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Posts posted by Lyssa

  1. 3 hours ago, violet90 said:

    its been a while but from what i see everything that happen recently don't have any effect on both of them.. also the MIA from public and social media for me is really the planned one because now both of them have no new project and can just lay low and make a comeback from their respective field eg acting and singing..

    also seriously both of them really not the subtle couple at all.. the ig post that exactly the same just a day apart just make me really smilling because its seem JG can't just keep in down at all.. the first one promoting and second is personal.. if its just a coincidence than they really have a scary fate between them.. too much coincidence happen since they knew each other... 

    i don't think anything change from last we saw them and who knew maybe they meet each other or keeping in touch cause just look at how far they come from the BTS to SAF night and Taiwan night... nobody knew what going on except them but the way they look at each other really make me stay in this ship even more... there just something different in a way they look at each other now than before..

    and what i know for sure its that its more than just a co worker or close colleagues... 

    keep calm and belive in JoonU


    My six sense strongly suggest they're already in a relationship.  Provocative caption from LJG 'We Can Make It'...Red code love lyric...Yup! they're in love :heart:...or/and based on latest LJE appearance in Hanna's IG...should i say...Love Is In The Air???..:heart::heart:... *speculation infection at your own risk* :D


    • Like 24
  2. 10 minutes ago, nsyavita said:

    looking at Hanna pic, i can help to be delulu and these are my delulu mind theories :D

    hmm..JG'manager liked Hanna post? could that be actually JG who did it? (he could be borrowed his manager acc to cover up:tongue:

    was it only 2 of them? could it be others who joined them too, probably JG was actually beside JE, cause the table was too big for only 2 ppl (ahh..why i always focused on the table :lol:) and Hanna put loves sign above JE'pic,my delulu mind thinking JE is in love. 


    Exactly..Jieun is in love :heart:

    • Like 23
  3. On 1/26/2017 at 7:45 PM, kriswu said:

    I'm crying he's so active in IG LOLLL and the word "love" and heart emojis are all over the place. JoonGi's IG bio should be "NO CHILL" hahahaha :D

    Also wanted to share with you all my first JoonU FMV. It's not much but I've collected these JoonU moments from the SAF to remind me why I am in this ship lol (and it seems a lot of us fully shipped JoonU after the drama awards) so when haters are out to put us and our JoonU down, their SAF moments should be our reminder to not waver. When the water has run dry, sit and watch for the rising clouds. I hope you like it, chingus. Have a nice day xx :wub: IN BBJX CURSE, I TRUST.

    Beautiful mv kris... Luv it so much! I'

    • Like 14
  4. Nowaday..he keep reveiling his chest huh...  stargazers, i think he is really lurking here~~  Fan service LJG ssi???  Not that i'm complaining tho..

    But..i really lurve LJG wif yellow outfit he wore 2nite..so sweet...accompany wif pink bunny..  Confirm then!  He was hereeeee...he knows wat we want & he fed us!!  Gud... he will knows all the analysis about LJE then.. You come to the right place LJG ssi..Gud for U!!!:D

    • Like 21
  5. 6 hours ago, chi13lou said:

    If appa also attends tomorrow, wouldn't that be the cherry on top?


    Dear chi...sorry to cut your post...

    Maybe not only appa but..eomeoni also?  I wonder does LJG mom shows up in any of LJG function before?  I believe she watched all of LJG dramas and shows.  And we know what MLSHR done to us....:blush:  How is not to fall for our LJE? You noe wat i mean?...:rolleyes:

    • Like 18
  6. 3 hours ago, starcandy0516 said:

    Guys!! Guess what I just got from IU gallery just now? At first, I doubt if I should share this or not on this thread. It's regarding to IU and Voldy break up news .. So, I'll put it on spoiler ..



    I love U...I really love U!!!  U r my happy pill...I know i can count on U!  God bless U...:heart:

    Group hug guys!!!!:bawling:...BBJX Miracle...pls...pls...come true...  Oh wow...now how am i going to sleep..:wub:

    • Like 19
  7. 7 hours ago, shrvirus said:


    About leaked kiss scene:

    if it's supposed to be forced kiss why JG-Jieun face position in the same alignment. It's like Jieun sat in JG lap :D. If it does forced kiss since Jieun shorter, JG position should be slightly hunch and Jieun face slightly up. Hehe... Or maybe they practicing forced kiss like mutual kiss since they comfy each other. Practice make perfect right?!


    Haha...that wat i tot too..give me five!  Oh yesss... u r right..practice make perfect.. They sure need its... But that particular kiss scene...Oh my THEY REALLY LOOK LIKE IN LOVE and absorb in the moment....  That why i really mad at SBS....grrrrr

    Sorry to cut your post chingu ya...

