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Posts posted by jcwc


















    Lishathestain thanks for those pics! wow the camera is REALLY close to their faces!!














    yoona and yuri look gorgeous though, and tiff looks really good too!














    jaefan puahaha jess white legs...snow white. ty's the only one wearing all white while the others wear either all black or B&W














    labelle thanks for the news! awww the 2 groupsi love. great that they're on freindly terms




















    waoh jess sline in the samsung soul phone is WOOOOOOOO sorri yuri, u got owned by jess. but yuri's outfit is gorgeous!














    citra the photog who took those photos out to be shot. and the person who does photoshopping should be shot too. gosh poor sunny and seohyun. what's happening to their skin!! sooyoung and jess too :( argh they shouldnt take such close up pics! if they want to, at least ps away the blemishes! but yuri has really nice shoes :)




















    guys, i dont mean to spam abt the mtvaa voting thing but














    YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST FOR YOUR VOTE TO COUNT! trust me, i've been voting in mtvaa every friggin year since it started hahha (even tho its kinda rigged)














    and also just a warning, even if SNSD gets the most votes, they may not get the award. again, trust me on this, mtvaa is known for being crappy like that. although mtvaa says the results are based solely on voting, its pretty untrue.

    there were times when a certain artiste had the most votes when the voting closed, but they didnt win the award in the end. this is because mtvaa just gives the award to whichever artiste that turns up, even if he/she did not have the most number of votes. it happened LOADS of times previously with other artistes in other categories already, usually for asian artistes.














    wooooahaha lucky msian fans!! its held in your country this year!!














    waohahahah taeyeon has the potential to be as good as ock n pja!! woah that's a HUGE compliment!! those 2 are really great singers! i wish he praised seohyun too lol. seohyunnie's a great singer tooo! seohyun's one of the most stable signers in snsd. she hardly makes mistakes, and i think if she's given the chance, she can definitely develop her vocal talent. granted, sometimes she sounds a bit funky during her high part in GG, but that part is pretty tricky to sing esp all that dancing. sunny too, i think she can really go far! just wish sunny was given more lines and recognition.




















    labelle ewww heck no way pink ladies as a fc name? hahaha noooo! lol all the fanboys would die lol.














    lolly lol thanks for the ssgb gifs! l=heh the 2 hosts, how their hairstyles have changed so much!














    oh man, i really really hope the thai concert thing is true!? omfg 6 hours i would just die of happiness there!! eekkks! if its true im soooo gonna fly my butt to thailand! but im praying it'll be in late nov and not mid nov cos thats when my exams are!!














    ooooh sunny was just tooooo cute in the MV! lol somehow some scenes of it remind me of itnw mv. i think its her dress or somthing. the mv's lovely!!











    lucky, u referring to MTV SNSD sooyoung's ep?







    ep 1 part 1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=t2GDR-jNmD8&amp...0C0&index=0







    the rest can be found at the side







    dunno if these have been shared, but anyways, i found 3 more DC fancams of dear yoona. boy, she's freakin beautiful!!







    full GG http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/nchUZ8Ab0G4/







    full INTW remix http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzA2OTE1ODQ







    half GG http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzA2OTMxMjA

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lol runhani backk with more YAMD caps huh! woah super hq. thanks! wow seriously yoona is GORGEOUS!! its amazing how someone can have such beauty omg her face is freakin flawlesss!! lol and i can understand why she has the nick name deer
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    to all who shared HB fancams and pics thank u all so so much! i dont know any other way to say this but thanks! wow watching all that really made my day! and the person who met jess, omo u are seriously lucky n jess is seriously pretty!! woah esp the peron who shared the veoh fancams haha i see many more great fancams of other artistes u took! ahha thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ally LOL towel fashion huh! lol yoona can pull off any fashion! she looks sooo cute in the towel hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lolly thanks for the yoona pics! omg so HQ!

































































  7. OMFG ANITA!!! u are soooo insanely lucky!!! how did u get their autographs? werent there any other fans at that time or smth? i would kill to talk to yuri!!!!! HOMG!!! YURIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and jess!!! she's so sweet to u and she even wrote ur name down!!! aaacccckkk!!!! i envy u like hell!!!

