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Posts posted by hailouyin17

  1. 27 minutes ago, MStar84 said:

    For those wanting to know the corresponding chinese novel chapters for @mchansk07  post:



    @mchansk07 had basically sum up Chapter 137-146.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Chap 137: The evil we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear (自作孽不可活)
    'The next morning, BLY woke up late due to the excessive pleasures...'

    Chap 138: The Commander personally came to console (首长前来慰问)
    'Suddenly GH’s phone rang, it was Li Shuo in front...'

    Chap 139: Precious little chrysanthemum (金贵的小菊花)!
    'As they went in, GWT saw the bowl in BLY’s hand & satisfied...'

    Chap 140: A Brazen Gu (脸皮厚的顾某)
    'After 3 days, the...'

    Chap 141: Strong repercussions (强来的后遗症)!
    'BLY found GH was...'

    Chap 142: Shameless YZ (小因子耍赖皮)
    'The next morning, BLY who...'

    Chap 143: Soon exposed (马上就要露馅)
    'When the weekend came, BLY...'

    Chap 144: The Wolf in heat (发情的大灰狼)
    'But when GH came, unfortunately Aunt Zhou's son...'

    Chap 145: Witness the miraculous moment (见证奇迹时刻)!
    'In fact, since the day he ran back home that night...'

    Chap 146: Glorious mission completed (光荣完成使命)
    'GH poured the remaining oil...'



    The first volume ends with Chapter 208.

      Reveal hidden contents

    The last paragraph of the last chapter:

    BLY went to the market, bought vegetables and meat home, and began cooking for the first time, which continued till late into the night, and as the last dish was laid on the table, the first prepared dish is already cold.

    BLY was standing quietly at their desks and stare for a minute, then collected his stuff to leave the place for good.

    Late at night, BLY was standing on the bridge, shouting: "Gu Hai, I love you!!! Gu Hai, I love you!!! Gu Hai, I love you!!! ……”
    Over and over again until he cried and fell to his knees on the cold stone.

    "Gu Hai, in fact I am a timid person, I'm afraid of being alone, I'm afraid of long-distance travel, I'm afraid of closed ones being hurt ... ... but since I've met you, I became stronger.
    Therefore, you must also stay alive for me!"


    Volume two begins after the 8 years time-skip.



    Thank you for this @MStar84 and @mchansk07! Now I am trying to fill the gap between after their reconciliation after the rape part and the moment when Gu Hai's Father, family and even Bai Lou Yin's father and family first knew about their relationship? Anyone who can give the synopsis? That would be around 146-208?

    And another question, how did their family react on the rape part? Did they know about it? 

    Thank you!

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  2. 15 hours ago, sohocomo said:

    Some unsolicited advice, you don't have to listen to it, but your story hit my heart. My fiance passed away 4 years ago, and most of my "healing" has come from different movies and dramas, usually shows that would not seem to have any relation to him and I, Addicted included. But some aspect of the story would make me think about him, and us, and myself. A lot of questions I had been avoiding I suddenly began thinking about. What mistakes had I made? What mistakes had he made? What had we done wrong? What had we done right? All of those sort of things. 

    One thing I have come to realize - don't regret. Regret comes from not learning anything. Every thing in life is a learning opportunity. Even if you make a horrible mistake, look for what you can learn from it. There were a lot of things I didn't handle well when it came to my fiance, but I can remember those things, and when I fall in love again (I can finally say 'when' and not 'if') I can make sure not to repeat those mistakes. 

    Love isn't vertical, it's horizontal. It's not about loving someone "more" than someone else, but "differently." I can never say that I love someone more than my fiance. I truly believe he was my soulmate (I had dreams about him for 15 years before I met him). What I can say is I can love someone as much, just differently. Don't think that you have to let go of your feelings for your friend to move on. Those feelings are a part of you, and if someone is worth your care, he/she will understand that. And if you feel the push, let him know. Let him know he still holds a high place in your heart. No expectations, no answer needed. Sometimes, just being able to say it is the best medicine. 

