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Posts posted by hailouyin17

  1. 40 minutes ago, ximichem said:

    Knowing Johnny being famous for his fanboy mode, Timmy cannot take it anymore..

    So he decided to fanboy over his fansites

    And there's a competition between the two

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    of this


    of this


    Cr on pic

    Hold me guys! Hold me! I have a vision of YZ having Soompi acc OML

    Can you please explain more of what's happening? :) especially with the screen caps :) thank you!

    • Like 2
  2. 27 minutes ago, miss_ree93 said:

    MC at Thailand Fanmeet update with Jingyu 


    Rough Translate from Smile Timmy (@Timmy_est)

    @0616_Ree he is MC in Thai meeting and talked about staff that bring Zhouzhou back away from Johnny. He said should not angry him.

    @0616_Ree because China very serious and not allowed Timmy stand with Johnny and he thanks to Fengsong to push Timmy to stand close Johnny.

    @0616_Ree he tried to ignore the rule because he would like to see them standing close together Until staff came to separate Timmy and Johnny

    I am really worrying though for Feng Song. Will the authorities get back on him? He was really strong in pushing ZZ to go stand beside JY. 

    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, savekaya said:

    Yeah I've finished it already but I read them in Chinese so I'm not very sure about the translated versions.. Sorry! Maybe you can check the first post of this page? I think they have a collection of translations! But for anyone who needs info on parts of the novel I can help with some translation, just drop me a msg:) 

     Oh! @sevakaya thank you for the offer. Honestly I would love to hear the part when they eloped to a certain place, how it started, their journey and how they returned back home. Also, please be kind also in sharing to us the epilogue chapters. I would like to know what happened to You Qi and Yang Meng. Hope that this is not too much for you. But thank you for your kindness. 

    • Like 4
  4. 15 minutes ago, elppa said:

    Me. The picture of three hurts me and reminds me of the saddest part of the Addicted life but hey, the picture says it all: Yin Zi, You Qi, Yang Meng and Da Hai, the big sea is for this guy! For me and my heart, that's the message.  

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    But not for covering his puffed eyes due to crying a lot. ah..my baobei is stronger than me.. 

    Manip pics are often welcome by me. But at this moment, hurt for me to look at these

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  5. I am still crying I had to stay off my iPhone for several minutes. Took a shower and cried in the bathroom. As I have said here and posted in IG, the end of an era was inevitable. Maybe that of Addicted web series, but my love for Gu Hai, Bai Lou Yin, You Qi and Yang Meng remains since I truly love the novel. As for the boys, I will support them harder. Seeing them reminds me of How painful life is when you can't do what you want and have to live according to harsh rules and expectation. I have gone through that stage of life and it's challenging, often times lonely and depressing. I hope for a great future for these boys. I love them so much. Huang Jing Yu, Xu Wei Zhou, Lin Fen Song, and Chen Wen, you're always be the best high school students I have met. I will see you again when I read the novel. 

    I am still crying. Hugs everyone. 

    • Like 16
  6. 10 minutes ago, ximichem said:

    I think his voice is not in a good condition today. Hope he won't kill his throat. *expecting JY will help him from backstage*


    There're gossips and rumours and negativities coming up. Don't spread on this thread. If y'all wanna discuss, put in spoiler. For my heart's sake *^*

     Sure thing! I am already tired of the negativities. I'm preparing to let go already but these rumors especially the bad ones are killing me. :( 

    • Like 6
  7. I only slept for like 2 hours. Reading updates and watching videos of JY in the concert and HC leaked fancam. I told my self to sleep but I was not able to. I even dreamed of using names Gu Hai, Bai Lou Yin and Ah Lang in my work. :sweatingbullets: 

    just some of my thoughts while I was sleepless last night. I fell in love with the story and the characters, especially that of HaiYin. Then, I became curious about the actors. In my mind, as always and like the other movies or series that I watched, I thought that the actors will one day leave their roles when the story has ended. I will see them in different characters, roles or even field of entertainment. So, I decided not to really be attached to HJY and XWZ. But then, I was wrong. These guys are really addicting. Include here the works of different fandom, deluluing together or even arguing. These fed my curiosity and of course appreciation of the two. But then, since season 2 has not yet been confirmed and reading the other parts of the novel, this pushed me to think that season 2 might be hard to film, unless of course, they revise some parts and do not forget the ban.

    HJY and XWZ will have to separate due to their individuality and track in the entertainment career. But what I can say is that, after so many years, I became a fanboy. I always thought that fanboying or fangirling is a silly work of people who have no life. I was too judgmental and I was wrong. What can I say?!?!? Maybe I'm a little bit silly, too.

    with all the dramas happening in this thread, Weibo or in any other forum or even in real life, I have learned to appreciate and support HJY and XWZ. No biases. Not shipping, just plain job well done kind of love for them. 