    • Like 14
  8. 1 hour ago, Joseph Lim said:

    Just want to share something about IU. I am putting it in spoiler cause it is not about JoonU.

      Hide contents

    Although IU is a musical genius, she still have to work hard for her songs. Sometimes people think because she is talented in music, songs magically come to her. Because we seldom get to see her preparing her songs, we don't get to see the efforts that goes into it. Only those who work with her knows of her effort but from time to time we get a glimpse of things.

    Our baby didn't sleep all night working hard for her songs:bawling:  She still find the time to help her friend and don't want credit for her effort:astonished:

    People have been saying IU is loyal to her friends. What does beening friend to IU mean? The above example you can see IU will stay up late to help her friend write lyrics without taking any credit. Below you will see other examples of how IU go out of her way to help her friends and never ask for anything in return.

    IU help make collaboration possible

    IU kept her featuring promise and help make comeback



    IU singing in restaurant for her friend

    IU don't mind embarrassing herself in public to help her trouble friend:confounded:

    Sometime it seen like people are taking advantage of her but IU who know how harsh the entertainment industry can be want her friends to succeed too that's why she always so ready to help. If it's for her character flaw of lacking confidence in herself, she would be an angle already. However it is her character flaw is what make her relatable as a person.

    For new Uaena who want to support IU, here is a link you can find how you can support her officially.


    tbh i was not both of our OTP fans before MLSHR.  Everyday.. i learn more about them from this thread.  Make me adore & respect them even more.  Read your post..my first impression is like....Oh wow...She is such an angel.  And then make me tot that..maybe partly due to this LJE has a lot of haters.  You know in the world we are living...there are some sadist people whose can't accept goody two-shoes or for them something too good to be true.. Sorry to say but i believe most of them are female fan.  Jelous maybe..because she has everything they don't have? i don't know..maybe i am wrong..cmiiw...They just wait for LJE to slip and make an issue out of its...  But i also believe they are small in number... 

    I need not to worry actually...because LJE also has a lot of true fans and friends who will protect her and her knight in shining armour LJG who will be always by her side..:heart:

    Sorry for my limited english..

    • Like 21
  9. On 1/19/2017 at 6:59 AM, kriswu said:

    It's been two months and I still can't get over the fact that the director deleted these scenes.

    THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE (I saw this pic before the drama aired and this was actually one of the reasons I was eager to livestream every episode lol bc I was waiting for this!!) I believe this was another kiss scene and not the forcedkiss because it looks like Soo's hand is on So's neck and they look so in love. *cries* This is much much much better than their first mutual kiss.

    *fans self* imagine all the other kiss scenes that got deleted. And here is our boy, JoonGi, still complaining and saying he wants more kiss/romantic scenes for SoSoo :rolleyes: Seriously if he is not in love, then he must be out of his mind while saying that because JE is still with Voldy...not lol :wub:

    And this one too~ Although I'm not sure if this was a BTS or an actual scene. Either way, it's a win-win for us SoSoo and JoonU shippers. Lol

    Lastly, the backhug. Is it too selfish of me to actually want to see them doing this scene in a "video" and not in a freaking "picture"?? -_- I'M STILL SO MAD AT SBS LIKE WHERE IS OUR JUSTICE. Lolol

    Sorry for the long rant. But I also want to say thank you to our fanfic writers! I've read and subscribed to everything. You guys are just brilliant <33

    Woooo....wat i missed out here! Yah SBS!... now i really mad...mad...mad....:angry:

    The kissing scene really make my heart racing... Get real you two! Aish... BBJX MIRACLE..PLS..PLS COME TRUE

    • Like 13
  10. On 1/17/2017 at 8:10 PM, meeibe16 said:
    it's lil bit out of topic.. but im happy for both of them, JW is one of my fav K Actor and BoA is one of my fav singer too (ofc my fav of the favs is IU hhehhe).. the new Powerful Couple.. congrats!

    and who's the next? I really praying hard that our JoonU will be the next XD
    please God granted our wish.... amen...:)


    Wow....one after another huh...  Moon Hee Joon + Soyul..then Hyun Bin + Kang Sora...next Rain to wed Tae Hee..and ya..the new couple in town Joo Won + BoA..

    Oh heart, pls pls be patient...  when the time is right...our JoonU sure will announce..:heart: You will have our full support and blessing...our precious couple LJG and LJE

    • Like 17
  11. Hi stargazers..Since our thread is a bit silent nowaday..my mind start to wonder and delusion to the max...haha..

    If we're in LJG and LJE shoes..how we're going to date without being caught? heee:D  Group gather again?  No privacy huh....

    imo..dating in the car with tinted window glass is no longer practical.  That's the famous way celebrity couple been caught by Despatch isn't it...

