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Posts posted by emeraldblue

  1. 15 hours ago, misspiggie said:



    I understand you are often bothered by anything that labels MLSHR as flop. But why so harsh on @emeraldblue

    Sometimes it's a question of timing, like "Come Back Ajusshi". At one point it was a low of 2.3 -- down to only Rain's diehard fans. An article reviewer puts it best:  It's not that the show isn't good, it's simply because its rival is too strong -- their rival is DOTS. Rain's career will not be defined by that show's failure, and so won't LJG. In fact with Baek Sang Award, I feel the only actor who can challenge LJG is JH in "Beautiful Mind".

    The PD has never done a saguek, and he undertook a huge project on his first try. The result:  a mishmash of historical and contemporary. 

    Which brings me to my next point -- expectations & preference. MLSHR deviates from the SK audience's idea of what a traditional saguek should be like -- language, approach, etc. The fusion language and its nuances are filtered through translation, our blessing actually. And we don't share the same perception as the SK viewers when it comes to the traditional style of a saguek. But MDBC seems to fit this mold, hence it is well-received. 

    Besides, MLSHR went in with high expectations -- too high. LOTBS is also sort of a victim of high expectations. A follower lamented why their show still hasn't passed the 20% mark. I laughingly thought he/she should take a page out of our books -- Who Cares? Our show is often in the single digits, but so many of us are hooked & became diehard fans anyway. 

    BTW, another LOTBS follower would sagely advise to simply enjoy the show and not be so concerned about ratings -- it always reminds me of the dying Taejo's advice to HS about living in the now. Unfortunately she keeps being haunted by her vision of WS killing his siblings. Same -- don't be haunted by MLSHR's ratings and the impact on its branding or its casts. Seems to me they are doing just fine -- some even for the better. UF ratings in SK is dismal, but it is 4b on Youku, and counting ... and Suzy and KWB are still highly in demand. 

    LJG ever mentioned in an interview he was initially concerned of his fans' reception, given he would be behind a (half) mask throughout almost half the show. Would LJG have made a bigger impact if WS was perfect like Yo? In fact, isn't a scarred WS more endearing to us actually? The same goes with MLSHR. Many (almost) perfect shows are watched and then half-forgotten. 

    Imperfect it may be, MLSHR's lingering impact always reminds me of my favoritest Agatha Christie's book: "Five Little Pigs" (aka Murder in Retrospect). Hercule Poirot is investigating the murder of a famous painter from 16 years ago. I often wondered if AC had Picasso in mind with respect to the famous painter. Anyway, the lead detective complains about how terrible that last painting was -- lopsided and everything. But the detective had to stare at it to look for clues since the painter was working on it when he died. And pretty soon he begins to see everything in the real world lopsided. HP laughs and says -- Ah, you may not realize it but that's the power of the painter and his paintings !!!

    MLSHR might encounter much adversities but that's what makes us stronger & more united as its true fans. An appeal goes out and we enthusiastically answer the call -- postcard, voting, etc. I am still amazed at how SK fans would fight to put SoSoo on the "Best Couple" list & international fans would answer their plea to vote, passionately so. 


    @emeraldblue is just stating an opinion about editing inconsistencies that we've already known and it doesn't sound vicious. I feel that our thread is and should be accommodating, even if some of us have different opinions or sometimes criticisms. 

    Rest assured we understand your concern but don't let a blip (ratings or otherwise) bug at you -- be kind to yourself, please … yes? 