    My thoughts are with you, hon. :cry::heart:


    I really appreciate your advice @sohocomo I am sorry you lost your fiance and I am also happy that you have done well in moving on with that aspect of your life.

    It's really hard for me when I deal with my personal mistakes. My personality is more of a perfectionist. I do not want mistakes. That's why when I fall in life, I really fall hard. It takes time for me to stand up. I am standing right now, but my I feel like I am still carrying a big burden from the past. 

    I loved him so much that until now, I feel like no one can replace him. But over and over again, reality strikes hard and it hurts so much. I still do not have the courage to communicate with him. However, I thank you for your kind words. They surely helped realized a lot of things. 

    *As I write this, I can't help but cry again. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, cutter27 said:

    It is hard on your part huh.. but remember, you must put closure on everything because if not, it will just haunt you for the rest of your life.. Ask yourself what you want and what makes you happy and go for it.. true happiness always has repercussions and be ready for that.. good luck.


     Thank you @cutter27 I hope I have the courage to do this. I am still into this series though. What I learned this week is that it is ok to shed some tears and to hope that when I wake the next morning, things would be better. 

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  4. Hi all! Now, I had the courage to share my feelings out. So, please bear with me. 

    It's been a week since I found Addicted  (Heroin) on YouTube. I watched the whole season 1 in 1 day. Throughout this week, I spent my days readings the endless pages of this forum. I wanted to know what happened in the Chinese novel. I relied on the translations and synopsis. I do not know Chinese. I watched the series every night. I ended up crying all the time. I do not know why, or I know but I just have the hardest time accepting what's happening in my life.

    I loved the series. I have never watched any BL series before. I honestly hate TV series that are dramatic or most of the time, cheesy. I have watched films with gay themes. But nothing has affected me much, except for Addicted. 

    The Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin relationship is something close to my heart. Although I am not like BLY wholly, I see my self in him - driven to be the successful, family is my weak spot, needs to achieve so I can make my life and my family's life better. I am kind to others but I always put walls around me. Because of some family problems, I developed trust issues. I feared to commit all of my self. Ironically, I would only commit my self if there is an achievement into what I am doing. Now here is what bothering me for now.

    I had a great relationship in High School. Similar to GH and BLY. I loved his guy. We never said I love you to each other, but we knew it. We thought it was corny. I could say it. He could say it also. But we did not bother on it. Yes, we slept in one bed - even if we had our own beds. We lived in a dorm. We took care of each other but when we were in school, we hid it. Only his closest friends and my friends knew. Third Year High School was our best year. However, when the year of graduation came, things changed. I had decided that he was not part of my future. I belonged to a middle-class family while he belonged to a family of politicians. I have my own dreams. My family was my priority. He had his own. I could only imagined how hard our lives would be. We were applying for different universities. I got in a top school, while he did not. He settled in another school. 

    A year after graduation, our class had a re-union. I did not go. I did not want to see him. Second year college came. We saw each other. We talked and updated each other. Exchanged numbers. Rekindled what was lost. During the school year, we would text (steamy text) each other. Sem break, christmas break, summer break. We would see each other again. HS class gathering was our cover up. Then again, graduation in college, my achiever self decided to leave things behind with him. I again left everything hanging. 

    Fast forward. After 7 years of not seeing him. I have a great job. I have visited places abroad. I have been recognized internationally. He has graduated Law and poised to be part of the local politics. I have never seen nor communicated with him, except in Facebook. There I found he had a girlfriend. They now have a baby. Not married yet, though. 

    Watching Addicted made me thought of my previous decisions in life. I have the things I need now but I seem to miss something. I love to run away from these kinds of questions. I bury myself in work so I would avoid asking about them. I realized that my achievements were just remedies or ways to run from these hard questions in life. But when I watched this series, things came back. It's hard watching a series that is almost similar to one's life.

    I have been down for a week. I just jogged my feelings out. Hoping to forget all of these. Meanwhile, Addicted has been comforting and questioning me. 

    >>> Sorry about this long story. I just need to let this out. :tears:

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