    So that is why i'm still thinking about that couple leather jacket things... Yes, the leather jackets... How can i forget..LJG & LJE LEATHER JACKETS..and LJG is soooo hot in it!  I did mention in my previous post on how romantic will be if they both on motorbike date...  Back hugging... Face on the shoulder...:blush:  With helmet :ph34r:on..nobody will recognise them right?  heee:D me and my delulu...  What to do..i miss them like crazy..

    Sorry for my limited english.

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  12. So..........LJG next will be Criminals Mind with Kim Ah Jung.  tbh i'm still can't move on from MLSHR and not ready to see him with other than LJE atm.  Seem like he already moved on...idk why i feel like heart broken....

    MLSHR love story somehow touch me deeply...and funny is..it is just a drama.  No love should be ended like WS/SH love story... It is the saddest love ever..  Even listening to OST...my heart broken into pieces all over again... 

    Reality bites!.... I miss them already...our LJG & LJE...

    Having said that...heee:D...i really want to see LJE romcom with good friend Lee Hyun Woo.  Their lead pairing sure will be cuteeeee and eye candy... LHW captured my attention since Secretly Greatly...and his bromance with Kim Soo Hyun so...sweetttttttt :blush:

    And about LJG remarked that he was destined to play Wang So....  Well...LJG and LJE are indeed together now...Now...NOW...:heart:


    • Like 13
  13. 1 hour ago, violet90 said:

    well i'm late to the party but forgive me just want to comment about why JG dad attending his Taiwan FM when obviously i think its being planned Jieun his guest all along.. its a lie that both of them invite each other in short notice cause everything must be planned to be a guest.. also JG really changed his FM date to be a guest at Jieun concert and vice versa so the big question is why JG bring his dad to this particular FM????

    and Jieun if anyone knew her well enough she is the best in term of relationship with elders... because she live with her grandma when she was young she knew how to treat elder and also all the actor or singer that senior far from her age always fond of her.. no doubt if she knew JG dad is on the FM she will greet him as his friend or more i can't say but one thing for sure that JG really wanted his father to know Jieun...

    you know people said that if the guy is serious in wanting you he will bring you back to introduce to his parent.. IF JG already did that i'm sure that Jieun is really a precious person in his life that he wanted his family to know her too.... talk about the obvious one... lol



    Adorable LJE is loved by a lot of uncle fans out there you see...  Could it be that maybe..maybe JG dad is one of JE's fan and JG well aware of this... Strongly believe that JE already met JG dad that night...  Indeed his father surely proud of his son..for his FM and future daughter in law of course...heeee:D

    • Like 21
  14. 1 hour ago, NoonaE said:

    Ugh... I have to apologize in advance if what I'm going to write here is a bit inconvenient- however I just feel the urge to say this.

    I know that some uaenas like @Kren Uaena here have been worrying about the antis related to the newly surfaced closeness of JG and JE despite the fact that JE is still in a public relationship. Well, to be honest, JG fans also do not want him to be dragged in whatever complicated relationships his female costars are in. However... if JG and JE themselves have been COMFORTABLE showing their closeness like this... as a fan and a shipper, I can only be happy for both of them. No need to tell anybody else to worry more than they can... more importantly, no need to tell JG and JE what to do and what NOT to do. They have their loyal troops behind them... their agencies, their managers, their friends! the CEO of Namoo Actors was present in Taiwan FM. Namoo Actors posted the article about the event on their SNS account. Managers posted. Their friends commented. All in the 'happy' moods. Why should we ruin the happiness by worrying too much or over speculating things we don't know for sure? JG and JE have been through hard times also during the MLSHR broadcast with poor reception. Let them be happy like they are now. JG is a keeper and protector, I have no doubt that he will never want to hurt JE's image for his own popularity sake and vice versa, from JE's sincere words for JG, she won't do anything to harm him either. Please trust both of them and offer your sincere prayers that everything'll just get better and better for both of them.

    Let's just get back to our happy mode... this ship is my happy pill and it shall remain the same until the wedding bell rings for either one *or both* of them :wub:

    @akinahana89 aye aye, capt! love ya' and your prompt response to the storm!

    Love ur post so much!

    • Like 13
  15. 19 minutes ago, emerald_2 said:


    Hahaha...i stated my theories above ...because if you will follow chronological events...the sweet BTS (all those happy moments, hugging, kisses, NGs) happened first before that Cosmo shoot.. so why was he like that in the Cosmo shoot? cold and sulking ? HAHAHAHA

    Errr...have u seen fanboy khn wif LJE cosmo photoshoot?? :phew: U shud.. Our oppa's cctv eagle eyes must spotted sumting he shouldn't...haha... 

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