    I am ok really.Thanks for understanding where I was coming from, as for people defending scarlet heart, I am one of its strongest and passionate cheerleaders too.any forum that dares dismiss Scarlet Heart with ratings crap talk nonsense is dismissed by me instantly or other totally nonsense arguments.hahaha I'm actually being very kind and nice to myself, can't be bugged or bothered by people who refuse to watch scarlet heart with an open mind and and are judgemental before even trying it.This year my expectations for Lee Joon Gi have risen to the nth level. He must win Daesang or Top Excellence Actor or at least Best Actor.Nothing less.point blank.Period.and if according to what I have heard, they will be awarding according to genre and if there is historical(fantasy,fusion,action whatever comes after the word historical) genre award category, no one deserves the award more than Lee Joon Gi.King of Historical Drama has nailed it this year with scarlet heart.coz seriously are they going to award best actor to LMH over LJG for best actor in historical fantasy genre because Lobts is it's main contender plus Jackpot starring Jang Geun Suk and Yeo Jin Goo..really! really!that would be a terrible joke.I am sorry.I don't hate LMH but I can't imagine how much I would facepalm myself for the atrocity.SBS that would be worse than running man scandal.At least Yeo Jin Goo is a worthy contender for his filmography cv with historical dramas but again royal gambler< scarlet heart.and sunbae vs hoobae is a no brainer.Lee Joon Gi must win.Please SBS prove they is still justice in this world.redeem yourself.

    LMH can have the popularity awards.The acting award must go to Jun ki.We are nice.we can share.even though on the popularity front also Joon Gi has taken the world by storm this year.

    • Like 16
  2. 1 hour ago, Uniform Victory said:


    In that case, why don't you select a version and stick on it when you watch the drama. I have watch both and I also preferred the SBS version. But I don't think it's something to be complaint about as if the drama is really bad. I took the difference versions as like seeing the drama in different perspectives.

    Yes it flawed but it is better than any kdramas.  As for me, the romance was just subplot to the story. It's more about their relationship that has a significant impact on Wang So from an abandoned prince to becoming the king of Goryeo.

    Please dont take it as a personal attack on what you said earlier.You and I are both on the same page.I have said throughout today and will say it again.Scarlet Heart to me is the best and most compelling memorable drama of 2016  and that will not change, that's a bold statement to  make since they have been really good dramas this year.I was only clarifying what the editing criticisms were all about.No one is saying, editing=bad drama(@ 40somethingahjumma talked about this already, we all agree the editing does not make this a bad drama)if it comes off that way, then that's not what I meant.I personally only knew there was a sbs version later on as I was reading some review the other day. and had to re watch to spot the differences.If you were like me and many others who started watching and  loved the "flawed"(i say this skeptically) international version even before we knew there were several versions of the same drama, I understand why some found that annoying, this was coming from true fans of the drama not the haters.The fact that they had to be three versions is the editors fault.he deserves to be criticized, not the drama.  Thats it my Sunbae chingu (iam still newbie here) lets do a virtual hug and receive loads of love and peace greeting from me.continue loving scarlet heart and supporting it in all the polls.

    • Like 11
  3. 26 minutes ago, Uniform Victory said:

    While I agree that Moon Lovers is as flawed like any kdramas but to me it's the best kdrama I've seen so far. Now I understand, the reasoning behind this 'bad editing' comment.  Because there was less So-soo and So-Soo did not end together. How can that be the basis in determining bad or good editing? I have watched the International & SBS. The difference really didn't affect the main plot of the drama.

    Sadly, some viewers had already seen the Chinese adaptation before watching this Moon Lovers. They didn't realise that Moon Lovers was NOT a remake but an adaptation of the novel. So it's a totally different drama. Whilst the main character here was Wang So , the Chinese version has the girl as the main character. Some also have this preconceived notion that the OTP must meet in the modern world because they did in the Chinese version. Well again, it's a different drama. It has its own interpretation of the novel.I think in the novel, the 4th prince didn't transport into the modern world. With all these differences & just because it didn't follow the Chinese version, people were saying that this drama was badly edited. I find all these reasons so absurd.

    Another reason why this drama is the best so far, because of the portrayal & interpretation of Wang So. It was just phenomenal. This was my first LJG drama, I was instantly mesmerized by his first appearance in the 1st episode itself. He somewhat created a character with such unique and distinct behavior. I have seen his other works after this, amazingly, each character he did has different behaviour & mannerism. Out of those characters he did, for me, hands down Wang So is the best.


