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Posts posted by mikeeCS

  1. 16 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:

    Ugh, I messed up and accidentally posted just a picture without text first. Can you guys see the text now or is it only visible to me? (sorry)

    We can see them now. you give us a good explanation. I like your details :) @tsoon0708

    Imo, Namtarn taking half episode is not a problem for me also... I want to explain also but you already give all the details lol.

    30 minutes ago, Jay BudLight said:

    2 = song+ (not som) and you are good at counting in Thai :)

    OH MY GOSH!!! Krist is so cute and adorable in this post :wub::wub::wub:

    Thanks for the correction! @Jay BudLight

    • Like 6
  2. 46 minutes ago, aryien86 said:

    Dat 55555 means hahahahaha~~ dats d simple way to use n understand dat~ ^^

    *I'm not Thai's but dats what I understand d meaning tho*

    5 in thai spelled "ha", so if someone typed 5555 it sounds "hahahaha" -> laughing


    1 - nueng

    2 - som

    3 - sam

    4 - si

    5- ha

    6 - hok

    7 - chet

    8 - paet

    9 - kao

    10 - sip

    0 - soon/sun

    So... kongpope 0062 will be spelled

    "Soon soon hok som, KONGPOPE!!!" lol


    * Anyway I'm not a thai guy so im sorry if there is any mistake *


    • Like 12
  3. 4 minutes ago, grasyida93 said:

    idk what do you mean 'wanna order Bandung for lunch'  is it food? from what i know, Bandung is a city. I'm from Bandung btw...hahaha....

    Looks like their "Bandung" means different with Indonesian "Bandung" which is city name....

    Here I'm googled it for you (lol I used google to explain it) :

    Bandung, sirap bandung, or air bandung is a drink popular in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. It consists of evaporated milk or condensed milk flavoured with rose cordial syrup, giving a pink colour. The drink is an adaptation of rose milk served in India

    I'm Indonesian. Never heard of this "Air Bandung" yet..... So I guess it's similar with Thailand's pink milk.....

    • Like 6
  4. 1 minute ago, fragglerock said:

    Okay i have missed this bit can someone point me to the pink milk in tears scene that people are referring to?

    I didn't see it either but you can see the post above u.... lol

    In this scene, Arthit and Kongpope will met unintentionally in pink milk stand... and (hopefully) this tears scene happened here...

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

    I'm dying over how cute it was when Arthit couldn't stop talking about Kong in front of Namtarn. :wub::wub::wub: NOW THE SADNESS IS GONNA COME THOUGH

    Hahaha though I cannot understand thai, but somehow i understand that arthit talked about kongpope....seeing from how excited arthit speak to namtarn ! hahaha.....

    • Like 3

    2 hours ago, jaelephy said:

    I don't really know where to upload it so I just uploaded to to my google drive


    It cuts off rather abruptly. You don't feel it while watching the episode but in the audio it's pretty noticeable.

    And the actual cut from the episode if someone is interested.


    (Give it a few minutes though...it's still 


    Thank you @jaelephy !!!

    already download them... i like it :)

    Just if you cut not too early will be a little bettrr.. so the echo of the ending of the acapella can be heard until the echo finished. but its ok that cutting is fine already many thankss


    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, jaelephy said:

    I am going to try stripping the acapella version of the audio that played in that confession. It is so beautiful

    Woahh... I even have tried to googling it, search on 4shared but cannot find the acapella song of "secret on my heart" song (ความลับในใจ) -> name of the song in thai, I just copy paste it lol.

    Pls let me know if you done! or if anyone find it somewhere XD @jaelephy

    Besides that I also search for this song but without lyrics (only for bgm purpose), the main point is... I fall in love with this song in every way hahaha....