    hmm so strange, why's she going to SF? i wonder if tiff had any time to visit her family. its been soo olong since she went back to CA! she hasnt gone back in years. 4 years i think. wow

  8. karen thanks so much for the links! lol that's the only source of hope for us snsd fans who cant go. wow they came out 6 times?! that is pretty darn freakin amazing!! esp for rookies too!

    joyyang omg u are like seriously the luckiest persson ever! im surprised no one approached them! even after u did! gah i would kill to be in ur position!

    more fancams now please!! wanna see jess' special stage lol. she sang a ballad right? lol are there any trot ballads? hahaha

  9. alaina thanks for the link! wow i dunno how u found it but its great!

    lyly flower woah thanks for all the clips! eek jess souldnt hit the 2 high notes in oppa nappa in both shim shim and madame b.

    karen thanks for the clip! hahah sooyoung she cracked me up! being sucha pimp and yuri ahahha she always makes me laugh!

    rebt thanks for those clips! heh jess so cute b4 the perf! she looks so nervous for some reason. and haptic motion goes well with the video lol

    poor jetihyun, they sound really tired these days. tiff wow she sounds like she's really struggling and jess too, with the high notes. seohyun looks tired. poor girls :( i rather they get some rest and delay the 2nd album.

  10. lolly what is up with sunny's hair!? eeks!! sy looks really good there though!

    eunhyuk_LOVE21 yay another maknae fan! love those cute pics! the 2nd set, what show is tht?

    miyachan rofl those gifs! really jess and the pot lol! and the chairlift! haha sunny and jess make such a cute couple!

    missimpressive lovely sooyoung gifs! yeah does anyone know if UM has ended? i dont thk so right? lol everyone's too caught up with YAMD that um is forgotten

    yenieu to answer ur question, No. dream concert is in korea. hb as the name suggests, is held in USA.

    vanessa glad to see your translations! thanks and keep em coming!








    ZZOOzzoo omg i love the yuri pics suffocating herself ah yuri ahh!!! u are tooo cute!! she's MINE!






    lyly flower thanks for all the little little clips! taeyeon sang destiny so well! as if talking for long hrs is not enough strain on her voice, but she has to sing on her show too! the oppa nappa fancams are LOVE!!! goo seohyun!!!






    omg the haptic cfs are sooooo good!! i love them all! omg the girls look sooo good with the boys! i love the lift one and the theme park ones! omg the scandal one is the best!!! eeks i love them all!






    runhani thanks for the amazing yoona caps! wow super hq and she looks gorgeous! im glad the drama is doing well but watching it is really impossible :(











    guestlist for 8 may








    mc: ss501








    김동완 / 김장훈 / 김종욱 / 다비치/ 도원경 / 마야 / 박현빈 / 부가킹즈 / 소녀시대 / 이승기 / 전진 / 쥬얼리 / 춘자 / A' ST 1/ epik high / LUG /MC 몽 / Nell / SS501 / Sweet Sorrow / WAX








    who wants to trans?. i see snsd yay!!!



    hey everyone! hope this wasn't posted yet. ><;


































    SOURCE: Newsen, TRANSLATION: heygingersnap@soompi







    p><p> [size=3][b]Girls







    April 28, 2008







    SOURCE: Newsen, TRANSLATION: heygingersnap@soompi













    awesome Vanessa, glad to have u back with us! been busy much?







    blu smiley wow seriously u just keep flooding us with snsd goodies all the time! thanks sooo much! all the caps and pics and links etc thanks alot!







