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SamLien
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    It's been a while since I last dropped by this thread, or even soompi for that matter LOL. . . anyway just want to great everyone who's been keeping this thread alive. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I haven't been listening to any Alice Nine songs lately but I was finally able to take some time off from my busy schedule and watched their new PV for Gemini-O-eternal. . .I kinda liked it. . . and Shou's hair definitely look much better compared to the one he had in Stargazer. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The vibe is much different compared to their previous releases (last year). The last PV which I really ended up liking after a few views was Sleepwalker. And had it on loop for more than a month lol. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this new album would knock my socks off. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One of the best dramas I've seen this year. It deserves much more love from the public. The story and acting is just superb. It kept me hooked from start to end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was a little disappointed though with how Ou Chen and Xia Mo's relationship developed. It was too rushed. Eventhough they were already in a relationship before, but still I think Xia Mo's romance with Luo Xi was given more spotlight. Heck, it felt like the end was done for the heck of pleasing people who are rooting for Ou Chen and Xia Mo. :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I didn't like Ou Chen at the beginning but I sorta understood him as the story progressed. The only thing he did wrong was that he loved Xia Mo too much that it already turned into something obsessive. Perhaps the separation did them some good as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope they'd do a part 2!!! More Ou Chen and Xia Mo!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By the way hope someone could tell me what is difference between the 3 different versions of this series that is available for purchase in yesasia. I am planning to buy a copy of my own.












































































































































































































































































































    Its been ages since I last dropped by here huh? I'm still stuck in the Discotheque days LOL XD Seriously though. . . I hope the guyz would have a new maxi single or a new album soon. I'm already dying to hear and watch some new PV!!!!









    Same lulz. but I think the rest of the DVD kind of makes up for it XD. It's pretty epic. Though, I like discotheque better cause there was better lighting D: pretty colors too




































    As much as I hate to say this but I kinda agree with you guyz. . Most parts of the dvd I've seen so far really disappointed me. . . But not all pained me just by watching it. There were parts that really made me smile. The packaging of the LE of the new dvd is pretty cool though. . I really liked it. .




































    But. . . Discotheque is still, by far the best live dvd i've seen so far. . .
















































    I'm so happy!!! I just got my signed copy of Alice Nine's book lol. . now I have two copies XD




































    Anyways today is the release of the new dvd!!! I can't wait to receive mine!!!!!!!




































    A clip of the dvd (promotional i think) is up here:







































































    Am not too crazy about Shou's outfit, but still, I'm hoping that it'd be as awesome or more awesome than Discotheque. . .
















































    Awww I was hoping that White Prayer was included in the set list, and maybe Sleepwalker?I'm curious on how it would sound like when its played live XD. .




































    White Prayer. . . well it was my favorite in the Discotheque dvd but oh well its a good thing that they've included it in the LE version yay!!!
















































    @ atel: Yep its an actual merchandise hehe. . . I think it's included in the merchandises sold in Untitled Vandal(ism)#2. . .




































    @Joanna: Hmmm haven't seen it anywhere either. Perhaps because its still a few months before the release of the dvd so infos are stills scarce. But i'm really curious on the contents. Hope it has a nice tracklist. And no major cuts or it'd make me seriously frustrated. I'd be ordering it next week lol, but I'm still hesitant since it'd be a major money shedding in my case hahaha. . .But. . . But. . . But Its Alice NIne T___T I must buy!!!!
















































    OMG! I can't believe I almost forgot this event. .







































































    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















































    kuroistar_08 shared new scans! =)




































    More of Alice Nine awesomeness. . .




































    Shockwave No. 17 Scans




































    Sidenote: Still can't get over Sleepwalker!!! I'm still lovin' it. . .




































    HOT NEW RELEASE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




































    Announcement posted by MENDOUKUSE at lj




































    The 8/23 live will be made into a DVD! The DVD will be available in 2 versions: limited first press and regular.














































































































    The limited first press is sold for 8,925 yen (tax included) and contains the following:







































































    - 2 DVD disks







































































    - a bonus DVD with the live studio recording of 3 songs







































































    - a 56 page booklet







































































    - special packaging














































































































    The regular press is 4,725 (tax included) and contains the following:







































































    - 2 DVD disks














































































































    The whole thing will be released on November 11th.











































































    HA!!! I knew it!!!! They're going to release a new dvd and its soooooo pricey!!!! At least for me that is! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!




































    Whoa!!! And guess what the dvd is already up for pre order on Cdjapan!!! Gosh that was fast!!! And I'm still poor right now!!! Alice Nine is seriously draining my wallet =___="




































    Limited Edition: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=KIBM-90218




































    Regular Edition: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=KIBM-218




































    The Regular Edition is also up for pre order on HMV: http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/3660381




































    I really need to start saving for the LE. I must have it! I've been waiting for the new dvd for ages. . . and wait its the release week of the book!!!! OMG!!! I'm patiently waiting for the delivery of my copy! I hope it arrives soon!!!




