    Maybe one day, I'll join the ship, too. Who knows? I can be silly, too. 

    Now, hope I can sleep even if the sun is up. 

    • Like 15
  8. 17 minutes ago, fingersandpaws said:

    The last chapter for volume one of The Story of Meng Qi Qi has been posted!

    Read The end of high school here:  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1098227/21



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    BLY and GH returned to class after eloping for more than three months after GWT found out about their relationship.


    “Huh…… Didn’t you emigrate already?” YQ looked at BLY with a surprised expression.

    The corners of BLY’s lips twitched, “Emigrate? Who told you that I’ve emigrated?”


    “You actually believed his words?”

    “Then where did you go during this period of time?” YQ asked.

    It wasn’t convenient for BLY to say so he could only divert the conversation.

    “Right, I heard that you went to audition for the Beijing Film Academy, how did it go?”

    “I passed.” YQ mentioned casually, “I’m waiting for the cultural course examination now.”

    BLY’s face lighted up, “Good on you, I heard that Beijing Film Academy is more difficult to get into than Qing Hua University, how did you managed to do that? Didn’t they say that you need connections or that you need to spend lots of money?”

    “I was also puzzled, I only went there to try my luck; I honestly never thought I would get admitted. In the end, a teacher took a liking to me at the first audition and contacted me afterwards, giving me guidance for free. I didn’t even went to look when he results for the second audition was released, it was the teacher who had called to inform me that I’ve passed, I still didn’t believe it then. I only started to prepare seriously for the third audition but didn’t harbour much hope, in the end I passed it just like this; I’m pretty surprised to be honest.”

    Seeing YQ’s radiant appearance, BLY was really happy for him.

    “Remember to sign an autograph for me during graduation; I could sell it for some money in case you become popular in the future.”

    YQ laughed cheerfully, “You don’t have to do you; we have to continue to keep in contact, even if I were to become famous I wouldn’t put on airs and look down on you commoners.” After finishing his sentence, YQ took out a piece of tissue to wipe his nose.

    BLY looked at YQ with a worrisome expression, “I’m worried your mucus would drip down when you’re on stage even before a song has even finish playing.”

    “Can you stop using this to bully me?”

    BLY just smiled and said nothing.

    YQ suddenly remembered something and grabbed BLY’s hand, looking urgent.

    “Yinzi, you have to help me, the culture course is very threatening for me! How unjust it would be if I were to pass the audition but failed because of the cultural course examination! Making use of the time left before College Entrance Examination, please tutor me.”

    “OK.” BLY agreed readily.

    YQ’s words of thanks haven’t even been uttered out of his mouth when he suddenly felt a hot and sharp pain on his hand. Someone had pluck off a screw from the desk and threw it straight at their tightly held hands, it was ruthless and accurate; the back of YQ’s hand was pricked leaving behind a small red hole.

    BLY’s disturbingly cold gaze shot towards the back.


    YQ initiated the conversation this time, “Right, GH, I want to thank you for something! I went to the audition a few days after I have gotten beaten and my face was black and blue with bruises. In the end the audition teacher said that I had a beauty of imperfection, it made me stood out amoung the many candidates and left behind a very strong impression on the judges.”

    The corners of GH’s lips twitched, “Then let me give you two punches; who knows, you could start acting by tomorrow.”



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    Three days before the College Entrance Exams, the school gave them a study break.

    BLY made use of the two days to go home, which was also considered as giving a reassurance to his family before the College Entrance Exams. Coincidentally, he met YM at the school gates and both of them could go back home together.

    “Right, I haven’t asked what course did you apply for.”

    “Don’t talk about it.” YM’s face sunk, “I’m almost dying with worries over this matter.”

    BLY took a look at YM, “What the matter? You’ve set your goals too high?”

    “My dad had to force me to apply for military school, saying that the family has never had a soldier, he was also counting on me to bring honour to our family line. Moreover he said that the benefits of a soldier are good, positions will be allocated right after graduation; I couldn’t defeat him, hence I gritted my teeth and applied, the application for this course opens early.”

    BLY snorted with laughter, “What was your father thinking?”

    “How would I know; he’s always changing his thoughts.” YM sighed, “What do I do if I had really gotten enrolled? I’m on tenterhooks everyday now.”

    “You really don’t have to!” BLY patted the back of YM’s head, “Relax, you definitely won’t pass the military examination.”