    • Like 4
  8. For krist's fans


    For singto's fans

    Actually I'm a bit not believing it that Singto is 177 cm and Krist is 175 cm. Only 2 cm difference!. I thought Singto was much higher than Krist like 5cm difference.... Krist looks so tiny when he is beside Singto (though Krist is a bit chubbier than Singto lol).

    credit to @ nicky4official at instagram :)

    • Like 24
  9. 23 minutes ago, grasyida93 said:

    I want to cry along with you guys who did this in this episode..but i can't cause no subtitle means i don't know the meaning a whole conversation and this is distract me. And Kong's face made me want to squeeze and hug him in the same time. So what should I do? Both Kong and Arthit just too adorable.. I want to have a bf who had mix personality between Kong and Arthit.. :dizzy::blush:

    Idk since when I become such a naughty girl when I lookin' at arthit body under the shower and wants to be with him and showering together:flushed:

    F**k my imagination!!!!

    me too gais. Hahahahah...


    @grasyida93, @violetaverda, @dwi02

    Indonesian fans let's unite !!!! *toss*

    Yeah when I heard Arthit's ringtone, my mind is like "why the hell he used that kind of ringtone?" hahaha

    • Like 4
  10. eps 9 full of "beautiful scenes", which is still quiet good while watching without subs.

    but eps 10 a lot of conversation.... so empty without subs :(. dunno understand many of their conversation

    Doesn't mean to rush, just try to giving spirits to subber, that they are sooooo precious for people like us :phew: thank you soooooo much in advance for any of your hardwork :)

    *sending spirits from "lion" and light from the "sun" to our beloved subber*

    • Like 5
  11. 4 minutes ago, Mio- said:

    Kong giving Arthit his books back.... OMG Kong's expression at the end :tears:

    Next week... nothing good. Arthit is talking to girl of his friend who is getting married, if I'm not wrong and Arthit and Kong talking on the phone... at the end Kong taking off that bracelet :tears: OHMYGOD :tears:

    Preview is out: 



    this teaser for eps 11 sadly isn't complete.

    there is a scene where kongpope taking off the bracelet....but none here... :( actually I want to screenshot that scene so I know this scene was gone...

    anyway kongpope's tears :(:(:(:( 

    • Like 7
  12. 1 hour ago, MaguStrates said:

    Storywise, the seniors are mostly busy as they have internships/projects to complete before graduation...I'm even surprised that P'dear can spare time to oversee the hazing this year.

    Productionwise, P'Dear is the only senior/4th year who has been cast properly.. :lol:

    We have 2 other seniors though: P'Pahk (0062 4th year) who is only mentioned during the 0062 and 0206 dinner on ep 6 and a nameless 0206 4th year..

    @fragglerock They do end up together.. The special chapters: When Kongpope becomes the hazer and Missing You: Part 2 are set two years after they met (and the storyline within the series proper) with Kongpope in 3rd year and Arthit now working. They are still together during those special chapters and very much still in love.

    The wedding event is the wedding of P'Phone ( Kongpope's Senior code 0062 who graduated) and P'Tum (Arthit's Senior code 0206 who graduated). It's all explained in ep 6. 0062 and 0206 code members have a tendency to fall in love while both are initially hostile to each other.. :lol:

    The wedding event is also the end of the "separation" week.


    Firstly I think this should be in spoiler box...but then I realized everybody here never have problem with those all spoilers..... we are too much fall in love with SOTUS already......so never mind for spoilers..... lol

    • Like 3
  13. 7 hours ago, delightful said:

    Okay, I finally woke up from my happy dreams.. okay, so I just stared at those new photos of Krist and Singto... and watched a Thai sitcom that I've been hearing about for a few months. We have a potential BL pairing in this sitcom, that's why I watched it.

    What do you guys think of this pairing?

      Reveal hidden contents






    Weeww that's the guy from Love is coming, right? I've like him more than Oaujun actually lel. Did he cast on another drama/movie? If so what's the name?

    • Like 3
  14. 5 hours ago, delightful said:

    You all know the rules. No posting/uploading/sharing/translating my translations in any shape or form.