    And have you guys seen the current tour goods? I caught a glimpse of the Pamphlet and it looks pretty cool. I just forgot where I saw it, hope someone would be able to share scans soon. And I saw this set while I was browsing the net. . . rofl: another tour good from their tour:




































    Wow this post's getting pretty long XD My 4th Edit to be exact. How come no one's visiting the thread lately. =( The threads being pushed back several pages back oh no. . .




































    New Blog Headers:



















































































    Im soooo loving Sleepwalker . . . <3<3




































    so I'm gonna share a SHOUcolate with everyone weee!!!!!!!!!!













































    OMGOMGOMG. im loving high and low

    the start was weird. but it just went BAM <3








































































    i am so not weird :ph34r:




































    having a favourite number is not weird D:








































































    ^OMG the screen caps look sexy.




































    im downloading it right now. gosh it takes forever >:







































































    Yeah the start was kinda weird XP. . . Smexy screen caps right? It gives a serious case of nosebleed lol. . . I really liked Saga's moments lol XD. .




































    I admit I wasn't really paying attention to the music. I was just staring at each one of them so yeah haha. . . The song was okay but what made me like the pv was their kakkoii moments hehehe . .











































































































    The PV is awesome D:. Tora made me gasp twice! That's how epic he is in this PV. Lots of Shou movement too XD.




































    BTW! I don't believe High and Low is poppish o-o







































































    Oh my! 4 words. . . I LOVE THE PV!!!!! Epic win!!!!!! OMG!!!




































    Its so kakkoii!!!!!!!!! Nao looks so darn awesome here O____O"!!!!!! He's seriously rockin' here hahaha. . . Hiroto and his super hot self XD. . . . Sagas shades look so smexy on him and his guitar! I want it!!!! Saga give it to me *puppy dog eyes*. . . I agree with you most definitely!!! There are lots of Shou movements in here lol and he's more gorgeous than ever . . . and his hat reminded of the one he used in Jewels lol XD. . . and Tora! OMG!!!!!! He seriously caught my eye in here. . . is he lookin' hot or is he lookin' hot hahaha I'm babbling already XD *Alice Nine fangirling mode*











































































    Can't resist making screencaps of some of my fave nosebleed moments: Tora, Saga and Pon
























































































































































































































    *dies of massive nosebleed*




































    High and Low mp3 has been posted by: arya92




































    Find it here:




































    High and Low





  13. Hi everyone :lol: I would just like to know if any of you has had the chance to order something from MapTheSoul.com. Im planning to buy the Pieces of You book from there and I'd be very grateful to read some feedbacks on the shop and know other places you could recommend where I could buy the book online. And feedbacks on the book will be very appreciated as well. Thank you very much =)
































































































































































































































































































































































    No classes today so yeah I have time for updates! XD
































































































































































































































































































    Someone uploaded a hq version of the interview:
































































































































































































































































































    You can find it here---> Music Japan Talk 08.02.09 [HQ DL]
































































































































































































































































































    Video credits: am not sure who saved the video so Ill credit the 2 people mentioned in the post: kuroistar_08 and EsRoss
































































































































































































































































































    They updated the OHP as well. No hotlinking ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Comments: I personally like the 3rd group pic. Its so cool!! * drools* Individual pics are hot!!! I'm fangirling over Shou and Saga LOL. . .
































































































































































































































































































    The 4th pic are samples of Alice Nine Photo Issue, size A4 with 24 pages. I think this one would only be available to those people who purchased Hana. I wanna cry T___T I seriously should have bought Hana!!!! Those sample pictures are gorgeous =(
































































































































































































































































































    Cdjapan re-opened the pre-order for Piece of 5ive Elements Book. . .












































































    ^Someone else was able to upload the tv guesting you can watch it here but I think it was only the performance itself:




































    Alice Nine Nhk 08.02.09




































    Credits to : uchihacarol




































    I was also able to upload the video. I recorded it from the interview up to the performance. But teh quality isn't that great. It was only taken from my digital camera so you could see the tv screen lol. the tripod was shaky so yeah XD




































    Alice Nine NHK 08.02.09 (My capture XD)




































    PrtSc from the Piece of 5ive Elements Page in the OHP
























































































    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe I forgot to leave a Birthday Greeting to our beloved leader san!!! Gyah!!! *screams in frustration* Though Im several days late, forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. . . . Here's my greeting. . .








































    OTANJOUBI OMEDETOU NAO SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








































    And yay!!!! I was able to watch Alice Nine's guesting in Music Japan!!!! I thought I was gonna fall asleep lol XD Thankfully I was able to stay awake till it was their turn to sing!!!!! Their part was so short but at least they had a small interview! Chiko was also featured in the interview lol he's so kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








































    I was able to capture the video on my digital camera but Youtube's acting up on me and starts freezing when I try to upload the video =___=". . . Hopefully someone else was able to save the video and would be willing enough to share it with everyone especially to those who weren't able to see Music Japan tonight.








































    And I just visited CdJapan's site earlier. The Piece of 5ive Elements book is already out of print, thankfully I was able to place my pre order in time, whew. And they also released the music sheet for Vandalize check it out here. . .








































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