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Posts posted by jinijung

  1. Any idea  about  how  to change  the  thread's name ?  


    R2B behind the scene pics
    credit : ROK Airforce http://afplay.tistory.com/836

    182A133E4FF6397A20D36E가속도 내성 강화훈련 장면 162A8A3E4FF639921E7FAC배우 정지훈



    20360B3E4FF6394F1A4E1A 154B9A3E4FF63956070D20


    152AB23E4FF6395C1FDB36 2037EC3E4FF6396F128E30

    123D383E4FF6395815EDAA실제 비행장에서 촬영한 R2B 1933D63E4FF63965161703감독 김동원


    172EB63E4FF6399020EFCA배우 유준상 

    143F663E4FF639610EF1A9F-15K 촬영장면 162C5C3E4FF639731EBB3A블랙이글스 촬영장면


    1847353E4FF6394B0B0212조종석 세트 촬영장 17346E3E4FF63960170C8B항공구조사 촬영장면

                  15351A3E4FF639471BCBFCR2B에 등장하는 항공구조사들


  2. Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' revealed
    Lim Ju-Hui | STAR N News

    Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' revealed
    Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' were revealed.
    On 5th, a number of photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' were revealed. 
    The photos show jets flying in the sky and charismatic pilots controlling them.
    The movie fans are showing great reactions for the new movie, and no further details about the movies are known yet.
    On the other hand, Jung Ji Hoon, Shin Se Kyung, Lee Hana, Lee Jong Suk, Jeong Suk Won casted in 'R2B: Return To Base', and it will be released in August.

  3. Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' revealed
    Lim Ju-Hui | STAR N News

    Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' revealed
    Photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' were revealed.
    On 5th, a number of photos from movie 'R2B: Return To Base' were revealed. 
    The photos show jets flying in the sky and charismatic pilots controlling them.
    The movie fans are showing great reactions for the new movie, and no further details about the movies are known yet.
    On the other hand, Jung Ji Hoon, Shin Se Kyung, Lee Hana, Lee Jong Suk, Jeong Suk Won casted in 'R2B: Return To Base', and it will be released in August.


  4. id="watch-headline-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235); height: 1.1363em; max-height: 1.1363em; line-height: 1.1363em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; text-align: left; "

    12-06-15 Spot TV_Rain MC @ 2012 Noble Militaty Family Award

    ratoka rain


  5. Rain's aviation film "R2B: Return to Base" poster revealed, ready for summer take-off

    Singer and actor Rain's aviation film is ready to take off with its first teaser poster revealed.
    Just months away from opening in theaters this August, a poster of Rain's upcoming movie "R2B: Return to Base" was released by production firm CJ Entertainment's press release Wednesday.
    The teaser appears to show the actor flying over Seoul in a military jet and the film's logo is written at the bottom, which is the changed title from the initial "Take Off: Closer to the Sun."
    While the exact release date has yet to be announced, the officials said in the statement that the firm hired skilled aviation professionals from Hollywood, who also took park in Hollywood's superhero film "The Dark Knight" (2008) and sci-fi "Inception" (2010), from the very early stage of the production.
    "R2B," in which Rain portrays a free-spirited and curious Air Force pilot named Tae-hun, revolves around the life, love and comradeship of fighter pilots amid a risky situation on the Korean Peninsula, roughly based on 1964 Korean film “Red Muffler."
    Along with Rain, or also known as his real name Jung Ji-hoon, the forthcoming pic will co-star KBS' "My Husband Got a Family" actor Yoo Jun-sang, Shin Se-gyeong, whose recent credit is on SBS' "Fashion King" and Jung Suk-won from SBS' "Rooftop Prince."
    Last year, the "Rainism" singer attended the film's press conference to promote the action flick at the 2011 Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) held in Busan, which was just four days ahead of leaving for the two-year mandatory military service required of all Korean men.
    Not only is "R2B" the last project he has played in before being enlisted into the army but it is also his first feature in three years after releasing Hollywood film "Ninja Assassin" by James McTeigue.
    Rain kicked off his solo singing career with the self-titled debut album in 2002. As he began to expand his career into acting with roles in "Sang Doo! Let's Go to School" and "Full House," he has cemented himself as one of the biggest stars in Korean entertainment industry.
    After gaining many titles under his name--singer, actor and entrepreneur--his broke into Hollywood in 2008 with the Wachowski Brothers' action pic "Speed Racer" and landed the lead role in martial arts film "Ninja Assassin" a year later. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Added new still for the upcoming Korean movie "R2B: Return to Base"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Added new still for the upcoming Korean movie "R2B: Return to Base" (2011)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Directed by Kim Dong-weon
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    With Rain, Sin Se-kyeong, Yoo Joon-sang, Kim Sung-soo, Lee Ha-na, Lee Jong-suk,...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Source : www.hancinema.net/kor... ( English Korean )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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