo Grand Wish
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don't know if I'll be disappointed with this or be glad.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Disappointed: Why B2st? Why not CNBlue?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Glad: Does that mean CNBlue can date, but not B2st? Hahah!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The clinch is: Yong is not 36 but 22! Can't be cool like Oskar, yet? What do you think, my goguma chinggus?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh, and can someone clarify this for me?  i think i read two translations, but this is regarding the conversation between yong and his mom while seo was in the bathroom:
































































































































    in one translation, his mom tells him, "it's important that your personalities [mesh well], though."  and in another, she says something along the lines of their personalities actually working well together.  the first one is throwing me off because it suggests that she's advising her son that he should be with someone who has a similar personality, and thusly, that seo might not be the right fit, but the second one is obviously saying that they do work well.  also, the first translation kind of contradicts what his mom said to seo about her not needing to change anything.
































































































































    so, clarifications anybody?































































































































































































































































    I was just going to brush it off but lovekin noticed it and jnj commented on it so I want to reinforce the two particular moments that left me bothered:
































































































































    1) What's the right translation of YM when she said to Yong that their personalities must match well? Or rather, given the the tone or how YM said it, what does she mean? With all due respect, I'm not questioning Dduk's translation. Translating is really complex since you have to consider the right cultural context and minding the person's character and his/her gestures and tone of voice.
































































































































    2) When Yong said, "of course i'll be good to her because she's my wife" I was really bothered by that answer. Why is his reply like that? Was it because a) he's a guy, and a Busan one, and talking to his mom about his feelings is uncomfortable? B) it's the easier and obvious answer; this is just a show, why think so much of a good answer? c) it's just that. Period.
































































































































    Maybe, a native speaker can shed light?
































































































































    for lovekin and for those who are lovekin-like minded:
































































































































    I know that maybe I'm thinking too much. That's why I want to brush these off. Because the more I think about every little thing, I get involve too much, hoping that they get together for real. Looking for clues, even with small gestures, makes me forget that these two people have their own private lives. My sister said that, just enjoy the show. What you read and see is just that. Don't analyze it. And I remember what Seohyun said in their site (not exactly like this):
































































































































    Fan: I love watching WGM!
































































































































    SH: Thank you for enjoying watching it since I also enjoy FILMING it.































































































































































































































































    Things I love at this epi:
































































































































    Everyone is saying how Yong look at Hyun "lovingly" in this epi and how supportive Yong was. But for me, the confirming looks of Hyun makes me spazz more and the quiet conversations that pass between the two of them while YM is at the other side of the table. I don't know why but maybe because of the level of comfortability of Hyun towards Yong. Ex:
































































































































    > Hyun softly saying to Yong that he should serve mother food first.
































































































































    > When Hyun says "delicious" and looks at Yong. Even though she is focused on giving good impression to YM, she didn't forget Yong's presence.
































































































































    > When Hyun requesting Yong to hand over the presents.
































































































































    > When Hyun said that she buys him a lot of gifts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    S: this is a present for you mother.
































































































































































































































































    S: it’s Glucosamine and omega 3
































































































































    <while in Japan bought…. Healthy presents>
































































































































































































































































    <she has another present!>
































































































































    S: And this is…this is for mother. It’s a scarf.
































































































































































































































































    YM: She only bought things that I like.































































































































































































































































    I suddenly remember Seohyun and the of rest SNSD guested at Come to Play recently. She was asked:
































































































































    MC: Is there anything that would make your mom very happy?































































































































































































































































    SH: Of course, material presents are just as important...































































































































































































































































    MC: Like what?































































































































































































































































    SH: Like health products and necklace...
































































































































    SH's gifts to her mom starting at 22:22
































































































































    Everybody was spazzing that SH's mother must be happy when Yong gave her the couple necklace. Apparently, someone from this thread corrected this and said that the translation should be scarf instead of necklace. In that case Hyun gave Yong's Mom the the things that she gives to her mom, as well; things that she thinks are important and make mothers happy. And Hyun and Yong's moms appreciate similar things! Woah * delusions again* (stop it!)
































































































































    axy569: I was thinking the same, too about Hyun going to the bathroom. Hahah!
































































































































    3M (sounds like a known brand :) : don't be frustrated. We still appreciate you much!
































































































































    Dduk: thanks a lot!































































































































































































































































































































































































    YM: should we go to Italy?































































































































































































































































































































































































    whaaat?! Is this the reason why they want to go to Italy? But then the episode where we saw the amended wish list is before this episode, right? Coinsidence or Goguma Mystery Room?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    January 14 is CN Blue's anniversary date
































































































































    January 14 is Yong's single digital release
































































































































    January 14 will be an unforgettable date for Yong and for us goguma fans.
































































































































    Questions though:
































































































