    %7Boption%7Dhttp://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o270/arinakaren/Haptic-Homepage_09.jpg' alt='Haptic-Homepage_09.jpg'>







    ugh in this pic micky just looks like he wants to eat Yoona up. to put it in a nice way. his face is totally :crazy: dont get me wrong, i love dbsk too and it could've been just a bad moment but urgh







    but anw the CF is sooo good!! alaina YES CHANGSICA IS THE BEST COUPLE!!!! hahaha omo i love the part where minnie puts his head on jess' shoulder!







    shadow5ya yeah i agree there should be a longer voersion!!! esp when the 30 sec ver shows yunho and yoochun moving for a kiss!!! ahhh!!! hahahha omg i cant wait to see wat happens next!! i really want them to continue the storyline style of anycall, anystar, anymotion, anyband. the ads had AWESOME stories with amazing artistes in them :D







    namcod, not the cf but still cool nonetheless. really love the phones that they were adverrtising! the screen is huge!










    open up the tvants program, click Search tab, type in KBS2, click the Search Tv button, wait for the results to load, when u see KBS2, double click it (or click selected at the bottom), a new window should open up, and mubank should start playing in after a few mins of buffering




    ^i think




























    has been on the TV for some times actually too...i really wish fany's version will be shown here.there's lots of soshi fans in singapore actually.<333














    yes thats true! 2 years ago i actually saw one of their cfs for a samsung cellphone playing on a big screen tv in millenia walk at 9pm when the shppg centre was virtually empty.... omg if tiff's cf really makes it to singapore tv i will scream everytime i see it!!! gosh she's getting really popular among advertisers these days!!
























    So i'm kind of a new-ish Soshi fan (but already in love with them *_*), and I was wondering if there are any MUST SEE video clips of them out there. My favorite members are Tiffany, Yoona and TaeYeon, but I'd like too see all of them! But yeah, I've seen a lot of performances and stuff, but there are so many other videos that I didn't know what to watch!



























    i strongly recommend that u watch MTV SNSD. it gives u really in depth stuff about each and every girl so u can get to know them better! the entire series is subbed here!: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=67DA88025F7840C0














    kris thats some really pretty hyoyeon gifs there! lovely! thanks everyone else for the pics and gifs and links!











    ^Wow sunny is #5! She's gaining popularity! She used to be like the underrated, less searched member. Go Sunny!! <33

    About Sica. Yesterday I was watching their ETN interview. The one where they look through the girls' bags and I noticed how different Sica was acting in that compared to the way she acts in shows now. In that interview, it was like she was holding back, being careful about what she said and not letting her personality shine. She was somewhat the Ice Princess back then but now she's definetly not. She can be dorky, cute and shy. Her Sica effect is hilarious and her mean replies on UFO crack us up. Ah Sica <33 So glad she opened up more and is showing more of the real Jessica Jung to us.















































































































    yes i agree with you! the sica effect is slowly fading...must be the work of yuri haha! yuri's enthusiasm and hyperactivity must be rubbing off jess.. they've been hanging out together way too much. somehow i suspect yuri is responsible for helping jess come out of her 'shell'. props to yuri!
























































    WIE im not sure abt the passing away part, but i dont think so right? anyone wants to confrm this? im pretty sure her mum is still on this earth. but i do know she has an elder sister who's really smart, and an elder brother. she said this in MTV snsd ep 3 (her own ep) and you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-4zYtzynxc...C0&index=12
























































    c: ambitiontube
























































    lovelybelle, octieu thanks for the links! wow looks like the girls arent slowing down one bit even tho they're done with baby baby
















































































    blu smiley hoho jessica's replies were so funny !lol she's the 'meanest' celeb i've ever seen haha usually they'd say smth nice but jess, she totally just says what's on her mind lol. and i love the new pictorial pics! gah yuri ha!!! she's sooo pretty in specs! so cute! gos just cant take it. waiting for bigger versions to come out!
























































    lolly oh my my yoona looks lovely in those pics!
























































    xxlollinarypopzx lovely pics! yeah the last one is unseen, and seohyn gosh she looks super attractive in that pic! her eyes!
























































    love yun thanks for jess' kid sister's cf! lol i agree with lyly flower they do have the exact same forehead! but other than that they dont look that much alike. jess is prettier imo :D
















































































    ooooooh omg im excited looking at them alr! alright shall check out their clips and vids! thanks for this thread! i kinda like Tomo and han byul's looks already hahaha! alright dsp promote them well please!









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