    The two walked in silence for a while before YM asked, “Yinzi, where did you go during the past period of time?”

    BLY was at a loss of words.

    “Yinzi, have you disregarded me as your brother already?” YM probed.

    BLY’s breathing stopped and he gripped YM’s shoulders, giving it a squeeze.

    “To be honest, after so many years, you are my one and only true friend. To say that we are brothers isn’t close enough for I’ve always treated you as my kin. However you know, some words can’t be said even if one’s relationship is very close, because I care about you so I am afraid of hurting you.”

    “It doesn’t matter if you don’t regard us as brothers.” YM laughed cheerfully while patting BLY’s shoulders, “It isn’t too bad if we can be good sisters.”

    BLY, “……not mentioning other things, if you apply for the female military examination, you may be able to pass.”

    YM leaped onto BLY’s back and hit him repeatedly.


    The two parted ways at the alley, YM turned in first, BLY walked a few more steps before turning in. With an alley separating them, BLY suddenly heard YM shouting from the other side.

    “Yinzi, you are my idol, you are the benchmark in my life; I will support you no matter what you do!”

    The corners of BLY’s eyes became moist.


    The farewell banquet

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    The day after the College Entrance Exams had ended, the students organised a teacher appreciation banquet themselves.

    The banquet was equivalent to a farewell party, other than preparing gifts for the teachers, the students also prepared presents for those whom they had a close relationship with. YQ was again the most popular person for receiving gifts, every time a girl went forth to give him a present, the other guys would punish him by making him drink one. Hence YQ had already drunk too much halfway into the banquet.

    BLY sat beside YQ, making use of the opportunity when GH went to the washroom; he took out something from his bag to give to YQ.

    “I’ve pondered for a while and there’s nothing to give you, so I searched for some medicine, it’s a secret cure for treating rhinitis, I got it from a TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) practitioner, there’s a total of three courses, a full refund will be given if it doesn’t work.”

    The words somehow made YQ teared up; his eyes became red after hearing the words.

     “Yinzi, actually I……”

    BLY interrupted him, “It’s alright, you don’t have to say, I understand.”

    After finishing his sentence, BLY gave YQ a big friendly hug.

    “Yinzi, I had prepared a present for you actually, I’m embarrassed to take it out in front of so many people, so I left it with the hotel’s reception. If you decide to accept it, wait till the end of the banquet to collect it yourself, if you don’t want it then leave it there since it isn’t something expensive.”

    BLY gave two hard punches to YQ’s back.

    “I’ve wanted to tell you this actually, you are the most handsome person I’ve met from young till now.”

    GH was just coming back from the washroom; he almost fell forward upon hearing this sentence.


    GH received a call from Sun security guard, he sounded very urgent and hence GH left before the banquet had ended. The group of students partied till nine plus before going home. BLY walked to the reception alone and received a big package from the receptionist.

    BLY’s eyes turned red after he had opened the package; YQ had given him a blanket.


     Oh I read it! Sorry to ask can anyone share what happened between GY and BLY of chapter 206??? Please. 

    • Like 5
  9. Hello! It's summer time! Summer break! Amidst the thread drama, FS-JY-ZZ triangle, and the whole JY-ZZ public separation, I was able to create a sort of table of contents t fix how I understand both the web series and the novel. This was based on what I have read from here, wattpad, asian fan fic, addicted wikia etc. Thank you to all translators and summarizers!!! You guys are blessings to non-Chinese persons like me. Sending you my love and more cookies!!!

    Are You Addicted Novel (Shang Yin) by Chi Ji Dian

    Table of Contents with Events happening in each chapter. This is a rough draft of everthing. If you are interested in adding key events that happened in the novel, please message or reply. I just want to piece the novel all together. This was a product of my OCD tendencies. :) MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD


    Are You Addicted Novel (Shang Yin) by Chi Ji Dian

    Table of Contents

    Volume 1

    Chapter 1-117: Season 1 of the Web Series

    Chapter 118: Return of Shi Hui

    >> Some events here: The Whole Messed-up and richard simmons Shi Hui Saga

    Chapter 127: Gu Hai Kidnaps Bai Lou Yin

    Chapter 128: The Rape, The Revelation to Shi Hui, 

    Chapter 129: Bai Lou Yin’s Recovery and Separation with Gu Hai

    Chapter 130-131: Bai Lou Yin Returns to His Family, Bai Lou Yin Realization and Reconciles with Gu Hai

    >> Some events here: Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin Go to the Military House of Gu Hai, Bai Lou Yin Demands and Gets Sweet Revenge from Gu Hai