    Here is Chapter 4.. https://mega.nz/#!TNtGgJRA!ON_nVpaDgVAhxGO8PL1h9FvaS3ncPY-wUEa1U62sm60

    Kongpope's feelings aren't revealed yet, because so far the chapters are only focused on Arthit's role as a hazer. But in this chapter we see how irked he is by Kongpope's eyes. ^_^  Next chapter should be out tomorrow.. unless I get pulled into doing something with my friends. My friends think that I'm secretly dating someone that's why I don't attempt to go hang out with them... I can only imagine them crying their eyes out when they know what I've been doing for the last month. :tears:


    Hi ! I have read your chapter 4 from Novel translation. Really good.... :) thanks @delightful

    I am just a bit curious.... in the series, we saw that after Arthit rip/tear May's name tag, Kongpope did gave his name tag as May's name tag replace. The day after that, Kongpope just received a new name tag in his lockerroom, without knowing who give that name tag, this make Kongpope not being punished.... Well, does in novel (in further chapter) mention who is giving the change? or do you guys think that in further eps there will be some explanation who will give the change of Kong's name tag? If shown that Arthit or maybe some other Senior or even junior (p'Fang maybe..) gave the replace, it will be a little touching, doesn't it? XD

    • Like 5
  15. 4 hours ago, delightful said:

    Arthit and Kongpope's 'separation' was no longer than a week. I figured this out by when they went on their 'date' Arthit bought a card for P'Tum and P'Phone and said the wedding is next week. They met at the wedding and Kongpope ignores him even though Arthit attempts to talk to him, I like that part a lot. During that night Arthit and Kongpope ends up on the bridge and Arthit 'gives' Kongpope his answer to Kongpope's feelings. ^_^ So to me when Arthit 'gave' him the answer that was when they became a couple... but they keep it kind of on the down low. Just breathing the same air and walking side by side without holding hands is good enough, they both just know that they have good feelings for each other, is enough.

    Arthit gives Kongpope some time after that bridge scene when they meet by accident by the drink stand, where Arthit ordered iced coffee and Kongpope ordered pink milk.

    Kongpope doesn't like to eat spicy food, so he eats pork egg omelette over rice and he drinks iced coffee. But as we see after hanging out with Arthit he is forced to eat more spicier food. Later when they go on their shopping 'date' Arthit orders him a spicy noodle dish, but it's not really that spicy and Kongpope liked it a lot. ^_^


    @delightful I really love the closing song of Sotus "Secrets in my hearts". Because of the music but more because of the lyrics. "Just breathing the same air and walking side by side without holding hands is good enough. Just know that they have feeling for each other is enough...."

    And also "Though we cannot say that we love each other, cause when they know, people may not like it. Can't tell anyone. Everything is already good as it is, our love doesn't require any kinds of words to define it"

    The lyrics is so d*mnnn sweet! hahaha

    And I also think that this describes me. I'm a guy that..you know.... Even if later I found someone whom I love and who also love me back. Community will cannot accept this. Even parents, friends, you know, most of ASEAN culture still cannot accept it, and think this kind of thing is a curse or sin.... and none can accept....


    However thanks SOTUS, I feel like I got a entertainment from this :)

    • Like 11
  16. 14 hours ago, delightful said:

    Since we're all trying to survive until the next episode airs... I wrote another fanfic! ^_^ Sorry, chapter 3 is in progress. :D

    This fanfic is set immediately after Bittersweet's special chapter : Missing You part 1. Please be warned! It's filled with fluff and cheesy lines from Kongpope, again! LOL! Let me know what you guys/gals think. Again, thank you for hanging in there and understanding why the next episode isn't aired yet. You guys are allllllll so veryyyyy AWESOME! *sends everyone Singto's tongue licking lips move*



    *I plan to try and release a translation of the novel every week. So give me a little time this week since I'm still sick. This cough won't go away. I'm practically using a white board to communicate with co-workers. My voice is about to disappear! I can't even sing karaoke! :tears:


    Again, and always, thank you @delightful to always make some translation and fanfic, we non thai people is always be delighted by you, maybe also this bcs your name is delightful LOL. We always hope you don't get tired to translate Sotus Novel, and (hopefully) to make another fanfic, I myself really enjoyed it :P Even in these time that we have to wait 1 month for eps 9 and don't know what to do to fulfill the "SOTUS HUNGER".... *cries in the corner*

    And for other who also don't know what to do while waiting eps 9, I suggest to watch one good series "Addicted/Heroine". this is chinese BL movie (I thought someone already suggested it in previous page). It is quite good movie, but sadly this series is banned from Government I thought, so I can only find it until eps 15 (I cannot find eps 16 and so on anywhere :( ). However it have good story at least until eps 15 :) 




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  17. 30 minutes ago, two5four3 said:

    HALLOOO!!! you guys are redonculous!!! this thread is like a metered taxi!!! last night i was on the 250s and now at 260s? :w00t::w00t::w00t: and by this i cant skip any of your wonderful insights and POVs!!!