    I really don't understand why it's being called as flop in Korea when it was awarded Best Korean Brand Awards, an award that defines the commercial viability of the drama. If TV rating was the sole basis of success in Korea, then there were only few dramas which made it. Below are list of flopped M-T & W-Th dramas (excluding cable dramas)

    Night Light (extremely low)
    Oh My Geum-bi(low)
    Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju (extremely low)
    Woman With a Suitcase
    On the Way to the Airport
    Shopaholic Louis- (Slightly higher than ML)
    Jealousy Incarnate- (slightly higher than ML)
    Monster- (slightly higher than ML)
    Uncontrollably Fond
    Beautiful Mind (Extremely low)
    Lucky Romance
    Master, God of Noodle
    Goodbye Mr Black
    Come Back, Ajusshi (extremely low)
    Moorim School (Extremely low)
    One More Happy Ending (low)



    Totally agree with almost everything you said.about the editing if it were only that, thats forgivable.what isnt is like for example in ep 16 during the break up..sbs version, iu ran after joon gi and back hug him when he said he should break up and walked away. with her. int.ver that wasnt shown.another one, after wang so became king, there was a scene in ep 17 or 18 i think when he was having a bad dream and hae soo came and the cuteness that went on after that.it was like chop chop chop fast forward in int.ver but in sbs version it was done nicely. i could go on and on but you get my drift.its those little things that happened throughout the drama that called scarlet heart viewers to be annoyed.watch youtube for evidence of what iam talking about.i was so mad at editor-nim for doing this to us.it doesnt take away from the beautiful story that was scarlet heart, but for someone who is not really keen as we are, with what is going on, those kind of chops of romantic scenes of the otp were so annoying.people would be like why did they edit out that scene.As for the "flopping" i was just saying based on so called rating based success,they ramble about, which i also think is an invalid argument and rubbish way of evaluating quality coz towards the end. scarlets rating peaked to, i think to fourth or fifth place.a drama that flops even by their standards does not go from worst to better as it ends in ratings.

    • Like 4
  4. iam still a newbie here.forgive me moderator but i hope this is ok.if not you can delete the link.guys i just saw this video on youtube for uri so soo couple.


    for those who the link will notwork for any reason.type in:  leelee couple caramel lover the two of us. if you were on the fence about lee joon gi and iu's chemistry.you will see why in this video.the chemistry is dialled to level 100

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, hiluna said:

    I liked his acting. He did a good job and I would watch him again in other dramas.

    He(Hong Jong Hyun) has proven that models can act.Period.He was an effective villain.I will definitely look out for him in future dramas.The boy can deliver.im surprised soompi doesnt have favorite villain category.isnt that a drama staple too?

    • Like 9
  6. 2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    I don't want to bag the DB team too much because they are great content providers and have been for a long time. Aside from that they are great promoters of K dramas internationally and have given fans worldwide a place to discuss K dramas at no cost. At the end of the day, their opinions are theirs alone which is why it is good that there are alternative places like Soompi to give a broad range of views. There are times when I agree with their views on certain dramas, there are also times that I don't. Moon Lovers happens to be one of those dramas that we don't see eye to eye on. 

    I myself am not especially partial to popular dramas but I seem to have hit the jackpot this year with Cheese, Signal and Moon Lovers. I'm not usually all that bothered by the opinions of high profile blogging sites and I'm probably too old to see them as the arbiter of good taste in K dramas. 

    While I love Moon Lovers, I am not one of those that think it faultless. However, the difference is that the problems that may beset ML don't really bother me in the scheme of things. For some people the editing especially in the International Version taints their enjoyment. While I notice them occasionally, they don't affect my enjoyment or understanding of the show. It's not bad enough that I can't see the big picture. Besides I've seen much worse editing in C-dramas and I've survived them all. I generally like the fast pacing of the drama and I can fill in the gaps and read between the lines so I don't require a lot of exposition. Before I got into K dramas in a big way, I used to follow science fiction television shows avidly on some large scifi forums. Sci-fi is expensive to make and so writers pack a lot into single episodes things like jargon, political undercurrents and symbolism. I find that ML works in a similar way. For me most K dramas drag... it usually takes them about 7 episodes before anything really interesting happens... but with ML it's out of the blocks and away we go. That suits me right to the ground.