    Chapter 136: Bai Lou Yin and Gu Hai Suffers from Bai Lou Yin’s Sweet Revenge, Visit of GH’s best friends and GWT

    >> Some events here: Gu Hai Secretly Learns about the Art of Sweetness, Bai Lou Yin Discovers and Ran Away, Gu Hai Learned About This, Finally, the Sweet Night, Gu Hai Thinking about His Mom’s Death, Bai Lou Yin Seeks to Find the Truth about the Death of Gu Hai’s Mom

    Chapter 158: Gu Wei Ting Visits Gu Hai’s Apartment, Gu Hai Accidentally Kisses Gu Wei Ting, You Qi Asked Yang Meng to Act as Girlfriend

    Chapter 159: You Qi and Yang Meng Act as Lovers

    Chapter 160: Bai Lou Yin Discovers Yang Meng Dressed as a Girl, Jokingly Flirts, Gu Hai Got Jealous.

    Chapter 161-162: Gu Hai Still Jealous and Punishes Bai Lou Yin “Sweetly”


    Chapter 163-164: Preparation for the Sports Competition

    Chapter 165: Bai Lou Yin Got Jealous of Luo Xiao Yu, their teacher who treated Gu Hai Sweetly

    Chapter 166: Bai Lou Yin Competes, Yang Meng Helps Bai Lou Yin Wins

    Chapter 167: Bai Lou Yin Wins the Competition, Yang Meng Finishes the Race, Luo Xiao Yu Still Pursued Gu Hai and Revealed to be Pregnant


    Chapter 168: Gu Yang Calls Gu Hai to go to US to Help Him, You Qi Moves out of the Dorm

    Chapter 169: Gu Hai in San Francisco (US), No Call from Gu Hai to Bai Lou Yin, BLY, YM and YQ Ate and Drank Together

    Chapter 170-171: Drunk Bai Lou Yin Sleeps Naked with You Qi, Gu Hai Missing Bai Lou Yin and Cooks for Gu Yang added Sedative, Calls Bai Lou Yin

    Chapter 172: Gu Yang Misses Appointment, Gu Yang Discovers GH and BLY Phone Conversation, BLY Goes to YQ’s Home

    Chapter 173: BLY Eats and Sleeps at YQ’s Home, YQ Enjoying BLY Hugging Him, Gu Hai Buys BLY Presents before Going Back to China

    Chapter 174: Gu Hai Returns to China, YQ Feels Bad About BLY’s Happiness in Gu Hai’s Return

    Chapter 175: Bai Lou Yin and Gu Hai Sweetly Misses Each Other, Back at the Apartment

    Chapter 176: Gu Hai Discovers Changes in BLY’s Bedtime Behavior, You Qi Returns BLY’s Jacket

    Chapter 177: You Qi Reconciles with Yang Meng, Gu Hai Interrogates Bai Lou Yin Regarding His Stay with You Qi

    >>Some events here: Gu Wei Ting Discovers Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin’s Relationship

    Chapter 200: Role-Play: Village Leader Gu and Madam Bai

    Chapter 202: Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin Travels and Arrives in Tibet

    Chapter 208: End of Volume 1 - Continuation of the Car Crash, Bai Lou Yin Decides to Leave Gu Hai


    Volume 2

    >>Some events here: 

    Chapter 1: Gu Hai Meets Bai Lou Yin After Eight Years until to the Part where Gu Hai and Bai Lou Yin Back in Each Other’s Sweetness

    Chapter 36-40: BLY Got Hurt from Training and Told Gu Hai He’s Dying, Gu Hai Learned about the Trick and Got Jealous of BLY’s Subordinate

    Chapter 65-66: Gu Hai Impersonating Gu Yang, The Great Air Chase, Bai Lou Yin Faces Gu Yang and Settles Past Disagreements

    Chapter 72-81: Gu Hai in Hong Kong and Meeting Tong Zhe, BLY Goes for a Month Training But TZ Barred Him from Contacting BLY, GH Tells TZ His Love for BLY

    Chapter 86-88: Drunk BLY and Another Role Play: Gu Hai as Prostitute and Bai Lou Yin as Worker, Gu Hai Tricks Sweetly Bai Lou Yin Again, BLY Asks GH to Marry Him after Nightmare

    >>Some events here: Bai Lou Yin talks to Gu Wei Ting about Marriage Plan but Runs Aways to Tibet 

    Chapter 96-106: Gu Hai’s Proposal, Wedding Planning, Asking for Blessing, Wedding Ceremonies


    >>Some events here: Yang Meng hearing Gu Hai’s and Bai Lou Yin’s Sweetness Rounds



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