    Quick Question: How does in Thailand behave towards or deal with a certain way, actors like N'Kon/Krist who is studying in a university? well literally if he is a student of mine (now don't ask why i used the term student, maybe coz of my age? 5555) I surely gave him considerations. and I got the feeling my fanboy/fangirl inside the whole class will be a wonderful disaster having a celeb in the class!!!


    Thanks @delightful :heart:

    I'll dig up myself tomorrow... or maybe before episode 9 air... I literally died after this spoiler... :dizzy:


    I will accompany you to dig also, looks like I will also died after seeing this spoiler of eps 9 *then died*

    • Like 3
  18. On 10/10/2016 at 4:56 PM, MaguStrates said:

    omg. mind sharing his dota account? haha. gonna stalk him there. lol. 

    And how'd you watch his games?

    If you have Singto's dota account, you can look at his friends one by one. Surely you'll find Krist in his friend's list since Singto's always mentioning that he chats with Krist on Dota but doesn't get a reply..

    Let's challenge him to a game. If he loses, he gets to KISS Krist live for us Soompi forum poster's viewing pleasure. ;)


    On 10/10/2016 at 7:05 PM, noirchiel said:

    U know i interesting in this series bcs i know the main actor is playing the game i love so much, hes good at playing Invoker.. :lol: Invoker is famous from being the hardest hero to play with, cos u need to have fast hand to play him.. haha. Hes playing at sea server so 4k mmr is quite good in here.. lol. (Sea 4kmmr = eu 9kmmr):w00t: /meme

    Now im so shocked to know krist playing it too.. want to see his play.. and what his favorite heroes and team? Did they play battle cup together. Awwww..:wub:


    Well.... this forum really updated very fast.... 20+ pages in 24 hours. really cant catch you guys hahahaa...

    @MaguStrates I think it's not good giving his accnt number here in public... I will pm you anyway XD. I watch through steam, I search his ID, then I download some of his play. I see his plays there.... actually I tried to add his accnt but looks like he doesn't accept me (sad of me), maybe because I got several row of Loss Match so he didn't want to accept me LOL. So I remove the friend invitation and will try to add him when I got several win in Dota XD

    @noirchiel actually I don't like the drama just because Singto like to play Dota. I like this drama even before I know Kongpope real name is Singto.... from beginning of eps 1 I already love Sotus. This series is addicting even after I watched eps 8 I keep saying "richard simmons ! richard simmons !! Shitt!!!!!!" when seeing Arthit-Kongpope dialogue..... When I know Singto play dota quite often just make me love him even more hahaha....

    Yes really interesting what role Krist play.... maybe mostly support role, so he can support Singto as his Wifey XD hahahaha.....

    Anyway 4K SEA = 9K EU trololololololol.... hahahah totally true. SEA server = HELL server (though I am also SEA player :D ).

    • Like 2
  19. 1 hour ago, MaguStrates said:

    I noticed that Sing always invites Krist to play dota but Krist seems to be busy and won't play with him. :rolleyes:

    Well, so Krist also play dota?

    I know that Singto love to play it, he play at least 3-5 games every 3 days LoL. And just fyi, he is quite good on playing Dota.

    In Dota there is skillcap like MMR (something like rank level). His MMR is around 4000 I guess... I watch his play in several games... (World profesional play MMR is around 6000-8000something, so 4000 is quite good). below 3000 is low skilled, 3000-4000 is average, and more than 4000 is quite good player....

    I know Singto's Dota account and now I wonder what's Krist's Dota account and how good he is.... Only if someone can tell me XD


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