    I acknowledge that popularity is not necessarily an indicator of quality BUT I would say that ML must have done SOMETHING right to have resonated with so many people from around the world despite the post-production issues. Yes, LJG as WS is a big part of it but the character was written by someone and put into a story. If the story itself had no merits whatsoever, LJG alone couldn't have saved it. I don't know much Korean apart from the little bits that are similar to Chinese but our K translators at Darksmurf Subs have praised the writer from time to time for including interesting historical/ cultural/philosophical background stuff. She's definitely done her homework. I myself can see a consistent thread running right through the show which is why I have a lot of time for it.

    It's been a really good year for K dramas... I've enjoyed so many but ML will always have a special place in my heart.


    Anyone who says scarlet has no flaw is clearly seeing it from a LJG fan girl view(i am also one by the way).Buts its main flaw.EDITING.I swear the editor who was responsible for scarlet should never ever be allowed anywhere near a drama production again.He was the main villain for our So Soo ship.He kept omitting scenes in the international version that add depth to So Soo story.But that being said, like you said, dismissing scarlet heart entirely or making it out to be a bad drama just because it flopped in Korea is not something anyone will convince me about. and as far as I am concerned, I think scarlet had the most compelling and most memorable story of 2016.It cuts deep into your emotions and psyche and leaves you empty but wanting more in a good way.and if a drama that flopped resonates with millions or should i say billion(according to youku) across the world +the small percentage in korea then for sure in the grand scheme of things, scarlet is definitely one of the best dramas 2016 has produced.I have never in my four years of watching kdrama seen a drama that had so many things against it, make such a strong impact.

    As for dramabeans or other blogs, no I am not bothered either.opinions are just that.someone's perspective of something not a proven fact.everyone is allowed to have one.I was just musing over the happenings there because of what was said about Scarlet Heart and the reactions that followed.

    • Like 8
  7. i do love dramabeans for their reviews and the editors made their case about why moon lovers is not good to them.some of the followers went as far as voting it as the most disappointing drama of the year.But then it looks like majority of the readers do not agree with them because it is also heading the best drama of the year by a landslide. hahaha any drama that causes loads of conversation and gets passionate extreme responses like these (worst drama and best drama in the same poll hahaha) after it has long finished airing is damn good.

    • Like 10
  8. On 12/26/2016 at 9:45 PM, 40somethingahjumma said:

    That is fantastic news. He's definitely a rising talent and shown himself to be quite charismatic, capable of giving a memorable performance.


    How in the world is Lee Min Ho leading the poll in the Soompi awards? Not only has his drama not completed but there are at least 6 actors in that Actor of the Year category that are far more deserving of the title than he is. He may have improved but is he really better than the likes of LJG, JJS, JH, PHJ, JJW, KRW? In a year of such stellar performances from so many male actors, some of them in very complex roles, this is so wrong and embarrassing. 

    well said.you have spoken my mind.if LMH also wins daesang or excellent actor over LJK at the SBS awards that will be so wrong.Especially since his drama is still airing and so many things can happen to a drama's quality before it ends, case in point Gong Yoo's  "Big".And no one this year will convince me that LJK should walk away without an award for his role as Wang So.

    • Like 13
  9. please chingu..lets vote for our oppa and his drama scarlet heart ryeo at http://www.hallyuvote.com/. we were winning but now we are losing by a small margin.you can vote as many times as you like. it blocks you and yu can refresh like after five minutes..spare at least 15mins of your time.lets give oppa the recognition he deserves..please please vote.lee joon gi for life

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