    1) Translation of the song has been posted here but I haven't seen the romanization of the title: For First-Time Lovers
































































































































    It would be nice to know how to say/recognize this in Korean just like Lovelight being Sarang Bit
































































































































    2) Somebody here asked if the cover was drawn by Yong as well and it got me looking at it comparing with his caricature style and just notice. I can't see the similarity except for the clouds that could be mistaken for his goguma drawings but I noticed that there's the world from:_ _ _ . I recognize the Jung but are the following characters Yong Hwa in flair fonts?
































































































































































































































































































































    Alex covered a song
































































    The Adam asked someone to pen a song for them
































































    But our Yong... he wrote one by himself.
































































    I'm not here to brag. I've watched all the episode of AlShin and cried when I watched their farewell and I truly enjoyed Adam couple. I can confidently say that I love most watching these three couples + Lettuce couple but I can't really stop stating facts: I'm proud of our Yong! Banmal Song currently trending worldwide at no. 6!
































































    <3 <3 <3
































































































































































































































































    Preview : First-Time Couple in Love by Jung Yong Hwa
































































    or should I say Prehear :)
































































    Really nice acoustic guitar.
































































    Now, I can sleep.
































































    Night night, gogumas!
































































































































































































































































    "Hopefully we can fall in love with each other"
































































    If SeoHyun will say yes to Yong, fantastic!






























































































































































































































































    However, if SeoHyun would defer, we'll have Yong to ourselves!!!






























































































































































































































































    Any goguma girl will have him anytime! Hahah!






























































































































































































































































    It's a win-win situation.






























































































































































































































































    :wub: delusionally spazzing :wub:































































































































































































    Thanks mountainmadman for a fantastic translation.
































































    Now I can safely guess how much truth is in this song.
































































































































































































































































    sapphire18, thanks for the For First-Time Couple in Love lyrics!
































































    I've read the english translation over at sweetpotatodays chatbox. It's so sweet! (I want to go back to my delusional YongSeo self and hope that this is what they really feel for each other.)
































































    Everybody there is having a heart attack... or crying.
































































    Can't post the trans here since I have no permission.
































































    can't find my favorite line 'cause, seriously, they are all spazzingly sweet!
































































    I hope Yong could sing this in English so that International YongSeo fans could feel it more.

































































































































    Edit: I am dying to know what he have to say to her... I think that as FNC stated they cant use SH is lyrics... Why SM wouldnt let SH record this song... it is intriguing... uhhhmmm... Lets put it in the Goguma Mystery Room... kekekeke
































































    GOGUMA MYSTERY ROOM! Nice one!!!!
































































    Is this your own term Kerube-chan? Sorry, I backtract before but I just skim over the posts and haven't notice the term if it has been mentioned before.
































































    It would really be a useful room for me. I have questions of my own and then I read over our thread to find answers but sometimes I end up having more question. I guess I'm crossing over from reel to real or from real to reel. Headache! (with my midfingers pressing my temples ala Hyun). In the end, I just tell myself, only JYH and SJH knows what's real and what's not. But now, I have the GOGUMA MYSTERY ROOM! Thanks for creating that. :)

































































































































    That means, Yonghwa is weak to compliments. In other words, Yonghwa responds very well to compliments. What Shinhye was encouraging Seohyun to do is to freely compliment him whenever he does something nice or something good because he is weak to compliments ( or also can be read as "he responds well to compliments or he has a particular weakness for complements").
































































    Nice job _d3seohyun, i want to collect pictures like these, too. Such rare precious spazzable moments.
































































    again, big thanks to kay77 and scatterbrain.
































































    Do you remember the episodes where Yong would always say to Hyun, "I am cool right?" . Example was when he showed Hyun his room full of musical instruments.
































































    There was also this one time that he said, "Compliment me." Sorry I forgot which episode.
































































    Or when he said, "I did right, right?" When he bought just 2 goguma fields because if he bought more than 2 they would have a hard time planting sweet potatoes.
































































    I remember these because ...

    ... these are rare times when my eyebrow would raise because of Yong's behavior. Not that it's bad but it's just me. I'm a type of person who would like his man to wait for compliments and not solicit them. Though Yong is forgivable since he's pretty (bolmaejung!) and I understand that is part of his playful nature.
































































































































































































































































    kun-cheero, from what I understand "He's very weak to compliments" it could be either he seldom gives compliments like the PSHIF translation OR one of his weakness are compliments as DDuc/Lalacakes translated. You have to shower him with compliments or acknowledge his presence.
































































    I go with the last one. It makes sense with the next sentence, "When people don't greet him brightly, his mood will be down the whole day." That's why MC Miseon sid,"I can't remember if I greeted him brightly last time."
































































    I hope that helps. :)

































































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